Chapter ten

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Chapter ten

         “I’m going out.” Alex growled, stomping away from Gabriel. They had gotten into another fight, and Alex was pissed.

         “Woah, wait.” Gabriel teleported himself between Alex and the door. “Can’t we talk about this?” Gabriel had no idea why she was so angry.

         “Not right now. I’m. going. out.” Alex pushed Gabriel aside and left the apartment.

         Gabriel let her leave, too confused to really try and stop her. “What the hell just happened…?” She was normal a few weeks ago, what changed? She’s definitely hiding something….


         Alex climbed into her car, still angry. “Arg! What the hell!” She growled. “Why am I so angry!?” She took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. “Ok, ok...I need a distraction….” She talked to herself. Why don’t I just go on a hunt… Take this anger out on some douchebag….Even if Gabe’s being a douche, I’m not going to kill him.

         “Someone’s angry.”

         Alex turned around and saw Dan sitting in her backseat. “Go away.” She turned back around. Why does he always show up at these times...

         “Aw, why? I just got here.” Dan teleported himself to the passenger seat.

         “Because I said so. Now, leave.” Alex hissed at him.

         “You and Gabe get into another fight?” Dan asked, ignoring her order.

         “That’s none of your business.”

         “I think it is. We’ve gotten rather close, don’t you think?” Dan insisted, smirking.

         “Fuck off, Dan.” Alex glared at the demon.

         “Fine. But I thought you’d want this hunt I found for you.” Dan shrugged.

         “I can find my own job, thank you.” Alex crossed her arms.

         “Suit yourself. Guess this family’s just gonna die then.” Dan tried to persuaded her.

         “I said no. Now, leave.”

         She’s angrier than I thought…. Dan huffed and shook his head, a small smirk forming on his lips. He then teleported himself from the car.

         “Pfft, demons.” Alex calmed slightly, resting her head on top of the steering wheel. She was confused, she didn’t know why she was always angry. But it almost excited her, she felt like she could do anything, without having to worry about other people’s feelings. Her and Gabriel’s fighting was proof of that. Although Alex did feel some guilt for cheating on Gabriel.

         “It doesn’t really matter, he won’t find out. And hell, it was fun.” Alex assured herself. She sighed, “He won’t see it that way though…” She felt like two different people trapped in the same body. One part of her didn’t care, and wanted to have fun in it’s own, twisted, way. The other, wanted to continue as usual, and still loved Gabriel. She leaned back in her seat and stared at the roof of her car. What am I doing?


         “Agent Romanoff,” Alex held up her FBI badge to a man guarding a crime scene surrounded by yellow caution tape.

         “FBI? Why are you here?” The dark skinned man frowned at her. “This was an animal attack....”

         “Yeah, well, I have reasons to believe it could be something more.” Alex folded her badge up and tucked it away.

         “I’m going to have to speak to your director…” The man still looked unsure.

         “Uhm…” Alex panicked a bit. “Okay…” She pulled out her phone and quickly scrolled through her contacts, then dialed a number, handing it to the police officer.

         “Moose?” The officer read the caller id.

         “I-It’s a...inside joke…” Alex chuckled awkwardly.

         The man decided to dismiss the unusual name and brought the phone to his ear as Sam answered.


         “This is officer Pullen, I have a agent of yours here.” The cop introduced himself.

         “Uhm…” Alex heard Sam on the phone. “Who?”

         “Agent Romanoff. You answered the phone with her first name, didn’t you?”

         “Uh...Yeah...Sorry…” Sam was still completely confused.

         “You’re not a real director are you?” Officer Pullen began to catch on.

         “No, he isn’t.” Alex heard Dean grab the phone. “He’s my idiot friend. Trying to take real FBI calls, hah.” Dean chuckled. “This is Agent Barton, our director isn’t here at the moment, but I assure you, whatever Agent Romanoff is doing, it’s what she was ordered to do.”

         Alex relaxed a bit, but the officer was still looking at her with suspicion. He had to use Agent Barton, huh? Totally not suspicious.

         “Alright then.” The cop gave in. “Thank you for your time….Agent Barton…” He handed the phone back to Alex.

         “Thanks, Katniss.” Alex chuckled as she walked under the police tape.

         “What the hell was that about?” Dean asked. “Hunting?”

         “Yeah. Not sure what yet…” Alex walked up to the house, but stopped as two paramedics rolled a dead body in a black bag by. “Hold up.” She stopped the medics.

       She unzipped the bag and examined the body. “What’s his name?” She ignored Dean’s confused questions on the phone.

