Chapter ten

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Chapter 10

*Warning- torture, possibly triggering idk*


Gabriel lifted his head from the newspaper he was reading, confused. Alex? Did she just pray to me? She's never done that before... He put the newspaper down on the coffee table beside him, then stood up. "She didn't sound too good..." He muttered. "Maybe I'll wait until she calls again..." Gabriel spoke slowly. But what if she's in trouble?


Meg laughed as she began a new day of torturing Alex, "You may have special antichrist powers, but damn, you're weak!"

Alex didn't even bother fighting back, or replying. She knew this would go on until she gave up and begged for mercy. I'm not going to back down.

Suit yourself. Lucifer said in her mind. You know, I didn't want to do this...

Fuck. You. Alex hissed in her head.

The torture continued getting more and more violent, but every time she was sure she should be dead, she wasn't. No matter how large the pool of blood grew on the floor, she wouldn't die. Death wouldn't let her. Scream after scream escaped her lips, some getting so loud she wasn't even sure it was herself screaming. Dammit! Gabriel! Help!

Hey now, don't go praying to my brother...

Alex didn't have any energy left to reply. She could hear new footsteps, and a voice telling Meg that she was done for the day. Someone gently grabbed her chin and lifted her head so they could look at her face. She could faintly see Lucifer's blue eyes, and she tried to pull her head away. He held her tighter, and placed two fingers from his free hand on her forehead.

A warm feeling spread through her entire body, and she could feel her energy slowly return. "Why...?" She choked out. The wounds that covered her entire body slowly faded, along with the blood.

"Have you learned your lesson...?" Lucifer asked, still holding her chin.

"I learned that you're even more of a douche bag than I thought." Alex growled through clenched teeth.

Lucifer sighed, "You're so stubborn."

"Of course I am." Alex hissed.

"Then I'll just have to change your mind. I'm not the bad guy, you know." Lucifer let go of her face and took a step back.

"Oh yeah, right. Cause destroying the entire world isn't bad. Or torturing someone for no reason." Alex agreed sarcastically.

"I don't want to destroy this planet. Earth is the last perfect handiwork of God." Lucifer corrected.

Alex rolled her eyes, "Please don't start with the whole sob story of why you were cast down... I think I've had enough torture."

"But do you know why I was cast down?" Lucifer asked.

"Yeah, daddy brought the new baby home and you couldn't handle it. This is all just one big temper tantrum." Alex mocked.

Lucifer sighed again, "Can't you just cooperate?"

"If I'm so hard to deal with, why don't you just get rid of me? Right now?" Alex questioned. She smirked when Lucifer didn't reply, and instead walked away, signaling something to Meg with his hand.

"I'll wipe that smug look off your face," Meg smiled, coming over to Alex.

Well, shit. Guess I should've seen this coming.

Why don't you tell me when you've finally decided to cooperate.

"I'm not gonna take this shit again." Alex hissed. She had noticed earlier that there was a crack in the left cuff on her ankle. She focused all of her power into that ankle and pushed it against the cuff. The magic symbols tried to hold her back, but the amount of power she used overpowered it and her leg broke free.

"You little...." Meg trailed off, putting the knife she was holding back down on a tray. Alex easily removed the other cuffs, but wasn't prepared to hold her own body up. She fell to her knees, painfully. Meg laughed, "Can't keep it up, huh?"

She grabbed Alex by the throat and lifted her up. Alex squirmed and managed to kick Meg in the leg, making her stumble backwards into the tray holding all the torture devices. Meg fell to the ground and Alex backed away, managing to stand up.

Meg grabbed the knife that had the weird markings in it. Meg threw the blade at Alex, but in the same second Alex teleported behind her and pulled the blade from her hand. Meg stood, and pinned Alex's arms to the wall, forcing her to drop the blade.

They both turned when they heard someone clear their throat. "Let her go, Child." Meg turned and glared at Alex, before dropping her arms and stepping away.

"She tried to escape." Meg informed Lucifer.

"Yeah, I think he can see that, idiot." Alex rolled her eyes. Meg glared at her again.

"How about we try a different method?" Lucifer suggested. "I was almost sure you learned, but now I'll try something else."

Alex's body moved on its own, and she walked across the room and handcuffed herself to another set of magic chains. Lucifer then came over and cuffed her ankles, then he fixed the fallen tray of torture weapons. He picked up a random weapon and twirled it in his hands, "I guess I will have to get my hands a little dirty..."

Gabriel, you idiot, now I really need help!


Gabriel heard Alex call to him for the third time. He had been pacing around nervously, because he wasn't able to track down her exact location. Someone's blocking the signal.... probably Lucifer... "But how am I supposed to get her out of there, and avoid him?" Gabriel began to pace again. Dammit....I'm going to have to wait... He can't kill her, so it's probably just torture...

It infuriated Gabriel to think about what his brother could be doing to Alex. He knew she wouldn't ask for help unless it was really needed, and that hurt even more. He paced around his apartment some more, trying to think up a plan. Every idea that came to mind was ruined by the fact that no matter what he did, no matter what trick he used, Lucifer would know it's him.

