Cherry Blossoms

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Serena's POV

Ash pretty much dragged me through the entire school, all the way to the entrance doors. I'm not complaining, but I'm surprised he decided to pull me through the whole trip there.

"Ash, you know you didn't have to drag me through the entire school." I laughed, as we stopped at the front doors.

"Well, I had to make sure I didn't lose you." He told me, his face expression changing to nervousness after he had realized what he said.

"O-Oh. Ok." I squeaked, getting nervous for some reason.

"I think I see everyone." Ash said, peering out the window, "C'mon, let's go."

I followed Ash to a huge cherry blossom tree to the right of the doors. Some of its leaves were already starting to fall off, and everyone was already there, just like Ash said.

"Hey, guys!" Ash yelled, now running up to them.

"Hey, Ashy-boy!" Gary greeted.

"I'm going to ignore that." Ash sighed, annoyed that Gary was still calling him that.

"Yeah, ok. Anyway, this is Clemont. Barry and I met him during out Science period." Gary said, pointing at a blonde-haired boy, with a messy hairstyle, wearing a light blue jumpsuit.

"Nice to meet you, Clemont!" Ash greeted with a smile, holding his hand out for a handshake.

"You too, Ash!" Clemont smiled back, as he shook Ash's hand.

"I'm Serena!" I told him, holding my hand out, like what Ash was doing.

"Nice to meet you, Serena!" Clemont said, shaking my hand now.

"Ok, ok, enough introductions." Dawn impatiently whined, as she gripped my arm and started dragging me, "Serena, talk, now."

"Dawn! Don't pull too hard!" I welped in pain of her insanely strong grip, trying to pry it lose.

"Alright, now we can talk." Dawn said, realeasing her grip at a tree further than where everyone else was at, "So, first question. What do you think of Ash?"

"What do you mean..?" I asked, confused because of how broad her question was.

"Just answer it." Dawn impatiently groaned.

"Ok. Well, he's my best friend," I started, now just letting my feelings flow out, without hesitation, "He's always there for me, he makes me feel special when he protects me, he's really cute when he gets nervous, and he-"

"Alright, just stop there." Dawn interrupted, a smirk starting to form on her face, "I already have everything I need."

"Everything you need for what?" I asked, almost begging to know what her motives were.

"Hm. I'll just give you a little hint." Dawn giggled deviously, "Just hangout with Ash a lot."

"Dawn. What does that mean?!" I half yelled at her, getting frustrated with how cryptic she was being.

"You'll figure it out soon!" Dawn shouted in a teasing tone, now running back to everyone.

"Dawn! Get back here!" I yelled, chasing after her.

I must've looked like a lunatic, running and shouting after Dawn. She was already talking to all of the girls, probably about what she found out from me. I'm not even sure what she found out from me! When May turned around and saw me, her eyes massively widened.

"SEREEEEEEEEEEEEEENAAAA!!" May squealed, while shaking me, "WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THIS?!?!"

"WHAT DID I NOT TELL YOU?!" I shouted back, imitating her squealing.

"THAT YOU L-" She started, before a hand decided to cover her mouth.

"N-Never mind that." Dawn said, covering her mouth, "Serena, we have to go to our lockers really quick, and the boys are coming with us."

"Except Ash, that is!" Iris butted in.

"Uh, right." Dawn sighed, "Boys? You wanna come with us to our lockers?"

"Yeah, sure." All of them almost simultaneously said.

"Ash, you can stay here and keep Serena company." Misty told him.

"Ok, sure!" He cheerfully said, before flashing me with a smile, making me feel like I was about to melt.

"Well, we gotta go! Have fun, you two!" Dawn waved goodbye, with a smirk directed at me.

This was probably one of the most awkward situations I've ever been in. Ash and I were pretty much forced to hang out with each other. I mean, we do hang out a lot, but it seems weird because we are forced to.

He didn't seem too bothered by the situation, but for me, this felt like anything I say would make him not want to be my friend anymore...

"S-So, what's your next class?" I nervously asked him.

"I have Science next." Ash sighed, while looking up at the sky, "I'm probably going to fall asleep then."

"Oh. Ok." I quietly said.

Well, that was the best I could do. I have nothing else to talk about with him off of the top of my head. I'm way too scared that I'll say something stupid in front of him.

I miss the times when it would be so easy for Ash and I to talk. Now, it's only becoming harder. Instead of hearing the fun, light-hearted, and sometimes pointless conversations we used to have together, all that can be heard was silence and the rustling of cherry blossom leaves in the wind.

???'s POV

I had missed my chance. They were hanging out together, just the two of them! It should be me over there, without that nuisance in the way!

But it's alright. My time will come. I will get those two separated, sooner or later.

And I know just the person to help me...

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