Chapter two

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Chapter 2

One week later

Alex pulled her hair out of the ponytail it was in as she walked passed the guards at her father's mansion. She had decided she liked hunting and was going to pack some clothes and things for another possible case she found in Ridgewood, New Jersey. It was another ghost case, although hopefully this time it would be an actual ghost.

"Hey! I'm home!" She called, closing the mansion's door behind her. Leo instantly ran off looking for food, leaving Alex alone. "Dad?" She pulled off her coat and hung it up on a golden coat rack beside the door. The mansion was dark. Alex walked into the room where Crowley would watch TV typically, finding it empty.

"The boss is out on business, Miss," A deep voice said from behind Alex. She turned around to see a tall man in an expensive looking suit- one of the guards. "We didn't expect you to be back so soon." He blinked and his eyes flashed black, then went back to their normal dark brown color.

"Whatever, I'm not staying long." Alex passed the demon and headed towards her room.

"Mr. Crowley wants you to take care of something actually." The demon followed her down the hallway.

Alex groaned, "What is it?" She went into her room, creating a suitcase out of thin air and moving over to her closet.

"There are some demons, in Santa Monica, Mr.Crowley sent them there to-"

"Santa Monica? California?! I have a job in New Jersey!" Alex stopped shoving clothes in her suitcase to glare the demon. "Why the Hell should I clean up his demon's mess?"

"Miss Alex, I was told you have to do this. The demons aren't doing their job. He also said there may be a, case, as you call it." The demon shifted uncomfortably, he knew Alex was stubborn, but he had forgotten about how short tempered she is, she was just like a demon sometimes, maybe even worse.

"Case huh? Details?" Alex zipped shut the suitcase and placed it on the ground beside her, patting Leo's head. He had apparently followed her here without her knowing.

"Well one of the demon's meat suit's wife died. He said he found a hex bag in the house."

"Uh huh. So witch. Alright. Sounds cooler than the ghost I was after in Ridgewood." Alex shrugged and pulled up the handle to the suitcase beside her, dragging it behind her as she left the room. She didn't have the energy to complain more and refuse the job. "So what am I doing to these demons huh? Death, warning, what?"

"I believe Mr. Crowley left that up to you Miss," The demon walked with her passed the other demon guard to outside the tan mansion. "Are you taking your Hellhound with you?" He looked back to the demon hound that sat on the front steps, waiting patiently for an order.

"Ahm. No. Watch over him for me, kay?" Alex called over her shoulder as she walked down the long driveway to the tall front gates that were already open. Alex didn't wait for a reply from the demon, she just continued down the driveway to where her dark blue Camaro awaited her return.


Alex stalked up to the yellow and white house Crowley had sent her to. She had no clue why there were demons undercover, she assumed it was to collect souls or make deals, like the usual lame stuff her father did. She also had no idea how she was supposed to get information on the woman who was killed by a witch. Alex could always ask neighbors about the victim, but as she knocked on the door to the house she decided she could just wait for the witch to strike again. The door opened to show a man in a plaid shirt and worn out jeans with messy blonde hair. "Jake, right?" Alex crossed her arms, "The demon?"

The man looked surprised at this, "What? M-My name's Ricky... I..Who- Who are you?"

"Shit," Alex muttered looking away from the confused man. Damn demon left before I got here. Lucky bastard.

"Ah...lady? What are you doing here? And did you call me a demon?" He stood up straighter and seemed more sure of himself, like he was trying to be intimidating.

Alex sighed, "Look dude, I got the wrong house. I have a friend- named Jake- we, ah, joke around a lot. I didn't mean it literally, it's a joke."

"I...I think I've seen you before....." The man tilted his head to the side slightly.

Shit, he's remembering being possessed, Alex thought.

"What? No. Look, I gotta go," She began to back away. "Didn't mean to cause you trouble." Alex turned and began to walk a little faster to her car, then she stopped.

Hey if he's not possessed, can I ask about his wife? No...I've already fucked that up. Can't exactly pretend to be a cop now. She sighed heavily and continued to her car. She couldn't do anything, really. She had to wait for the witch to make another move, and now she couldn't even entertain herself by beating up an annoying demon.


