Chapter seven

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        Chapter seven

        Want to hang out?

         Alex pulled out her phone and read a new text that had come in. Who's this? She was lying on her and Gabriel's bed, Leo beside her. Gabriel had gone out to restock their food supply. It was about a week after they had brought the other antichrist, Jesse, back to his parents. They had taken the news easily, and got the proper protection.

         Dan, who'd u think it was?

         I don't know. I told Gabe I wouldn't see you anymore.

         U told him?!


         Well can u come out anyway?

         Dan...Don't you think he'll notice me going out alone so much? Alex sighed and looked at the ceiling, waiting for a reply. How am I supposed to get out without him knowing anyway? She thought.

         Pleaseeeeeeeeeee <3 We can mess with people ;) And besides I havent seen u in a while

         Alex groaned and sat up. Fine. Where do you want to meet?

         My place? :D


         Ok, ok. Meet me at the coffee shop in ur town.

         I'll be there in 5. Alex put her phone back into her jeans pocket and walked to the closet to look for a shirt to wear. "Ah whatever, I'll just wear this." She grabbed a random band shirt and put it on over her tank top. "Hm. Dean would like this one." She smiled at the silver letters that spelt out 'Led Zeppelin'.

         Alex left the bedroom, leaving Leo sleeping on the bed. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a paper and pen, deciding to leave Gabriel a note:

         "Hey babe, I'm going out for a while. I'll be back eventually. Love you :)"

        Alex pulled out her phone again after pinning the note to the fridge with a magnet. Hey, I'm there. She then teleported herself to the closest coffee shop to her.

         She walked in, the bell on the top of the door ringing. She glanced around the tables, searching for the black haired demon. "Hey!" Alex looked over to a table near the back, away from everyone else, that Dantalion sat at. He waved to her, signaling for her to come over.

         "Hey." Alex breathed, sitting across from him. "What do you have planned for today?"

         "Whatever you want." Dan slid a cup of hot coffee across the table to her.

         "Thanks." Alex tried the coffee to make sure it was right. "You remembered how I like my coffee?"

         "Yep. So what do you wanna do?" Dan smiled, taking a sip of his own coffee.

         "Oh, I don't know." Alex shook her head. "You were talking about messing with people earlier."

         "Want to? I figured you'd enjoy it. I've never actually done it before."

         Alex smiled, "Yeah, I guess I can show you how it's done. Gabriel and I do it all the time."

         "Cool. So what have you been up to recently?" Dan changed the subject.

         "Well," Alex sighed. "Last week we met another antichrist."


         "Yeah, he was only like eleven or twelve though. He was actually really smart."

         "Damn, that's young." Dan chuckled. "How old were you when you found out?"

         "Nine." Alex paused for a moment. "Angels attacked and Gabriel was actually the one to save me. My dad explained everything after."

         "Gabriel saved you? Hmh." Dan thought for a while. "I guess it was fate."

         "Eh, I don't believe in fate." Alex shrugged.

         "Then what? Was it just a coincidence?"

         "I don't know." Alex admitted. "I highly doubt God approves of it. Then again he doesn't seem to give a shit about much."

         "Yeah, true." Dan agreed, taking another sip from his coffee.

         "So..." Alex glanced around the small shop. "Who to fuck with first..."

         "Oh? We're starting?" Dan smirked.

         "Mhm." Alex noticed a couple sitting across from each other, the overweight man being a dick to his wife and causing a scene, making everyone else watch them. "Ah look, a douchebag."

         "Do you only go after dicks?"

         "Yeah." Alex nodded, still watching the middle aged couple. She noticed a waiter walking by, holding two slices of cake on a serving tray. She smirked, and waited for the waiter to walk past the couple.

         The waiter paused at the couple's table to talk to them and Alex took the opportunity. She waited for the right moment and used her mind to make the cakes fall from the tray, landing on the husband's face. The husband was furious, pushing his chair back and standing up, only to slip on some cake and fall on his rear.

         He continued to try and get up, using the table as support, but it flipped over onto him. The wife gasped and jumped back, avoiding hot coffee that spilt everywhere. She watched in shock and slight amusement as her husband struggled to get to his feet, every ounce of dignity leaving him.

         Dan laughed, and Alex joined in, and soon everyone in the coffee shop was. The man was now red in the face, and he gave up, sitting on the ground. He was surrounded by frosting and hot coffee, seeping into his clothing. "Help me up you wench!" He yelled at his wife.

         "No. I will not." The wife refused. She raised her left hand and pulled a small silver ring off her ring finger, and threw it at the man. "I'm done being your slave!"

         "Wooo!" Alex cheered for the woman, still laughing. A few other people clapped as well. Alex got up and headed for the door, Dan following. "And that, is how it's done."

         Dan was still chuckling, "That was good."

         "Gabe kills them sometimes, but I prefer humiliating them." Alex walked beside Dan.

         "Hm. Can I try then?"

         "Go get 'em tiger." Alex smiled.

         Dan looked around, searching for their next target, but he continued walking beside Alex down the street.

         "Excuse me, but do you have time to talk about our lord and savior, Jesus Christ?"

         "Uhm..." Alex was startled by the young man who suddenly walked in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. He was wearing  clerical clothing, and held a bible in his left hand.

         "No...We're good." Dan rolled his eyes to the back of his head, letting his white demon eyes show.

         The man gasped in horror and looked to Alex. Alex smirked and blinked her eyes to red. "Oh my! Demons! You're demons! Begone!" The young man stumbled backward, and tripped on his long clothing, falling to the ground. He held his bible in front of him with one hand and a small cross in his other.

         "Sorry bud, that's not gonna work." Dan crouched down to be level with the man, his eyes still white. He raised a hand and the man began to tremble in fear.

         "Hey, Dan. Don't smite him!" Alex warned, glancing around them.

         "I know." Dan replied, smiling. He reached his hand towards the priest, and poked him on the forehead. The priest screamed, and tears began to form in his eyes.

         Alex laughed a little, "C'mon Dan. You're scaring the poor kid." She changed her eyes back to normal.

         "That's the point, isn't it?" Dan stood, leaving the man frozen in fear. He also changed his eyes back to normal.

         "I suppose. But he didn't do anything wrong."

         "It was still funny though." Dan smirked. Alex couldn't help but laugh.


        They continued walking around town, picking on people here and there. Alex noticed Dan would pick on anyone, even children, making them cry and scream in horror. She wasn't sure how much she liked it, but figured it was normal because he was a demon.

         "Wanna head back to my apartment for a bit? We could hang out or something, it's getting late." Dan offered.

         "Uh, ok. Why not?" Alex shrugged.


Author's Note-

*internally screaming* the next chapter eafu4wegfeljwegf *hides*

Anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for reading and stuff cause your comments make me really happy and I've never really had anyone enjoy anything I've created before. I never thought Crowley's Daughter would get this big- the first book has almost 16k reads I think. I also think I've gotten better at writing, which is awesome. But you guys are amazing and stuff and yeah I'm not good at dealing with emotions sh. 

I kinda wanna make some goal or something. Like if we get x amount of reads/votes I'll upload the next chapter early, idk. I'm just gonna go watch anime or something ^-^

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