Part - 11(struggles)

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Omkara was driving the car with Gauri beside him... He was uncertain....

How could he not...?? his sister was missing just after attempting suicide and she was pregnant. He didn't know whether She left on her own will or was taken by force. He didn't even know if she was saying truth about their father capturing Ranveer or not... because if Tej Singh Oberoi was to capture Ranveer, then what about that CCTV footage of the hospital.... Who was that man who took Prinku with him...

Om(in his mind) - I have to find her... May be dad is right... That guy must have brainwashed her... That's why she was saying those things against her own father... Why would dad hurt her... She must be in danger... I have to find her....

"Sir.... Omkara Sir??" Gauri's voice brought him back from his chain of thoughts...

Om - huh?

Gauri - don't know if I should say this or not but.... Don't worry... We will find her....

Omkara nodded... Although the situation was tough but still he wanted to believe what she said... Somehow her words were giving him that little hope....

Gauri(in mind) - I do remember why I'm here.... But Priyanka and child is innocent.... Whether it's Your father or anyone else.... whatever it is.... I have to find Priyanka before its too late...

Gauri's trance was broken when she heard the beep sound of the phone.... Om got a message from Shivaay reading his message Omkara increased the speed of his car...

Om (to Gauri) - Khanna got a lead... the car in which Prinku went.... he found it's location... I'm heading right there...

Gauri - And what about others?

Om - Shivaay and Rudra are coming with the police.... he told me to wait for them.... but

Gauri could sense something was odd. If Omkara was supposed to wait for his brothers... Why was he speeding up like that....

Gauri - Sir??? Aren't we supposed to wait for them???

Om - I don't think so... More we wait... More things can get worse...

Omkara couldn't wait for things to get out of his hands... There was no time to waste... His situation was desparate...

For the first time, Gauri didn't saw that person who destroyed her whole family but a worried brother in him...   A desparate brother who wants to save his sister...

Gauri(in mind) - that day... Viraj was desparate too... just like... Just like you Omkara....

Kaveri's location was found out with the help Mumbai police. They tracked the last call Viraj received and found her location in no time... And the police found off her severally injured body from a river... It seemed that she jumped from the bridge into the river which was coincidentally near Omkara's art gallery....  It took 2½ hours for Viraj to reach the hospital only to see his precious sister fighting with death....

He was broken... He couldn't save her... His sister was in pain and he could do nothing about it... Never in his life, Viraj felt so helpless...

"I swear Kavi... Whoever did this to you... I will find them..." Viraj told himself....

Just then... A man entered the hospital, searching for Kaveri like a maniac...

"Excuse me... Where's Kaveri???" Viraj heard that man desparately asking about Kaveri at the reception... that man advanced towards the ICU ward where Kaveri was... His eyes were misty as he saw Kaveri lying with medical equipments around her... he was tensed... As if he knew the reason why she was here...

Viraj(to himself) - isn't he... Omkara??? But why is he... Here....??

Omkara was an well-known artist so it wasn't hard for Viraj to recognise him... But what was he doing there...? No one knew about the search operation... Not even the Media... Then how did he know that Kaveri was hospitalized??? Something was odd....

"I have to figure it out" Viraj decided to investigate by himself and his first step was to gain information from the man standing infront of... Omkara Singh Oberoi....
Gauri was coming to Mumbai with one of Viraj's trustworthy officer.... But that guy couldn't reach Gauri, He was replaced by a man named Ajay who was supposed to kidnap her... and before Gauri or Viraj could even realise.... Gauri was in big trouble...

When she got her consciousness back... She was tied up in a dark place...

Hearing Viraj's voice, she was desparately trying to break herself free... But no matter how much she tried... She couldn't do anything...

"Now now... Won't you see him off???" She heard a unfamiliar cold voice from behind... What was he talking about...

"Listen girl... I'm not that bad... I'll let you see him for the last time..." She again heard him... She couldn't realise what he meant... Untill that man showed her something horrible on his phone...

That one video killed that optimistic positive girl forever...

She saw... Her husband... Covered all in blood... Kneeling before a man who was pointing a gun at him... OMKARA

"You see sweetheart... That husband of yours is about to die... He is just one room away from you... Don't you wanna see him for the last time??" She heard this man saying such words with happiness in his voice... As if it was some kind of entertainment...

Why...??? What did she and her family did to deserve something like this... Why are they trying to hurt people she loves....

Tears were flowing down her cheeks... She tried to scream but the cloth tied on her mouth was so tight that no matter how hard she tried, her screams couldn't reach anyone... She struggled more only to get slapped by the man who was now holding her by her hair...

"Stop trying!!! You can't get away.... you see.... That's how you pay for going against the Oberois... See... How he's going to take his last breath...."

She saw it... She saw her world getting shattered into pieces as Omkara shot Viraj.... In one moment... Her world died... She lost everything...