Ricky gasped, sitting up in his bed. Another nightmare? Can't I just get some sleep!? He breathed heavily and pushed the covers aside, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He groaned when he saw the time flashing in big red letters on his alarm clock beside the bed, 1:45 AM. Lazily, he stood up and made his way to the bathroom.

"Uhh..." He moaned in pain, holding his stomach as he looked at himself in the mirror. "God, what did I eat! My-" He was cut off by an intense wave of coughs. Ricky leaned over the sink and continued to cough, dark red blood staining the white marble sink. "Ohhh...No..." He held back another cough. He let out a gasp as a sharp pain pierced his stomach. It feels like knifes are digging into me!

He coughed into the sink again as the sharp pain continued in his abdomen. He began to gag, choking on something. Another cough shook him, sending whatever had been lodged in his throat flying into the sink.

"Jesus!" He screamed, as a small, black and yellow bug squirmed in a pool of blood, unable to fly because of it's soaked wings. "A...Hornet! Was...Was me?!" Ricky let out another groan of pain, falling to his knees. He swore he could hear a buzzing noise coming from his stomach. He fell to the floor in a heap, screaming in agony. He laid there on the floor, feeling the life drain out of him, unable to do anything to prevent it.


"Hi, Agent White," Alex faked smiled and held up her fake FBI badge. The officer guarding the police tape nodded and held it up for her so she could go investigate the crime scene. The man who had been possessed by a demon had died, she didn't know the cause yet, the sheriff had only called her telling her that it was very weird. Alex had decided to check the crime scene first, then head over to the morgue to check out the body.

Passing several other policemen and women, Alex went inside the yellow house and began to look around. "Ah ma'am, you're FBI right?" Alex turned around to see a man in his mid-twenties wearing a white lab coat that read "Forensics" on the back in black letters.

"Yea, I am" Alex pulled out her badge again for him to see. "Didn't think they'd get a forensics guy in here." She commented, putting away her badge when he was satisfied.

"Yea, well, Not every day you see something like this." The man shrugged, walking down a hall towards a bathroom. Alex following closely.

"Really... What happened?" Alex slowed to a stop and turned to him.

"You don't know? Guy was found dead in his bathroom, stomach full, and I mean, really full of live hornets."

Alex raised an eyebrow, "Hornets?"

The man nodded and continued to the bathroom, stopping by the door, "Have a look around. I got to go though."

"Alright..." Alex entered the bathroom and looked around. Besides the blood still in the sink, the room looked normal. "Still, definitely a witch" Alex muttered to herself. "Where could that damn hex bag be?"

She pulled the shower curtain aside and looked around. Alex noticed the shower head wasn't screwed on fully. Using the wall as support, she climbed up onto the edge of the bath tub and grabbed the shower head. She hopped down and unscrewed the part of the shower head that is used to change how the water comes out. Inside, sat a tan cloth, tied with a small strip of leather, a hex bag. "Bingo" Alex smirked to herself, putting it inside her coat pocket. She then replaced the shower head and left the bathroom.

On her way out she noticed a girl about her age with long brown hair talking to some police officers and crying.Fake tears? Alex thought going up to the girl. She pulled out her FBI badge, "Hi, can I ask you some questions?"

The girl nodded, "Ah, okay...What would you like to know?" The police officer that had been questioning her before nodded to Alex then left. Her badge is fake, she's not FBI. Is she a hunter? The girl thought. "My name is Marie by the way, I'm a friend of Ricky's."

"Okay Marie, Ah. What kind of person was Ricky?" Alex crossed her arms over her chest. Both girls knew something was up with the other, but neither made a move to point it out.

"He was a nice guy, I mean yea, he had his moments but overall he was a good guy." Marie wiped her eyes and straightened up a little.

Alex narrowed her eyes slightly, "So, he didn't have many enemies right? No one out to get him?"

So you are a hunter huh? Well, I wish you luck. "What? Are you saying someone could have murdered him?" Marie tilted her head to the side slightly.

