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-Ahri POV-

I walked away from the house, I didn't want to involve the others in this fight, it's mine and just mine. As I was walking I thought about Asriel, trying to find a reason for his sudden illness, I've never seen anything like that before, more than 500 years and yet this is the first time I see that kind of symptoms.

As I continued to think on that, I reached the wall that protected the city, I climbed it easily, I didn't want to alert the guards, but on the top of it I heard him talking.

Mordian: You came faster than I thought, are you giving up to me my love?

Me: Again, don't call me like that.

Mordian: I guess you are here to kill me then.

Me: Jackpot.

Mordian: It seems that you don't understand what you are getting into.

Me: Before I incinerate your creepy butt, tell me, what is that new trick you learned?

Mordian: You don't need to know.

Me: Fine, you'll die anyway so it doesn't matter what you can do.

I prepared a fire orb in my hand, my eyes reacted to my magic and shinned. He didn't move though, I don't know what he is thinking, but I'm not going to wait any longer, I need to finish him now.

I dashed forward at max speed, a blue trial of light was left behind, but the moment before I hit him, he disappeared. I looked everywhere, he can't be faster than me, how did he avoid my charge?

-Third POV-

Ahri was standing still, but completely aware of her surroundings, she was expecting the move of her enemy, she enhanced her senses to find him, after less than a second, she felt a presence right above her.

When she looked up, Mordian was floating in midair, looking to her, she could guess the look on his eyes, he was silently laughing at her. He then made two spheres on his hands, they looked somehow made of constant moving pixels. Throwing one directly to Ahri resulting on her avoiding it easily, but just after she avoid the first sphere the second one hit her in the stomach sending her to fly for some meters.

The moment she stopped a pillar of the same green cubes hit her from below throwing her away once more, she recovered midair and threw two fire orbs to Mordian, but he vanished again in static, appearing behind Ahri and kicking her to the ground once more, then creating a new pillar in diagonal from the ground, hitting her and sending her back to the place she started the fight. But before she could recover a group of cubes in the form of a lance hit her from the side, making her fall off the wall.

While she was falling Mordian teleported himself in front of her, his left arm was pointing to the ground and his right one was pointing to the sky, he then moved his arms in circle, making the left hand go up and the right go down, then putting his both hands on front of his chest like he was holding a sphere, creating one of green energy. Mordian made that movements in less than a second, stopping Ahri's fall and keeping her midair floating, she recovered a little and saw him gathering energy on the sphere between his hands, she threw a fire orb trying to stop him from doing anything, but before the orb connected he opened his arms making the sphere to expand.

When the energy reached Ahri, it pushed her away once more, making her collide with the wall and breaking through the wall and falling to the ground, she tried to recover immediately. But Mordian landed in front of her, blocking her movements with his static.

Mordian: You understand now, right? The difference between our power.

Ahri: I'm just not fighting seriously right now, so don't make yourself big illusions.

Mordian: No, the only one living an illusion is you.

Ahri: Don't start with your damn deliriums.

Mordian: You shouldn't have come here alone if you wanted to at least be a challenge.

Ahri: I'm more than enough.

Mordian: And what about your friends?

Ahri: They're not here.

Mordian: Yes, I'm aware of it, they are on that house, and you are there too.

Ahri: What do you mean?

Mordian: Imagine their desperation when they see you kill that family. They are going to be horrified, then, you are going to be the one that will break them and make them perfect.

Ahri: I'll never do that!

Mordian: But you are doing it right now, you are leading the horde that is going to destroy the city, capturing the best test subjects that I could find in this city. Starting by your friends.

Ahri: WHAT DID YOU DO!!!???

Mordian: Go see for yourself.

He then disappeared, freeing Ahri. She stood up and ran dashed towards the Herdians residence, but she was attacked right after passing the wall. She recovered from the tackle and looked what attacked her, a weird creature was in front of her, it looked like some kind of goblin, but more feral, covered in feathers and using the same mask that Mordian.

Ahri: Tsk! I don't have time for you!

She jumped towards the creature and grabbed with her tails, holding it closer to her and crushing its skull with her hand. There was no blood though, the creature exploded in pixels, vanishing in the air.

She looked around and saw more of those creatures attacking more people, the guards were fighting them on the wall too. But right now, she didn't care about other people, she needed to save her friends.

