Chapter six

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Chapter six

         “Where do you wanna go?” Alex walked down a street in Chicago beside Gabriel, holding his hand. She went with his idea that they should do something together, and they had been walking around town.

         “Hm..I dunno.” Gabriel swung their hands as they walked, not really paying attention.

         “Hey…” Alex slowed to a stop. She felt a force pass by her, almost like she was feeling something’s energy. “Did you feel that?”

         “No….What?” Gabriel stopped walking, letting go of her hand.

         “I don’t know. It just felt weird...Like an energy or something.” Alex frowned in confusion.

         “Like how I can sense an angel’s grace when they enter the same room as me?” Gabriel asked.

        “Yeah...I guess...But what is it? I’ve never sensed an angel before.” Alex looked around, searching for any halos, just in case.

         “It’s not an angel, I know that. I don’t sense anything…” Gabriel trailed off.

         “Or a demon. We’d be able to see their face…” Alex searched for a demon as well.

         “Maybe it was nothing?” Gabriel suggested.

         “I don’t know….”

         “C’mon, don’t let it bother you. It was probably nothing.” Gabriel nudged her shoulder lightly.

         “When is anything in our life ‘probably nothing’.” Alex wrapped her arms around herself as they started walking again.


         They walked around for a while, looking at stores, buying a few things. They also stopped back at the apartment to grab Leo, who was now walking around with them, creeping people out when they walked into something invisible. Alex’s weird feeling never left, she actually felt more worried. Leo seemed suspicious too.

         Suddenly Alex’s FBI phone rang, she had one just for, well, FBI calls. “Hello?”

         “Agent White?”

         “Speaking.” Alex slowed her pace. She remembered telling the nearby hospital and morgue to call her if there were any weird cases.

         “You said to call if we got anything weird, well...I think you are going to want to check this out.” She remembered the coroner's voice.

         “I’ll be there soon.” Alex hung up the phone and returned it to her pocket.

         “What’s up?” Gabriel asked.

         “Coroner’s got a weird death for me. I’m gonna go check it out real quick.” Alex explained.

         “Ok. You think it has anything to do with what you felt earlier?”

         “I guess we’ll find out. You bring Leo back to the apartment. I’ll catch up with you.”

         “Don’t you have to change?” Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

         “Already done.” Alex looked down at her white ruffled blouse with a grey jacket and matching pencil skirt that she had suddenly changed to.

         “That works too.” Gabriel chuckled.

         Alex checked her jacket pocket for her badge, “Alright. Later.” She smirked and teleported herself to the morgue.

         “Hi, Agent White.” Alex walked up to the front desk and showed the teenager sitting there her badge.

         “Cool. Straight through that door.” The kid pointed to a door on the right side of the desk. “Have fun.”

         “Thanks.” Alex tucked her badge away and walked into another room, her heels clicking on the tile floor.

         “Ah! Agent White! I’m glad you made it. I have a few weird ones for ya.” The coroner, an average sized man with graying hair said.

         “Okay. So what’s up?” Alex crossed her arms.

         “Well, I’ve had at least 15 suicides, just this week.”

         “Ouch.” Alex muttered. “What else?”

         “This.” The coroner opened a cold chamber and revealed the dead body of a teenage boy. His body was covered in what looked like claw marks, but not.

         “What the hell…” Alex walked closer. “Cause of death?”

         “Bled out. I thought it was a animal of some sort, a bear or something.”

         “A bear? Around here?”

         “That’s what I said. Then I realized that these were self-inflicted.” The coroner sighed, lifting up the corpse’s hand, showing broken and bloody fingernails.

         “Seriously…?” Alex’s eyes widened. “How?!”

         “I have no idea.” The coroner admitted.

         “I-I..Uh...Wow…” Alex scratched her head. “That’s something…” Her phone rang again and she answered it. “Ok. I’ll be right there.” She hung up her phone and sighed.

         “What is it?” The coroner asked.

         “The hospital. They’ve gotten a lot of weird patients recently. I better go.” Alex informed.


         “Hey Gabe?” Alex called the archangel. There was something going on in town, a lot more than she could handle alone.

         “Yeah? What happened at the morgue?”

         “Some kid scratched himself to death. Like his whole body…”


         “Yeah. I got a call from the hospital, lots of weird stuff happening there too. I’m gonna need help with it. I have to talk to the kids parents too.”

         “I’ll  head to the hospital. You take the kid’s parents.” Gabriel decided.

         “You know how to play a fed?” Alex smiled.

         “Of course.” Alex chuckled and they hung up.


         “Hi, Mr.Noonan. Agent White.” Alex held up her badge to the tall man standing in front of her behind a screen door. “I wanted to ask you a few questions about your son, John.”

         “He’s dead.”

         “Yes, I know. That’s why I’m here. Can I come in?”  

