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Ok! Sorry for the big gap of time! I've just been getting overwhelmed with school and getting lazy with homework. And lazy with Wattpad, too. But the next chapter of True Feelings should come out this week, so those who read that book, look forward to that!

Ash's POV

The image of that guy Serena was talking to was vividly displayed in my mind. No matter how hard I try, I just can't stop thinking about her and him talking.

I mean, Serena obviously likes me more than that Calem guy, right? She's only known that guy for, what, a day or something, and she's known me for her whole life!

Yeah. That's right. We've known each other for our whole lives. I'm sure I'm just overreacting. I hope I'm overreacting...

"Ash?" Serena squeaked sweetly, looking at me with a concerened expression.

"Y-Yeah?" I responded, stuttering before regaining my composure.

"You ok?" She asked, a frown visible on her face.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I assured her, trying my best to keep my attitude friendly and lighthearted.

"Are you sure?" She asked again, her voice cracking and tone hesitant.

"Yes, Serena. I'm fine." I told her, an insticntive genuine smile stretching across my face.

"Ok." She sighed, a small grin of relief formed with her lips.

Well, that seemed to do the trick. As much as I want to tell her what's wrong, it's honestly a really petty problem. I know she's going to think something's up if I tell her to stay away from Calem, and letting her know that I have a crush on her now is probably the worst possible thing that can happen.

Having History right now has its ups and downs. I mean, it's SO BORING and I have to sit through all of these lectures. I know I say that about almost every subject, but there's only two subjects I enjoy; Science and Gym.

Science never fails to interest me, and Gym is the perfect time to let out any stress I build up.

The only thing that is good about History is the fact that Serena and I have the same period. Even though she constantly wakes me up from my naps in class, it doesn't bother me that much.

When Serena and I walked into the classroom, the lights were all dimmed, and the smart board was on. And that could only mean one thing.

"We're watching a movie!" I cheered, not towards anyone in particular.

"Or, she's showing us notes on a PowerPoint." Serena chuckled, seemingly glad to debunk my theory.

"You can't prove that." I scoffed, walking to the back of the room towards my seat.

"Ms. Juniper, are we taking notes from a PowerPoint today?" Serena asked, turning her head and giving me an innocent cheeky smile.

"Yes, we are." She responded, standing up from her computer and walking towards the podium, "We will start our first unit today, and then hopefully be ready for the test in a couple of weeks."

"Ok, thank you." Serena said, holding up a straight face, before she was close enough for me to see the now triumphant grin taking its place.

"Alright. You win." I huffed, slouching in my seat and keeping my expression stern.

"Well, don't be mad because I was right." She giggled, before looking up at the clock, "Anyway, class is going to start soon."

"You mean, my nap." I corrected her, shaking off my jacket and fluffing it up as fluffily as possible like a pillow.

"Ash, she said we're going to have a test soon, so I really think you should pay attention." She advised me, losing her playful mindset.

"Well, I guess I could try, but my specialty is Pokémon battling, not History.."  I sighed, putting my jacket back on and taking out my notebook for the first time in my Freshman year.

"Wait." Serena suddenly said, looking to the right of her, "Where are Gary and Barry?"

As I observed where Serena was looking, I saw two empty seats where Gary and Barry sat yesterday.

"I know Gary's here today, but I'm not sure about Barry..." I said, taking another glance at the clock.

My quick gaze was pointless, because the bell rang as soon as my eyes landed on the clock. There's nothing I can do at this point, because those two are going to be late anyway.

"Alright, class. Please take our your notebooks." Ms. Juniper said, pressing a button on her keyboard, which pulled up the PowerPoint.

Now, as hard as I tried to keep my focus, I just couldn't. My vision blurred even further for every second the passed, until I couldn't see the board clearly at all.

I have to thank Serena later for not disturbing me at all. After 3 years, she finally gives in and lets me be. But I still need her if I'm going to pass.

Well, I'm not using her or anything like that, but I just need her, period.

"Alright, everyone. We will continue where we left off tomorrow.

Already? I thought we just started like 10 minutes ago. The clock said that it was already 11:12, so that means lunch in 3 minutes!

Man, time does fly when you are thinking about stuff. I wrote absolutely nothing down, so I gotta copy Serena's notes.

"Serena, can I copy your notes after school?" I asked her, shoving my notebook in my backpack.

"Sure, but I have somewhere to be later, so you'll have to wait a bit." She told me, putting on her backpack, while a piece of paper fluttered to the ground.

"Oh, you dropped this." I said, bending down and picking up the paper.

My eyes quickly scanned the writing on that paper, before I handed it back to her, and I wasn't exactly sure how to feel about what I read.

"Thanks." She said, taking the paper from my hand and stuffing back where it had fell out of, "Well, let's go to lunch!"

"Ok, let's go." I said, following her out of the classroom and to the cafeteria.

So, someone wants to meet Serena under the cherry blossom tree. That seems really suspicious to me. This mystery person didn't even bother to leave their name.

I have my suspicions, but I'm not going to jump the gun just yet. For now, I'm just going to keep my eye on Serena.

I realize that I should have made a prologue of this book saying everything about everyone in middle school. That's one reason why the book is so fast paced xD

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