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-Ruby point of view-

2B and Ahri told me, my team and Amelie to move towards the city to help anyone in danger, I didn't like the idea of leaving them behind with a mechanical hydra, but I know they would be able to win that fight. I saw the faces that my team was making, they had the same worried expression. I don't blame them; the situation is really bad, and the worst part is that no one was expecting something this big would happen.

But this wasn't the moment to think in those things, our objective right now was to save the people from the city.

After some minutes of running, we reached the city. Seeing the chaos around the place we saw several groups of people running from some things that I could only describe as goblins covered in feathers. Seeing the quantity of people, I made an order to my team.

Me: Everyone go in separate ways, we need to cover as much terrain as possible, if anyone is in trouble, shoot a fire dust bullet to the sky to call for backup. Now move!

WBY: Yes ma'am!

They called me ma'am even when I'm younger than them! And I didn't like it!

Whatever, I need to focus on the people in trouble, as the girls went in different direction I saw a group running away from a weird looking lizard, it was covered in feathers too, does that maniac Mordian have an obsession with feathers?

Whatever, I saw Amelie running to the beast and anchoring her knife on the ground, using it to swing her great sword and slash the lizard's front legs. The lizard then growled and send a shockwave towards Amelie, but she evaded rolling away and jumping towards the lizard, her sword landed directly on the lizard head, cutting it in half.

She directed herself to the citizens while the beast was vanishing in static.

Amelie: Is everyone ok?

I saw everything from afar while sniping some goblins on the roofs, but then I saw another lizard behind the people. I used the recoil of Crescent Rose to dash towards the crowd, bursting into rose petals to pass them without problems and reassembling myself to cut down the lizard, it stumbled back while I surrounded it and cut horizontally to bisect its legs, then I slashed up creating a huge wound on its belly while also elevating it a little; and while it was still in the air I finished it off putting the blade of my scythe at the other side of its body and shooting, the strong recoil pushed the blade through the lizard body and separated it in two parts.

As the lizard vanished in static I got close to the crowd and heard the voices of my team coming from different directions.

Yang: Rubes!

Weiss: Ruby!

Blake: I have some people over here!

The three came closer to the crowd I saved with Amelie escorting their own groups, I gave my team a thumbs up and turned to see Amelie, she was reuniting the people, when everybody was together she asked the crowd.

Amelie: Where is the city shelter?

A man in the front answered her with a relieved expression.

Citizen: It's the city hall, it has the strongest defenses in the entire city, those monsters won't be able to get in.

Amelie: Then we will escort you there, stay close and don't separate from the group!

The crowd yelled in confirmation, she then looked at me and my team.

Amelie: Please, can you position yourselves around the people to protect them from every angle?

Weiss: Of course.

Like that I stood on the front with Amelie, Yang was on the back and Weiss and Blake were on the sides; It didn't took long before some goblins attacked us from the front, but Amelie acted faster and dashed towards them stabbing directly one of them with her great sword, another jumped with a spear ready to impale her, but she used her knife to parry the spear and decapitated the goblin with an horizontal slash, three other goblins rushed at her while she anchored her knife behind her and made a circular slash with her great sword, slicing in half the three goblins. Another lizard came from above, but before it could touch ground I sniped it and blew away its head.

Amelie turned to me and gave a thankful look, I nodded to her and heard some shoots from behind us.

I used my scroll to contact Yang, luckily, we could use them to communicate between us even in this world, but of course, it's just between us since there is no other scrolls in this world.

Me: Yang, is everything ok?

Yang: Yes, just some little pests here, I killed them already, don't worry.

Me: Blake, Weiss, how is it on your sides.

Blake: Just some random goblins here and there, they haven't come in group, so I just killed them with my sword.

Weiss: Same on my side, none of them have come in group.

Me: Good job girls but keep your eyes open.

WBY: Understood.

When I put my scroll back to my pocket Amelie was watching me with a curious face.

Amelie: Say, what is that thing you used?

I took out my scroll and pointed my finger to it.

Me: This?

Amelie: Yeah, Is that some kind of communication device?

Me: I saw that this world has technology, you don't have anything like this?