"My only option is to pop in when no one's around and grab her before anyone notices." Gabriel talked to himself. It was a sketchy plan, but it was all he could do. And I can't just leave her there... I know what Lucifer's capable of... Please be okay Alex...


Alex's voice had become hoarse from all of her screaming, and she wasn't sure how much more she could handle. Lucifer's torture was even worse than Meg's, he knew millions of tricks. Every time her body had been torn to shreds, with barely any uncut skin, he would heal her, making her body like new. It was pure hell for Alex, while Lucifer seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Alright," Lucifer sighed, putting his weapon down, after having destroyed her body for the tenth time. "I think you've had enough, yes? I'll let you rest for a little while." Then he left, without another word, as Alex hung limply from the chains while they dug into her skin.

Alex didn't bother moving, she didn't even care anymore. Every ounce of her strength was gone, and no amount of healing could replace it. She had tried praying to Gabriel some more, but Lucifer somehow disabled it.

An idea popped in her head, and she was almost reluctant to try it, fearing Lucifer would return. Fear... Alex thought. Weakness... I haven't felt like this in forever... But I might as well try...

She tried to focus some power, or energy, something, into sending a command out to Leo. It was her last hope.


She was sure Leo'd be able to find him, and then make his way to her. His sense of smell was amazing, especially the scent of his owner.

Having no energy left at all now, Alex closed her eyes and somehow fell asleep, her dreams plagued with nightmares.


Gabriel was sitting in his recliner, face in his hands, worried. Alex hadn't prayed to him in at least nine hours, and he had no idea what to do. He heard barking and scratching at his door and looked at it confused. What now?

He stood up and walked over to the door, opening it. Gabriel raised an eyebrow when nothing was there, only a black collar. Then it clicked. "Leo?" Leo barked.

"What are you doing here...?" Gabriel asked, silently hoping it was Alex who sent the Hellhound. Leo only barked again, and lightly bit Gabriel's hand pulling him from the apartment. "Woah, wait! What are you doing?!" The dog dragged Gabriel outside and over to a random car.

"You want me to drive somewhere?" Gabriel was completely lost. " bark for yes, two for no." Leo barked once and Gabriel nodded, climbing into the random car and hot wiring it. He drove for a while following the Hellhound's instructions. One bark for left, two for right, and three to go straight. It was complicated, but he managed to get somewhere.

Leo made him stop in a neighborhood, and they left the car and began to sneak around the neighborhood. Gabriel followed the hound to an all brick, European style house, where the dog stopped, and began to whimper softly.

"Is she here?" Gabriel asked from where he and Leo sat behind the next house over's bushes, looking at the brick house. Leo barked softly and Gabriel nodded. "What floor? Top, main, basement?" Leo barked three times, saying she was in the basement.

"Alright, you go home, okay? I'll make sure Alex gets out of there." Gabriel told the Hellhound. Leo seemed to understand and began to walk off. Gabriel prepared himself, "Here I come Alex."


Alex woke up to the sound of someone walking towards her. She tried to pull away from them, but she still had no strength.

"Alex!" Gabriel hissed quietly. She was covered in cuts and bruises, and would have been dead if Lucifer hadn't fixed that. "Hang on, I'm getting you out of here." He uncuffed her ankles first, then moved up to her arms, knowing that she would fall once he released her.

Alex groaned as Gabriel caught her in his arms, bridal style. "Yeah, I know." Gabriel quickly teleported out of there and to a random hotel room on the other side of the country. He laid Alex on the bed, and began to heal her. Most of the wounds were too deep to heal completely, and others left light scars on her once clear skin.


Alex blinked her eyes open, feeling that same warm feeling throughout her body. Not again... She cringed at the bright light in the room, realizing she wasn't in the basement anymore. "Where...?"

"Hey! You're awake, you okay?" Gabriel panicked.

Alex moaned and turned away from the light. "What the hell...?" She still wasn't processing everything properly. "Gabriel?"

"Yeah, hey." Gabriel was sitting on the edge of the bed facing her.

"What the hell happened?" Then everything came rushing back to Alex. She gasped and pulled her legs to her chest and hugged them.

"Woah, you alright?" Gabriel was worried about the poor girl. It may have only been about two days, but still, a lot can happen.

"Y-Yep. I'm fine..." Alex forced herself to relax. "How'd you find me..?"

"Leo came to my apartment." Gabriel laughed a little.

"Where are we..?" Alex looked around the green hotel room.

"Uhm... I dunno. I just went somewhere far away from Lucifer." Gabriel shrugged.

"Okay... Well... What's our next move?" Alex sat up against the headboard of the bed.

"First, you need to heal some more. It's going to take one or two more sessions." Gabriel stood and crossed his arms.

Alex scoffed, "I'll be fine. I am fine!"

"Alex," Gabriel gave her a look. "You can't just pretend like nothing happened."

Alex frowned, "Watch me."


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