Running at high speed it didn't take long for her to reach the house, but it was too late. The house was severely damaged, the frontal part was completely destroyed, she could see the team RWBY holding their weapons, 2B was the same, a white pair of samurai helmets where on her hands like they were gauntlets, Horace was holding his spear with Amelie at his side holding a dagger on her left hand and a great sword on her right; behind all of them was Adelyn who was carrying an unconscious Marie and Renard. Asriel was barely standing at her side.

But the thing that surprised Ahri the most was that she was in front of them, an exact copy of her was standing menacingly in front of her friends, she looked almost the same, but her hair was slightly green, and her attire was yellow. Everyone was looking confused to her and asking for explanations.


Ahri(?): I'm just trying to guide you to perfection, please don't resist to my lord and surrender now, it'll be a waste to kill such beautiful samples.

2B: She is not Ahri.

Amelie: How do you know!?

2B: Just listen to her, her tone is lifeless, it lacks any emotion.

Blake: Wasn't the objective of that guy Ahri mentioned us to do that to her!?

2B: Yes! but that couldn't be her! Ahri never would give up to him!

Ruby: I know! You! Tell us where is our Ahri!

Ahri(?): That is not something you need to know.

Ahri: I'm right here!

The real Ahri dashed forward, jumping before reaching the fake one to land her a double kick, sending the copy to fly away. The copy recovered fast and dashed immediately towards the original, holding a green flame on her hand. Ahri saw this and made her own flame, both fire orbs collided creating a small explosion, raising a dust cloud, blue and green flames could be seeing dancing inside the cloud, after some seconds the copy was throwed away from the cloud towards the group, Ahri went out of the dust too and yelled.

Ahri: B!!! FINISH IT!!!

2B recognized her friend and jumped with her weapons readied, dealing a powerful uppercut to the copy's head, Ahri came from above and made a descending kick, her leg was covered in blue flames, when the kick send the copy to the ground, 2B made her own series of kicks to keep the copy in the air, Ahri came after and did the same. Both women kept attacking in synchronization, 2B punching to one side, Ahri kicking to the other, 2B send the copy upwards, Ahri throwed it down. Both ended up kicking the copy away, standing ready to keep the combat if it was necessary.

The copy stood up seriously injured and talked with her normal monotone voice.

Ahri(?): She is here sir.

Adelyn: GYYAAAAAAA!!!!

Everyone looked back and saw a man standing on top of a weird looking machine. It looked like a mechanical hydra, four heads were giving a menacing aura to everyone. Adelyn was on the ground right on front of the machine and was about to be eaten by one of the heads, Ruby reacted on time and used her semblance to stand in front of Adelyn, using her scythe to cut and then pointing the canon of her gun to shoot an ice dust bullet to the mouth of the head, freezing it. She helped Adelyn to stood up and ran towards the group. Yang carryied Marie and Blake grabbed Renard.

But behind them the machine growled, calling a huge group of the weird looking goblins. Yang ran towards them with Blake after putting the little girl and fox in a safe place, while Weiss concentrated on the hydra from afar. While team RWBY fought with the machine and the odd-looking goblins the man over the hydra raised his left hand, elevating an immobilizing Asriel. Seeing this Ahri yelled enraged.


Mordian: I imagined it, I saw how you look at this man my love, I can't afford you looking to other man. You are mine.




Mordian: I think he is the minor of your problems.

He then looked towards the city, one could see the chaos from afar, the city was being attacked too.

Mordian: Who are you going to help? This man? Or the innocents of the city?

After saying that he flew away leaving Asriel still immobilized over the mechanical hydra. Seeing the chaos on the city Horace yelled.

Horace: We need to help the people from the city!

2B: Ruby! You and your team go and help the people in the city! Ahri and I will help Asriel!

Amelie: I'll help too!

Horace: Then I'll go too!

Amelie: No! Father I need you too stay her and take care of mother and Marie!

Horace: Bu...

Amelie: Don't worry father! I'm the personal guard of the prince after all!

She gave him a confident smile and ran towards the city with team RWBY following her right behind.

2B turned to see Horace and Adelyn to question them.

2B: Is there any safe place where you can go?

Adelyn: Not in the fields.

2B: Then stay behind us and wait until we destroy this machine, then we will escort you to the city, there you'll go to take shelter with the other civilians.

2B looked back to the hydra, Ahri was jumping and running from side to side avoiding its attacks to keep it busy, shooting an occasional fire orb to its mouths. 2B dashed forward and changed her weapon for her spear, jumping and stabbing the machine on one of its necks.