Amelie: There is normally one communication center on each city that uses something similar, but we are not advanced enough to use personal devices yet but is one of the principal objectives on the research of the kingdom. Where did you get those?

Me: Well, I'll explain later, but right now the only thing I can say is that is not from this continent... or any other.

Amelie: Ok...

I made an awkward smile to her, I was told that summoned people were not something impossible, but still it was something weird to see. I don't know if she may believe me or think that I'm crazy.

We ended up reaching the city hall and letting everyone inside.

But the moment the last person entered the building a loud sound came from behind, I turned around and saw what was behind us.

A feathered wyvern was standing there spreading its wings, the beast saw us and let out a fierce growl towards us.

We readied our weapons, but then a shadow passed between us, someone from the people inside the city hall was running towards the beast with a black great sword on their left hand, since they were wearing a black hood I couldn't tell if it was him or her.

But it didn't matter, right before we could yell for they to come back, Amelie yelled.

Amelie: Arthur!?

Yang: You know him!?

While we were seeing Amelie, a loud pained cry resounded, we looked towards the wyvern and saw with amazement how it's left wing wasn't there anymore, we saw Arthur behind the wyvern, then he disappeared for a moment, reappearing at the beast side, and cutting the other wing like it was nothing.

He jumped to the wyvern head and stabbed his sword on the beast head, killing it and making it disappear in static like the rest of the monsters.

Amelie ran to his side and greeted him.

Amelie: Arthur! I'm glad to see you but, what are you doing here?

Arthur: Well I...

Before he could explain himself a battalion of feathered goblins came to attack us, we all readied our weapons, but before anyone could do something, a sudden blast of energy descended from the sky, blinding us for a moment, when we saw the battalion of goblins again, we saw them all frozen.

A moment later a giant rabbit descended from the roof of a building.

And a familiar voice was heard.

Adelyn: Amelie! Sweetie! Your father and I came to take shelter!

Amelie: Mother!

Thing happened so fast after that...

-Third POV-

Everyone was overwhelmed by the killing intent coming from the beast that just some minutes ago was Ahri, the people inside the city hall started to shake in fear while seeing everything through the second-floor large windows, none of them said a single word, they knew that if that thing noticed them, they would be dead.

Mordian was seeing the result of his actions with a disgusted face.


The golden blazing eyes turned towards Mordian, he stumbled back in fear, pure hatred could be felt from its gaze, a moment later, the nine tails were directing themselves towards him.

He barely avoided the attack, but then another came from behind, a black fire ball collided with his back, exploding and leaving some black liquid flames on his back, burning him. He vanished for a moment and reappeared in the roof of the city hall, but he didn't get any time to rest, the black flamed beast climbed in a mere second and directed its claws to him, dematerializing himself to avoid them, finally escaping vanishing once more.

Now on the ground he looked to the roof of the city hall and saw the enraged monster looking directly to him, then it made a horrible growl, sending shivers through everyone's spines, and creating a weird shockwave.

When he felt the shockwave reaching his body, the world suddenly felt faster, but he was moving slower, the beast jumped down directly to him, but even when he was slowed down he escaped vanishing once more. Leaving behind five Ahri clones. All of them was wearing her usual clothes, but in different color, green, yellow, blue, purple and pink.

The beast directed her rage towards the clones, the yellow one moved behind the beast and used her yellow fire claws to slash its back, he purple then charged towards the beast with a purple fire ball in her hand, exploding it on its head, the green came from above, giving a descending kick also on its head, while blue and pink came both holding fireballs and hitting the beast on its chest, sending it away and crashing with a building.

The five copies made a cocky smile, but the beast came out of the building, walking menacingly. It seemed the beast landed on a weapon shop, some swords, spears, war hammers and guns were on the ground behind it. Mordian saw this chance and created a feathered goblin behind the dark monster, making the goblin to grab a weapon and stab the monster in the back of its head.

But when the spear touched the head of the monster, it shattered easily, the goblin took a sword and tried to decapitate the monster, but the sword simply shattered the same way that the spear.

