Chapter four

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Chapter 4

"Man mauled by supposed bear while walking home one night with his wife," Alex read out loud from the newspaper in her hands. She was sitting in the library in Crowley's mansion, a week after she witnessed the beginning of the end. She looked over at Leo who laid beside her on the couch, his huge head in her lap. "Sounds like it could be our kind of thing right? Like a werewolf?" Leo sat up and woofed.

"Yes, cause he totally understands what you're saying," A new voice said. Alex rolled her eyes and looked over at Matt as he walked into the room and sat down on the black couch beside her.

"Well, he probably does. I mean he understands my commands right? And, he answered me." Alex pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Matt chuckled. He then reached over and grabbed the newspaper from Alex's hands while saying, "Well, what do we have here?"

"Hey!" Alex exclaimed, reaching to grab back the stolen newspaper.

"Didn't your dad say you can't go on anymore 'hunts'?" Matt questioned, looking up from the paper after reading the headline.

"Yeah... Well," Alex started. "Hmph. I don't care. I'm old enough to do what I want."

"Oh? Are you?" Matt raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Yes. I am. Now give it back." Alex tried to grab the newspaper again, but failed.

Matt raised it above his head and laughed, "And why should I? Because you're always such a kind hearted person?"

Alex sighed. "Stop fucking around Matt." She crossed her arms and continued, "It's my job okay?"

Matt smirked, "Ok, ok, fine. But I gotta benefit from this somehow."

Alex closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, "What do I have to do?"

Matt, still smirking, then said, "A kiss."

Alex opened her eyes and looked at him like he had ten heads, yet she was slightly blushing. "What?!" He wants me to kiss him? Where the hell did that come from? Alex thought.

"You heard me." Matt smiled.

"I-I...Uh..actually on second thought that job can wai-" Alex was interrupted by Matt pressing his lips to hers. She stiffened, staring at him wide-eyed, before slowly relaxing into the kiss.

Matt pulled away after a few moments and smiled, "See that wasn't so bad." He chuckled at Alex, who's face was a deep shade of red. "I've never seen you so embarassed."

"I...uh...I gotta g-go." She grabbed the newspaper and jumped up from the couch, hiding her red face from the demon servants as she passed them on her way to her room. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. She scolded herself. Why the hell did you just run away? She went to her closet and grabbed her suitcase, filling it with clothing and anything else she would need for this hunt. She jumped about a foot when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Alex?" Matt asked. "You...okay?"

Alex turned around, blushing again. "Hah. Yeah I just...ah, want to get on with this hunt..."

"Oh ok..." Matt sounded a little disappointed. "But hey, can I tell you something before you go?"

Alex panicked a little, "Sure..."

Matt sighed, "Well...I'm sorry about what just happened but I've liked you for a while now, and I just wanted you to know that."

Alex took a step back, "Wait what? What are you talking about?" Not once in Alex's life had anyone liked her like that, besides maybe Crowley, but that was a family type of love. Not this kind.

"I love you, Alex." Matt looked down at their feet.

Alex stared at him for a few seconds before answering, "It would never work." She hissed. "You're a demon, you idiot." She was angry, but she didn't know why. She did love him back, but she couldn't get the words to form. "I'm leaving now."

"I figured you'd say that." Matt sighed. "Hey, Alex, wait." He grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving. "Be careful okay? There's gonna be a lot of angels and demons trying to get to you."

"Shut up. I know." Alex huffed. "See you later, Matt."

Matt chuckled, you sure got a funny way of showing emotions hun.


Alex threw her suitcase onto the hotel bed, then went over to it and pulled out her FBI clothing. This time she had a knee length black pencil skirt with a dark grey blouse and a black suit jacket over it. She walked out of her hotel room to her car, off to go look at the body in the nearby morgue before going to question the wife of the man who was mauled by a 'bear'.

"Hi, Agent Hays. I'm here to see the body of the man who was killed by a bear." Alex held up her badge to the teen who sat at the front desk of the morgue.

"Oh?" The boy raised an eyebrow. "Why would a fed be here for that? Don't you have any actual cases to be working on?"

"I'm just checking, now can you show me the body of... Mr. John Franks?" Alex asked, checking to make sure she had the right name.

"Well, my boss isn't here. And I'm not supposed to let anyone see the bodies without him." The teen said.

Alex sighed, "Can you just let me go look real quick? I just want to see the body for a few minutes. Surely you can do that for me, right?" Alex gave him a smile.

"Well...I-I dunno" He scratched his head. "I...I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Thank you, uhm..."

"Mellor. Adam Mellor."

