Chapter 43: Crown of Aragon

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Miguel's POV

Decades ago, Balearic is a sacred island among those who revered a deity called Baal. It's not even a name. Just a title that literally translated as "lord".

Then, the order from Pope Martin IV made. Many saints battle the deity, and among them, there was Santos Marrow, which bear the legendary Sword of Aragon, blessed by the pope and all the saints with holy power to exorcise Baal.

I still remember how my father, August Aberque, reenact the scene...

Thousands of soldier from the church fight the titanic goat-like deity, fuming blackness as he blow flame all over the island. My father is a clergy, excelled at spells and exorcism, as he protect his allies and prevent the fire from going all around. There's also the brave, big tall man, Paulo Serra, keep trying to fend off the demon, but not to much avail.

It is not until the Sword of Aragon hit the demon that he's weakened and mortally wounded. Then all our attack begin to damage him. However it's meaningless to harm the physical body of the being. So, in decisive moment as Baal enraged, infuriated, wrapped in flame, Santos charge forward and delve the sword to the heart of the being. It screeching flame burst out and combust as the smoke engulf and the deity destroyed. What seems to be his soul or curse or his power itself rise above the sky and some spread to the whole island like smoke of forest fire.

Baal is defeated, but his curse remain. We left the island be, and the kingdom of Aragon, combined with other forces, formed alliance of what known in history as the Crown of Aragon. Unknown to them, the small crack on the sword that bear the title of the kingdom will be the downfall of the kingdom...

And the sword known in legend as Sword of Aragon.

There's many myth surrounding the sword. First of all, Sword of Aragon said to be the sword that Hercules wield and it was once sealed on the two Pillar of Hercules on Gibraltar, on edge of Spain. The myth is unconfirmed, but the power of the sword is not just a myth. It everlastingly sharp without any need of sharpening, until it break. It can cut trees like cheese and stab through walls like butter. The material is so light yet also so hard. This sword is strong on offense and defense, and been passed down as treasure of Aragonian kingdom, until the monarchy era of Spain begin to change.

However, not listed on any history book, there's hidden truth around the sword. Not only it was used to killed Baal by blessing of the pope and saints, the sword also receive intense curse from Baal as it thrust the heart of the being. Normal sword will break and the curse will spread to heart of the man, but on this blessed sword, it persist, survived with just a crack. The blessing vanished, overridden by the curse, and unaware of this, the saints return it back to prince of Aragon, James II.

James II of Aragon known as someone very just, that he called as "The Just". However, rumor said that he grow more irrational and start losing his mind later on. History talk about betrayal and torture. Behind books and papers, myth speak more, about the sword that he carried. Normal people won't realize it, but to those who know about magic and alike, know that some sickening curse inhabit his sword.

In the end, James fall to his demise and the sword continue to be passed. Tragedy one after another come, and after much consideration, the descendant of the saints decide to took away the sword and seal it on the innermost part of the temple where they meant to seal the remaining of Baal's curse.

I was there when my father sealed the sword. I'm still five, but I remember it clearly. He plunge the sword deep into the lake with his power, and the water start to get tainted as if ink spread. The saints continue try to purify the water. There was struggle, and my father need to spend most of his power to purge the curse. Even so, it's impossible to fully erase the curse, as long the sword remain, so all that we can do is to seal it deep within this holy lake, which barely even suppressing the curse.

Many years later, I began to took my duty on guarding the temple. Soon, many people, from treasure hunter to cultist, start to aim for the sword. There's four more descendants of saints around me, around my age. However, as time passed, I start to thought that it would be better if we didn't age, so we can continue our duty without being weakened by time. I realize that when I see one of the saint descendant grow ill.

I realize that my father almost didn't age either. He live to hundreds years old due to his holy power, and while I didn't really inherit the same power, I was inspired by him. Without of his approval, I learn many spells and magic, and not the kind of holy spiritual power like my father had. Soon I find a way to stop my aging, and so, I stuck at age of 26 for the rest of my life.

A century been passed and the curse still remain. I however, already instruct the creation of a fake Baal's idol to absorb the curse that spread all over the island, and the island is mostly at peace. Until many, many years later that I meet him....

His name is Jorge Velazquez. Age is somewhere about 30 to 40, I'm not sure. His bulky muscular and vigorously healthy figure doesn't reflect of his age. At that time, his hair is still black. He also didn't wear such rigorously thick armor with the capes. At that time, he still use swords and he didn't discovered his Phantasm yet. In fact, he's not head of the family yet. Well, almost.