The goblin then noticed the golden eyes staring deeply into him, hatred and insanity was reflected in them, the beast turned back and instantly grabbed the goblin by the chest thrusting its claws, elevating the little goblin from the ground and opening its jaws.

The beast devoured the head of the goblin like it was nothing, turning its attention towards the clones once more while the body dispersed in static.

Dark flames concentrated more on its arms, the beast jumped leaving a line of black flames from them, then it raised them and the trail of fire followed like a whip, finally landing on the ground leaving a crater and bringing down the black fire whips, the clones avoided it easily, but immediately after a flame whip grabbed the green clone, attracting it towards the beast, the moment the clone was right in front of the monster, their eyes meet, fear filled the clone eyes, a second latter, she was sliced on pieces, vanishing in static.

The beast then threw a whip towards the purple clone, grabbing it and getting closer to her, the clone couldn't resist the strength and was tackled down, everyone saw with horror how the monster used its claws to dismember the clone and even used its jaws to devour some parts.

When the clone disappeared in static, the yellow clone was holding a huge flame right in front of the beast, but then it growled again, with more strength, dispersing the flame and jumping towards the clone, decapitating it with its claws.

Seeing this from the roof, Mordian created a railgun with his powers and prepared himself, charging the gun. The beast on its own side grabbed the pink clone with two of her tails, one grabbed her by the upper chest area and the other on the waist, then the monster pulled out with both tails, the clone screamed in pain and finally her body was split in two, vanishing right after.

The railgun was ready, Mordian directed the canon to the beast chest and shoot. The electromagnetic accelerated bullet pierced the beast easily, making it stumble back. The blue clone saw this chance and dashed to decapitate the monster, but her claws were stopped by the beast's ones, fear consumed her. The golden eyes in front of her were still filled with hatred and rage.

Blue clone: H-how? H-ho-how a-are y-you s-t-till alive?

The beast simply pierced the clone with one tail, making it vanish like the others, but everyone noticed something terrifying, the hole on its chest was gone.

Mordian: Healing after attacking?

The beast turned to see him in the roof, it threw a whip towards the building, pulling itself towards it and climbing the last part with its claws, when it finally reached the roof, Mordian wasn't there anymore, it started to sniff, turning to its right and running away.

Everybody felt relieve when the creature's pressure disappeared, Ruby fell to her knees with a terrified expression.

Ruby: Why?...

Arthur: What did just happen!?

Nobody answered them, everyone was still shocked by the sudden terrible situation, but the one who was in the worse state was Marie, still crying over her father corpse.

Yang got closer to the girl and hugged her from behind, the child turned around and keep on crying on her shoulder, returning the hug.

Blake got closer to the body, crouching at its side, she closed his eyes and made a silent pray for him.

But then an orange light sphere flew out of Asriel's body, quickly separating in two. Everybody was surprised by the strange phenomenon, but then other light spheres appeared, a cyan one and a yellow one, one of the orange spheres flew directly towards Blake, piercing her chest.

Weiss: BLAKE!!!

She didn't receive any damage though, the light sphere just disappeared, then the other half flew towards Ruby, resulting in the same, both lights disappeared when they made contact with the two huntresses in training. Everyone was paying full attention towards the two girls.

A rush of energy passed through their bodies, making a small tornado while a single metal wing appeared on their backs, Blake had the left wing with blue crystals, while Ruby got the right wing with the pink ones. The tornado dispersed revealing them, both had chains attached to one leg and one arm, Blake on the left leg and arm and Ruby on the right. Ruby's right sleeve was replaced with a tight one, with the chain on the wrist, while a nonattached sleeve appeared on Blake's left arm, connecting with her chain.

Both Ruby and Blake saw each other, both thinking the same.

That was an angel, Raphael.

The cyan sphere started moving too, but more slowly, directing itself towards Weiss, stopping in front of her and gently pushing its way in her chest.

Weiss didn't put any resistance since she saw what the other angel did. A gentle frozen breeze covered her, dispersing soon after, revealing a Weiss wearing a white hood with cute rabbit ears, out of that, she didn't look much different.

That until a puppet rabbit jumped to her shoulder.

