Chapter eleven

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Chapter 11

"Alex, can't you just relax for five minutes?" Gabriel begged, watching Alex read book after book, trying to find some way to kill the devil.

"We don't have time to relax anymore." Alex snapped, not looking up from an old bible.

"What are you going to find in there that I can't tell you more accurately anyway?"

"I don't know!" Alex exclaimed, looking at Gabriel. "But it's worth a shot right?"

"Not really," Gabriel muttered. Alex rolled her eyes and went back to reading.

"Alex." Gabriel grabbed the bible from her hands, closing it and putting it aside. "You need to eat, to sleep. You're still part human remember?"

"I'm fine." Alex waved him off.

"Stop saying you're fine, 'cause you're not."

"But I am fine." Alex insisted.

Gabriel sighed, "You don't have to keep it all in you can talk to me."

"How about you, huh? Stop worrying about me when you're no better yourself! You can't even pick a side for fucks sake!" Alex yelled, getting up and storming from the apartment. Outside, it began to downpour, hard, from Alex's anger.


Alex watched as people ran from place to place, trying to avoid the rain. She sat on a park bench, not caring about her soaked clothing. She felt pathetic. I can barely keep myself together after two days of torture, while Dean Winchester spent four months in hell, and he's fine...mostly. Alex pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her hands. She tried not to cry, but it didn't work very well. Around her, the rain came down even harder, even causing car accidents.

"I shouldn't of snapped at him." Alex talked to herself. "This isn't his fault..." She looked at the cuts that were still covering her body. There weren't many of them, but there were a lot of scars. Gabriel had gotten rid of as many as he could, but some just wouldn't go. Why do I have to deal with all of this...Why couldn't I have been born all human? Sure, she liked the power and ability to get whatever she wanted, but she never wanted to deal with the apocalypse.

"Hey, you're gonna catch a cold if you stay out here." Gabriel walked over, holding an umbrella.

"I don't care really," Alex muttered.

"Well I do. C'mon," He offered her a hand. Alex rolled her eyes and stood up, ignoring his hand. Gabriel wrapped his free arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"Sorry..." Alex muttered.

"Nah, it's fine," Gabriel shrugged.

"We shouldn't be allowed to use the word 'fine' anymore." Alex continued muttering.

Gabriel chuckled, "Yeah, probably not... Where do you wanna go for lunch?"

"I'm not hungry. And my clothes are soaked."

"Are they?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

Alex looked down at her clothes, which were completely dry. She noticed Gabriel had closed the umbrella, because the rain had stopped. "Oh." She still wasn't used to her powers.

"So, any place in mind? You haven't eaten in at least a day, you have to eat." Gabriel insisted.

"Ugh, yeah. I know... Know any place fun?" Alex sighed in defeat.

"Need some cheering up?" Gabriel smiled.

"Just a little."


Alex walked beside Gabriel, smiling a little. They had spent a few hours eating lunch then walking around London. "Feeling better?" Gabriel looked down at the girl beside him.

"Yeah, actually." Alex nodded.

"Good. I'm glad." Gabriel nodded as well.

"Ok, wait." Alex stopped walking. They were in an empty park.

"What is it?" Gabriel stopped to.

"I don't wanna sound like some chick from a drama show, but I've wanted to ask for a while...uh..." Alex trailed off, suddenly not so sure about her decision.

"...What?" Gabriel raised his eyebrows.

"What happened at the Grand Canyon?" Alex managed to ask, already blushing slightly. Why am I so girly when it comes to these things.

Gabriel smirked a little, "Would you like me to freshen your memory?"

Alex sighed and rolled her eyes, laughing a little. "No idiot. I mean, why did you kiss me in the first place?"

"I figured that was obvious." Gabriel shrugged.

"No, I...uh..." Alex laughed nervously.

"I love you, Alex." Gabriel smiled.

Alex blushed a deep red. She expected that to be the case, but wasn't prepared to actually hear him say it. Oh this is worse than when Matt said it! I like him back...but I have no idea how to respond!

"If you expected it, then why'd you ask?" Gabriel chuckled.

"Hey! I thought I said to stay out of my head." Alex crossed her arms.

"Well...?" Gabriel prompted.

"Well, what?"

"How do you feel about me?"

Alex looked away, "You were just poking around in my head, you should know." God dammit I feel like some stupid anime girl! Just act normally for fucks sake.

"So, you do love me back?"

"Yes." Alex mumbled.


"I love you." Alex laughed a little.

"Hmm? What was that? I didn't hear you." Gabriel teased.

Alex rolled her eyes, "I said I love you, you idiot. Don't make it into some soap opera or something."

Gabriel smiled, "Yeah, yeah. And anime girls are pretty hot by the way."

"Gabriel!" She slapped his arm. "Stay out of my head, dammit!" Gabriel just laughed.

"So wanna head back to the apartment now?" Gabriel changed the subject.

"Uhm. I think I should head back to my dad's mansion actually..."

"Oh yeah. It's been a while huh?" Gabriel agreed.


"Yo! I'm home!" Alex strolled into the mansion. She could hear Leo's paws thumping on the floor as he ran up to her. "Hey buddy." Alex knelt down and petted him.

"Miss Alex?" Alex looked up to see a man in a suit, one of Crowley's demons.

"What?" Alex stood up.

"Mr.Crowley isn't here at the moment."

"He's not sending me on another 'mission' right?" Alex crossed her arms.

"N-No ma'am, I wasn't told anything." The demon shifted his feet.

"Okay. I'm going to bed. I'm fucking tired man." Alex said mostly to herself. Maybe I'll go on a hunt tomorrow... Haven't done that in a while.


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