I know him when Velazquez is still not as big as now. They're mercenary family, taking role of assassin or mafia, anything for money. However, Jorge had an intriguing vision... You see, his mother actually come from descendant of Aragonian kingdom, and despite his father nor the other successor of Velazquez was from Aragon bloodline, Jorge is. This made him feeling like he's bearing the responsibility over his family lineage of both Velazquez and Aragon. He's not only obsessed by his monarchy bloodline and history, but also power hungry. He see that James II failed to control the power of Baal, and that made him felt challenged to wield it. Soon he start to believe that the power of Baal belong to them, and they deserve it. It was his right, and his key to revive the kingdom again.

Not only naturally having prestige and eminence, he's also hard working, partially due to his obsession and feeling of responsibility, merciless, assertive, basically doing anything for his plan and path. This partially passed down to his son later, Ricardo Velazquez, unless Ricardo is a genuine psychopath, his assertiveness come from his lack of conscience and moral compass, not to mentioned wacky mindset. On the contrary, Jorge is a reputable man with high stature and standard, known to be an excellent leader and fighter, giving him such commanding image and aura. He then lead Velazquez family to what it is now.

And that's when our friendship crack.

"Jorge, you need to rethink your decision. Aragon is gone, so does the sword. Even if there's a way to revive it, using Baal is not the way! You'll only get corrupted!" I try to warn him, but he didn't listen.

"Miguel, you know nothing! You don't know the burden of having a royal blood in your body! You felt like the failure of your ancestor is a shame that you need to redeem! Like a disgrace! This is why I want to build my perfect kingdom, my perfect throne!" His words getting more and more irrational by day. I know he's starting to lose his mind over his ego.

The flow can't be stopped anymore. We parted ways, but I vow to him that when I meet him again, I'll be the one that stop him.

Ten years later, we meet again. He already discovered his Phantasm. Unable to defeat him, I throw him as far as I could to the ocean. I thought he was dead at that time. Not that I know I'll see him again ten years later, only becoming stronger and more obsessed...

But your age finally catch up with you and it's time for you to rest.


"Miguel? Are we done yet?"

Someone called me back to present time. It's Garcia.

At my request, I ask some time for Jorge to be buried here. Maybe no one but Jorge know, but this abandoned city once belong to a branch of Aragon's territory on Balearic.

"Yes we're done. Sorry that I took time."

Since it's an urgent situation, everyone from SPD, including Fahmir, already go to the temple. Only the guardians of the temple itself that still remain. Ironic.

"Let's go. We had no time to spare." I activate my magic and teleport myself with the two other to the temple.


Not a long ago, front of Baal's temple...

Sharp slashing dark power cut through the forest like cutting down vegetables. Ricardo laughed and laughed louder, getting high in power as his sanity, which already questionable, slip away.

"This is fun, this is great, THIS IS FUN!! MORE!!"

He screech out, swinging his sword as blast of demonic energy sweep more trees around the temples.

Then, he sense someone coming. His whole sense and mind empowered by the curse, so before anyone reach him, he already detect someone rushing at him on his speed. He point his sword toward the threat, and she halt, knowing she stand no chance alone. The red-headed girl step back, as she realize that if the sword hit her even once, she'll be sliced. Her surprised attack failed, but there's still another one coming. From her back, come shining gold bolt fired toward the swordsman, and Ricardo simply shield himself with the sword.

"Ahhh Mirages... Where's the saints?" He flip his sword as he speak.

"They'll be here soon. But before that, we'll handle you first." Tybard come out with his fist charged. From the sky, Almerich and Noir descend as they travel via Poltergeist. Seems they get used to it already.

"So my father failed, huh? Too bad." Ricardo sighed and readied his sword again. Noir prepare a sword too in preparation. "Yes. The saints along with our leader take him down. Now it's your turn."

Ricardo's face lighten by the unexpected turn. "Whoa, they manage to kill him just like that? Disappointing. I was planning to test this sword against him." He sighed.

"You're planning to kill your own father!?" Noir totally didn't see that coming. Even for an enemy, he didn't expect this man to be that heartless. "Why, yes. He's on my way. But thanks to you all, I didn't need to dirty my own hand. For that, I'll give my regard by testing this blade against... all of you."

Malicious energy blast out from his sword, extending his range in dark aura. In a powerful swipe, all the trees in his front cut down. Everyone duck down and see by how powerful the sword is.

