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I was going to post this tomorrow, but I accidentally hit the publish button xD I'm just going to take a break tomorrow and just leave this chapter up.

Serena's POV

I looked behind us to see if I could still see outside the forest, but we were already too deep in. I was getting chills up my spine because I was so scared of getting lost. Ash seemed pretty confident as to which way he was going, so I guess he knows what he's doing.

"Serena?" He suddenly asked, "Are you alright?"

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, not realizing I was shivering the entire time, and Ash could clearly see it.

"Are you scared that we will get lost?" He asked, guessing exactly why I was shivering.

"Maybe.." I whispered, not wanting to fully admit it.

"Don't worry, Serena. Just stay close, and you won't get lost." He reassured me.

I interpreted 'stay close' as grip Ash's arm as tightly as I could. Doing that was the only way to convince myself that I was really safe. Once I had done that, Ash looked at me with a 'what are you' doing look.

"O-Oh. Sorry!" I apologized quickly to him, then loosening my grip on his arm.

"Oh, it's fine. You can hold onto my arm, if it makes you feel safer." He offered, making me feel more relieved that he was fine with it.

Every twist and turn we took in the forest only made me grip his arm even tighter. Part of me was a little worried that I would cut off his blood circulation, but I knew I wasn't that strong. Well, when I'm not mad, that is.

We took one more turn around a giant oak tree, and ended up stopping at a river. Ash then motioned for me to release my grip, which I reluctantly did.

"Ash? What are you doing?" I asked, watching him look left and right for something.

"I'm looking for a- Oh! There it is!" He exclaimed, running to the left.

I ran after him, wondering what he could be looking for. He stopped at a tree that had fallen over the river.

"A-Ash? Don't tell me you're going to cross that log..." I quivered, petrified at the thought of falling in the water.

"Don't worry, Serena. It's safe." He said, while keeping his balance on the about 4 yard long log, "I've crossed it more times than I can count on my fingers."

Ash, somehow, fearlessly and effortlessly walked across the log and jumped off at the end. Meanwhile, I'm still on the side we started on, shivering in fear.

"C'mon, Serena!" He shouted from the other side, "You can make it!"

"O-O-Ok!" I nervously stuttered.

I placed one foot lightly on the log to test its durability. It seemed pretty sturdy, so I put my other leg on the log. I was doing pretty well for the first half of the log, but when I looked down, the river looked as if it went down all the way to the core of the Earth. I stood there, paralyzed, horrified, the worst possible situations playing through my head.

"Serena!" Ash shouted, "Keep going! You're almost there!"

"I-I can't!!" I whimpered in fear, "I'm going to fall!"

"No you aren't!" He tried encouraging me.

I still wasn't going to move. Another movement could make me slip, or even break the log.

"Alright then." He said, then getting in a ready stance, "I'll catch you! Just jump!"

Ash was looking at me with an intent expression his face. He was really willing to catch me...

I placed a foot behind me, for a little bit more accelerating space, took one step forward and lauched myself into the air. I closed my eyes, too afraid to see what would happen after the jump. A few seconds later, everything was still. I opened my eyes to see that I was gripping onto Ash for my life, not wanting to let go.

"See? That wasn't so bad." He said, flashing me a smile.

"Y-Yeah. I guess." I quietly said, still afraid of what just happened.

"Are you still scared?" He asked me with concern in his voice.

"A little." I whimpered, still clinging onto Ash.

"Don't worry." He reassured me, "We are almost there."

I gave him a small nod as I continued to hold onto his arm. I was blushing the rest of the way to his house, and praying that we wouldn't cross another river.

After a few more minutes of walking, I saw more light starting to shine between the tress in the midst of this dark forest.

"Almost there." He informed me, continuing to walk towards the light.

I was so relieved to finally be out of this  damn forest. This whole adventure did nothing but scare me. I can't wait to get to Ash's house and get out of here.

🍋's POV :3

When I got home, I quickly ran to my room and got out my tools. My Science teacher told us in advance of the science fair coming up in a couple of months. I wanted to get a head start above everyone else so that I am sure to get first place.

I started to sketch some ideas in my notebook, when my phone rang. I checked who it was, and it was him.

"Hello?" I said, continuing to draw at the same time.

"Hey. You find out anything?" He asked me, with the backround noise making the his voice kind of fuzzy.

"No. She didn't tell me anything." I sighed, erasing the scribbles I drew on my notebook.

"Argh. Alright." He grunted, "Just keep trying. You'll get a chance."

"Yeah, and when I do, you'll pay up what you promised." I said, dropping my pencil, and focusing on the conversation.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry." He said, "I have the money. Anyways, just keep trying."

"Why can't you just do this yourself, again?" I asked, forgetting why he needed me.

"Because. I asked her out when we were in 7th grade, and she rejected me. If I just wait for the right moment, I can win her over." He explained to me.

"Alright, whatever. Just have my money for when I do my end of the deal." I sighed, getting a little stressed out.

"Yeah, ok. Just tell me what you learn during Science class. I gotta go. Bye." He said, as he hung up the phone.

Once I get this kid what he wants, he better pay up. I need the money for some materials and equipment for my project. If he doesn't, there's going to a problem.

Fun Fact: I myself was in this exact situation once. (Except I just wanted the money xD)

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