         “Ah, Marcus Jones?” The medic looked at her with confusion.

         “Marcus….?” Alex muttered. She remembered a Marcus was on her father’s list to be sent to hell. Alex also remembered he wasn’t due for another year or so. She frowned deeply and placed a hand on the dead man’s body, the paramedics watching her in confusion. His soul’s still there….Something’s wrong…

         “Uh, lady?” The other medic spoke up.

         “Agent actually.” Alex turned her attention to him. “Continue.” She waved them off and turned to leave, not needing to look through the house anymore.


        "Yeah? Well someone’s not doing their job!” Alex argued with Crowley over the phone.

         "My demons are doing their job! Hell’s never been better! You need to calm down, Alexandra.” Crowley insisted, whilst trying to calm her down.

         “I am calm. But I shouldn’t have to deal with your idiotic demon’s mistakes. This isn’t even the first one! I was researching more and Marcus Jones makes five now! Five! And don’t use my full name!” Alex growled.

         “Well...Couldn’t it have been a werewolf?” Crowley suggested.

         “None of the cases were near each other. And even if they were-” Alex chuckled, “How the fuck would a werewolf know the people on your list?”

         Crowley sighed, “I don’t know.”

         “Well haven’t you noticed you’re missing some souls?”

         “Yes, a few but-”

         “Then how do you know the demons are doing their job!?” Alex exclaimed, cutting him off. She began to pace the hotel she was in, she wasn’t ready to go back to Gabriel yet. She suddenly came to a halt, “What about the hounds?”

         “The hellhounds? What about them?”

         “Are they doing their job properly? Bringing you the souls they collect?”

         “Hang on.” Alex heard Crowley put his phone down.

         “What are you doing?” Alex walked to the hotel bed and sat at the end. She put her phone on speaker and placed it on the bed, then took off the flannel she was wearing, leaving her in a black tanktop.

         “I’m missing seven pups….” Crowley muttered, returning to the phone.

         “What? Seven!?” Alex turned speaker off and brought the phone back to her ear.


         “What the fuck….” Alex stood again. “Okay. I’m going to need the names of every person who’s sold their soul and is near the end of their contract.”

         “You’re going after them?!” Crowley exclaimed.

         “Yeah? Hell will go to shit if you don’t take care of it.” Alex said like her intentions were obvious.

         “You can’t go alone!”

         “I- uh- I’ll get Leo…” She didn’t want to ask Gabriel for help.

         “What about that archangel?”

         “What? Aiming to make more deals with angels? Didn’t really work out well last time, did it?” Alex sneered, making it obvious she didn’t want to work with Gabriel by referencing Crowley’s deal with Castiel.

         “Fine, whatever, don’t take the angel. Just don’t go alone.” Crowley gave up.

         “Mhm.” Alex ignored his request. “So, those names?”


         Leo~ Come here.

         Leo lifted his head off his paws and looked around for his master’s voice. Not seeing her, he rested his head again, and watched TV with Gabriel sitting beside him.

         Leo, we have a job. Come to me.

         He heard her voice again and sat up, looking around again. “What’s up Leo? Something spook you?” The hound ignored the archangel and jumped off the couch, heading for the door.

         “Where are you going?” Gabriel sighed and stood up from the couch.

         Leo reached the door and jumped onto his hind legs, resting his front paws on the door. He wrapped his mouth around the doorknob in an attempt to pull it open, but his heavy paws held it shut, preventing it.

         “Ew.” Gabriel grimaced at the slobbery doorknob. “What the hell are you doing?!”

         "Woof!” Leo barked at the angel, standing back on the ground again.

         “You want to go out?” Gabriel asked, then thought, “Are you going after Alex?”

         Leo barked some more, and Gabriel shrugged, “Ok then…Let’s go.”

         By the way, don’t let Gabe come. Alex added, waiting for Leo by her car. She was a few states over, but she didn’t expect it to take this long.

         Gabriel opened the door, trying to ignore the slobber, then Leo ran past him. “Hey, wait up!”

         Leo didn’t wait, instead, he ran as fast as he could, hoping to lose Gabriel along the way. He knocked over people as he ran, but paid no attention and continued running. Being a hellhound, it didn’t take him very long to get to Alex.

         “Hey bud.” Alex greeted as her hound approached her. He whined and sat down at her feet, “Yeah, I know. I haven’t made you travel that far in a while. C’mon, we have some rogue pups to take care of.”