The hydra sends 3 of its heads to attack 2B, Ahri didn't waste this opportunity and sneaked down the mechanic beast, stopping right below its belly, gathering fire on her hands. 2B saw this and called the attention of the fourth head by throwing her spear, stabbing its eye. The fourth head screamed in pain and directed its killing intent towards 2B, she avoided the attack coming from the four heads and recovered her spear from the fourth eye while summoning her great sword. The first head attacked, and she slid under it, the second came from her below front, so she jumped and ran through the neck, jumping again when the third and fourth heads attacked at the same time, colliding with each other. She took the chance and slashed the neck of the second head with her great sword, then she took her spear and stabbed it in the back of the hydra, using it to turn immediately, taking the blade out and slashing the three heads that came to her.

While 2B was fighting the heads, Ahri gathered enough fire and prepared to shoot it. But the hydra noticed the heat below it and jumped away, the fire pillar raised towards the sky without hitting anything; the beast used the chance to attack Ahri with its tail, but 2B blocked the attack with her great sword.

Ahri: I'm running out of mana, what should we do?

2B: I can't see any damage on it, but I have attacked like crazy all its heads.

Ahri: We need to think on a plan.

2B: Maybe it has a core.

Ahri: But where cou...!

A claw almost reached her, the copy stepped back and reunited with the hydra, the third head got closer to the copy and shinned with a green tone, healing all the injuries of the copy's body.

Ahri: Shit! Now we have to deal with that too!?

From above, Asriel was seeing the scene with impotence, the pain was worse than ever, the freezing sensation was terrible, his entire body was cold as an ice cube, what was worse and made things even more complicated was that little by little his body was being covered by ice.

He saw how Ahri and 2B were struggling with the mechanical hydra and Ahri's clone, but he was incapable of doing anything, he commanded his angels to appear over and over again, but he finally gave up, Gabriel and Raphael weren't responding to his wishes.

He was seeing how the fight was developing in front of him, incapable of help or even move.

2B evaded a fire ball coming from the clone while Ahri was dealing with three of the heads of the machine, the fourth came after and trapped Ahri between its jaws, she defended herself by using a fire shield, but the machine ignored her defense and started to smash her on the ground repeatedly until her shield dispersed, the clone came after with a green fire claw trying to finish off Ahri. 2B reacted immediately and used her gauntlets to block the claws, the gauntlets resisted the attack and gave enough time to Ahri to stood up and position herself behind the clone.

The clone reacted and used her tails to stop Ahri, but she did the same and sealed the movements of her rival's tails with her own, 2B kicked the clone and Ahri pulled the clone with her tails, making it face her way, and hitting it with her knee on directly on her face, 2B crouched and gave it a punch on the back, elevating it a little, Ahri then jumped and grabbed the clone's limbs with her tails, pulling herself down and crushing it on the ground landing on it.

On Asriel side, the ice was covering almost every part of his body, the only place that wasn't covered was his face, and little by little was being engulfed like the rest. His consciousness started to fade in the cold, his face was being covered, various thoughts crossed his mind, but soon they became more, many thoughts rushing through his head at high speed, not giving him enough time to process them, but one thought stayed nailed on his mind at the last moment, a name.

His right eye was the only thing that was still outside the ice, the last thing he saw before his eye was covered was 2B grabbing the jaws of one of the heads of the hydra, keeping it open desperately to not being devoured. Ahri was evading the other heads and the attacks from the clone, trying to find a moment to help her friend. The clone used a fire explosion in front of Ahri sending her flying away from the hydra and leaving 2B alone, Ahri saw how the clone stood right behind 2B with a fire claw ready, fear consumed her, she tried to reach for her friend while screaming for her.

Time seem to slow down, 2B saw behind her and prepared herself for the impact...

But it never came.

She saw a sudden ice pillar suddenly hitting the clone from her side, throwing it away.

The clone recovered herself in midair and landed on her feet, looking to the origin of the attack.

Asriel was standing between 2B and Ahri, a cold aura was flowing around him, he looked towards the hydra and raised his right hand. Calling for an angel.

Asriel: ZADKIEL!!!

A thunderous roar resounded while a typhon of icicles and cold wind formed around him. Ahri and 2B were dazed by the sight, but their surprise only grew stronger when the ice storm dispersed.

