Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

        Alex opened the front door to her and Gabriel’s apartment, trying to be quiet. She had covered the hicky with makeup, but the burning sensation hadn’t left. She closed the door behind her and cringed when she heard Leo’s footsteps thumping over to her. Ok, ok. Act cool. No, act normal. Oh fuck.

         “Hey. You’re back late.” Gabriel followed Leo into the room.

         “Oh...Ah. Hey.” Alex turned from the door to Gabriel. “Sorry, my dad had some stupid demon issues he wanted me to take care of.” She rolled her eyes for effect and walked over to Gabriel.

         “And you actually helped? Wow, surprising.” Gabriel smirked, pulling her in for a kiss.

         The second their lips met, Alex felt a crushing amount of guilt fall on her. She forced herself not to pull away early, and to not cave in and tell him. She found herself comparing Gabriel’s kiss to Dan’s, and she didn’t like it. “Yeah…” Alex forced a chuckle. What have I done….And why does part of me not care?

         “You ok?” Gabriel frowned.

         Alex panicked a little, she had forgotten how good Gabriel was at reading her emotions. “Y-Yeah, yeah… I’m fine. Just tired I guess.” The burning spot on her chest got worse, and she held back a yelp.

         “Okay...Wanna go to bed?” Gabriel offered, still concerned.

         “Yeah.” Stop saying yeah, idiot. “I’ll be there in a sec.” Alex backed away from Gabriel and headed to the bathroom. She went inside and locked the door shut behind her.  

         “Holy shit…” Alex sighed and leaned against the counter. The burning continued, and Alex turned to the mirror to look at the spot. As she pulled her t-shirt down, a mark branded her skin. “What the….” Alex gasped in pain.

         There was a weird symbol inside of a circle, and Alex had no idea how to even describe it. “How the hell….” It looked like a seal of some sort, but she wasn’t sure. “Oh god...I’m so screwed…”

 ~(A/N I had no idea how to describe the seal, so it’s the pic on the side or whatever. I’ve never used the pic thing.)

         Alex scanned another shelf of the local library’s biblical section, but couldn’t find anything of use. She had been searching for what the seal on her was all week, but was unable to find anything. She had somehow managed to hide the hickey and the seal from Gabriel, even after running out of makeup. “For fucks sake.” Alex hissed, getting angry for no real reason. She had been getting angry over a lot in the past week, and she didn’t know why. Her and Gabriel had gotten into a few small arguments because of this, but they always made up.

         “Hey.” Alex jumped and dropped the book she was looking at, hearing Dan’s voice.

        “Dan…” Alex turned to him. She hadn’t talked to him since that night, and wasn’t really planning on ever talking to him. “Why are you here?”

         “Just checking in on you. You never answered my texts.”

         “Cause I blocked your number.” Alex said, not really paying attention. She retrieved the book she had dropped and placed it back on the shelf.

         “Oh..Well, what have you been up to?” Dan changed the subject.

         “Nothing really. But I’m busy. Why don’t you stop by another time.” Alex didn’t even look at Dan.

         “Oh-kay….” Dan raised an eyebrow. “I’ll see you soon then.” He walked past Alex,  muttering Latin in her ear as he went.

         “What?” Alex whipped around to face Dan.

         “What?” Dan stopped walking and turned around.

         “Nothing…” Alex muttered, turning back to the bookshelf. He’s being sketchy… Alex listened to his footsteps as he walked away, making sure he was leaving. She sighed, and continued her hunt for information.

      Suddenly, an idea popped into her head, “Oh shit.” Alex left the aisle and searched for a librarian. “Uhm, do you work here?” She walked up to an older woman wearing a pink knitted sweater.

         “Yes I do.” The woman smiled, turning to her. “How may I help you, kiddo?”

         Alex tilted her head to the side slightly, the woman’s nickname had reminded her of Gabriel. “I, uh...Need everything you have on demonology.”

         “Now why would you need information like that?” The woman chuckled.

         “Uhm….A class..?” Alex tried.

        The woman laughed again, “Ok, follow me darling….So, does a young girl like you have a boyfriend yet? See, my grandson-”

         “Actually, I do.” Alex stopped the woman from continuing her sentence. “But thanks for the offer."

