Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

         “When the demon Dantalion claims a human, his seal will be branded onto them. The seal will turn the human into a demon, as powerful as Dantalion himself. Once the transformation is complete, Dantalion will have total control over the newly created demon, and he will move on to his next victim. Also, similar to the Mark of Cain (see page 379), the newly created demon will have a frequent urge to kill, and if they don’t they will perish.”

         Gabriel sighed heavily, closing the book he was reading. “Dammit Alex.” He growled.


         Alex angrily stomped up to Dan and grabbed him by his coat collar, bringing him down to her level and smashing her lips onto his.

         “Well, hi.” Dan pulled away after a few seconds. “What was that?” He chuckled.

      “I don’t know.” Alex crossed her arms. She honestly had no idea why she did that, it just happened.

         “Ok…What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your angel?” Dan asked teasingly.

         “No.” Alex said simply.

         “Care to elaborate?”

         “We broke up.”

         “And you’re cool with that?” Dan was a little surprised.

         “I broke up with him, idiot.” Alex glared at the demon.


         “Yeah, and he mentioned something about me becoming a demon, what’s that about?” Alex changed the topic.

         “Uhm…” Dan paused. He found out already?!

         “It’s cause of this, right?” Alex moved her shirt down to show the seal.

         “Uh. Yeah...About that…”

         “I don’t care really.” Alex shrugged.

         “What?” Dan’s eyes widened a little and he looked at her in shock.

       “Well you probably have a reason. I just don’t see why you couldn’t ask me first.” Alex explained.

         “Ah, yeah...I do have a reason. You need to be stronger in order to get Lucifer out of the cage.” Dan regained his composure.

         “What, antichrist isn’t good enough?” Alex teased.

         “For this spell, no. But you’re ok with being a demon?”

         “Yeah, it’s fine.”

         “Hmph.” Dan thought for a while. Like a mindless slave already.

         “So, what do we need for the spell?” Alex pulled him from his thoughts.

         “Not much more, I have most of it.” Dan replied, thinking over what they had in his head.


        “Yeah, ok thanks. No, no it’s fine.” Gabriel hung up his cellphone and placed it beside him on a hotel mattress. He had called multiple hunters and psychics, trying to learn more about Dantalion’s seal and how to remove it. Gabriel also was trying to learn how to turn Alex back to normal once he removed the seal. So far, no one knew anything.

         He sighed and looked over at Leo’s floating collar, the hound was lying in front of a small table set. Gabriel hadn't planned on taking the hellhound with him, but Leo refused to stay at the apartment alone. Gabriel wondered if Leo knew what was going on with Alex, or if he even knew that they had broken up. “Hey, Leo. Come here.”

         Leo lifted his head and looked at Gabriel for a second before standing up and walking over to the archangel. He sat down in between Gabriel’s knees and looked up at him. He barked softly then jumped up on Gabriel lap.

         “Woah, hey! Hang on a sec.” Gabriel attempted to push the hellhound off him. Leo refused and began to lick Gabriel, covering him in slobber. “Ugh, ew.” Gabriel frowned, and continued to pull away. “What’s with you?!”

         Leo barked again and jumped off Gabriel, then ran over to the hotel door. He pawed the door, and barked some more.

         “Yeah. I know. Alex’s in trouble. I just don’t know how to help.” Gabriel sighed, a depressed tone in his voice. Leo whined and pawed the door again. “Unless you can come up with some magic spell to cure a demon...there’s nothing we can do.” Gabriel thought for a while. Maybe there is a spell….There’s a spell for everything, why not one for turning demons to humans?


         “Dan!~” Alex sang, walking into the hotel they were staying in.

         “Did you get it?” Dan looked up from a table of ingredients to Alex.

         “Yep. One jar of demon blood.” Alex walked over and placed the jar beside the other items.

         “Great.” Dan smiled.

         “So, is that everything?” Alex looked over the table, then back up to Dan.

         “Yeah, I think so.” Dan nodded.

         “Cool. So how’s this going to work anyway?”

         “Well…You’ll see.” Dan smirked. “Thank you for helping though.” He walked around the table and placed his arms around Alex’s waist.

         “No problem, I want Lucifer dead too. But what do we do about Michael?” Alex found herself resting her head on Dan’s chest.

         “We’ll kill him too.”

     “Won’t that start shit in heaven?” Alex asked, then thought, “And hell will be pissed when Lucifer’s dead. We’ll have both after us!” She pulled away a bit, surprised she hadn't thought of that sooner.

         “We’ll be fine. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.” Dan soothed.

         I’ll protect you.

      Alex’s thoughts drifted to Gabriel for a moment. She remembered when her nightmares and hallucinations of Lucifer were really bad, Gabriel would comfort her and hug her until she was able to calm down again. Alex pulled away from Dan again and wrapped her arms around herself.

         “You okay?” Dan’s voice broke through her thoughts.

         “Y-Yeah...Just...dizzy I guess…” Alex swallowed painfully and forced Gabriel from her thoughts.

         “Wanna sit down? Take a break? You’ve been running around all day.” Dan placed a hand on her shoulder. Damn angel’s still on her mind….

         “N-No. It’s ok. I’m fine.” Alex assured him, backing up again.

         “You sure?” Dan stepped closer to her.

         “I said I’m fine.” Alex snapped. “Back off already.”

         “Ok.” Dan raised his hands in defeat. “I’m going out for a bit. There’s actually another thing I need.” Dan walked past Alex. “I’ll be back soon ok? Don’t run off, now.”

         “Yep.” Alex crossed her arms and watched him leave.


Author's Note-

Here you go~ Everyone was freaking out and wanted more so tada! You have to wait till tomorrow for the next chapter though. xD


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