Part - 10 (Gauri in past)

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Unlike most of the other kids... Gauri didn't get a normal childhood.... All she got from her childhood was some fade memories of a lady who brought her into this world and left her in the orphanage on her own.... She was just 4 years old when her mother abandoned her...

A daughter abandoned by her own mother... That's not something any kid would wish for.... But still, it couldn't stop Gauri to be the optimistic person she was... She had the ability to find good in bad... either it was a situation or a person... she could easily find positivity even if no one else could....

She used to say to her friends in the orphanage... "So What if we don't have parents... We have each other now don't we...??? We couldn't have found each other if they didn't left us like that".

She used to face every problem of her life with smile... Because she knew crying is not an option... And all she wanted in life was happiness for the people around her...

"There's always some goodness Hiding somewhere within the bad... All we have to do is... Find it..." it was her mantra for living a happy life.... Although life was tough for her since the beginning but still... She believed life wasn't going to be unfair forever... She believed she will find her own happiness one day... All she have to do is... Find it....

Then, She found Viraj... He was understanding, kind hearted and caring.... A person Gauri could always look upto...  His family was everything to him and slowly Gauri became a part of it...

He gave her the assurance no one ever did... He made her believe that even if life doesn't match her expectations, even if she have to face difficulties, he will be there... with her.... nobody wants to live alone forever, so was Gauri... He took her away from her loneliness and gave her the affection and love she deserves...

She never knew what it means to have a family... To have a loving mother and caring father... Viraj gave her that family... The people of her own... The people who accepted her wholeheartedly.... And made her their own daughter.... For Mr and Mrs Mishra... There was no difference between Gauri and Kaveri...

And for Kaveri... Gauri was like a sister she never had... With whom she could share everything.... In the entire family... It was only Gauri who knew about her feelings for Omkara... Although Gauri never got a chance to meet Om back then... But the way Kaveri always used to praise him... Made her curious to meet him in person...

What else she could've wished for... A person who loved her unconditionally... And a family she never knew she could have.... She was alone all this time... but not anymore.... For the first time in her life... Gauri felt what it means to have someone by her side... Someone she could call as her own... Someone she could share her happiness with... and sadness too.... little did she knew that this happiness won't last long....


It was a night of full moon... Gauri was looking at the beautiful night sky from the window.... She had a peaceful smile on her face...

"It's just like that night... When I saw you for the first time...." came a familiar voice from behind... She turned around to look at Viraj who was standing with crossed arms...

"you remember??" Gauri replied with a smile...

Viraj - how can I forget that day? A girl that jumped infront of the my police jeep trying to save a little puppy... Not caring about her own life... you know... You literally scared me...

Gauri laughed remembering that... when she saved a little puppy and almost sprained her ankle... It was Sub Inspector Viraj Mishra.... who took her to the hospital... That was the first time they both met each other for the first time... After that... It all started...  and before they could even realise, they became part of each other's lives...

Viraj came to her and holding both of her hands, he asked...

Viraj - Gauri... Tum yaha khush ho Naa??? Mere saath??? Humare saath...???

(Gauri... Are you happy??? I mean... With me... With us??)

Gauri - aap aise Sawaal kyu poochh rahe hai ???

(Why are you asking something like that???)

Viraj - Kyuki mohtarma aap jo hai na... Apne baare mein sochti hi nahi hai... Isiliye mujhe aur zyada sochna padega....

(Because... you My lady... Never think for yourself... That's why I have to think about it more... Right....)

Gauri smiled... For her... It was a blessing to have someone who cares for her... For whome... Her happiness matters... And she knew what she meant to him... What else could she wish for...

"Viraj... please Aise Sawaal mat puchhiye... Ek anaath... Jiska apna koi bhi nahi tha... Usey aapne poori duniya di hai... Itna pyaar... Itni khushiya di hai jo mere liye kisi sapne se Kam nahi hai... "

(Viraj... Please don't say things like that... An orphan who was Alone in this world... With no one beside her... You gave her the whole world... so much of love... So much of happiness... It seems like some... Some kind of dream to me....)

A lone tear rolled down through her eyes... When a person gets too much of happiness all of a sudden, sometimes it makes them anxious about loosing it... This new world of Gauri seems so unreal to her... Everything is so good to be true... It was so much more than she could ask for... A family of her own... A man that loves her unconditionally... a father she never have before... A mother that loved her unlike her own mother... That's what made her afraid... Afraid of losing it... What if it's just a dream...  What if she wakes up and everything disappears....