"Oh, no, no...I have to ask, even if it's not likely." Alex smiled a little.

"Oh, well, no. I don't think he had any enemies. His wife, Jane, either. They were nice people, at times."

"At times?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Well they argued a lot. But besides that they were good. I used to help them with babysitting their nieces and nephews." Marie smiled.

Alex nodded, "Ok. Thank you for your time." Marie nodded as well and Alex turned away and headed to her car.


Marie watched the fake FBI agent walk back to her expensive looking car, trying to keep her cool. When the blue camaro was out of sight, she ran. She needed to get home as fast as possible. Her house was only a few down the street from Jane and Ricky's, so it didn't take long.

Breathlessly, she struggled to unlock her door. "Come on!" She hissed at the door, tempted to just knock it down with her magic. After stupidly dropping her keys, she managed to unlock the door and run inside. She went down the hall to her bedroom, closing and locking the door behind her. Under her bed she retrieved her magic book, candles and all the ingredients she needed.

She had already placed the hex bag where she needed it. She brought the items over to her desk and began. First she laid down a black cloth that had a pentagram on it. She placed a bowl over that and put a bunch of rabbit's teeth inside. She moved over to where her candles were, placing them in the proper area behind the bowl. Marie reached into her pocket and pulled out a watch, she held it in her hand as she began speaking in a foreign language. After she spoke some words, she placed the watch inside the bowl, and picked up a dagger.


Dave slammed the door of his small apartment behind him, he was angry. He went down the hall to his small blue bathroom not bothering to close the door. He looked at himself in the mirror, wondering what to do. Marie has to pay for what she's done. We had a rule, she broke it. He began to cough, blood pooling in his hand. "So this is how it's going to be, huh Marie? Fine."

Dave reached under the sink and pulled out the light brown hex bag. Still coughing, he brought it into a small dark room, where he already had an altar set up. He pulled out a lighter and threw the hex bag into a waste bin after lighting it on fire. He chuckled darkly as he walked over to his altar and knelt beside it.


Marie gasped as her altar exploded into flames, "No!" He's found out already! She staggered away from the altar, unsure of what to do. Her eyes flew to her arms as a deep cut formed, running from her wrist all the way up to her elbow on both arms.

"No..." She whimpered, falling to the floor. Her house phone began to ring, but it went to voicemail.

"Marie..." An eerie voice came from the phone. He is pure evil, Marie thought as she watched the blood pool around her. "We made a deal. You said you would stop." The man on the other end of the call's voice cracked. "This is what happens! Jane was a good person! I don't care that you 'messed up'! She- Doesn't matter. Goodbye." The call ended and Marie closed her eyes, the last of her life fading away. I'm sorry.


Alex sighed and closed her laptop. She had spent hours researching about Mr. and Mrs. Lavin, Ricky and Jane. She was confused why Marie had said they were good people, sure Jane was a nice lady, but Ricky was an abusive asshole. Maybe that's why Marie killed him? She was friends with Jane, maybe she was sick of the domestic abuse. "But why is Jane dead then?" Alex thought out loud. I need more proof Marie is the witch, though.

A crackling noise caught her attention. She looked over to the police scanner she had as the crackling turned into a somewhat clear voice, "Dispatch I got a possible 10-56 over here on Crooked Hill street."

"Roger that," Answered another man. "What are you looking at?"

"A woman, early twenties, looks like she slit her own wrists." That's probably just a normal suicide, Alex thought as she listened in on the conversation.

"Alright, I'll send some guys over, anything else you wanna add?" The dispatch man asked the police officer that was at the scene of the suicide.

"Ah, yea, looks like this woman was into some heavy satanic stuff or something. Saw a lot of weird things in the bedroom." This caught Alex's attention.

"Alright, " She said standing up to go get changed into more formal clothing. "Looks like I have more work to do."


"Hi, Agent White." Alex forced a smile at the coroner. She had just arrived at the morgue from the victim's house, who she was sure was a witch. The satanic stuff the police officer on the police scanner had mentioned, was really a magic book and a lot of weird ingredients. Alex decided to go to the morgue as well because this witch wasn't Marie, or so she thought.

