Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

         “A science lab? Why a science lab?” Alex followed Dan into a large white room. She had escaped Jamie’s house, and had made her way to Dan.

         “Closest thing I could find.” Dan shrugged, he placed a duffel bag he had been carrying on a small metal table.

         Alex looked around the lab and noticed another table nearby. It was larger, and had two large, what she assumed was metal, bowls on it. “What’s that for?” Alex gestured to the table.

         “Oh that? You’ll see.” Dan glanced over to the table, then went back to pulling the ingredients for the spell from his duffel.

         “Yeah,” Alex crossed her arms. “You keep saying that.” She narrowed her eyes at the demon.

         “Yeah, Dan. When are you gonna explain??” Lucifer appeared beside Alex, crossing his arms too, a teasing tone in his voice.

         Alex glared at the archangel, “I thought I got rid of you.” She growled softly, hoping Dan didn’t hear her.

         Lucifer smirked, “You didn’t do anything. I just got bored and left for a bit.”

         “What was that?” Dan looked up at Alex.

         “Hm?” Alex peeled her eyes from Lucifer and turned to Dan. “Oh, nothing.”

       “What’d that angel do to you? You’re distracted.” Dan placed the now empty bag under the table.

         “Nothing. I’m fine.” Alex assured.

         “No, it’s not nothing…” Dan looked her over. “You’re unsure that what we’re doing is right…”

         “No, no. I’m sure.” Alex tried to cover up her doubt. “This is right. Killing Lucifer, and Michael if needed, is something we have to do.”

         “Mhm. About that…” Dan trailed off, looking over the items resting on the table.

         “What? Are we gonna start? Or are you going to explain everything?” Alex got a bit excited.

       “Don’t get too happy,” Lucifer warned halfheartedly, looking at his fingernails with a bored expression.

         Alex glanced at Lucifer then back at Dan, “Dan?”

         Dan was quiet for a few moments, thinking over his plans. “Alright, let’s start.” He grabbed the jar of demon blood and walked over to a blank wall at the back of the lab.

         “Ok!” Alex anxiously followed Dan.

       He opened the jar and threw the cap aside, then dunked two fingers into the blood. Alex watched as he painted on the large white wall, unsure of what he was really doing.

         “Wait...Isn’t that…-” Alex moved her t-shirt down a bit to look at Dan’s seal.

      “The same symbol? Yes.” Dan finished up the much larger version of the seal on Alex. He walked back over to the table they were at, and placed the jar down, then cleaned off his hand on a rag.

         “What next?” Alex looked at the table.

         “There’s actually something I haven’t mentioned….” Dan started.

         “What?” Alex’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

         Instead of answering her, Dan turned to her, and punched her square in the face with a hand like iron. Alex gasped and stumbled backwards, falling to the ground and slamming her head, blacking out.

         “Well that’s one way to do it.” Lucifer commented, chuckling lightly. “But a bit unnecessary.”


         Alex lifted her arm, but found it was tied down somehow. She tried her other arm, and both her legs, but she was unable to move. Alex opened her eyes and looked around, barely able to lift her head. “What….the hell Dan…” Her memories returned, along with the throbbing in the back of her head and possibly broken nose.

         “You’re awake?” Alex heard Dan’s voice from across the room, she could almost see him in her peripheral vision. “Good, good.”

         “What the fuck are you doing?!” Alex yelled at him. She noticed her forearms were hanging off the table, and two stools were under each arm.

         “Mixing ingredients.” Dan said nonchalantly.

         “Why am I tied up?!” She struggled some more, but couldn’t break free.

         “Cause you’re the last ingredient.” Dan walked over, holding the two bowls from before in his hands. He placed one on each stool, then sighed at Alex’s confused expression. “The only way to let Lucifer out is for me to create a demon- you- and bleed them dry. It’s the only way the spell works.” He sounded annoyed, like he’s had to explain this multiple times before.

