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Ashy-boy, where your eyes at? :3

Serena's POV

Come on! Did she really have to be in two classes of mine in a row! This is crazy! I can't deal with this!

When I went to look at her one more time, I noticed that she was starting to look over at me. I quickly ran behind a stranger, in hopes that she didn't see me.

The teacher called for us to line up against the wall for a quick role call. If the teacher called my name, not only will Miette see me, but she will know my name!

After a few more names, he finally called my name. I glanced over at Miette to see if she saw me, but luckily, she was talking with her friends and wasn't paying attention.

After the role call, the teacher was telling us to have a change of clothes everyday, and if we didn't we would get a zero for that day. My mom would kill me if I got a zero, so I need to make sure I keep a change of clothes in my locker. In the 2nd semester, we will take the Health portion of P.E, so we only have to run and sweat in the first semester, which is good.

Once the bell rang, I quickly picked up my stuff, and rushed out of the gym. I need to escape from Miette for at least one period. Just one.

Wait. I have next period with Ash! I forgot! I think I should tell him what happened...

Actually, no. I can deal with her by myself, for now.

History is in room 109, so it is somewhere near. Going out of the gym, to the left, the room numbers increase, so I have to go to the right. I kept looking from side to side, watching for the number 109, and finally, to the left of me, I found it. Ash was already in the room, sitting on the side opposite from the door. Thank Arceus there was a seat next to him, and no Miette.

"Hi, Ash!" I cheerfully greeted, a little too cheerful.

"Hi, Serena!" He waved, "How were your last two periods?"

"They were alright." I responded, before thinking about how Miette was in both of them.

"That's good." Ash smiled.

"Except, that blue-haired girl is in those same periods as me..." I mumbled, loud enough for Ash to hear.

"What?" Ash asked, with a now serious face expression, "Did she do anything to you?"

"Um, n-no." I stuttered, surprised at how serious he became when I told him that.

"Good." Ash said, softening his face expression, "She better not have hurt you."

"She didn't." I giggled, at how bi-polar he was acting.

The sound of loud running could be heard outside the door, even though Ash and I were on the other side of the door.

"Are *pant* we *pant* late?" An exhausted Barry wheezed out.

Gary was right behind him, bending forward and catching his breath.

"You guys aren't late." Ash told them from across the room.

"Good." Gary said, after catching his breath, "My mom will be pissed if I'm constantly late to class."

"Just sit down." Ash suggested to them, before observing Barry's condition, "Barry needs it."

"Yeah." He chirped, in between a short breath.

As soon as they sat down, the teacher observed that everybody was here, so she decided to start class early.

We had to bring in a 2" binder and 10 tab dividers because we will cover 10 units over the course of the year. I had a feeling Ash would fall asleep, so I looked over to check on him. Not only was he asleep, but when I looked to my left, Gary and Barry were asleep, too! Is History really that boring?

I didn't even bother to wake Ash up. He was going to fall asleep again two minutes later, anyway. The teacher was going to give us our first assignment tomorrow, so that was exciting.

Other than that, class was pretty much the same as the others; basic rules, more supplies, and homework and classwork procedures. I'm probably going to have to explain this all to Ash later.

As soon as the bell rang, our free period started. Dawn texted me after gym to meet everyone as the front of the school. I haven't forgotten that she wanted to talk to me in private, so she's probably going to do that later.

"Ash, Dawn told me that we will all meet in the front of the school." I told him, now standing up from my seat.

"Alright, let's go then." He said, now starting to walk to the door.

We walked out of the classrooms and tried to retrace our steps. We had to get back to the doors we came in.

"Hey, Ash!" A voice that made me cringe said.

We turned around to see that Miette was running up behind us.

"What do you want." Ash flatly asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well I was wondering if we could hang out this period!" Miette happily said, with the most fake looking innocent grin plastered on her face.

"Why should I?" Ash asked, keeping his flat tone.

"Please? It would be more fun than hanging out with her." She said, pointing a thumb at me.

"Alright. Just stop. It's not going to happen." Ash growled at her, then grabbing my wrist, "Let's go, Serena."

When Ash grabbed my wrist, I honestly felt like I was floating. Just the fact that he was that serious about protecting me from Miette was enough to make me feel all warm inside. Why does this keep happening? Ash has been my best friend for years, and I have never felt this way around him before...

Whatever it was, I wish this feeling could last endlessly.

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