         “Fine..” The man opened the screen and allowed her in.

         Alex followed the man into his livingroom, where his wife sat on a floral couch. She noticed a kid, about eighteen, watching her.

         “Honey, this woman is from the FBI. She wants to know about John…” The man explained to his wife, making Alex turn her attention back to them.

         “And a few other things.” Alex smiled.

         “Oh...well. Sit.” Mrs.Noonan gestured to a chair across from the couch.

         Alex sat down and began to question them, asking the normal things like cold spots and sulfur. After a while she decided they were clean, “Can I talk to your other son?”

         “Oh, James? Sure...He’s in his room. Last room on the left upstairs.” Mrs.Noonan told her.

         “Okay. Thank you for your time. I’ll be leaving after.” Alex smiled and stood up. She walked out of the room to the staircase that was near the front entrance and climbed up them.

         “You’re gonna question me, huh?” James was standing in the hallway waiting for her.

         “Yeah, is that alright?” Alex stopped a few feet away from him.

         “Let me see your badge.” The teen raised his arm, waiting for her to place her badge in his hand.

         “Ok.” Alex nodded and pulled her badge out, handing it to him.

         “What do you want to know?” James handed her badge back after reviewing it.

         “Did you see anything weird recently? Feel cold spots around the house?” Alex asked, putting her badge away.

         “W-Well...He was scratching a lot. But I figured it was just cause I put this in his clothes.” James pulled out an empty packet of itching powder. “I-I didn’t know it would work! I swear!”

         “Itching powder?” Alex took the packet from him. “What the hell.” She muttered. “Well, thank you for your time James.”

         “Y-Yeah…” James scratched his head awkwardly.


         “What the hell’s going on around here?!” Alex paced around their apartment’s kitchen.

         “I have no idea….” Gabriel shook his head. “Kids getting sick from poprocks and coke. Joy Buzzers working….”

         “Those rubber teeth becoming their real teeth.” Alex grimenced. A man had put in fake rubber teeth as a joke and they stuck, somehow becoming his real teeth.

         “That one was horrible.” Gabriel chuckled.

        “What creature is even capable of doing that?!” Alex sat down across from Gabriel at the kitchen table. She remembered Sam and Dean had talked about something similar, but they never said what the monster was. “These are pranks you would pull.”

         “Yeah. But I didn’t.”

         “I know...But what did? Do you know anything that’s that strong?” Alex asked.

         “No...Besides you, but you wouldn’t do that.” Gabriel kept thinking. “Maybe another antichrist?”

         “What? No.” Alex shook her head. “I’ve never heard of another one.”

         “Well I made a map of all the attacks, there’s a ten mile radius of weird. Just like when you get mad.” Gabriel pulled out a map of the town and showed it to her.

         “What’s in the middle?” Alex looked at the map.

         “Some abandoned building.” Gabriel pointed to the center of a circle of small red x’s.

         “So you think there’s an another antichrist there?” Alex raised an eyebrow.

         “Yeah, maybe.” Gabriel shrugged. “I can’t think of what else is doing this.”

         “Then I guess we go check it out huh?” Alex stood up, getting excited. Finally, someone else like me!


        “Hello?” Alex pulled open the small, old building’s door and yelled. “Anyone there?”

         “Careful, they clearly don’t have control over their powers. If you scare them who knows what’ll happen.” Gabriel warned.

         “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Alex walked forward and looked around. Suddenly she was stopped, and couldn’t walk any farther into the building. “Hey. What the hell..” She pushed away some leaves that were covering the floor and saw a devil’s trap painted on the ground. “Little help here?”

         “What?” Gabriel came over, then laughed. “Oh.” He crouched down and placed two fingers on the paint, burning it off.

         “Thanks.” Alex sighed and left the trap. She noticed something curled up in the corner of the room, under an old blanket. Around the bundle, was a circle of salt. “Hey, look.” Alex nudged Gabriel to get his attention.

         He nodded and pulled out his angel blade. “What are you trying to scare them?” Alex hissed.

         “It’s just in case.”

         “Who are you.” They both turned their attention to the boy who was standing in front of them, still in the salt circle. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes, and was wearing a long sleeved shirt with jeans.

         “I’m Alex and this-”

         “He’s an angel.” The kid narrowed his eyes at Gabriel.

         “Yes, but he’s not going to hurt you.” Alex looked between Gabriel and the kid. He can’t be older than twelve… “His name is Gabriel.”

         “Then why does he have that?” The kid pointed to Gabriel’s blade.

         “I’m not going to use it.” Gabriel put his angel blade away.

         “What’s your name, kid?” Alex changed the subject.

         “I’m not a kid. I’m twelve.” The boy turned to Alex. “My name’s Jesse.”

         “Ok. Jesse.” Alex addressed him. “Do you know that you’re hurting a lot of people?”


         “Do you know what you are?” Gabriel asked.