"Ah, thanks," Alex followed him into the room the body was in and watched him open the cold chamber.

"Was there anything missing from the body when it was found?" Alex asked, looking at the mangled body.

"Actually, yeah. The heart was missing." Adam looked up from Franks' paperwork, "How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess," Alex shrugged.


"Did you see what this, uhm, bear looked like?" Alex asked the wife John Franks, who had been walking home with him and had witnessed him get killed.

"Well...yes. But...I already talked to the police, they say it was a bear." Mrs.Franks replied. She was covered in bruises and small cuts, but the worst was three claw marks that went from the top left of her forehead, over her eye, and ended at her nose.

"But what do you think it is?"

She looked a little surprised, "I...It's crazy, I know, but I swear it was a man..."

"A man?" Alex's eyebrows pushed together.

"Yes. He had sharp claws and teeth though, but he looked like a normal guy."

"Alright, ma'am. Did you by any chance recognize the man?"

Mrs.Franks sighed and looked at her hands folded in her lap, making her short blonde hair fall in her face, "It was John's brother... They...they didn't get along very well. John owed him some money a while back and still hadn't paid it, but that can't be why this happened. That...thing..." She looked up at Alex, "That thing wasn't human. It couldn't have been David. It couldn't have..."

"It's okay ma'am. I'll be going now, thank you for your time." Alex smiled at the woman before exiting the room, leaving the poor widow to her thoughts.

Alex now had time to think about her own problems, too. She was still embarrassed about what happened with Matt before, and she didn't know why. Sure, she had never dated anyone, and no one ever had a crush on her.

In school she was the oddball. Unable to control her powers at the time, many strange things would happen in the middle of class, especially when she got angry or sad. Most of the other children would make fun of her and call her horrible nicknames that they'd come up with. She had never thought of anyone in that way, and she wasn't even one hundred percent sure about her feelings towards Matt at the moment.

Alex sighed, and realized she was already back at her hotel room. She unlocked the red door and went in to change out of her clothes into something more comfortable. She suddenly had no energy to even bother with dealing with the werewolf at the moment, so she flopped onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling.

Do I love Matt? Or do I just like him as a friend? She hated the fact she was so confused. She didn't want to be in love, it just wasn't her type of thing. She groaned loudly and sat up, deciding to just get this job over with and get home. She didn't need any of Lucifer's followers or any angels after her.


Alex knocked on David Franks' door, she had learned his address by asking a few of the Franks' neighbors and searching him up online. "Hi, I'm-" She started when he opened the door, but was cut off as he quickly closed it again.

"G-Go away. I'm b-busy." He stammered from the other side of the door.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, David." Alex tried turning the door handle, but David was holding it shut on the other end.

"I-I don't want t-to hurt you..." David was leaning against the door, holding the knob firmly in place. "I-I know you're a hunter."

"How do you know?" Alex slammed her shoulder against the door, her demon strength busting it down. She found David getting up off the ground, sharp claws growing from his fingernails and sharp white teeth replacing his normal ones.

"I didn't mean to kill those people!" David screamed suddenly, running to pounce on Alex.

She dodged, barely getting away, "What? There were more?"

David didn't answer right away, instead he jumped at Alex again, this time pinning her to the ground. "I didn't want to kill them. I was So hungry..." He seemed to be drooling, Alex squirming beneath him in disgust. She then remembered she couldn't feel her gun pressed up against her back.

It was filled with silver bullets, one of the only things that can kill werewolves. Alex looked across the room and saw her pistol lying there, several feet away. Dammit, I need to get over there or I'm screwed.

David growled and ran a nail across Alex's neck, drawing blood. He leaned down and placed his mouth over the cut, sucking up the blood. "What the fuck?!" Alex yelled and squirmed violently, trying to get away from the crazed man.

David made a disgusted face, quickly getting off of Alex. "Your blood tastes gross!" He wiped his mouth and growled.

"Good." Alex lifted her pistol and aimed it at David. She cocked it, but before she could fire it it was knocked from her hands and she was on the ground again. What? She then screamed out in pain as David slashed his claws across her stomach, leaving large cuts. Fuck. she staggered to her feet and backed away from the werewolf, holding her stomach.

David howled and tried to pounce again but Alex managed to get to her pistol, shooting him straight in the head. He fell to the floor with a thump, and Alex slumped against the wall panting hard. She pulled her hand away from her stomach slightly, looking at her hand that was coated in dark red blood.

She groaned and teleported herself back to the mansion, right in the middle of the living room. "Alexandra!" She could hear Crowley call her and come running over to her. She fell to the floor, coughing up blood. This must be worse than I thought.


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