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Serena's POV

I was honestly daydreaming throughout the entirety of 7th period. This whole day, I actually thought Ash and I were best friends and it couldn't go any further than that. I didn't know that I could actually be in love with him...

Aside from that, I'm just super hyped to hang out with Ash later. This time, hopefully, I'll be prepared and actually have something to talk about with him. During lunch, there was just too much pressure, so I couldn't really think of anything to say. After school, it will be different.

I was about to start dashing to my eighth period class, when a hand landed on my shoulder and startled me.

"Serena, are you sure you're alright?" Clemont asked, really concerned about me for some reason.

"Yeah, Clemont. I'm fine." I responded, "Don't worry about it."

"Ok, but If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you." He said, very sincerely.

"Oh. Uh, thanks." I thanked him out of politeness, not wanting to turn him down, "Well, I gotta go now. See you later."

"Bye, Serena!" He said, waving goodbye.

That was really weird of him, but I'll forget about that. I have next period with Ash, and I get to spend the rest of the day with him! This has been a great first day of school! Other than Miette, I mean, it wasn't bad.

My last class was right next to my 7th period class. I am so happy that I don't have to walk down the stairs again for, like, the 5th time today.

When I walked in, I didn't expect to see any students in the classroom, but I was wrong. Miette was already in there, sitting and messing with her nails. I normally would've been really freaked out, but since I'm hanging out with Ash later, it's going to take a lot to ruin my good mood.

I tried my best to tip-toe to the back of the room, where Miette wasn't sitting, and attempted to sit down quietly, without her noticing. But no matter how hard I tried, she was still able to notice me.

"Well, hello there, Serena." She greeted me sarcastically, turning around in her seat.

"Nice to see you, too." I sarcastically shot back, looking away from her.

"So, how are you and Ash doing?" She asled, obviously not really caring, as she continued to fiddle with her nails, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"W-What? No!" I quickly blurted out, before realizing I maybe shouldn't have told her anything.

"That's what I thought. So stay away from him." She threatened me, as she got up and started walking towards me, "Ash wouldn't date someone like you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I quietly asked, allowing her to start to get in my head.

"I mean, the only reason you two are so close is because you guys have been friends forever." She sighed sarcastically, "You're just his friend, nothing more."

My emotions were in a mix of anger and sadness. I seriously wanted to punch Miette in the face because of how wrong she was, but then part of me believes that she could be right. Ash may just think of me as his best friend, and nothing more...

"I-I-" I tried to speak, but my emotions were holding me back from saying a word.

"What? I can't hear you." Miette smugly said, satisfied that I wasn't speaking, as she walked back to her seat and sat down.

What Miette told me really stuck to my head. Ash has only ever seen me as his best friend. He probably has never thought of me as anything more than that. Why did I have to fall in love with him? It could've been any other boy, but of course, it had to be my best friend.

"Serena?" A familiar voice whispered in my ear, "You ok?"

I quickly shot my head up in embarrassment, and looked to the side of me to see Ash standing right there.

"Oh! H-Hi, Ash!" I nervously said, as I started to get my act together, "I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"Oh. Don't worry. That happens to me all the time." He said, and as always, making me feel more cheerful.

"Yeah, I know." I started laughing.

Ash seems to always know how to cheer me up. I don't know how he does it, but he does. I guess that's just one of the reasons I admire him so much.

I didn't pay much attention to class this period, either. I was just too excited and nervous to think about anything else but what was going to happen at Ash's house. Hopefully Ash was paying attention and could fill me in on what she was talking about.  Then again, this is Ash I'm talking about. He was probably asleep too.

The second the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat in anxiousness. I just wanted to get out of school and get on with the afternoon. On the other hand, as I predicted, Ash was still asleep, regardless of how loud the bell rang.

"Ash? Wake up!" I started shaking him, in order to wake him.

"Oh, wha?" Ash groggily moaned, still drowsy from his nap, "Oh. Class is over?"

"Yeah." I giggled, as I started to try to pick him up from his armpits, "Now c'mon. Let's get going."

"Hey!" He shouted, shaking away my arms, "I'm ticklish!"

"Then if you get up, I'll stop." I threatened, starting to tickle him.

"HAAHAHAHAHAHAH! OK! OK! JUST STOP!" He loudly said, in between laughs, as he started to get up.

"That wasn't so hard." I said out loud, proud of what I just did, for some reason, "Now let's go."

"Alright." He yawned, as he started to walk out the door.

Ash and I decided to walk back to his house. He claimed that he knew a shortcut back to his house, and that it was way faster than taking the bus.

I remember the last time he said that. We were both 7, and he said that going through forest was so much easier than taking the bus. And, me being the gullible 7 year old I was, I followed him into the forest, not even thinking of the dangers we could run into. Ash kept on running and zigzagging through trees, so fast that I had to start sprinting to catch up with him. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and I tripped on a tree root. I ended up scraping my knee in the middle of the forest, and he had to give me a piggyback ride all the way home. He had wrapped a handkerchief around my knee that day, to stop the blood flowing out of my knee, and I still keep it in my drawer at home. He hasn't asked about it since, so I just hold onto it, as a memory of that day. I do plan to return it one day, if he asks for it.

Even though I thought multiple times about what could happen in the forest, I blindly followed Ash into the woods, hoping that I could trust him to keep the both of us safe.

???'s POV (Same as last time)

Today was really boring for me. We had a free period, but other than that, it was just boring. I just want the bus to get here, so I can just go home. Out of the corner of my eye, I was able to recognize someone's honey-blonde colored hair. As I looked to the side, I saw someone else. Someone who I didn't want to be with her. My hands were already starting to become red in anger.

Ash and Serena. They were walking home! Together! Why?! That should be me next to Serena! Not him! Why must this guy always be in my way!

Alright. I'm gonna calm down. Looks like I'm going to have start to gain Serena's trust even more from now on! Even if this takes a while, it will all be worth it in the end. As long as those two aren't friends anymore, this will all be worth it.

I just need Ash out of the picture. Then, I will fill his place.

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