Reynold throw barrage of flame while Melisa shoot and Almerich send waves, but in each swing, Ricardo cleave through everything. Some of Melisa's arrow hit, due to the high speed and repeated shoot, but such weak attack barely could damage Ricardo. Seems his body protected by the demonic power of the blade.

Tybard prepare Stardust Breaker from behind, which the man counter with a blade, and surprisingly, they're in even of pushing force. Taking the chance, Almerich throw Psyche Grenade to the man's back. The explosion hit him directly, but he's barely wounded, and that wound immediately healed. Seeing his front again, even the stab wound by Fahmir already gone.

Noir take the chance to rush in while Ricardo flinch by the grenade and strike, but the man defend with his sword. Each hit cause metallic harmony, knockback wave and spark between the two opposing element. Seems Noir's Phantom Blade, which also said to be effective against demons, also worked against the demonic aura. Ricardo step back and send another powerful swing, and the crescent blackness energy hit Noir's sword that defended the man from the harm, and shatter into shards.

"How powerful that thing is!?" Almerich asked his partner. "Well, what I used before had improved sharpness and thickness, so it won't break easily... So that energy slash projectile means pretty powerful." He gave his analyzation.

"Clearly it is. It cut down so many trees in a go." Fahmir speak from behind, finally manage to catch up with the group. As usual, his stamina is the worst. "We can distract him again, and Noir can try to attack his back using Phantom Blades That might worked." He speak a plan, and everyone just nod.

"I'm afraid your plan won't worked. I can handle all of you at once." Ricardo overhear the discussion, mostly due to his enhanced sense. He prepare another dark aura blast, but then something else hit him and purified the curse. A blinding light beam from another side, nearby the temple. He jump out from his spot and notice the three saints is already there, with Miguel summoning the divine-like spirit again.

"Well, well.... Seems the party get blown." He readied his blade again, charging it with another demonic power. Miguel command Señora de la Luz for another Purifying Smite, and the two shoot meet in burst, negating each other. Seems even his holy spirit summon isn't enough to purge the curse of Baal.

Suddenly, Fahmir's Clairvoyance pick up a danger. "Watch out!" He turn to back and see boulders thrown to their area. Gourd react immediately and brace down the impact, holding it back with his own hand. Meanwhile Almerich halt the smaller ones. From up there, the young girl in pink hair returned, and up to the group's surprise, she can levitate herself better than Almercih's Poltergeist.

"Such smooth levitation... I wonder what kind of telekinetic power she had?" Noir stare at her, and he's amazed because he know that even Almerich's powerful Phantasm can't levitate object that smoothly. There's always turbulence and wave around. Almerich nod, but with a note. "Well, most telekinesis power can do that. Mine isn't even a telekinesis, and my levitation power is just sub-usage of Poltergeist's force wave."

From the exposed forest which trees was cut down by Ricardo come the samurai in red, blade unsheathe. He observe the group, knowing he's on disadvantage, but he'll never back down. Not when he sword loyalty already. "Once a swordsman vow, he'll never sway away. My resolution will never bend down even against any odds. If this is time for my death, I rather died in honor of the battlefield than run away in disgrace."

Garcia walk away from the group, down the slope and face the samurai as he unsheathe his sword too. "So do I. My responsibility is mine to bear. I'll protect this island against Baal, even if it cost my life." He speak, and the samurai smiled in satisfaction. "Good. Now come, let us end our battle here." They charge at each other and start the furious dance of blades.

Fahmir and Lionel rush in from two side while Ricardo get weakened by the purifying light. He need time to recharge after he get purified each time. He know he's on disadvantage, so he rush back and summon his clones as distraction. Using the time, Ricardo throw his Bloodstone Mistress and shield to the clones. All meanwhile the real one back away and charge his demonic power again.

Meanwhile Gourd and Almerich throw back the boulder at Eli, but she dodge easily. She levitate the tree logs and assault the group from the sky with it. Reynold throw blazing salvo and blast them away. The young girl move out from the fire trajectory and use her telekinesis to throw back the debris, but Almerich easily swipe them away with his force wave.

"You... had similar power like me.... Who are you?" Eli finally communicate with her enemies.

"Almerich Einkarsten. Member of Mirage. With Phantasm Poltergeist." He replied as he set a force field around him.