         “I-I...What? But you need me to help you kill him!” Alex looked around for Lucifer, finding him leaning against the table the leftover ingredients were on. Why didn’t he tell me! He clearly knew a lot!

         “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t listen.” Lucifer shrugged.

         “I never planned on killing him.” Dan admitted shamelessly. “And you’re just part of the spell. Another slave I sadly have to kill.”

         “Sadly?! You don’t seem upset in the slightest!” Alex exclaimed.

         “Of course I’m upset. You know how much trouble I went through to do this? Not only did I have to drag you from hell, but it took forever to break you! That damn angel meant everything to you and it took everything in my power to wipe him from your mind! And it didn’t even work!” Dan yelled, clearly angry.

         “Then why did you? You could’ve just used some random person!”

         “Not for this spell.” Dan growled. “I fucking have to use the blood of a sinner who fell in love with a saint. A fucking evil bitch who changed her ways to be with some angelic douchebag.” He began to pace, getting more and more angry.

         Alex frowned, but before she could speak, Dan continued to rant. “Lilith was always the special one. Whatever I did was forgotten. No one cares about the second demon, only the first. Lucifer never even noticed me!”

         “I don’t think he cares about any demons…” Alex muttered.

         “He did! He created us for a reason! I was a loyal son! But did he care? No! So I’m going to prove to him that I can be just as good as Lilith was. Now that she’s gone, I’m the only one who can free him.”

         “Dan,” Alex chuckled darkly. “Even if you let Lucifer out, do you really think he will spare you? If he gets his way and destroys humans and angels, he’ll go after demons next.”

         “She does have a point.” Lucifer spoke up. Alex glanced at her hallucination, she had been wondering ever since Gabriel refreshed her memories why Lucifer wasn’t tormenting her. She knew this was no time to think of it, but couldn’t help wondering if Lucifer was more like her conscience.  

         “You’re conscience!?” Lucifer laughed. Dan was continuing his rant in the background, but Alex couldn’t care less about his sob story. “I’m just interested in how this’ll play out. Survive this and then we’ll have some fun of our own.” He smiled evilly.

         Alex was drawn from her thoughts by Dan cutting into her forearm with a scalpel, making a long, deep vertical line, that she knew would be fatal if she didn’t do something.  She gasped and tried to pull away, “Hey!” Dan ignored her and moved to her other arm, making another deep cut.

         “I wouldn’t struggle. You’ll just bleed out faster.” Dan placed the scalpel on a stool beside one of the bowls. He then adjusted the two bowls, making sure all of Alex’s blood was dripping into them. “Now just sit tight and be quiet and this’ll be over before you know it.” He walked over to the table Lucifer was leaning against and grabbed an old book. “Lucifer will probably resurrect you anyway. He seems to like you.”

         “Dan…” Alex growled. “I can’t believe I trusted you! A-And I... I cheated on Gabriel with you! I destroyed my relationship!” Even though she was angry, she tried to stay still and slow her breathing, trying to delay the inevitable.

         “Wow.” Dan chuckled. “You really can’t let go of your human emotions, can you? No matter what I do, something sticks.” He walked back to Alex and stood behind her head. “But I don’t have time to chat anymore, I need to do this before you bleed out completely.” Dan flipped through the leatherbound book, searching for the spell. Once he found it he began to recite it.

         “E-Enochian?!” Alex recognized the angelic language.

         Dan paused, “I told you it was a special spell.”

         “H-How do you know Enochian?!” Alex exclaimed.

         Dan shrugged and continued to recite the spell.

         “D-Dammit.” Alex panted.

         “It’s been about a minute, Alex. Don’t do anything soon and you’ll bleed out.” Lucifer warned.

         Alex looked around the room, trying to find something to break free with. There’s nothing...What am I going to do?! She thought for a while, but nothing came to mind. Wait….Leo! She quickly sent out a message to her hellhound, hoping it would go through.


Author's Note-

...And everything's going to hell- yay! Thoughts?

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