Chapter five

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Chapter five

         Alex hummed and tapped on the kitchen table as she read an old book, trying to learn more about Dan. She hadn’t been able to find anything and she had been looking all day, it was making her frustrated.“He’s just a damn demon why’s he so hard to find?!” Alex growled softly, making sure Gabriel wouldn’t hear her. She was going to tell him, but didn’t really find it necessary.

         “Whatcha readin’?” Gabriel suddenly asked, leaning over Alex from behind her chair and wrapping his arms around her neck.

         “Uh, nothing really.” Alex quickly closed the book. “Just...stuff.”

         “Stuff, huh? What kind of stuff?”

         Alex leaned her head back to look at Gabriel, “I don’t know. I was bored.”

         “Well, I can make you unbored.” Gabriel suggested, leaning down and kissing her.

         Alex chuckled, “I’m not that bored.”

         “Awwwww. Why nottttt.” Gabriel whined.

         “Causeee. I have to go out for a bit.” Alex got up from the chair and turned to Gabriel.

         Gabriel pouted, “Fineee.”

         Alex smiled and kissed the archangel again, “I won’t be that long.”


         “Miss…...Alex?” A waiter that was working with the reservation book asked.

         “Yeah.” Alex nodded. She felt out of place because she was just wearing black jeans and a band shirt to a fancy restaurant.

         “There’s no last name listed?”

         “Nope.” Alex said simply. Her father didn’t have a last name, so she didn’t. Not that she cared really. And she didn’t really want to have the last name he had when he was human. MacLeod...ew.

         “Ok..Right this way Miss.” The waiter led her through the restaurant, past lots of people wearing fancy clothing, looking at her in disgust. “Here you are.”

         “Hey. I almost thought you weren't coming.” Dan smiled up at her. He wasn’t well-dressed either, in jeans and a button up shirt.

         “At least I don’t feel out of place anymore.” Alex sighed and sat down. “Why’d you pick such a fancy place?”

         “Well. You’re archangel won’t think to look here, would he?” Dan asked.

         “Why would he look for me anyway? It’s not like I’m cheating on him. I’m allowed to go out for a little.” Alex chuckled, raising an eyebrow at the demon. “I haven’t told him about you anyway.”

         “You haven’t? I thought that’d be the first thing you’d do.”

         Alex shrugged, “I don’t know...But I did tell my dad. He said to stay away from you.”

         “Yeah, like I said, not many like me.” Dan chuckled. “So, you want to order? I thought since last time we never got to eat, I’d try again.”


         Gabriel looked around a bookshelf for the book Alex had been reading. He hadn’t seen exactly what it was, but hoped it wasn’t what he thought it was. “Here we go.” Gabriel spotted the book and tried to reach it, but it was just out of his reach. “Dammit.” She’s smart, trying to put it out of my reach.

         He jumped and managed to pull the old leather bound book from it place, but nearly dropped it in the process. Gabriel flipped through the book, looking for the page he remembered Alex had been on.

         “Ah-ha.” Gabriel skimmed through the page. “Dantalion….Why does she want to know about him?”


         “So why’d you start hunting?” Dan asked, taking a bite of his salad.

         “I dunno. I guess I was sick of staying in my dad’s mansion 24/7. And I like helping people.” Alex shrugged.

         “There are a lot of safer ways to help people, you know.” Dan raised an eyebrow.

       “Eh, whatever. What have you been up to? Before you met me, I mean.” Alex changed the subject.

         “Well I’ve been trapped in Hell for a while. Nothing interesting there..” Dan thought for a while.

         “Did you get out when Lilith did?”

         “Nope. She was helped out. I had to crawl out on my own. Not fun."  Dan sighed.

         “Oh. Why’d you wait so long to contact me? I was back for a year before Gabriel came back.” Alex asked, taking a sip of her wine.

         “He died? I didn’t even know that. I was waiting cause I had some other things to do.”

         “Yeah. He fought Lucifer.” Alex nodded.

         “Who brought him back?” Dan frowned.

         “I don’t know….” Alex shrugged. “Maybe it was Raphael.”


         “Third-oldest archangel.” Alex answered simply.

         “Teenage mutant ninja angel?” Dan chuckled, making Alex laugh. “So that makes Gabriel the youngest, right?”

         “Yep. Still old as fuck though.” Alex noticed a few people glare at her for swearing. We’re talking about Hell and angels and they only hear me


         “Oh, this is a bad demon.” Gabriel muttered, reading some more lore on Dantalion. “Second demon ever made? I think I’d remember that.” Gabriel huffed, but continued reading:

         “He can also cause love and show the similitude of any person”

         “So kind of like a siren?....But a demon.” Gabriel frowned. “Cause love, huh?”


         Alex walked down the street beside Dan. They had finished eating and ran out of things to talk about. “So….” Alex tried to make conversation.

         “Don’t know what to say?” Dan assumed.

         “No.” Alex chuckled. “But I have to get back soon.”

         “Yeah, I know. You’re no fun.”

         “Maybe another time.” Alex offered.

         “Yeah. I’ll text you.” Dan nodded.

         “Ok.” Alex smiled. “I’ll see you later then.”


         “I’m homeeeee!” Alex yelled as she strolled into the apartment. Leo came running over, his large paws thumping on the wooden floors. “Hey buddy, where’s Gabe?” She patted his head that reached higher than her waist.

         “Hey.” Gabriel smiled, walking into the room. “Wait, did he get bigger?” He noticed her hand was higher than usual.

         “Yeah, you didn’t notice?” Alex nodded.

         “Well, it may be because I can’t see him.” Gabriel said sarcastically and walked over, looking to where Leo’s collar was floating.

         “Oh yeah.” Alex remembered only she could see the hellhound. “Well his head is here.” Alex placed her hand on Leo’s head.

         “Who were you out with?” Gabriel suddenly changed the subject.

         “Just a friend, why?” Alex gave Gabriel a confused look. She walked into the kitchen and picked up Leo’s water bowl to refill it.

         “Was this friend a demon?”

         “Well yeah, basically all of my friends aren’t human.” Alex placed the bowl on the ground and leaned against the sink, facing Gabriel. “What’s up with the 20 questions?”

         “Well I saw you were researching about Dantalion, and I was wondering if you had met him.” Gabriel explained.

         “Oh.” Alex thought for a moment. “Yeah. I did.”

         “You shouldn’t be near him.” Gabriel warned.

         “My dad said that too. But he’s the one who got me out of hell.” Alex admitted.

         “He did? Why?”

         “I don’t know. He said he likes me.” Alex shrugged. “What’s so wrong with him anyway?”

         “He’s just manipulating you. He wants you for something.” Gabriel paused. “But he didn’t tell you what?”

         “Nope.” Alex shook her head. She wasn’t worried about Gabriel reading her thoughts, she had made sure he was locked out.

         Gabriel frowned, “Just stay away from him, okay? He’s almost like a siren but worse.”

         “How so?” Alex crossed her arms.

         “Dantalion has all the powers Lilith has, but ‘He can also cause love and show the similitude of any person’.” Gabriel quoted the book he had read.

         “He did remind me of you…” Alex muttered.


         “Yeah.” Alex chuckled a little. “Like a demon version of you. But I guess I’ll stay away from him. I wanted to hang out with you anyway.” Alex shrugged and walked over to Gabriel.

         “Mmm? Maybe we could do something tomorrow?” Gabriel wrapped his arms around Alex’s waist.

         “Not dinner though. I’m sick of fancy food.”

         Gabriel chuckled, “Okay.”


Author's Note-

I liked writing this chapter :D 

I really like the next chapter too. 

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