         “No...Not really. I just know I have powers.” Jesse was still wary of them.

         “Well,” Alex sighed, crouching down to his level. “You’re an antichrist. Just like me.”

         “An antichrist?” Jesse thought for a moment. “Wait...You’re one too?”

         “Yep.” Alex nodded.

         “Prove it.”

         “Uhm…” Alex stood again. “What do you want me to do?”

         “Anything.” Jesse shrugged.

         Alex thought for a moment, then smirked. “I’ve always wanted an excuse to do this.”

         “Do wha-” Gabriel was cut off as Alex turned him into a corgi dog with just a thought.

         “See, I’m just like you.” Alex smiled at Jesse and patted Gabriel- who was barking like crazy- on the head.

         Jesse smiled, “How’d you do that?”

         Alex shrugged, “I just thought about him as a dog, and voila!”

         “I can’t control mine like that….”

         “That’s why we came. He’s the one who taught me to control my powers- somewhat.” Alex looked at Gabriel who was growling angrily at her. “Oh shut up.” Alex chuckled.

         “So you can help me?” Jesse asked, brightening up a bit.

         “Yeah, sure. How’d you end up here anyway?”

         “Oh.. Some men came to my parents house, and a demon tried to take me.” Jesse somewhat explained.

         “Do you know these men’s names?” Alex asked.

         “Uhm...It was a while ago...I think it was Sam and Dean?” Jesse thought.

         Alex sighed, “Yeah. I know them. They have an angel in a trenchcoat with them?”

         “He tried to kill me.”

         “Don’t take it personally, he tried to kill me too.” Alex chuckled. “So...Wanna come with us? I don’t think you’ll be able to live with us, but we can get you an actual house.”

         “I..I guess.” Jesse cautiously stepped over the salt circle. “Are you going to turn him back?” He looked down at Gabriel.

         “Yeah, in a little.” Alex smirked. “This is fun. But he’s sooo going to kill me later.”


         “That was so not cool.” Gabriel growled after Alex turned him back to his human form.

         “You could’ve changed yourself back.” Alex pointed out.

         “No! I didn’t have thumbs! I couldn’t snap!” Alex started laughing and Gabriel pouted angrily, sulking in the kitchen table chair.

         Jesse stood nearby, just watching them argue, slightly amused. “Are you guys...together?”

         “Sadly.” Alex sighed dramatically, but smiled. Gabriel stuck his tongue out at her.

         “So about my training….”

         “Right.” Alex sat up straighter in her chair. “First off, do you have parents?”

         “Sam and Dean said it was too dangerous to be with them. They’re my adoptive parents.” Jesse explained.

         “Alright. But that was back when the apocalypse was going on. It’s been more than a year now. And since Lucifer’s back in the cage, our powers aren’t as strong, meaning, you’ll be fine if you go back.” Alex informed.

         “Really? But won’t the demons find me?”

         “Nope. We’re protected.” Alex corrected.

         “But if you’re really worried I can carve some Enochian into your ribs, just in case.” Gabriel offered.

         “And get your parents anti possession tattoos.” Alex added.

         “And use Enochian warding on the house.” Gabriel continued.

         “Woah, wait. What?” Jesse was confused with the sudden rush of information.

         “We’ll get it covered, don’t worry.” Alex assured him. “But your parents are going to have to know about the situation.”

         “O-Okay.” Jesse agreed.

         “Won’t they freak out?” Gabriel asked.

         “They’ll be freaking out about how their son came home after being missing for almost two years, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Alex replied.

         “Alright. Then we better start training, huh?”


         They trained Jesse for about a week, a hell of a lot less time than they spent training Alex. “It was so hard training you, and he picks it up so easy.” Gabriel laughed.

         “Yeah. Well….” Alex trailed off.

         “This is awesome! So, can I go back to my parents now?” Jesse exclaimed.

         “You think you have smiting down?” Alex asked, turning her attention to the young boy.

         “Yeah. I think I got it.” Jesse smiled and nodded.

         “Alright. Then we’re going to have to tell them everything, and ward everything.” Alex sighed, knowing they had a lot to do.

         “Yeah.” Gabriel agreed. “Come here, kiddo. We’ll start with you.”

         “I’m not a kid.” Jesse reminded, but walked closer to the archangel. “What are you going to do?”

         “Carve some Enochian protection symbols into your ribs,” Gabriel explained. “It’s gonna hurt.”

         “That’s fine.”

         Gabriel placed his right hand on Jesse’s chest, and the boy cringed, and groaned in pain. Gabriel removed his hand after a few moments, and smiled. “Ok, let’s head to Nebraska.”


Author's Note-

I've wanted to write Alex and Jesse meeting forever, I just never had a chance to. But here it is :D

It ended up way longer than I expected too. 

Also, random question but- what are your opinions on Dan so far? 

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