Part - 9 (Third Side of the coin)

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Bhavya could sense the pain that appeared on Gauri's face when she was reminding the past... It must be really hard for her...

Bhavya - phir kya hua Gauri???

(Then...what happened Gauri??)

Gauri took a deep breath.... And continued....

Kaveri didn't let anyone from her family to know her inner turmoil.... she accepted this fact that Omkara doesn't love her... From his side it was just friendship...

But then she realised that after her confession she might have lost her friend...

After two weeks... She came back to Mumbai and joined Omkara's workshop once again...

She used to go there... Do her work silently and come back... Completely avoiding him...

She was guilty... Guilty for ruining their friendship... but He was guilty too... Guilty of giving her wrong signals... He never thought she would misunderstood his friendliness with her for something else... He couldn't realise that she have developed feelings for him... If he knew this earlier, he would have done something to clear this misunderstanding before it's too late... Now he couldn't see her like this... She used to be so cheerful... But now... She just stay quiet all day... All because of him... He broke her heart... 

One day, after their session, when she was about to leave the art room, Omkara called her from behind...

Om - Kaveri...

She stopped on her track... She didn't wanted to talk to him... She just couldn't... But how could she ignore someone when that person stays infront of her all the time and now even calling her...

Gaining some courage she turned around...

"I want to talk to you" he said With a serious face while taking steps forward...

Kav - Kuch kaam tha???
(Do you need something??)

She tried to sound normal but she was afraid to look at him... She felt embarrassed... After what she did and how he ran away from her house... It was difficult for her not to feel this way...

Omkara came near her... He was upset... Upset the break her heart... He knew her feelings were genuine... But if he did accept her proposal, it would have been a lie... Because he never saw her that way... he never had that kind of feelings for her... Or for anyone... Love was a myth... in which, he never believed...

Om - Why are you avoiding me??? Is this because of that day??? You won't forgive me... will you???

He was always straightforward... And that habit of him always caught people around him off-guard.... Kaveri looked at him in shock...

Kav - yeh tum kaisi baatein kar Rahe ho Om... Tumhari ismein koi galati nahi hai... Please don't say like that... Yeh meri galati hai... You always treated me as your friend... It was my fault... I took it in a wrong way... I'm sorry....

(What are you saying Om... It's not your fault... Please don't say like that... It's me who's at fault... You always treated me as your friend... It was my fault... I took it in a wrong way... I'm sorry....)

Om - Don't be Sorry... It was my fault.. So...

Kav(cutting him) - you know what... Let's Just forget about it... As if it never happened...

Om - Really???

Kaveri nodded....

Om - so now on... You won't avoid me... right?? We are still friends... aren't we??

Kaveri smiled sadly... Although she knew her feelings for him can never die... Atleast she could bury them somewhere in her heart for the rest of her life for his sake... She didn't want to make him guilty over her stupidity...

Kav(smiling) - Only if you forget about my foolishness that day...

Omkara held her hand... She looked at her hand which was held by him.... Suddenly tears blurred her vision....

Om - Thank you so much...

Kaveri nodded looking at the ground... Hiding her misty eyes

Omkara was happy to have his friend back.... He really admired her for her humbleness and simplicity... He was glad whatever her feelings were, it didn't hamper their friendship... Little did he know, She pretended to stay normal just for the sake of him... So that he could never feel guilty... So that He could never realise how much she was hurt because of him....

Omkara's trance was broken when he realised where he was standing.... It was his art room.... Where they used to discuss so many things.... The place held so many memories...

He still remember the day... When it all took a wrong turn...

People say... Time can heal everything... What about a broken heart...?? From the surface, it seemed to get back to normal... But for Kaveri... It was a slow poison...

After two months of all those events...

It was Shivaay's engagement party at the Oberoi mansion... Kaveri was invited and it was the first time she went into the majestic Oberoi mansion... She greeted the couple and then meet all the family members.... except for Omkara's father who wasn't there...