A giant and monstrous rabbit was standing menacingly where Asriel was seconds ago, the rabbit looked like it was a giant puppet though, the most distinctive treat was the parts that looked like they were just supported by simples' strings poorly tied. Even being a rabbit, giant fangs were decorating its jaws, fierce claws were on each paw and red menacing eyes that showed the fierce nature of the creature.

Asriel was standing on top of the beast, still looking at the clone with caution, expecting for her next attack. Soon the clone responded to his expectative, dashing towards him with a fire ball on her hand.

Asriel jumped from the beast head and signaled to the hydra in midair, the monstrous rabbit obeyed the order and attacked the machine, while Asriel blocked the attack from the clone with an ice wall. 2B saw how concentrated the clone was with Asriel and attacked from behind with her great sword swinging it like a baseball bat, smashing the clone with the ice wall and braking it, Asriel avoid the flying body by jumping to the side, while Ahri came from the front gathering fire on her hand and yelling out of frustration.


Her hand connected with the head of the clone and created a huge explosion, finally ending her.

The clone vanished on static. But the fight wasn't over, the hydra was still there, when the three looked towards the fight between the beasts, they saw the hydra had lost two heads already, with the others being attached by the rabbit from every direction. The puppet rabbit was jumping from side to side, on earth and air, up and down, right and left, moving fast and agile to avoid any attack from the hydra.

Ahri: That thing is making us look bad, don't you think?

Asriel shrugged and begun to run towards the fight, jumping to the empty air. The rabbit then appeared below him and catch him before he could hit the ground, returning to jump around quickly after that. The hydra couldn't keep the rhythm of the rabbit and focused on 2B and Ahri, gathering energy on its two remaining heads, Asriel saw this and positioned behind the hydra, making the rabbit do the same and gathering energy on its mouth and quickly firing it towards the hydra.

The sky-blue beam covered the hydra for a mere second, leaving only an ice sculpture on its place. Asriel commanded the rabbit to jump and finally landed over the hydra, breaking it in pieces and making it vanish on static.

2B and Ahri were still surprised and now with time to ask they threw a barrage of questions towards Asriel.

Ahri: ARE YOU OK!!!???






Asriel was being overwhelmed by the huge amount of questions, but a voice resounded from the distance, the voice of a little girl.

Marie: PAPA!!!

Asriel quickly jumped from the rabbit and rushed to hug his daughter, stroking her hair to calm her down, Horace and Adelyn were running towards them. Adelyn was carrying a still unconscious Renard.


Horace: BOY!!! YOU ARE FINE!!!

Horace stopped in front of Asriel and looked behind him, a huge monstrous puppet rabbit was walking slowly towards them, making him instinctively prepare his spear while Adelyn hide behind him.

Horace: What is that thing!?

Ahri reached them and answered him with a troubled face.

Ahri: It's an ally.

Adelyn: That thing?

2B: Is a new angel from Asriel. I think.

Marie looked to the giant rabbit and then to his father, the rabbit closed his head to Marie and sniffed her, she stood back a little in fear. Asriel looked to the rabbit and called its attention, then pointed to Marie, Horace and Adelyn, giving a thumbs up after, saying it was ok. The rabbit then looked back to Marie and gave a curious look, caressing its head against her as for asking her to pet it. She laughed a little and decided to pet it, the rabbit then made a pleased look and started to move its paw like a puppy being caressed. Everyone made a dumbfounded expression; their gazes expressed the same feeling:

"Are you a damn dog or what!?"

But their thoughts were interrupted by an explosion coming from the city. Asriel made a serious expression and jumped to the rabbit's back, then looked to everyone signaling them to jump on too. Marie, 2B and Ahri jumped immediately, Marie sitting in front of her father, Ahri right behind him, hugging him from behind, and 2B behind Ahri. But Adelyn remarked an important thing.

Adelyn: Even if that thigs is huge, we all won't be able to ride it at the same time.

Asriel made a proud smile, and raised a hand in the air, cold wind surrounded the rabbit, elevating everyone that was over it and finally dispersing, leaving a rabbit that was 2 times bigger than the original. Asriel kept his proud smile while looking to the married couple. Marie of course praised his father.

Marie: Papa is so amazing! I love this giant bunny!

Right after, an ice stair was made to help the old guard and his wife to ride the giant puppet. With everyone riding the angel, it quickly dashed forward towards the city, it wasn't as fast as Raphael, but it was definitely the quickest way to reach the city in group.