        “Oh? What’s he like?” The woman smiled, somehow keeping up with Alex’s pace.

         “Ah….I don’t know.” Alex shrugged awkwardly. “Nice, funny…”

         “Handsome?” The librarian offered.

         Alex chuckled, “Uhm, yea.”

         “Well, here we are, hun.” The woman smiled again.

        “Thanks…” Alex walked down the aisle and began her search again. “Here we are…” Alex pulled out a large, leatherbound book that had every demon name in it, and some information on them.


        “Oh gee thanks, totally needed to know what his name means.” Alex rolled her eyes and closed the book. She groaned and rested her head on the book, earning a few “shh”’s from the other people in the library. After almost an hour of reading through the book, she had found nothing. “Why does he have to be so hard to find?” Alex groaned again.

         A few people “shh”ed her again, but she ignored them, heading back to the section on demonology. “Ok. There has to be something in here about Dan.” She ran a hand along the books as she looked.

         Suddenly her phone rang, scaring her and making a librarian come over. “Ma’am, you’re going to have to leave the library. I’ve gotten multiple complaints.” The man crossed his arms angrily.

        “Uh...Yeah, whatever.” Alex grabbed a random book and headed to the exit, her phone still ringing. “Hello?” She answered it.

         “Alex? You’re alive?”

         “Sam!?” Alex stopped outside of the library, surprised to hear the younger Winchester’s voice.

         “Yeah! It’s me. How’d you get out?”

         “I- uh. I’m not sure. How’d you get out?” Alex was completely baffled. I never thought I’d hear from them again….

         “Cas got me. But anyway, I have to talk to you.” Sam changed the topic.

         “You are talking to me.” Alex pointed out.

         “Yeah, well. Look, don’t eat store-bought food, it’s poisonous.”

         “What? Why?” Alex continued walking again, heading to her car.

         “We accidently let out a bunch of Leviathans and they’re trying to poison everybody.”

         “You know Dick Roman?” Alex heard Dean grab the phone.

         “Uhm, yes? But what the hell’s a Leviathan?” Alex climbed into her car and tossed the book to the passenger seat.

         “A monster from Purgatory. Dick is the leader of them.” Dean explained.

         “Okay….So what the hell am I supposed to eat if I can’t eat food?” Alex thought the Winchesters were insane, but listened anyway.

         “Anything that doesn’t have high-fructose corn syrup.” Sam had the phone again.

         “Everything has high-fructose corn syrup!” Alex groaned. What the hell.

         “I know. And if you run into a Leviathan, spray it with some Borax, it’s their only weakness.”

         “That we know of.” Dean added.

         “You do realize you guys sound insane, right?”

         “Yeah, but trust us.” Alex heard Sam sigh.

         “I trust you, it just sounds crazy.” Alex started her car, silently hoping the book she grabbed also had information on Purgatory and Leviathans. “But I’ll keep an eye out. How have you guys been, besides the whole Leviathan thing?”

         “Me and Dean are fine, but, uh, Bobby died.” Sam’s voice had a sad tone to it.

         “What?!” Alex exclaimed. “Oh..fuck…”

         “Yeah...How have you been?” Sam changed the subject, not wanting to talk about Bobby.

         “I’m ok. Gabriel’s back, by the way.” Alex sighed, feeling bad for Bobby. The burning of the seal returned, but she ignored it, paying attention to driving.

         “You two still dating?” Dean asked.

         “Yeah….” Alex felt the guilt of cheating on Gabriel return, and she attempted to push it away. “I gotta go guys. Talk to you later?”

         “Yeah,” Both Winchesters spoke at the same time, then hung up.

        Alex chuckled and tossed her phone to the passenger seat, “They’re always getting themselves in trouble. Idiots.”


Author's Note-

I decided to upload another chapter even though I legit just uploaded cause idfk I can. And I'm kinda upset cause people in my house are being fucks again. 

Buuuttt anywayyy~ The whole seal thing- I just got the seal off of Dantalion's Wikipedia page...hah...So you can Google (Bing sucks sh) him and stuff and yeah the pics there too. I was going to use a simpler seal but I was going through 'real' demon names and I liked Dantalion cause I could use Dan for short and I just used the seal he also had. 

I love how you guys are freaking out so much. You're all adorable. 

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