"Poltergeist.... A different power than me. I am Eliana Bart. Member of the six Luchador. My power is ESP." She replied in monotone voice, with hint of emotions brewing inside.

"An ESP.... Not magic or Phantasm but an esper?" Reynold speak, and the girl nod. "I had no desire to kill anyone..." She said. "But I must protect master Ricardo. I must kill everyone." She speak in grim, saddening tone as she point her hand down and ground start to break and twist like a ten-meter earthquake happened but in great magnitude. Everyone dodge as she descontrusct the place, and then she halt when she sense an attack coming. Melisa just shoot an arrow. "Same with me, but I also will do anything to protect my friends."

More shining bolt shot, and the girl fly back away as she barely could dodge them. She can't manipulate non-physical object with her telekinesis, so against these three enemies that use fire, force wave, and shining energy arrow, she can only dodge or defend.

Meanwhile Garcia and Hayato keep slashing and beating on each other with their swords, meet with sound of clank and flash made in each. They get faster and faster, and finally Hayato can start to overwhelm the man in speed, slashing his chest few times, but they keep going. Garcia gather energy and shine his sword as it extended by his spiritual power. "Judgment Blow!" He shout as the sword swung, but the samurai just dodge and let it hit the ground. He then deliver a quick slash at the saint swordsman. He fell, but he rise up again.

"Impressive.... But this is as far as you go." Hayato readied his sword in his right arm, line it with his aim in stance. Garcia smirked as he prepare his sword too, despite the blood spilled from his mouth. "Let's end this, samurai." He pour down his spirit intensely.

"You're a honorable man and this is a honorable fight. Whoever win, shall remember this." Hayato also pour down his spirit to the sword, shine is brightly. "This is my most powerful move. I hope you'll also show me your best." He warned, and Garcia nod.

He whisper in Japanese as he close his eyes, and he open his eyes again as he's ready. "Amazachi, Kiritsukiha!"

In extreme swiftness, the samurai rush forward and swing his shining blade in speed far above Garcia, and slash. He now stand behind the man and about to unsheathe his sword, then...

Suddenly, massive, glowing cross-like blade materialize above and slam down at the samurai. He didn't expect such technique, and even if he could defend with his sword, the sword will still be thrust, as he realize it's a spiritual power that can't be blocked by sword or shield. The man kneel down, bleeding as his armor break and shoulder to chest is damaged.

"That's my finishing attack, Blade of Judgment. This is why I called The Executioner." He walk down limp, bleeding, but still alive.

"I lost. That's a great display of skill. Finish me now." The samurai kneel down, ready for his death. Garcia shook his head. "I see no evil from you. You just do your mission as loyalty and vow. There's no need for unnecessary death."

"But I lost. This is a battle of death. There's no mercy."

"There's mercy and forgiveness, so does redemption. I can take your life but I see no benefit for that." Garcia about to put his sword to its scabbard again, but then, a dividing slash cleave the ground with dark energy. The two swordsman defend with their weapons.

"Ahhh too bad. I was going to kill you if you want to die. The Sword of Aragon need some sacrifice for its power." Ricardo speak from the distance. The area already filled with his clones, occupying his enemies.

"Ricardo... On normal circumstance, I'll allow that, but not this way." Hayato prepare his sword and point it on him.

"Hmmm? This is unlike you. Where's your loyalty and undying devotion? Didn't you said you're willing to die for me?" He speak in caustic spite.

"I do, but I had one condition to serve you... You're not a trustworthy man, and if you betrayed me, I'll kill you." The samurai glare, and the other replied with a smirk. "Oh, I don't remember that." He laughed. "Also didn't you remember how I almost killed you the last time we fight?"

"It will be different now!" The swordsman stand still. Hayato seems to determined on his decision, without a regret, as he ever be.

Meanwhile half of the Mirage busy handling the clones, Melisa and Almerich keep shooting down at Eli while also dodging her projectiles. Johan can only tend the wounded one, while Reynold and Laya thin up the number of Ricardo's images.

Eli rest down, hiding inside the forest, but her enemies keep pursuing. Tybard rush there, and knowing by instinct, the girl push away the man in great force, throwing him into the rocks. Tybard screamed as he fall down. Some of his backbone must break.

However, Eli get exhausted already. Her emotional influx reach its limit and her focus fade. At that moment, Melisa shoot an arrow into her arm. Now both of her arm hurt. The girl prepare a non-killing arrow to knock her down, but before that, her target wasn't there anymore. She float up, screaming in shrieking distortion as the tree logs and boulder levitated, spinning around her like tornado whipping them. She lost her control. The ground and anything around break by her twisted pressure.