Viraj placed his hands on her cheeks, cupping her face and wiping her tears....

Viraj - no... It's not a dream Gauri... It's our reality...

Gauri - yes... I know... But it's just... I've never been so lucky... That's why I just can't believe...

He embraced her... Circling his arms around her.... And Said....

Viraj - Gauri I can't change the past... I can't take away the sufferings you faced since childhood... Nor I can assure you that you'll never face problems in future... But I promise you... from now on... You wouldn't be alone... Good or bad whatever it is... We will face everything together... When life gets hard... We will face it together

Gauri hummed with tearful eyes... Allowing herself to cherish this blissful silence....

Suddenly the rings of the phone brought them back to reality... Viraj's phonescreen was showing the name "KAVI"...

Gauri (excitedly) - Kavi is calling you

Viraj - at this hour??? Seriously that girl have a terrible sense of time... You go take her call... I'll go freshen up

Kaveri had a habit of calling late night and most of the times it was for Gauri... They used to talk for hours and that's why Viraj asked Gauri to take the call instead....

Viraj went to washroom while Gauri received the call....

Gauri - hello...

Kav - Bhaiyaa..!! Bhaiyaa help... Please!!!

Gauri - Hello.... Kavi...??!

Kav - Gauri is that you...??!! Gauri!! help me... !!!

Her voice was trembling....

Gauri - Kavi... What happened???

Kav - Gauri....!! He... He's going to... He's going to kill me....!!!!

"What...??!! What are you saying Kavi... Where are you... And who...." Gauri asked.... There were so many bad thoughts running through her mind


The line disconnected before she could finish....

Gauri(tensed) - what was that??

"Viraj!!!! Viraj come here fast...." Viraj immediately came out hearing Gauri's tensed voice...

Viraj - what happened??

Gauri - woh... woh Kavi...

She told him everything she heard... It wasn't difficult for Viraj to understand what kind of situation it was...

Viraj immediately took his car keys... There was no time to waste or to think what it could be... His sister was in danger and he had to find her as soon as possible....

Viraj - I have to go to Mumbai right now... And I'll contact my officials too... Don't worry... I'll find her...

Gauri - I'll go with you....

Viraj - No Gauri... You're staying here with Maa Baba...

Gauri - but...

Viraj - Gauri try to understand... it's not safe for you... And besides you know Baba's condition... I don't even know what happened to Kavi... I don't want him to know about it right now... And if you go with me... He will certainly know that something is wrong... Stay here with them ok... I'm counting on you...

Gauri sighed in defeat... There's no way she could convince him to let her go with him... Because apart from their parents... It was her safety that Viraj would never compromise....

He stormed out of his room and immediately headed towards his car to reach Mumbai... Being a cop, he knew the situation is dangerous... He knew his sister might be in grave danger... He just hoped to find her as soon as possible....

Just as he started the engine... He saw Gauri running towards him.... She stopped infront of him catching up her breath....

Viraj - Gauri... Don't worry... I...

Gauri(cutting him) - Promise me... Promise me you'll get her back without getting hurt...

Gauri's worries weren't pointless... She knew Viraj could jump into danger even for strangers... That's how he is... And this was about his own sister... He would do whatever it takes...

"I will not get hurt okay.... I promise... Take care of Maa Baba and yourself too..." Viraj said before leaving.... Gauri stood there looking at the road... Watching his car disappearing into the dark night...

She was worried about Kaveri... But she never knew that After this night... Her world would turn upside down

"Gauri... Someone tried to kill her... I don't know who and why but it have something to do with the Oberois... And now they are trying to prove it a suicide attempt... She's fighting for her life... And I could do nothing... I couldn't make in time... How am I supposed to forgive myself???" Viraj's sad voice over the phone made Gauri's heart ache... she couldn't understand why someone would harm Kaveri... She was so innocent... That was it... She couldn't just stay in home while her family was suffering...

"Enough of all this... I'm coming there..." Gauri said... She was tired of telling lies to their parents about Kaveri... And Viraj...

Viraj - No!! Gauri you're not coming here...

Gauri - no Viraj... Not now... I'm coming... That's it... I won't let you face everything alone... You promised me remember...?? And besides... I want to see Kavi... Please...

Gauri pleaded...

Viraj - But Gauri... Baba...