She knew instantly, it was the angel called Zadkiel

The last light sphere directed itself towards Yang, pulsating on a curious rhythm, going up and down, and finally entering in her chest.

Yang was surrounded by some light rings pulsating in a certain rhythm and dispersed, the only changes on Yang were the yellow and blue crescent moon pin on her hair and the necklace with a curious flower on it.

Her mind gave her a name, Gabriel.

2B saw the flower and instantly after she recognized them.

2B: That's a lunar tear.

Yang: You know this flower?

2B: I saw it on my world, I didn't know that they existed here too.

Weiss: This is...

Blake: The angels that Asriel used, why are they coming to us?

Ruby: I didn't know that Raphael needed two hosts, how did Asriel used it then?

Blake: I don't know, and the angel doesn't give me any answer.

Weiss: Right now, it doesn't matter why or how, it happened.

Yang: Weiss is right, we need to focus, we had enough power now, we need to stop that man and bring our friend back to normal.

Blake: But how are we going to do that?

Ruby: Blake is right, Ahri became that thing after seeing Asriel dead in front of her, how are we going to calm her down if Asriel is still like that?

Marie saw the conversation from the side, her expression turned dark once more after hearing her father condition, turning to see him again. But a sudden fear assaulted her.

Arthur: Huh? Girls the body disappeared!

RWBY: WHAT!!!???

Marie: WHERE IS IT!!!???

They begun to discuss about what happened to the corpse when Horace interrupted from the side.

Horace: Calm down! The people in the shelter behind us might have seen something, I'll ask around, you need to go there and help Miss Ahri.

Adelyn: Father is right, she needs you.

The girls stood there for a moment before 2B spoke.

2B: She's right, we need to stop both Ahri and Mordian, but we need to coordinate ourselves, if we show the slightest opening in our defenses Ahri could kill us right away.

Ruby: Ahri wouldn't do something like that!

Weiss: Ruby that's thing is not Ahri anymore! And is up to us to return her to her senses!

Ruby: I don't want to fight her!

Yang: Ruby is right! We can simply attack our friend!

Weiss: But if we let her be on that state she could end up killing innocent people!

Blake: ENOUGH!!!

2B: I hate the idea of fighting her too, but she won't stop to talk calmly right now, we need to fight until she get exhausted, maybe then we could calm her down, actually, it would be much easier since we have the angel that use music with us, maybe we can calm her down like that.

Ruby: I-I see. Are you ready to fight?

2B: I can't take the image of Asriel dying in front of me out of my head, but I can let that obstruct me right now, I couldn't save him, but I can save Ahri, WE can save Ahri.

Blake: Yes, there's going to be enough time to cry his death later, right now we have something bigger on our hands.

Ruby: It hurts to say it like that.

Weiss: Yes, it does, he saved our lives once, but we couldn't save his. I feel like I betrayed him.

2B: Not if we save the woman he loved.

Yang: I guess is the least we can do.

Marie: Please, save her. For my father. And make that monster pay.

Everyone saw the little girl with saddened expressions, it was incredible if you though about it, little more than a month have passed since they met Asriel, yet he already made to reach everyone's hearts.

He even matured really fast, there wasn't even the slightest sight of the innocent and pure guy they first met. He was usually calm, collected, always watching over them with a warm smile, he became a great father to Marie, educating her in a proper way, encouraging her to make new friends and taking enough time to play and have fun with her. Even with the position of a parent, he never ignored the girls around him, he somehow managed to give every one of them enough time to hear them, their concerns, giving them support, having fun with them.

The girls that fought at his side against the colossi felt how the feeling they developed for him during that fight dispersed themselves, but not much after, with the constant convivence at his side, new feelings where harvested inside them, the warm in his smile, the kindness in his eyes, they couldn't help but to feel comfortable and safe around him.

2B was still hesitant, she had never felt something like what Asriel made her feel, somehow, she felt a little nervous around him, whenever he would smile to her or even worse, hug her, she would become a blushing mess, unable to process anything on her head.

But now he was gone. He was taken away from them in seconds, they couldn't even react.

But now wasn't the moment to lament their lost, they needed to avoid losing someone else.