Everyone on the battlefield notice her breakdown. Gourd quickly evacuate Tybard out of the place and everyone run away. Only Almerich didn't.

"Almer! What you're doing!?" Noir yell.

"I can stop her. She's losing the control of her power. I can.... even felt her impulse of emotion. This power fueled by her mental scar.... I want to stop her at once."

Almerich set force field around him, tanking down the debris spiraling in the storm. Focusing on his left arm, he concentrate his Phantasm energy as projectile. "I need to knock her down without shredding her. My usual explosives won't do the work..." The pulse of magenta energy get stronger, ready for launch.

"Poltergeist, phase through her defense and send her down. Pulse Cannon!"

Wave of magenta energy blast through the debris and bounders, knocking away the obstacle and continue to proceed until it hit the girl, send her flying down, and crash down into the piles of trees below. She landed on the leafy part, so luckily there's no major bone breakage.

Meanwhile, the clones of Ricardo already wiped, the real one still fighting the samurai and can easily overpower him with the cursed sword. Hayato certainly prepared to fight Ricardo, even if he need to fight all his clones too, but the Sword of Aragon carry more power than what he imagine. Each swing is so heavy and powerful!

Garcia already defeated with just few seconds, due to his wound from the previous battle. The samurai thrown and slashed, but before he able to finish him, a fast-moving projectile hit him and manage to wound his back. It's Lionel with his spear. Miguel and Fahmir also already get full prepared.

"One distraction one after another. Just let me kill someone already!" Ricardo cry out in frustration as his demonic energy boost. Miguel about to summon Señora de la Luz again, but Ricado see it coming, and the moment she's summoned, he swing his sword and cut through her. She fade into smokes and mist as her spirit tainted, and gone. Miguel quickly de-summon her before the spirit died. It's a close call.

"Now, DIE ALREADY!!" Ricardo slam his sword, breaking the ground forward with massive powerful slash of darkness. Everyone dodge away, and in exact, trying to get as far away from him.

Suddenly, Ricardo stop. He sense familiar presence few miles from his location. He turn around, into a ruined city far on east, nearby the mountain. "There she is." He smirked, and point his sword toward the place. Barrage of demonic energy fired, raining down the ruins. He rush forward the area, at least half a mile closer. He charge his power and send slashing energy blast into the city, and finally, it hit his target: Teresa Velazquez, which was sleeping there due to Panacea's injection.

He grab her body with his demonic energy as it formed makeshift hand, and pull her into his location. "Everyone, stop him!" Fahmir ordered, but it was too late. They didn't realize what he's doing until that.

"Bye bye, dear sister~" He throw her to the ground and stab her. Without her magic activated to redirect the damage, she bleed and her life drained to death. Ricardo pull his sword out, licking his lips in satisfaction, and glance at the incoming enemy.

"Sword of Aragon... Wipe out these bugs." He readied his weapons in a stance. Curse of Baal get so thick, image of Baal began to be seen under the smoke. He swing his sword open wide, causing greater crescent darkness to cleave out, slashing at the terrain of the hill where his enemies are. Everyone halt and evade, rushing out from the area as Ricardo began his mindless rampage.

"He lost his mind. He's consumed by the power already." Miguel speak to his allies as he point to the engulfing dark smoke. "That smoke is the essence of Baal's curse. As soon it grow strong enough, it will consume the user. His body and soul will be the vessel of Baal until he's ultimately back to his original, former state. This is why Baal will never die until his curse fully erased."

Everyone can only observe from the distance. Fahmir is the first one to ask the question that everyone eager to know. "How to do it? Also if you know that, why don't we do it since long ago?"

Miguel look at him and shook his head. "I don't know how. I already tried using Señora de la Luz since long ago, but the curse persist. We can only seal the remaining curse, or destroy the sword. The last one will ultimately end Baal's reign, but I don't know a weapon that could both purify the curse and break the sword. Even powerful holy power won't work, since the curse will return as long the sword remain. But to break it, normal weapon won't worked. We need holy weapon that could deal great damage, and I never found one yet." Miguel sighed.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but the curse is a demonic power, right?" Noir suddenly speak. All of the saints, plus Fahmir, nod. "Then my blade will worked. I once hit the sword with mine, and it resonate. There's something inside that repulse, as if want to keep me away." He confess his experience.

