Chapter three

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Chapter 3

A few weeks went by and Alex continued hunting. Crowley disapproved of this greatly, especially since she was leaving Leo behind on her more recent hunts. Tonight, she was after her first vampire nest in Ilchester, Maryland. Alex wasn't sure of it's exact location, but she knew people, mostly female, were being taken from a local bar and not being seen again. She didn't know of the people being abducted were being drained of their blood for food or if the nest was turning them, but it didn't matter to her, she just wanted to get this hunt over with.

Alex swirled her fingertip around in her drink, bored. Not one guy had come up to her that seemed suspicious. All the men who came to sit beside her were drunk morons, clearly not vampires planning on abducting her. She was about to give up hope when a tall, handsome, man sat down beside her.

Alex turned to him and faked a sweet smile. He was pretty good looking, she had to admit. He had dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes. His face was perfectly sculpted, he seemed like every woman's dream. Perfect, too perfect.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing in here all alone?" He questioned her, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"My friends were gonna meet me here...." Alex lied, looking back to her untouched lemon drop martini. She didn't even care for alcohol, but anything to fit the part.

"Well...Looks like they're not coming huh?" He smiled an unusually perfect smile. "What's your name darling?"

Pretending to be a little shy Alex answered with a lie, "Ah...Hannah..." She looked over at the man and gave him a small, innocent smile.

"Well, Hannah...You can call me Hall." There was a mischievous glimmer shining in his eyes. "How about we get out of here, hmm?"

How stupid are some people to actually leave with someone this mysterious right after meeting them? "Oh! Ok!" Alex smiled again.

Hall stood, taking Alex's hand and leading her out of the now crowded bar. When did so many people show up here? Alex thought to herself as she bumped into a overweight drunken man. She let out a small yelp and backed away, bumping into another person. "I'm sor-" Alex twirled around to see Hall's handsome face only a few inches from hers.

"Come," He leaned down and whispered into her ear.

Alex followed Hall outside, not like she had a choice though, he had a tight grip on her wrist so that he didn't lose her in the crowd. She tried to pull away, but Hall only tightened his grip. Is this normal for a human? I don't believe a human could have such strength. "Uhm...Can you let go? That kinda hurts." Alex asked when he didn't release her hand after they got outside.

Hall didn't reply, he just grunted and shoved Alex up against the alley wall. He had taken her out the back entrance so no one would see them. Alex struggled as he pinned her arms above her head. "Douche bag! Let me go!" She snapped.

"Wow, you're a strong one!" Hall smiled. "Perfect." Alex's eyebrows pushed together in confusion. So he's turning humans into vamps, huh?

"Now, why don't you come quietly, yeah?" Hall leaned down into Alex's face. Alex rolled her eyes, as if. She wasn't really thinking about the fact that she needed to know where the nest was. To prove her point that she wasn't going with him, she spat in his face, making him let go of her arms. "You bitch!" He hissed, wiping his face.

Hall jumped, trying to tackle Alex, but fortunately, Alex was quicker and dodged. She swung her fist towards his head, and he somehow caught it in his hand. Well, this is going nowhere. Alex tried again, this time tripping him, bringing Hall to his knees.

Hall was smart though. He let Alex get a few good punches in before he reached out to a brick that lay on the ground beside him, swinging it up and hitting Alex in the head. Knocking her out cold. Smirking, Hall stood and lifted up the limp body. He then dragged it to the grey van that was waiting nearby for him.


Alex woke up with a pounding headache. She sat up and looked around at the abandoned warehouse. Graffiti covered most of the walls, and makeshift beds lay on the floor. Looks like the nest hasn't been here very long, Alex thought, standing up and brushing herself off.

"Looks like you're awake," Alex jumped at the familiar voice of Hall.

"I'd love to address you by your name, but it seems you have a lot of them, huh?" Hall stood a few feet in front of Alex, holding her many fake IDs. "So, are you...Hannah? Or Amy? How about Agent Natasha White?" He looked up from the IDs with a raised eyebrow.

"Alex." She crossed her arms.

"What a beautiful name," Hall stepped closer to Alex. "You'll make a great new addition. Especially sense you're a hunter."

"You plan on turning me into one of you? Good luck." Alex snorted and rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean? Can't you feel it? I've already begun the transformation." Hall chuckled darkly. Alex's eyes widened.

"Well, I have to admit," Alex smirked, getting over her initial shock. "Being half vampire half demon will be pretty fun." She blinked and her eyes went to a deep red color. She had recently learned to control how to turn her demon eyes on and off.

Hall and the other vampires that now stood behind him looked rather startled. Alex blinked her eyes back to normal and crossed her arms. "S-So, you're a demon and a hunter?!" Hall stuttered. Alex was surprised he knew what demons were.