She asked Omkara to come with her... She wanted to tell him something important....

Omkara came to one less crowded corner with Kaveri...

Om - What happened Kaveri???

Kav - Omkara... I wanted to tell you something...

Om - you look serious... Is everything ok??

Kav - yeah... Everything is fine... Actually... I wanted to tell you that.... I'm going...

Om - Going where?? tum ghar Jaa Rahi ho?? Kitne dino ke liye??

(Going where??? Oh You're going home??? For how many days??)

Kaveri smiled looking at him, a smile that can hide her emotions...

All she wanted to do was... see him for the last time... Before she goes far away from him

"Hamesha ke liye"

She said leaving him in shock... She decided to leave... And never to comeback.... It was high time she goes out of his life forever... She couldn't take it... In those two months... All she tried to do was... Keeping everything normal... Forget about her feelings... But it was getting difficult...

Om(shocked) - What?!!! But why??? Is everything alright???

Kav - Omkara... Actually Papa ki tabiyat theek nahi rehti... he wants me to stay close to him... Main yaha mein Akeli rehti hoon naa... Unko aur Viraj Bhai Ko humesha tension lagi rehti hai... Aur ab workshop bhi khatam hone hi wala hai... Mera ab yaha aur koi kaam nahi hai... So it's ok... to go home now....

(Omkara... Actually Papa's health is not been stable lately... he wants me to stay close to him... I stay here all alone... That's why Papa and Viraj Bhai are always worried about me... And our workshop sessions are almost done... After that, I've nothing to do with this place... So it's ok... To go home now...)

Om - really...??? Is this the only reason???

Kav - Yes... My family... It's the only reason Omkara... That's why I'm here... I... Came here to... To say Goodbye...

Om - Goodbye?? What is this??? Kaveri you're sounding like you will never come back...

She didn't answer... Afterall that was indeed true... Omkara didn't asked anything either... Looking at her, he knew what he uttered was true... But there's nothing he could possibly say... If he tries to stop her... She might again get the wrong ideas... So it was better to give her some time...

Although the actual reason behind her decision was not what mentioned... It was true that her father was a heart patient... But he never  told her to leave her dreams and stay at home... It was just a partial lie to go away from this place... To go away from him....

Someone called Omkara so he excused himself... He thought she might need some alone time...

Looking at his walking figure, Kaveri told herself....

"Before I start hating you... I will go away... Far away from you...."

After sometime, Omkara was searching for her in the Oberoi mansion... She abruptly disappeared from the party without even telling him.... He dialled her number numerous times but she didn't answer... Did she went home??

Om - May be she just went home... I'll talk to her later...

He reasoned... And then he got busy with his brothers...

Little did he know... That night will change his life forever....

Later that night, he got a message from Kaveri...

"I'm sorry Om.... I tried... I tried not to love you but... It's getting unbearable... I have to go.... I will end this life.... Good bye"

That is when fear strikes him... It reminds him his earlier conversation with Kaveri...

"I'm going...."


"I came here to say goodbye..."

No... No this can't be true... She shouldn't do that... Omkara wanted to find her as soon as possible... But where... And How...

Atlast... With the help of Shivaay's sources... He found her... But it was too late....

She was hospitalized... And fighting for her life....

"I never knew you would try to kill yourself...  I'm so sorry Kaveri.... It's all my fault... I ruined your life...." Omkara said with remorse...  Caressing the last painting she made...

"I couldn't save you... But I will save Prinku and Ranveer... I have to talk to dad..." He promised himself before leaving his gallery to head back to Oberoi mansion.....


In Oberoi mansion....

Tej Singh Oberoi was sitting in his study room all worked up... Looking over some business files.... Although his daughter was still in hospital, it really doesn't matter... He could care less about that complete embarrassment of a daughter.... His stupid daughter just got on his nerves... and he knew his emotional son will come to him as soon as His sister wakes up...