The three saints stare with starstruck, dumbfounded, and Fahmir slowly open the gap in his mouth. They didn't expect the key to destroy Baal once and for all, is on their side all this time. "That... made sense...!" Fahmir finally spoke. "Phantom Blade can be considered having holy property as its power to damage spiritual and mythical being, including demon, can damage the sword! It maybe can't purify normal curse, but by breaking into the sword, the demonic power will cut off and erased! Noir, you're a genius!" Fahmir goes into hype to the new discovery.

"Uhh no I'm not? You're the one who figure out the whole theory-mechanism thing. I only said my sword might worked on demonic curse." Noir brush of his hair, flustered. "Yeah whatever." Fahmir dissed him quickly, back to his plain, composed tone.

"Noir, are you sure you're going to go into that dark storm!? You'll be diced before you could reach him!" Almerich put an objection. Melisa nod. "Yeah, and I don't want you to get hurt!"

Noir shrug. "There's no other choice, right? After all, I had new blade to test that might be able to destroy that cracked sword."

Johan poke in between the two. "Actuaaaally guys, I can help with that. As long you could avoid fatal damage, I can give you temporal health regeneration. It's still imperfect, but as long my Phantasm energy remain on your body, your wound will heal. Only minor would though."

"Also...." Miguel contribute help too. "I can support with a holy magic. Unless my holy spirit summon, it only worked temporary and weaker, but I can bless your body as protection against the curse."

The platinum-haired smiled wide at all the support. He nod rapidly at agreement. "Thanks guys! I won't disappoint you all!"

Miguel began chanting the blessing spell, protecting him, while Johan infuse his Panacea into the man. He can feel the power of the two going into him, energized him as his body and mind felt refreshed by Johan, and the magic of Miguel gave him such serenity at his heart.

Noir face toward Ricardo, which was still occupied rampaging mindlessly, getting too high on power. Seems his perception and ego still remain, so not like he's possessed or unconscious, but he's losing his mind.

The white-haired swordsman walk toward him as he focused his Phantasm power on hand. Intricate design and curves began to flow, creating his usual blades, but a different one. "I'll break your precious sword with this...." The design become large curved one-sided blade, heavy and thick, rich in dense carving lines.

"Phantom Blade, Special Sword: Great Damascus!"

He swing his blade in preparation and dash forward, going against the wind, evading the dark energy and strike toward Ricardo. The man defend using his sword with creepy grin on his face. His eyes is red, shining like Baal's.

The two slash at each other. Sound of sword clashing, striking, sparks made and the two opposing attribute fight for dominance. Noir send more ordinary blades and Ricardo struck them down. Then the younger swordsman jump up, strike downward, meet with the Sword of Aragon, and he lunge away in evasion.

Ricardo swing more dark energy but the barricade of Phantom Blades stop them. The white-haired one create more as shield, trying to keep on as he rush forward and deliver strike toward the cursed sword. It began to resonate more as the impact sent, enlarge the crack.

As if controlled by Baal, the man kick away, avoid further damage to the sword. Noir prepare his Damascus blade and began charging it with his Phantasm energy. In great strength, he rush in and prepare to finish the battle.

"Great Damascus, crush him down! Jasmine Swordburst!"

Multiple series of heavy hit struck the smaller sword. Ricardo can only defend, hoping the sword will survive. More and more crack formed as the curse flow out and the sword whispering darkness, afraid of being destroyed. Noir continue and end it with powerful knock, sending Ricardo away. Both of them huffed, but the brunette was smiling.

"You've failed... Now, die!!" He swing it powerfully, sending blast of demonic power, and unknown to him, the crack enlarge. Noir realize that, and it's pretty obvious as the smoke that flow out is like damaged gas tank going to bust out.

"This is for the last!" He levitate the Damascus sword like how he control his Holy Claymore, and guide it through the darkness until it struck the Sword of Aragon and light pierce the smoke.

Ricardo hold his sword tight, pour down all his demonic power to defend it, and in a blast, but the crack spread in glass being damaged, in the Damascus pierce through. The cyan sword halt, and the Sword of Aragon break. The demonic power flow out, and Ricardo only can stare in broken smile as it burst out, explode as it shatter. The curse spread everywhere in malicious whisper, and fade away.

The brunette lying down exhausted, unable to even move a finger. He felt his life force drained, and his mind and soul just seems to be tampered. He barely recognize anything, but he hear someone walk to him. Soon he realize who it is.

