Moment of Truth

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Surprise :3
Sorry if it's a little short. I just haven't had much time to actually think long and write chapters like I used to before >~<

Calem's POV

I swear, that Ash kid is so damn annoying. He always seems to show up at the worst possible times and just disrupt whatever I'm planning!

I could've at least tried to loosen the awkwardness a little bit between Serena and I before fourth period, but of course, he had to walk in and interrupt.

But not this time. Not like what happened before when we were younger. I'm not letting that happen again.

Clemont's plan was thought out so well, I was pretty sure the were absolutely no flaws. Execpt for Ash, that is.

And if Serena says no.

But that definitely won't happen. I'm sure of it.

As soon as the final period bell rang, it was go time. Clemont nodded to me from across the classroom, and I nodded back. Earlier today, he had told me that he found a "distraction" for Ash, so that his chances of ruining the whole plan were lessened significantly.

I heard a couple of girls in the back of the room giving me odd looks of approval, from what it looked like. So Clemont went through on his part of the plan, for sure. Now, all that's left to do is go wait under the tree until Serena arrives.

Serena's POV

Woo! There's the eighth period bell! Now I can go home!

Actually, wait. That's after I go see this mystery person under that tree. Better be quick, because I just want to wrap myself under my blanket in bed for the rest of today.

"Ash, I'm going the tree in the front of the school, so just meet me at the forest later." I told him.

"Oh. I mean, I could come with you, if you want." He offered,

"Don't worry. It'll be quick." I said to him, moving my feet towards the classroom door, "Just meet me by the forest entrance later."

"Alright." He exhaled, putting on his backpack at the same time, "See you later."

"Bye!" I half-yelled from the hallway, and started to walk towards the exit of the wing I was in.

Honestly, the hallway was oddly quieter than usual. It looked like the only people in the halls were seniors and juniors.. And I couldn't see anybody I knew anywhere around.

I'm starting to wish I had let Ash tag along with me, because walking in the halls by yourself is kind of boring. I could go back right now, but the exit doors are only a couple of feet ahead of me, so it would kind of be a waste of time.

As I exited the building, I heard a lot more noise than there was inside the school. It was coming from a group of people huddled in a decently sized circle. I didn't think much of it at first, but I realized they were all positioned around the cherry blossom tree that I had to meet this mystery person at.

Ignoring the large group of people surrounding my destination, I walked over to the tree, taking out the note and scanning it to make sure that it was definitely this tree that I had to go to.

As I reached closer to the tree, the people in the back of the circle noticed me and started grinning. I also heard some people saying "Oh my god, she's here!" "Is he actually going to do this?" and some things similar to those statements. I had no idea what any of those statements meant, so I just ignored them and kept on squeezing my way through the crowd.

Once I finally reached the center of the circle, a person was sitting down against the tree trunk. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened and a grin started to form as he started standing up.

"Hi, Serena!" He gleefully said, walking towards me after lifting himself off of the ground and keeping one hand behind his back.

"Uh, hi Calem." I said, still taking in the fact that Calem was the one waiting here and the people around were staring at him and I intently, "Did you write that note..?"

"Oh, yeah. That was me." He said, chuckling innocently, "Sorry for not writing my name on that."

"It's fine." I sighed, looking behind me towards the forest, starting to get a little impatient, "So, why'd you call me here anyway?"

"I, uh, actually wanted to ask you something.." He said, starting to get hesitant and nervous.

"Alright." I replied, waitimg for his question.

Calem didn't respond for about three seconds, which made this whole situation even weirder than it already was. Even the previously noisy crowd was now silent as a mouse.

Finally, Calem pulled his hand from behind his back, revealing a red rose held in his left hand.

"Serena, this is for you." He quietly said, handing me the rose.

"O-Oh. Thanks, Calem." I thanked him, a light, warn blush appearing on my face.

"Aww"s could be heard throughout the entire crowd, which only made me blush even harder than before.

"So, um. Now can I ask you what I was going to ask you..?" He asked, playing with his fingers in nervousness.

"S-Sure. G-Go ahead." I stuttered, similarly to what I do around Ash sometimes.

Calem took one deep breath, before tilting his head up, now looking directly into my eyes.

"Serena, will you be my girlfriend?"

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