All of them then rushed towards the way where the beast ran some minutes ago. With a great burden still present on their hearts.

They reached the central plaza of the city, Mordian was hardly standing in front of the fountain, they girls looked around searching for Ahri, but no one saw her. Mordian noticed their presence and turned to see them.

Mordian: If you are looking for that monster then it's not here anymore, she followed another flame away from here.

Yang: What do you mean!?

Mordian: I don't know what it was, but I'm glad, sadly, my perfect sample became impossible to reach, but you are really promising samples, I guess I would have to conform with you.

Weiss: Shut up you fiend!

Mordian: Let me help you to become perfect!

He raised his left hand creating a green sphere of static and pixels, expanding it and blinding for a second the group. When they recovered their sights, they were on the same place, but some green cubes were flying in the sky, they had multiple sizes, some were of the size of a house, others were as small as a fist.

He appeared flying in the middle of the plaza, then dematerialized in cubes and became a giant feathered snake, it had the usual static around it. His voice resounded around the area.

Mordian: Now, I'm going to free you from your putrid emotions.

Yang: You'll pay for what you did to Asriel!

Yang raised her hand and organ pipes started to raise from the ground in a circle that covered the entire perimeter of the plaza, an orchestral rhythm surged from the pipes.


The giant snake made a thunderous roar while its body began to spin at high speed, the feathers then became something close to projectiles and flew away from the body thrusting in the ground. Blake and Ruby used the speed of their shared angel and dodged the feathers without problem while Weiss created an ice wall to cover Yang, 2B and herself. Ruby took the chance and prepared her weapon, but much to her surprise her scythe wasn't there, her right arm was holding the giant lance that Asriel once used against the colossi.

Even with a weapon that she never had used before she knew exactly how to fight with it, like she had trained with it for years. Ruby dashed towards the snake and made some damage but must of the hits were absorbed by the feathers, disappearing in green static and immediately after being replaced by new ones. Ruby finally received a strong attack of the snake's tail, sending her to a near building.

Blake saw this and directed her sight to Weiss and the others, 2B was running around the snake blocking some feathers with her light katana while Yang was jumping around surrounded by the angel's energy, making her faster and absurdly agile. Weiss on her side was sending constant icicles to block and return the attack to the snake; Blake saw the situation and called for her blonde friend.

Blake: Yang!

She looked towards Blake direction and made a smile; Blake ran below the snake, but suddenly the constant bombardment of feathers became more intense on that area, Blake used her semblance in combination with the angel to become wind for a second, evading completely the feathers and reaching the blonde. She summoned the pendulum of Raphael and send the tip to Yang, she grabbed the chain and started running at her max speed in circles while Blake spin around in her place holding the chain, creating a black tornado with a golden light attached to it circling around.

The snake saw their intentions and tried to attack, but it felt the lance from Ruby trying to pierce its head, following the momentum of the attack the snake covered its head with green aura and dived in the ground. Weiss acted fast and placed her hand in the ground, concentrating her angel and creating millions of ice dagger underground, specifically in the walls of the tunnel the snake was using, forcing it to rush out.

The moment the snake went out of the underground Yang let go of the chain Blake was holding and flew directly towards the head of the snake. The beast opened its mouth trying to devour her, but she simply punched the air, shooting with her gauntlets making her decelerate and changing her trajectory to an arc, landing on the head of the snake and running down its body. However, the snake made it body spin once more and threw off Yang, but fast as the wind, Ruby came and catch her sister in midair.

2B moved herself to the position right below the snake head, she looked towards Weiss and nodded, an ice pillar surged from the ground where she was standing on and launched her, changing her weapons really quick, 2B used her gauntlets to punch the snake directly on the head, elevating it a little. Weiss was expecting it and threw the rabbit puppet towards the sky, covering it on a little frozen storm; when the ice storm dispersed, the giant rabbit was there, the moon shining behind it.

Blake used her pendulum to restrain the movements of the head, 2B dashed in midair and landed on the head of the snake, changing to her spear and throwing it towards the tail of the snake, piercing it and nailing it to the ground.