Horace: I hope our daughter is ok.

Adelyn: You trained her by yourself, you know her capabilities better than anyone else.

Horace: Yes, she isn't a royal guard just for show.

And like that they reached the city, some buildings were on fire, others were half destroyed, but there were no people, gunshots could be heard in the distance, including the characteristic sound of Ruby's sniper rifle.

Ahri: Looks like team RWBY already evacuated the place.

2B: Is there any shelter nearby?

Horace: On the city hall. The people are instructed to go there in case of an attack to the city.

2B: Then that's our destination. Come on Asriel.

He nodded and directed the giant puppet to the city hall, only a couple of second after they were right on front of it, on the ceiling of a building. Team RWBY, Amelie and a hooded man were fighting against some feathered goblins.

Asriel commanded his angel to attack, firing the sky-blue beam that it used against the hydra, freezing the horde of little monsters, then landing in in them.

The people inside the city hall saw the monstrous rabbit landing and made scared screams, while the team RWBY readied their weapons, a voice sounded from behind the rabbit.

Adelyn: Amelie! Sweetie! Your father and I came to take shelter!

Amelie: Mother!?

Adelyn was now standing in over the head of the rabbit, waving to her daughter.

Amelie: What are you doing there!?

Weiss: What is that thing!?

Suddenly, Adelyn loose balance and fell from the head of the rabbit, but this one catches her midair with its mouth, holding her form her clothes. When the rabbit leaved her on the ground, Horace jumped down and started to scold his wife.

Horace: Honey what were you thinking!?

Adelyn: I'm sorry dear, I was exited to see our daughter and acted without thinking it.

Then Ahri and 2B jumped down from the rabbit, walking closer to the conversation.

Ahri: Calm down Mr. Herdian, she is ok, Asriel would never let her fall and you know it.

But then the girls that just a minute ago were fighting to defend the citizens joined the conversation like it was something normal.

Yang: Took you long enough, didn't you?

2B: We had some complications; the clone was as strong as the original after all.

Weiss: And this rabbit?

Marie who was still on the rabbit yelled at them.

Marie: It's from my papa!

She and her father showed themselves on the back of the rabbit.

But there was one person that didn't understood the situation at all. A young man, one or two years older than Yang or Blake, his hair was black, and his eyes were deep blue, his facial features were the ones of a handsome man. He was wearing normal clothes, but a black cape and hood were covering the most part of him, like he wanted to hide his identity, he was also holding a black great sword on his left hand. Even down the cape and the clothes, the body of a trained warrior was visible, muscles well defined in a good proportion, making him look like he had an ideal body. He had actually a look that would made a normal girl to fell for him.

He got closer to Amelie and asked her with a confused tone.

???: Do you know what is going on here?

Amelie: Sorry Arthur, I don't get it either.

Arthur: I never saw anything like this before.

Horace saw her daughter talking to a hooded man and immediately straightened himself, directing hostility towards him.

Horace: Would you be kind enough to tell me who are you and why are you talking with my daughter?

Amelie: Father!

Horace: Who is this man Amelie?

Amelie: Father, he is...

Arthur: My name is Arthur Rias, King level adventurer and prince of the Callian kingdom.

He took off his hood showing his face to the guard, immediately after his face went pale and kneeled in front of the young man.

Horace: My apologies your majesty! I didn't know it as you!


Ahri: He was fighting here at your side and you didn't notice?

2B: This was surely a surprise.

Adelyn: May I ask why are you here your majesty?

Arthur: I actually came here to meet my loyal knight's family actually, I never imagined that the city would be in this situation.

Amelie: No one expected it either, don't worry Arthur.

Horace: Amelie! Don't act so familiar with your prince!

Arthur: Don't worry sir, we are actually pretty close to each other and treat each other like equals.

Ahri: Could it be?...

Weiss: Are you two dating then?

Blake: A romance between a female knight and her prince!?

Yang: WOW! Calm down Blake this is not the moment to act like a typical fangirl.

Amelie: Wait! We are not dating or anything! we are just good friends!

She was completely flustered by the sudden questions of the girls around her, while the young prince was just making an amused but awkward smile.

Ahri was standing close to the rabbit, Asriel finally walked closer alongside with Marie, standing at her side seeing the situation from the side.

But a sudden voice returned all of them to an alarmed state.

Mordian: Hhhmmmm, so that man freed himself from my stasis? Interesting, I can see why he called you attention my love, but you belong to me and no one else.