"Well, normally I'm half demon half human but now that vampire is mixed in, I dunno." She shrugged. "But... What I do know is that you guys have been killing or turning a lot of people huh?" Alex looked at the crowd of vampires that stood behind Hall. "And I can't let that slide, sorry guys." She made a machete out of nothing.

"Don't you think you may be being a little cocky?" Hall turned his head to the crowed and nodded. All of the vampires came at Alex at once.

The first few vampires were easy for Alex to take care of as she beheaded them with one swing of her blade. But many more came charging after her, and it seemed to be never ending. Soon later she was overwhelmed and fell to the dirty floor, being pinned by multiple vampires.

She swung her machete, thrashing her arm around beneath the pile of vamps, only for it to be knocked from her hand and fly to God knows where in the warehouse. "Dammit," Alex hissed as her arms and legs were pinned to the ground by a few vampires and another got her by the throat.


A tall man chuckled as he strolled into the abandoned warehouse and crouched down to pick up a machete that had been tossed aside. He walked up behind the leader of the vampire nest that was staying in the abandoned warehouse, ignoring the many vampires pinning down someone as they struggled for their life. He raised the blade and with one swift motion, beheaded the tall, dark vampire. He then bent down to the bleeding body and collected some of it's blood as it pooled around the body.

All of the other vampires noticed their dead leader and tried to scatter, leaving the girl on the ground, but the man was quicker. He worked fast, beheading all of the vamps before they could escape. Once he was finished, he turned back to the girl who was now standing, "Howdy Alex. It's been a while."


"Howdy Alex. It's been a while." Alex ran over to the man, not caring that his worn out shirt and jeans were covered in blood, and hugged him.

"I thought you were dead, Matt." She sighed into his shirt.

Matt laughed, "You think Lilith was just gonna get rid of me that easy?"

Alex pulled away and angrily looked up into his brown eyes, "Woah, wait, Lilith?! You were almost killed by Lilith?"

"Hey, calm down. Almost. I'm still here, alright?" His eyes flashed black then went back to normal.

Alex took a few steps back and sighed, "Yeah I guess."

"That hug was really out of character of you, ya know? I haven't seen you like that sense you were a young 'un. Word on the street is you got a temper worse than any demon." Matt chuckled again.

Alex rolled her eyes, "What? I'm not that bad." she crossed her arms and actually smiled. Matt had been her only friend her entire life besides Leo, and she loved him. He was the only person -well demon- that she could actually smile and laugh and act like a normal person with.

"Hey, can we go get something to eat or something? I'm starving man." Alex groaned, suddenly noticing how hungry she was and also how her senses seemed sharper.

"That would be the vampire blood." Matt said matter of factly as they walked out of the warehouse together.

"Oh shit, yeah....." Alex sighed remembering what Hall did to her. "Hey, did you know demons have heartbeats?" She walked over to a black car she assumed was Matt's and leaned against it.

"Oh really? What, can you hear it?" Matt asked, joining her.

"Yes. And it's annoying. So please shut it up." Alex rubbed her temples as her head began to pound like the loud drumming of Matt's heartbeat.

Matt chuckled and got off the hood of the car, reaching into the passenger seat through the window. "Here, drink this." He said as he returned with a cup full of a weird mixture.

"The hell is it?" Alex wrinkled her nose as she peered into the cup. "Smells like ass."

"It's a cure so that you're not a vampire...Oh here, can't forget this," He pulled out a syringe full of blood and emptied it into the mixture.

"What the hell is that?"

"Blood of that dick that turned ya. Cure won't work without it." Matt said, sitting on the hood of his car again.

Alex swirled the liquid around then sighed, "Dammit, this is gonna suck."

"Bottoms up," Matt smirked as she downed the entire mixture in one go. He laughed as she made a disgusted face and shook her head.

"Oh god, that was horrible. I am never doi-" Alex was cut off as a sharp pain passed through her.

Matt handed her a metal bucket and pulled her hair away from her face, "You're gonna need this, this isn't gonna be a very fun trip, hun."

"Don'" Alex choked before vomiting large amounts of a dark liquid into the bucket. She groaned in pain as fangs pushed through her gums, her eyes becoming bloodshot.

Alex continued to groan and cry out in pain, while Matt moved the vomit filled bucket away and rubbed her back soothingly. He watched as she slowly relaxed after a few moments, her fangs retracting into her gums and disappearing, and her eyes return to their pale blue color. "You alright, hun?" Alex leaned her head against his shoulder and groaned once more in response.

"I hate vampires," She muttered. Matt laughed and she pulled herself back into a sitting position. "You laugh a lot."