Gauri - How many days we are supposed to hide from them Viraj??? She's their daughter... They will eventually know it... But still... For now... I'll lie that I'm going to Bareilly to visit the kids of my orphanage...

Viraj - Okay fine... I'll send my someone to pick you up tomorrow... I can't leave Kavi alone... I don't trust anyone here...

Gauri - hmmm....


"Where am I ????... What's this place??? Why am I here???" Gauri slowly opened her eyes... She was inside a dark place.... Her hands and legs were tied up... So was her mouth... Her head was hurting... What exactly happened???

She clearly Remember that she was coming to Mumbai with the man named Ajay... He was sent by Viraj... He took her to a building... Told her that Viraj was here... But the moment she entered into it... Someone hits her in the head and she lost consciousness...

She was beyond terrified... May be those persons who tried to harm Kaveri got a hold on her too... But why... Why they are hurting her family for no reason... And what about Viraj... Is he alright... how is she going to get herself out from there....

Just then... She heard a familiar voice...

"Gauri....!!! Gauri...!! Where are you??!!!" Gauri could easily recognise that voice... It was Viraj... He might have found that she was captivated... but how is she going to answer him... She tried to scream but her mouth was sealed with tape... Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she tried hard to do something that can get Viraj's attention.... She again heard his desparate voice....

"Gauri... Gauri... "

"Gauri... Gauri.... Open your eyes... " She heard someone calling out her name with concern...

Who was calling her??? That voice... she have heard it before...

She opened her eyes slowly... The white walls... Smell of disinfectant... She was in hospital... then she saw him looking at her with so much of worries... The person responsible for all her miseries... Omkara.... He was the one who's been calling out for her...

Gauri(in mind) - everytime I see you... That moment comes infront of my eyes when you shot him... That sound of gun shot still haunts me... And still... Still I have to pretend that nothing happened....

Om - thank Goodness... Gauri are alright??

Gauri nodded slowly... She tried to get up from the bed but He stopped her... She leaned her back against the headboard of the bed with his help... Gauri was Rubbing her forehead... Her head was hurting very badly

Om - just take rest for a while...

Gauri - what exactly happened?? I... Why am I here...

Omkara hesitated to tell her what happened.... He was at Oberoi mansion... Engaged in a heated conversation with his father when suddenly Rudra called him and informed him about what happened... Leaving him in shock...  He immediately ran off to hospital after hearing that Priyanka went missing...

Om - Don't you remember anything??? About what happened???

Gauri furrowed her brows... What happened?? How did she end up in a hospital bed when she clearly remember that She was sitting near a sleeping Priyanka while her brothers Shivaay and Rudra were in Doctor's chamber... Suddenly she smelled Something sweet and then... Everything went blurry...

She realised what exactly happened...

Gauri - Where's Priyanka???!!

Om - Shivaay and Rudra found you in her room... Unconscious... She wasn't there... Nobody saw her... We have been searching for her everywhere... But still we couldn't... I thought you might have seen something... that's why I thought to wait for you to wake up... Dr said someone might have given you Sevoflurane... It's one kind anaesthetic gas....

Gauri - what??

Gauri got up again...

Gauri(to Om) - we have to find her...

Om - I will find her... You take rest...

Gauri - no... I'm going with you...

Om - Gauri you are not well...

Gauri - Omkara sir... Please... I'm alright... We should find her before it's too late....

Omkara nodded.... His mind was still in mess... His father's words were revolving around his head...

"Have you ever think why would I do such things to my own daughter??? That guy... Ranveer is not what my daughter thinks he is... Believe me... I have done what is good for her" those were his father's words.... Whome to believe... His sister who tried to end her life.... Or his father who is claiming that Ranveer is a bad guy.... does that means... Ranveer kidnapped his sister? Because if that's the possibility... Then his father wasn't wrong....

Gauri - Omkara sir... Let's go...

Her voice brought him back from his cloud of thoughts... What's with her??? Why this girl is going to such extent to help him... She was the one who saved Priyanka... And now... She is helping him out to find her... Why is she doing all this...

And... And why did he lied??? It was true that he stayed here so that when she wakes up, she could tell him what happened... But still it wasn't the Only reason to stay with her... He was worried for her... When he saw her unconscious... Something didn't let him leave her alone... As if some kind of invisible string was pulling him towards her...

Om - ok fine... Let's go...



Lo... Safar... Shuru ho Gaya.....

All of people who are waiting for their love story to begin... Don't worry... It's coming 😉

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