The voice seemed to come from everywhere, resounding on the entire place.

Ahri: Why don't you come out!? so I can burn you to ashes!

Mordian: Why are you still resisting? I'm just trying to make you perfect.

Yang: We heard what you do to women! You sick bastard! You'll never have Ahri in your hands!

Weiss: Show yourself coward!

Mordian: Don't be impatient, I'll help you too, you have great potential after all.

Arthur: You caused this disaster! Your actions will not pass unpunished!

Amelie: Surrender now!

Mordian: No one understand my vision, no one want to see beyond their filthy emotions, but I don't care if the entire world is wrong. Not as long as I have you my love.

Ahri: You're never going to have me!

Asriel was trying to use the sonar of Gabriel, but he couldn't summon it no matter how hard he tried, his attempts of using Raphael to feel the wind flowing around him didn't work either, it was like the angels were denying him now, like they didn't want to manifest. But while he was concentrating in his angels, the voice came from behind him.

Mordian: You.

He looked back quickly, but no one was there, the voice came from behind him again.

Mordian: You are what keeps her in this world, you are the reason she keeps holding on those repulsive feelings.

Asriel turned again to confront the voice, but when he saw where his family should be, no one was there, the entire place was empty, he looked back to the city hall and saw no one in there. He was alone.

Mordian: You are the principal obstacle for her, you are holding her back from her real potential.

Mordian appeared floating int midair in front of him, with his arms crossed, he materialized several canons in the air pointing towards Asriel.

Mordian: You need to be erased. Be honored, your death will bring her perfection.

The canons shined and shoot to Asriel, he reacted and used the only angel in his disposition to defend himself, creating a huge ice wall, stopping the shoots easily.

But a new canon appeared behind him, and without him noticing, it shoots to him.

Three shots were fired.

The blasts of green energy pierced him from behind.

His left arm was bisected.

His right leg was blow apart.

His chest was brutally pierced.

The static surrounding him disappeared, he lost his consciousness instantly, he stopped breathing. His corpse fell limp to the ground, making a loud thump and calling everyone's attention.

No one could move, the image of Asriel dead on the floor paralyzed then, only one person moved while screaming.


She ran to his side, kneeling beside him while crying.


Soon the rest reacted and rushed to Asriel's side with terrified expressions, everyone trying to do something or think of what to do.

Ruby: WHY!!!???





Horace, Adelyn, Amelie and Arthur were still on their place, wondering what to do and how to protect the people on the city hall.

But there was one person that didn't move at all.

Ahri was still looking at Asriel from the distance, she didn't react, she couldn't believe what just happened.

Asriel. The man she fell in love with. Was dead in front of her.

But that wasn't all.

Mordian: How does it feel? To know that everything that you worked so hard to accomplish was in vain. That YOU are the reason why he is dead right now. You thought that he would be able to give you a future, to give you a place. All lies. You know what you are. Nothing. You don't have a meaning out of being a precious doll. He was another fool for believing that you were more than that.

Ahri started to collapse inside, her thoughts where a mess, her heart was broken.

Ahri: I thought that he could give me a place, that I could be happy at his side. I was willing to try again, back from the beginning.

A black fire started to raise from the ground around her.

Ahri: I thought that maybe I found a place where I belonged.

Dark flames covered her legs.

Ahri: I thought that I could forget the past.

The darkness expanded through her body, surrounding her completely.

Ahri: That I could forgive myself.

Her body absorbed the black flames.

Ahri: But the world denied me.

Her entire body was covered in dark flames.

Ahri: YOU denied me.

Claws started to form instead of her hands.

Ahri: YOU took him away from me.

The claws were dripping the black flames like they were liquid.

Ahri: Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable Unforgivable

Tears were falling, melting the ground where they fell.


Everybody felt the terrifying pressure that she was emitting, her entire body was covered in black flames, vaguely resembling a female body, what was left was a beast, just a pair of golden eyes shining, and a mouth filled with fangs covered in the same dark flames than the rest of her body.

Her tails were swinging from one side to other wildly, her entire body was dripping black liquid flames, like it was dark magma.

The beast that once was Ahri looked to Mordian with an incredible pressure, a killing intent strong enough to scare a divine beast, giving an inhuman scream of pain and rage.


There it is, this is the longest chapter I have written until now. I don't have anything else to say. So thanks for reading this and Bye.

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