Chapter eight

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Chapter 8

*Warning- horribly written smut...sexual things and shit*

         “Well this was fun, but I think I should go back to my apartment now…” Alex looked around Dan’s apartment. It was simple, nothing special about it. They had been talking for a little while, but Alex was getting the idea that he wanted something more.

         “Why? You’re not worried about that angel, are you?” His voice was like silk as he walked over to Alex who stood awkwardly in the middle of the small living room. His personality seemed to change, and he got serious.

         “Uhm...N-No, I just…” Alex watched the black haired demon closely, slightly worried about the situation all of a sudden. “It’s late. I want to get back soon…” I knew this would happen.

         “Why don’t you just forget about that angel? Just for tonight?” Dan pushed some hair behind Alex’s ear.

         “No. I really should get going.” Alex pushed his hand away and backed up until she felt her back press up against the wall. This was very sudden, her and Dan were talking normally before she mentioned having to leave.

         “I won’t do anything unless you want me to,” Dan assured, standing a few inches in front of her. He cupped Alex’s face in one of his hands and leaned down, pressing his lips to hers.

         Alex pulled away after a few moments, knowing it was wrong. “I can’t. I…” Her blue eyes met Dan’s dark green ones and she felt mesmerized. “I...fuck…” Alex managed to pull her eyes away from him and look at the floor behind him.

         “It’s okay, you know, it’s only natural.” Dan soothed, tilting her head up towards him.

         Alex closed her eyes and swallowed, her heart beating quickly. You are not going to cheat on Gabriel. You are not…. Alex felt Dan’s lips press against hers and she cracked, giving in and wrapping her arms around his neck.

         Dan smirked and deepened the kiss, pushing her arms that had begun to roam his body against the wall and holding them in place with one hand above her head.

         They continued to kiss, neither breaking apart for air. Dan slipped his free hand under Alex’s tank top, and moved his hand around her smooth skin. Alex quirmed a bit and broke the kiss. I shouldn’t be doing this.

         Dan removed his hand and looked at her, waiting for her to do something. “Are you alright?”

         “I’m fine….But we really shouldn’t do this…” Alex pulled her arms from Dan’s grip and let them dangle at her sides.

         “It’s alright, he won’t find out. It’s only one night, babe.” Dan placed a hand on her hip.

         Babe…..? Alex narrowed her eyes at the demon, but couldn’t make herself walk away from him. It’d be so easy, she could just push him away and walk out the door, it was only a few feet away. But she didn’t. Part of her wanted this, but the rest knew she couldn’t hurt Gabriel like that. She growled softly and gave up, grabbing Dan by his jacket and smashing her lips onto his.

         Dan parted his lips, allowing Alex to do whatever she wanted. He was surprised at her sudden change in demeanor, but didn’t question it. He teleported them into his bedroom and pushed Alex onto the bed.

         Alex yelped a little, not expecting for Dan to push her. She backed onto the bed more, pulling off her boots and socks. Dan stood at the end of the bed, pulling his shoes and socks off as well. He climbed onto the bed and pulled Alex into another sloppy kiss.

         Alex pushed his jacket off his shoulders and Dan tossed it aside. Dan pushed Alex slowly onto the bed, making her lie down with him on top of her, neither of them breaking their kiss.

        Alex wasn’t worrying about Gabriel anymore, and she couldn’t care less that she was being this intimate with a demon. She was caught up in the moment, all thoughts gone from her mind.

         She moved her hands to Dan’s shirt, struggling to unbutton it for a few seconds. Alex managed to undo all of the buttons and pulled his shirt off, throwing it aside like his jacket. She traced her hands down his chest and toned stomach, stopping at his belt buckle.

         Dan ignored Alex’s lingering hands and tugged her shirt off, forcing her to move her hands away. Alex helped Dan with her bra, chuckling at him as he struggled to unbuckle it. She blushed slightly as Dan moved his hands over her exposed breasts, massaging them. “You’re adorable.” Dan chuckled darkly.

         He kissed her again, then moved his mouth down her jaw and to her neck, pausing there to suck for a few moments. Once he was satisfied with the bruise he left, he moved on, leaving a trail of kisses from her neck to her right breast. He stayed there for a while sucking on Alex’s nipple and massaging her other breast with his left hand.

         Alex bit her lip, holding in a moan. Dan switched breasts, applying the same treatment to her right breast. Alex growled again and flipped them over, placing herself on top. She traced her hands down his chest again, stopping at his belt to pull it off. She watched Dan as she pulled off his jeans, looking for his reaction.

         Dan just stared back at her with his cold green eyes, but let out a moan as Alex slipped a hand into his boxers. Alex moved back up to Dan, kissing him again, but her hand remained in his boxers playing with him.

         Alex removed her hand and ran it along Dan’s stomach, then he flipped them over again, wanting to be on top. Alex watched as he unzipped her jeans and pulled them off, helping him a bit, leaving them both only in their underwear. Alex’s heart was beating hard, thumping against her chest almost painfully. She reached up to Dan’s boxers and pulled them down, exposing his erection.

        Dan kissed her again, a lot lighter than the last ones, and slowly slid her underwear down her legs then threw them aside. Dan paused and reached over to the nightstand, grabbing a condom from the drawer. He slowly put it on and Alex began to panic a little. I can’t believe I’m doing this….

         “You ready?” Dan asked, pulling Alex from her thoughts.

         “Uhm...Yeah.” Alex nodded.

 ~(A/N It was so hard writing that that I’m not going to do the next part. You all know how it works.)

         Alex laid beside Dan on the bed, both of them panting. “I...Uh..” Alex laughed a little. “Wow.”

         Dan smirked and turned to face her, “Good, right?”

         “That’s a word for it.” Dan continued smiling and cupped her face, leaning in to kiss her. “Woah, wait.” Alex pulled away. “I..I need to go…”

         “Oh, c’mon. You can stay for a little while.” Dan tried to snuggle up to Alex.

         “Dan.” Alex sighed. “I can’t.”

         Dan sighed and muttered something that Alex thought was Latin.

         “What was that?” Alex sat up some more, pulling the blanket up to cover herself.

         “Nothing.” Dan assured. “Habit, I guess.”

         “You have a habit of randomly speaking Latin?” Alex chuckled. “Interesting.”

         Dan chuckled too, “Yeah. But you’re right. You should get going.”

         Alex nodded and got up, gathering her clothing and running to the bathroom to change. She got dressed, then looked at herself in the mirror. “How am I supposed to cover that….” Alex frowned at the hickey on the right side of her neck. “Ow!” She gasped looking at her chest. In the space between her right breast and collar bone, she felt a strong burning sensation. What the hell…. It felt like someone was burning something onto her, but nothing was there.

         “You okay in there?” Dan asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

         “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine…” Alex opened the door and nodded. “Well...I guess I’ll see you later, yeah?”

         “Have fun dealing with Mr.Angel.” Dan smirked.

         Alex sighed, “Y-Yeah...I’ll figure something out…”


 Author's Note-

That was horrible, I know. *hides* I shouldn't be allowed to write smut

*dies of embaressment* You know how long it took me to man up and press publish?! Fucking forever. 

*runs away forever* If you need me I'll be crying over anime characters.

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