Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen

         Leo’s ears perked at his master’s sudden call. He was confused, she hadn't been around in a while, and the last time he had seen her, she was very different. Leo stood up from the hotel bed- Gabriel had left him there for a reason he didn’t know. He padded over to the door and pawed it, not sure how to open it. He heard Alex call for him again, and he whimpered loudly.

         “Room service!” An older woman knocked on the hotel door.

         Leo barked, hoping to get her attention.

         The woman pulled out her set of keys and unlocked the door, expecting to see a dog inside. “What the? Oh dear!” Leo ran past the maid- nearly knocking her over- and ran down the hall. He was going to get Gabriel for help, but it was hard to track the archangel, his scent was almost stale.


         Gabriel walked around a large brick science lab, trying to find a weak spot in the warding. He could break the warding somewhat easily, but he wanted to find an even quicker way in. He had been unable to track Alex due to her powers, but he was still able to track Dan, which lead him to this location.

         Gabriel turned towards the parking lot for a moment, and noticed a floating collar sprinting towards him. “Leo…?”

         Leo barked and didn’t stop running, smashing through one of the buildings windows, then continuing down the hall to where Alex was.

         “Hey! Wait up!” Gabriel called after the hound, climbing through the window and running after Leo. He didn’t know how the hellhound had managed to erase the warding, but he didn’t question it too much.


         Alex could feel her cautiousness slowly fading, her vision blurring. She groaned, Dan was still reciting the spell. It felt like hours she had been laying here, bleeding out and unable to stop it.

       “About time they showed up.” Lucifer chuckled. Alex lifted her head, watching as Leo interrupted Dan’s ritual, and Dan easily cast the hellhound aside with a flick of his wrist.

         “L-Leo??” Alex looked at her hellhound who was still attempting to stop Dan, but couldn’t get close enough.

         “Hey!” Alex couldn’t gather enough energy to turn her head to the doorway, but she recognized Gabriel’s voice.

         “How did you find me?!” Dan’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect Gabriel to find them so quickly.

         “Wasn’t too hard. Simple tracking spell.” Gabriel pulled out his angel blade and entered the room.

         “You’re too late. I’m nearly finished.” Dan smirked, turning back to the book he was holding and continuing the spell. Gabriel easily flung the book from his hands, sending it flying against the room.

         Dan began to get angry again, “I won’t let you fuck this up! This is the only way I can redeem myself!”

         “From what?” Gabriel chuckled darkly.

         “I’m not explaining myself to you.” Dan growled.

       Gabriel raised an eyebrow at Dan, then noticed Alex, and took a few steps closer to her, realizing she needed help fast.

         “You’re not getting her either.” Dan walked in between Alex and Gabriel, blocking his path. He backed up a bit and retrieved Alex’s angel blade from her boot, then held it up to Gabriel.

         Alex used the last of her strength to struggle some more, realizing her left boot was looser now that the angel blade was gone. She managed to pull her foot from the boot and the ropes, but wasn’t sure what to do next. Dan hadn’t noticed what she was doing, he was too busy having a stand off with Gabriel. She panted, and managed to awkwardly kick Dan in the back, “N-Now Gabriel!”

      Dan stumbled, but was able to regain his balance and dodge Gabriels attack. Gabriel ran over to Alex and quickly cut the ropes holding her left arm. Dan grabbed Gabriel by his shoulders and threw him backwards, sending the archangel flying.

         Alex groaned and sat up somewhat, holding her wounded arm to her stomach to try and stop the bleeding. “Leo!” She called for her hellhound and he ran over. “Cut t-that rope there.” She nodded to the roped still holding her right arm. Leo instantly went to work, gnawing through the thick ropes. “I-I need to stop the bleeding…” Alex looked at her arms that were both untied, but still bleeding badly. “Leo, get  s-something, quickly.” She noticed her hands were shaking and her breathing was shallow. Leo ran off and Alex looked to see what Dan and Gabriel were doing.

         They were still fighting, but it didn’t seem to be going anywhere really. Dan had gotten a good hit on Gabriel, stabbing him in the shoulder. Dammit. Alex looked around for Leo, her cautiousness fading again.

         Leo barked through rags he held in his mouth, and ran over, diving between Dan’s legs and avoiding a flying angel blade Gabriel had knocked away from Dan. Alex grabbed the rags from Leo’s mouth, ignoring the slobber and trying her best to apply pressure to her wounds. Leo whimpered and watched her, waiting for her next order.

         “Help...Gabe…” Alex ordered him. Gabriel didn’t look like he needed help, he was getting the upper hand of the fight, but she wanted Leo to help anyway.

         Leo ran over and grabbed Dan by the bottom of his jeans, knocking the demon to the ground. Gabriel grabbed Dan by his shirt collar and punched him in the face with the handle of his angel blade.

         “You’re not gonna let me go easy, are you?” Dan smirked, chuckling evilly.

         “Nope.” Gabriel replied simply.

         “G-Gabriel.” Alex called for him weakly.  She still couldn’t stop the bleeding. Any normal human would’ve passed out by now, but she refused to let herself give up that easy.

         Gabriel stopped beating up Dan to look over at Alex. She was covered in her own blood, and just looked horrible overall. Gabriel turned back to a smirking Dan and glared at him, “You’re one lucky son of a bitch.”

       “Why don’t you just go save your little whore girlfriend.” Dan taunted. Gabriel ignored the demons comment and swiftly stabbed him in the stomach. Dan glowed orange for a few seconds, then his body fell limp.

         Gabriel dropped the demon and ran over to Alex, nothing on his mind besides needing to help her. Alex winced as she  pulled the rags off her arms, showing Gabriel the cuts. “Ok, ok. Here.” Gabriel placed his hands so they were hovering over Alex’s forearms and they began to glow gold.

         Alex closed her eyes and sighed as her entire body warmed up, and all her wounds healed. Where the seal was began to burn and she pulled away from Gabriel to look at it. She moved her shirt down and watched as the seal disappeared. Alex turned around and saw Dan’s dead body lying on the ground. She sighed, relieved, and turned back to Gabriel, “Can we go?”

         “Yeah...Yeah.” Gabriel nodded. “We have to do that other spell.”

         Alex nodded, not caring anymore. She stood up from the table and grabbed her and Gabriel’s angel blades from the ground. “C’mon Leo.”


Author's Note-

And finally Dantalion is dead :D

There's actually not many chapters left...But I don't think I'll be making a book three, unless I get a really good idea. I know you guys have liked this, but too much of a good thing can be bad. I don't want to draw it out too much xD

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