Keeping the family name safe is such a pain... No one can realise what he's doing for the family... Atleast that's what he thought...

Just then... Mohit, one of his employees... Entered the room...

Tej - you got what I asked for??

Moh - yes sir... Gauri Trivedi... Looks like everything she said is true.... She's an orphan from Bareilly... And she is recommended by Sparsh foundation...

Slightly looking at Mohit... Tej again turned his gaze to the file on his hand....

Tej - Well... That's good for her... You may go now...

Moh - Sir... Actually... I have to tell you something else....

Mohit hesitated a bit... The piece of information he wanted to tell will make his boss mad... He knew it very well....

Tej - what it is???

Moh - Kaveri... Kaveri Mishra is alive...

Tej Singh Oberoi's face suddenly turned white for a moment.... Although years of experience taught him not to show his inner thoughts on his face... But the thin layer of sweat forming on his forehead... How could he ignore that...

Tej - Where....

Moh - Sir... I don't know the details but looks like it was Omkara sir who found her in Bangalore... she's in coma...

Tej - Coma???

After a long pause, Suddenly a smirk appeared on his lips...

Tej - that girl... she just could die peacefully... couldn't she???

Moh - Sir... What if the truth...

Tej(cutting him) - There's only one truth... She tried to kill herself because she was deeply in love with My dear son and couldn't handle his rejection... Even if she's alive or half dead, it can't change the fact that Omkara was the reason she committed suicide that's it... Now go and keep an eye on that brain-dead.... And just in case she wakes up... You know what to do...

Tej ordered with that deadly look on his face that can make anyone tremble... Mohit nodded quickly and left....

Tej(to himself) - Kaveri... You got to know something you shouldn't know... That's why you're precious to me... And I have to take care of you...

Tej leaned back on his seat and start watching something on his laptop... when again someone entered the room.... Those desperate footsteps... He knew who it was... It was his son... Omkara...

Without looking at him, Tej asked... "What happened??? Is Priyanka ok??"

"Dad... Why???" Omkara for the first time looked at his father with fire in his eyes....


"What??? She committed suicide???" Bhavya asked with utter she was uncertain about her decision to help Gauri... She couldn't understand why Gauri was blaming Omkara for Kaveri's cowardice decision...

Bhavya always hated those people who tries to end their lives just because they couldn't fight with their problems... they don't even think about their loved ones... their parents.... How could Gauri held Omkara responsible for Kaveri's suicide attempt... And although she was in coma... She was still alive... Why Gauri decided to destroy a whole family just for a girl who can't even handle a heartbreak...?? 

Gauri sighed...

Gauri - No she didn't...

Gauri immediately denied Bhavya's assumptions...

Bhav - But Gauri....

Gauri - She was a responsible girl Bhavya... She could never do such thing....

Bhav - I'm sorry Gauri... But your words are not enough to clear my Confusion... How can you say that she didn't committ suicide because she was a responsible person??? Even if Omkara Singh Oberoi is the reason behind her drastic step but it doesn't give you rights to destroy him or his family....

Bhavya was a reasonable person... And it angers her that she was part of someone's revenge plans which is certainly unreasonable...

Gauri smiled sadly at Bhavya... She knew Bhavya was doubting her... Afterall no one believed it even then...  How could she expects people to believe her now...

But could she forget that last call...??? Possibly never.... The last time Kaveri talked to her... Just before going into eternal sleep... As if she still could heard her trembling voice....

"Gauri... Gauri help me... He... He's going to kill me...."

"What... What are you saying Kavi... Where are you... And who...." Gauri asked....

"Omka....." Before she could complete... The line went dead....

Gauri - Bhavya jo dikhta hai... Woh humesha hota nahi... woh suicide attempt nahi tha... It was a murder attempt... Tumhe kya lagta hai... Kaveri Zinda hai yeh baat kyu chhupayi gayi...???

(Bhavya... It's not what it looks like... That wasn't a suicide attempt... That was a murder attempt... What do you think... Why no one knows that She's still alive???)