She didn't know what happened next... She was sure she would die just like Viraj... But when she opened her eyes... She was in a hospital of bengalore... how she got out of that place... How she ended up being alive... Who saved her... She knew nothing... 

She only knew she had nothing left inside her except for hatred and grudge against that guy... May be that's why she was alive... She was alive to see the fall of Oberois... The destruction of the person who snatched her happiness... God kept her alive for him... So that she could make him pay for the crime he did...

"I won't die until then... I promise" Gauri promised herself....

Omkara pushed the break paddle so hard that the car halted with a jerk... bringing Gauri back to present... She realised that they must have reached the place Shivaay told them about... But she couldn't understand why Omkara was so tensed all of a sudden...

She saw a terrified Omkara looking at the place with fear and anxiety in his eyes... But why???

She shifted her gaze from Omkara to the building in front of her.... that old burnt building... No it can't be...

She found her body getting numb as she realised this familiar place... It was the same place where she saw her husband alive for the last time... The same place where he took his last breath... The same place where Omkara Singh Oberoi killed him...

On the other side, Omkara was so focused to search Priyanka, that he didn't realise the place he was heading to was the same place where...

Om(in mind) - is Prinku here... In this place??? But why... This is the same place where.... Where I...


"Is it done??" Tej asked Mohit over phone...

"Yes Sir.... Omkara Sir should be there by now... " Mohit answered politely

"Good... Keep me posted" Tej disconnected the line....

Omkara was the greatest achievement of Tej Singh Oberoi's life... But it took a lot of efforts to make his son believe his every single action.... To make him believe that everything his father does... Is for the family....

Two years ago... He did everything possible to make things the way it is now... He can do it again if needed...

So he purposely let Ranveer run away from his clutch and let him take his daughter too... But only to make sure Omkara chooses the right side... His side... Because he knew his son very well... He knew that, if by any chance Om gets to know the truth... he won't let things happen the way it's happening now... And Tej couldn't let that happen...

Omkara was always a rebellion... Neither the ideology nor the family tradition... Nothing ever made any impression on him... He wasn't interested in business much to Tej's concern... and on top of that, his meddling with people lower than his status and class used to tick him off... Not only that, he didn't ever considered his father's wishes before starting his career as an artist...

"Omkara you don't understand... The way you are acting on your own... Shivaay is surely gonna get the upper hand in business... Don't you realise how hard I have worked for our business... ??? I want you to be the successor... not him..." Tej told Omkara for the nth time when he informed him about his career in art...

"Dad please... Don't start it again... How many times I have to tell you... I can't be the way you want me to... Just Give it up already...." Omkara firmly replied before leaving the office room his father wanted him to rule over...

Tej Singh Oberoi couldn't accept something like that... It was not supposed to be like this... not after how he invested his everything on his son...

But then... Omkara wouldn't listen to him... So he had to go different direction to get things the way he wanted... And soon he got the chance...

After what happened to Kaveri, Omkara was suffering from depression... He was holding himself responsible for whatever happened to her...  It was a perfect time to take over his life.... To make him realise how indebted he was to his father... And Viraj's investigation came to Tej as an opportunity....

Neither Omkara nor Tej knew about Viraj being Kaveri's brother as he purposely hid that fact... To get the truth from Omkara and his family... For Omkara, he was just investigating about her as a police officer... But for Tej, Viraj was searching for the truth he was trying to hide...

The doctor who was treating Kaveri gave Viraj some vital information which shocked him to the core... perhaps his sister did jump from the bridge but most of the marks on her body weren't from falling into the river... Those were certainly because of some kind of physical abuse... Kaveri was rescued from the water and that's why there wasn't any solid proof of it... Her body was in river for many hours so it was impossible to use Doctor's instinct as an evidence...

But after the previous Doctor vanished all of a sudden, Viraj was more convinced that someone was behind all this... Someone who was trying to hide the truth... Someone who dared to harm his sister... And his prime suspect was the Oberoi family... Why?? Because only people as powerful as them had the ability to turn a murder attempt into a suicide attempt....

Viraj was firmly searching for the truth... And then he finally caught up the traces... He got a hold onto the doctor who replaced the previous one... That guy tried to kill Kaveri in the hospital but was caught red handed by Viraj... After a satisfying 3rd degree torture, he opened up his mouth and told him about the man who hired him...

He could have reached the main culprit if only Tej Singh Oberoi allowed him to...

"I've got news that one of his family members will be here... Should we..." Before Mohit could even finish, Tej smirked looking at him... His assistant was indeed skillful when it comes to things like this...

"I want my son to do something for his dad... Call him and do as I planned" Mohit nodded with his expressionless face...

No one knew how Deep Tej Singh Oberoi can think... Just one word from his mouth and people's world can turn upside down...

Tej Singh Oberoi I tell you...🙄🙄🙄🙄

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