Ruby used her giant lance and made the same, piercing the middle part of the snake body, also immobilizing it; the snake tried to make a pained scream, but the chains around its jaws prevent it. The rabbit in the sky started jumping around, with Weiss riding it, creating thin ice platforms in the air as support and braking them as it jumped from one to other, shooting a cyan beam of frozen energy to the snake to caught it on an ice coffin.

Finally landing in front of the frozen snake, 2B and Yang stood up there together, both gathering energy from the musical angel on their fists and weapons. Ruby and Blake landed right behind them and created a path without wind resistance. With enough energy on their weapons and arms, 2B and Yang rushed at high speed towards the frozen snake, 2B using her left and Yang her right, punched with all their strength. Immediately breaking apart the snake body with the impact.

The pieces dispersed like confetti and a human body was created from static, as well as the green cubes in the air and the snake parts vanished.

The man finally landed on a wall, breaking through it.

After some second, Blake finally broke the silence.

Blake: Is he dead?

Weiss: Of course not! right?

Yang: Personally, I don't mind if he is.

2B: I'm with Yang in this.

Ruby: Let me check...

After some second of Ruby concentrating she gave a relived and a little disappointed sigh.

Ruby: He is still breathing, I felt the air around him.

Blake: Now that you say it, I feel it too, and I don't know how to feel about him being still alive.

Weiss: If he is not dead then we need to restrain him.

2B: Ahri will decide what to do with him.

Blake: How should I say this? I don't think Ahri would be...

Weiss: Ahri is practically insane right now, and even if she calms down we don't know how she is going to react if we gave her the culprit of the assination of the man she loved in such a vulnerable state.

Blake: Yeeaah.

Yang: Then we should leave him with the authorities.

Ruby: But the important thing is, how are we going to deal with Ahri?

2B: Ruby is right, Ahri is in a terrible mental state, and I can see the stats in her plate are finally being proved to be real. None of us is capable of anything, the moment we get close enough, she would instantly kill us.

Weiss: But she was held back by those clones, isn't it?

2B: I'm scared of being saying this, but she was only playing with her preys. For what we saw, she is basically invulnerable to most damages.

Blake: That Mordian guy managed to hurt her anyway, doesn't that mean that she can be hurt after all?

2B: Don't you feel like something is off?

Ruby: Yes, she was damaged by the attack from Mordian and the clones he created but didn't receive any damage from the weapons of that store.

Weiss: Do you think that's related to his powers?

2B: I have an idea.

2B proceeded to take her blindfold, she kept it attached to her wrist, in case that she needs it. She put the blindfold, that was actually a high technology visor used for all YoRHa units, directing her sight towards the girls.

The visor scanned them and showed her some readings, the girls were emanating different types of energy, she ignored their aura since she knew about that energy emanating from them from when she met Ruby, the reading that called her attention were much more powerful, those should be the angel's readings for sure, the energy that they emanated was strong, all of them had similar frequencies, but she was completely convinced when she saw how Ruby and Blake, who were sharing an angel, had the same energy in the same frequency.

2B turned to see the place where Mordian landed, a very similar energy reading was coming from him, but in a weaker level, and with some disparities. Like it was a copy from the angel's energy frequencies.

2B: Could it be...

She was suddenly interrupted by a sudden shockwave coming from behind her, when she turned to see what happened, she saw how the light spheres where out of the bodies of team RWBY again, floating in the air. All of their attires returned to normal.

2B: What happened?

Blake: I don't know.

Yang: They just went out of us with that little shockwave.

Ruby: Do they get tired of us?

Weiss: Wait! They are moving!

The three spheres were moving slowly towards the forest direction, suddenly rushing at high speed, leaving the girls confused once more.

Rain started to pour down slowly.

The angels rushed through the city and rural area finally reaching the forest, entering without stopping, leaving the group of girls behind them in a rainy night.

And there it is, this little arc is taking me time, I had like five diferent versions of this events but finally I decided to use this, I'm going to do the next chapter longer than usual to explain some things, as well as ending the arc, normally the chapters had aroud 4000 or 5000 words, but I guess the next one will have much more, however, see you in the next chapter, thanks for readins this. I don't know how much is going to take me to write the next :,) Bye.

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