"Ricardo, this is it. This is how our bonds end. I serve you no more, so I should be the one who took the responsibility over my action over what your order to me."

The samurai, now without armor, wounded and barely standing right, is there. He prepare his sword, waiting for any reaction from the man below. Ricardo didn't respond, even if he recognize the samurai. He just witness his dream shattered. His mind is too busy crying over his loss, and had no time to think about death.

"Farewell." He bid his last word before plunge the katana into the chest of his former master. Then come silence. Everyone look from the distance at the two. No action or words needed. He had decide his own path.

Hayato then unsheathe his blade and turn to everyone, and he bow down. He walk away, but before that, Fahmir stop him. "Wait. What about her?" He point down to Eli, which was unconscious.

"I.... I don't know. She's also free now. She'll decide her own fate. She had no more biding, and she had no more bonds with us. All the Luchadors is gone, and so do I, as I'll continue on my own path."

Just like that, he walk away. No one had the heart to stop him, even though they're unsure of what to come next.

Noir exhale in relieve. "Well, one thing for sure, we stop Baal and Velazquez family!" He chuckled. Almerich and Melisa rush toward him in worry, meanwhile Reynold and the other of SPD can only made a small smile, glad that it turned well.

"So, Velazquez is pretty much ruined. The remaining of the family... I'm not sure, but their leader is all done. The curse of Baal also permanently erased now, so all threat is gone. As for the child.... Well....." Fahmir look at Eli. "We can sort that out for later."

Miguel then shake hand with Fahmir as respect and appreciation over their help. "I send you my deepest gratitude of this. Not only defending the temple, you also forever freed us from the curse. Now there's nothing to worry about. And well... Maybe I'll consider a retire." Miguel and Fahmir made a small laugh. Seems Fahmir realized already that Miguel didn't age, while the other two saints didn't get it.

So, peace granted to Balearic island after decades and decades under the reign of Baal, that finally end, for real.

The bonds between SPD and the Guardians of the Temple formed, even though their service technically end, but the formed bonds between the brotherhood remain.

Garcia decide to go back to his hometown with his family, while Lionel decide to continue his duty for the church, back to his original town. Miguel pretty much just stay at Balearic on his home, now free from stress and anxiety, enjoying his retirement before perhaps, another adventure await.

Yes, another adventure will await.

The Mirage group returned to Hessenstadt with story of victory, success and glory to remember. Their fame will not increased, but this unforgettable and important event does pay them good.

However, not in any way, Hessenstadt is in peace yet.

The looming shadow remain, and only draw closer each second.

By the end of December, the day for them to attack will come.


Author's Note

Finally, at last, the Balearic arc of Crossing Illusion end! It's been a long ride, and far beyond my initial expectation. Originally just an arc with dragon guarded on the temple vs pirates, changed to mafia family aim the demonic power of Baal, now become this. Also, the backstory of each character here, including the Luchadors and Jorge himself is not planned, but fleshed out well as I write and improve the plot. I'm pretty satisfied on how it turned out.

The whole "Sword of Aragon" inspired by Hercules's sword, which originally meant to be, and going to involve the Pillar of Hercules, which essentially going to be sound like Indiana Jones or National Treasures because we're having analysis and theory and rundown on seeking the hidden line of history between these.... But it get too out-of-context, so I stay on Balearic. And the moment I read about kingdom of Aragon, with one of the prince having connection with the pope, I immediately think about them helping on sealing Baal. Thus after many trial-and-error on the plot, I decide to create the Sword of Aragon, which additionally rhyme with the Crown of Aragon.

Additional notes about the naming, Kiritsukiha is my made-up name just like Amazachi, since creating Japanese name without understanding kanji is virtually impossible, as each words change their meaning and spelling when they combined. Amazachi is something related to rain "ama" and zuchi from "ikazuchi" of thunder. Kiritsukiha come from word kiri (cut), tsuki (moon), and ha (blade/sword), so it's roughly translated as something like "Mooncutter Blade", though I'm unsure since I'm not good at translating Japanese.

Also Great Damascus is notion to the legendary Damascus sword and Damascus steel. Jasmine Swordbreak is also notion to name of Damascus city, that also known as City of Jasmine.

That's all for now, and remember, the next one is a special chapter for Christmas!

Anyway today already Christmas (since I submit this late lol) so Merry Christmas! ^-^

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