         Alex followed Leo as he tried to track the rogue hellhounds. They were in the same town as the next person due to be sent to hell, but Leo was having a hard time finding the others.“Got anything yet? We don’t have all day.” Alex was starting to get annoyed.

         Her phone began to ring, and she reluctantly answered it, “Yeah?”

         “Alex? Where are you? Leo just ran off.” Gabriel asked.

         “Hunting elephants, why?” Alex didn’t want to talk.

         Gabriel sighed, “Seriously.”

         “Hunting hellhounds. I don’t need help, k?” Alex hung up her phone and returned it to her pocket. “Ok Leo, let’s just go to the next town.”


         Gabriel shook his head in confusion, placing his phone on the kitchen table. “What the hell.”

         He knew something was wrong, he just couldn’t figure out what. She wasn’t sick, he’d be able to tell. No poison from witches, no injuries, nothing. It wasn’t even that time of month, as far as he could tell. Suddenly, an idea came to him, oh no...She wouldn’t, would she? I swear if he did that...I’ll kill him. He left the room and began to search for more on Dantalion, he couldn’t call her out without knowing for sure.


         “Here evil demon dogs~” Alex sang, searching through an abandoned building for the hounds. “Come out, come out wherever the hell you are~”

         Alex turned at the sound of growling, “Find them?” She got excited for a moment, then sighed.

         Before her was Leo, who was crouched on the ground in a fighting stance, growling at a stray tabby cat. The cat was terrified, unable to see it’s attacker it cowered in a corner, hissing, hair standing on end.

         “Leo, you idiot, stop.” Alex watched the cat swipe the air, completely missing Leo. “Leo, we have a job to do- remember?” She placed her hands on her hips in frustration, Leo continued to tease the cat.

         “Leo, come-” Alex was cut off as a hound jumped on her from behind, knocking her to the ground. Oh shit. “Leo!”

         Leo instantly stopped, hearing his master’s distressed tone, and leaped in front of the hellhound trying to get to Alex. Leo was much bigger, and could easily take the rogue hound, but Alex wasn’t sure about the other six that had now entered, all of them walking beside each other as a pack.

         She pulled herself up off the ground and then got out her angel blade. We may actually need more help here….

         Alex helped Leo fight off the hellhounds, going after the biggest one there, who she assumed was the leader. It was awkward fighting a dog, something shorter than her, but she knew they weren’t something to think little of.

         She stood a few feet away from the leader, who was scratching at the dirt floor of the warehouse, ready to charge. “Come and get it, ugly.” Alex taunted, adjusting her grip on the angel blade.

         The hound jumped at her, knocking her back with extremely strong force. She managed to get a good slice in before the hound knocked the blade away and she went flying into the wall. “Ok,” Alex coughed blood. “Plan B.” She stood, using the wall as support and took out her phone, dialing Crowley’s number.

         “Yes luv?”

         “Talk to your hellhounds!” Alex yelled at him, dodging an attack from the leader by rolling away.

         “You found them?!”

         “Yes! Now talk!”

         “Casper~” Crowley sang, addressing the hellhound.

         Casper, really? Alex thought, holding the phone out to the hound.

         “It’s me~ Stand down.” Crowley ordered.

      The hound was quiet for a moment, before grabbing the phone from Alex in his teeth and smashing it.

         “Hey! No! That was expensive!” Alex exclaimed, avoiding another attack from Casper.

         Alex searched for Leo, hoping he was ok. Finding him, she realized he was more than ok. He had killed, or at least subdued, three hellhounds already. Damn, he’s badass.

         She turned back to her own fight, as another- much larger- hellhound jumped between her and Casper. It’s back was to her, but she could tell who it was, “Growly?!” Alex remembered Crowley’s personal hellhound’s name. She always thought it was stupid, but he seemed to like it.

     Growly growled and easily tackled Casper, ripping out the smaller hellhound’s throat. Alex smirked and moved on, attacking one of the last hounds. There were only two left, Growly and Leo had teamed up on one, while Alex took the other.

         She easily killed the hound, who was already giving up from being severely wounded by Leo. I technically did him a favor, all of them really. Crowley would’ve flipped. Alex figured Crowley would’ve wanted to talk to the hellhounds, and learn why they rebelled, rather than have her kill them all.

         Alex walked over to the remains of her cellphone and frowned, “Damn dog…”


Author's Note-

Did anyone catch my Avengers joke. Did I make a joke. Or my Hunger Games joke after that. Hah. 

Also, I know it sucks now but don't worry it'll be better. Shall I quote Fall Out Boy?

"Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger, the person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger" 

Heh. I like FOB k sh. 

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