Bhavya could sense the hurt in her voice.... She immediately regrets her behaviour.... She shouldn't have asked her things like this.... If a person like Gauri is so determined to destroy Omkara... He can't be a saint....

Bhav - I'm sorry... I shouldn't have doubted you...

Gauri took few steps towards her and held her by shoulders...

Gauri - it's ok Bhavya.... I know it's not easy for you.... You have nothing to do with Kaveri... But still you're helping me... I owe you Bhavya... Thank you...

Bhavya nodded with a smile.... But that makes her wonder... What makes Gauri to go to this extent for Kaveri...??? What was her relationship with all this... Gauri was an orphan just like Bhavya... They both grew up together in the same orphanage... Before Mr Rathore adopted Bhavya... So what made Gauri to do all this...

Bhav - Gauri... Can I ask you something...

Gauri - yes....

Bhav - Kaveri kya lagti hai tumhari??? Uska badla Lene ke liye khud ki Zindagi kyu khatre mein daal Rahi ho tum???

(Who is Kaveri to you??? Why are you risking your life to take her revenge??)

"Yeh uska badla nahi hai Bhavya... Yeh mera badla hai... Do saal pehle Omkara ne Kaveri se uski Hasti khelti zindagi chhin li... Aur mujhse... Mere jeene ki wajah..."

(It's not her revenge Bhavya... It's mine... 2 years ago, Omkara took away Kaveri's happy life... And from me... My reason to live... He took away my reason to stay alive...)

Her each and every word Made Bhavya speechless...

Bhav - Gauri...???

Gauri realised what she uttered... It was too much information even for Bhavya.... She shouldn't know this... Not now...

Gauri - leave it for now Bhavya... Priyanka must be awake... I should go to the hospital...

Saying this, she immediately left without hearing Bhavya's reply....

Bhavya was still standing where she was...

"Gauri... What are you hiding???" She asked herself....


Gauri didn't know why... But somehow she was standing infront of a telephone booth... She was supposed to be at the hospital but here she was.... Dialling a familiar number with tears in her eyes...

Someone from the other side received the call... It was a voice of another woman..


Gauri didn't reply... She was just silently listening to that voice...

"Hello... Kaun hai..."
(Hello... Who's this... )

She still couldn't say a word... But her silence somehow reached to the other side....

"Gauri... Tu hi hai Naa beta... Tu theek hai naa "

(Gauri... It's you... Isn't it?? Are you ok???)

The woman from the other side cried... Gauri closed her eyes allowing her tears to roll down... After so many years... She was hearing her voice... The woman she once called mother...

"Beta.... Waapas aaja... Woh log bahut khatarnaak hai... Kaveri ko unhone Zinda laash Bana diya... Aur Viraj... Viraj Ko bhi maar dala... tujhe kuch ho Gaya toh hum dono mar jayenge... "

(Beta... Come back... Those people are very dangerous.... They made Kaveri a living corpse... And Viraj... They killed him also.... If now anything happens to you... We both will die)

The lady was crying hysterically... Which ached Gauri's heart... How perfect her life was.... but everything changed just because of one name... Omkara Singh Oberoi....

She disconnected the call without saying anything... she have to stay strong...

She told herself....

"Maa.... Mujhe kuch nahi hoga... Oberois ki barbadi dekhe bagair mujhe maut nahi aayegi... aur Omkara... Uska toh main woh haal karungi... Ke marte dam tak sirf mera Naam unke zehen mein hoga...."

(Maa... Nothing will happen to me... I will not die before seeing the end of Oberois'... And Omkara... I'll make his life so miserable... That he will remember my name till death.... )


Hello peeps... Here... As I promised... After August, I'm updating this story... Hope you like it ... One more thing... Don't get upset over that Viraj-Gauri part... You guys know Gauri is meant for only Om... So enjoy...

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Upcoming - Gauri's past....

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