"Is that a bad thing?" Matt got up once more and grabbed two beers from his car. "I know you don't like alcohol but here." He sat beside her again and handed her one.

"You're a demon. Yanno, most demons aren't very nice." Alex pulled the top off the beer and took a sip.

"Yeah well most demons don't remember what it's like to be human." Matt sighed.

"And you're saying you actually remember?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sure. I remember why I sold my soul too." He tilted his head up and looked at the stars as they twinkled in the night sky.

"Really...? Why?"

"It wasn't for an extra three inches, I'll tell ya that." Alex laughed, remembering why her father sold his soul. "No, but really. It was for my wife. She was dying, cancer, only had a few weeks to live. She reminds me of you actually." Matt said, becoming serious. He looked over at Alex, who didn't know how to reply. She wanted to say something sarcastic or snarky, but didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Oh..." Was all she managed to get out, turning her eyes away from Matt's and looking into her beer bottle.

"Yeah... So," Matt said, their moment ruined. "Ah. Actually, I have a question, your father actually let you hunt? On your own?"

Alex snorted, "He doesn't want me to, but that's too bad. He doesn't really get a say in it anymore."

"Wow. You really have changed."

"Yeah, well. Being around demons doesn't really help."

"Naw, that's not it. You still want revenge, huh? On the angels who killed your mother." Matt gave her a knowing look.

"Not just them. I want all angels to pay. Every one of them." Alex growled.

Matt sighed, "Well, you may get your chance." He looked off to somewhere in the distance.

"What?" Alex asked surprised.


Sam flung Lilith across the room with a single hand movement. She let out a yelp and landed, bashing her skull on the edge of a stone altar. She sat up, watching as the demon Ruby and Sam Winchester made their way towards her.

Sam pinned her to the altar with his newfound powers, while Ruby closed the door to the room they were in so Sam's brother, Dean, couldn't interrupt them.

"I've been waiting for this," Sam smirked, "For a very long time."

"Then give me your best shot," Lilith growled. Sam raised his hand and a white light glowed from Lilith's chest, and she groaned in pain. He could hear his brother calling for him and slowly lowered his hand, the light fading from Lilith's chest.

He turned around, confused, "Dean?"

"What are you waiting for!" Ruby screamed at Sam. "Now! Sam, Now!"

Sam turned back to Lilith, watching her laugh hysterically, "You turned yourself into a freak...A monster...And now you're not gonna bite?" She chuckled and continued, "I'm sorry, but that is honestly adorable."

She gasped in pain as Sam raised his hand again, and his eyes turned black. He slowly closed his hand and Lilith gasped and choked as the white light pulsed from her chest. This continued for a few moments before Lilith fell, dead, and Sam's eyes returned to their normal color.


"What do you mean Matt?" Alex asked again, her eyebrows raised in confusion.

"You know Lucifer, right?" Matt asked, still looking at nothing.

"Yeah...? What the hell does the devil have to do with me?"

Matt chuckled, "A lot actually, but that's besides the point. Right now, Lilith is breaking the final seal to let Lucy himself out of his cage."

"Woah, wait, what? Right now?! Where? Why?" Alex was completely shocked. This is what Lilith wanted? But she is the final seal. She does this, she's dead.

"Mhm. Right in town actually. St. Mary's Convent. And the show's just about to start."

Matt finished speaking and Alex could feel a new power pulse through her. " this?" She gasped as a large white pillar came from nowhere and a wave of white passed over them. She yelped and covered her face with her hands, Matt doing the same.

She could hear a high-pitched metallic whining and covered her ears to protect them from the painful sound. Everything around them was pure white and they had to keep their eyes closed to keep from going blind. "Matt!" Alex yelled, reaching blindly for him. She sighed when she grabbed hold of his arm, glad he was okay despite what was happening.

She did the one thing she could think of and teleported them out of there and to where she hoped they would be safe. "What the actual fuck just happened." Alex asked, sitting up from where she lay on her father's mansion's front lawn.

"Ugh. That was the door to Lucy's cage opening up." Matt groaned, also sitting up.

"I feel weird." Alex commented, looking down at herself to try and learn what was wrong with her.

"Oh, that may be cause with Lucifer out you, being an antichrist, get stronger." Matt stood up and brushed himself off.

"Oh? Oh, great. Uhm, why?" Matt offered her a hand and she ignored it, standing up on her own.

"I dunno really, you're supposed to be a minion of his or something."

Alex laughed, "As if. He's an angel too, like hell I'd listen to him."

"Better watch out for his followers then, they'll be trying to find you. Angels too." Matt warned.

"Good. Let 'em come. I'll slap all of them silly." Alex smirked.

"Of course you will."

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