"Ah! Hello Agent! I'm surprised a normal suicide concerns the FBI." The coroner smiled, he was about Alex's age, and very handsome in Alex's opinion.

"Well it may have to do with some other cases we've gotten." Alex returned the smile.

"Well, here she is," The man pulled open one of the cold chambers where they kept the bodies before they were buried or burned. "Miss Christy Marie Collins."

Alex stared at the corpse for a long time. She had the same long brown hair as Marie, and the same dark brown eyes. "Christy?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. If you're going to use an alias you should at least make sure it's not part of your real name.

"Yeah." The coroner looked away from the dead girl. "Really surprises me she would do this, I mean, she was top of her class. I'd know, I was in it."

"Really? Well, ah, can I ask you some questions then?" Alex reached for a pair of gloves and put them on. She then grabbed Marie's -no- Christy's arm and turned it to show the long, deep cuts that ran up them. How was this a suicide? She didn't seem suicidal, Hell, at her house she was in the middle of a spell when she suddenly bled out.

"Yea, sure, anything. My name's Dave by the way." Alex put down Christy's arm and pulled the gloves off, depositing them into the small metal trash can beside an examining table. Dave closed the cold chamber and latched it shut. He then leaned against the other chambers and watched Alex.

"Alright. So, do you know anyone who would be out to get her?" Alex already knew some about her, well, she knew about her extracurricular activities.

"Out to get her? Depends on what you mean," Dave smirked. Alex sighed, she was sure she already knew what he was going to say. "All the guys at school were out to get in her pants."

"Yes, haha. Ok. real answer." Alex looked at him seriously.

Dave smirked again, "Naw, no one was out to get her that I know of. She and I were good friends too."

"Do you know Mr. and Mrs. Lavin, by chance? Christy helped them with babysitting, I hear." Alex crossed her arms over her chest. At least I'm not interrogating a witch this time, well, hopefully not.

Dave chuckled, "Yeah. To be honest, me and Jane had a...thing."

"An affair?" Well that's a new twist. "I assume Mr. Lavin didn't know about this, correct?"

"Well yeah, obviously."

"Okay, thank you for your time...Dave" Alex fake smiled and left the room without another word. She was completely baffled. So, Christy killed Ricky and Jane. Then another witch killed her, but who? Dave had an affair with Jane, but how does that tie in with all?


Alex had thought over everything on the way back to her motel room, and hadn't concluded anything. "What the hell" She walked into her room and changed from her business-like clothes. When she finished changing, her phone rang. Alex sighed at the caller ID. It read, "666" meaning her father was calling. "Yes?" Alex answered.

"Hello darling," Crowley greeted in his Scottish accent. "Have you taken care of the demon?"

"Nope. He ditched. I'm dealing with the witch case at the moment." Alex suddenly clutched her stomach in pain. She could hear her father yelling at a demon on the other end of the line. "I gotta go-" She coughed and hung up the phone before Crowley could reply. What the hell?! What witch is doing this? She stood up and ran to the door, only to be thrown against the wall.

"I figured you were a hunter." Dave strolled in, slamming the door shut behind him. Alex stood, only to be pressed up against the wall again by a single movement from Dave's hand.

"Oh, of course you're the witch." Alex laughed, "Shame, I thought you were kinda cute."

Dave smirked, "Yes. It's a shame I'm going to have to kill you now, I liked you as well."

Alex laughed, using her super-strength to easily move away from the wall. Dave looked completely stunned. "Why did you kill Christy, hell, why'd she kill Jane and Ricky huh?" Alex didn't even have to lift a finger, she simply flung Dave against the wall with her mind.

"How'd- How are you?? Are you a witch too?" Dave stuttered.

"Far from it," Alex smirked. Then something she didn't know she could do happened.

Dave's eye's widened in fear, "Your eyes! Your eyes!"

"What?" Alex raised an eyebrow, pinning him against the wall more.

"They're- They're dark red! Almost black!" He squirmed in fear, "Monster!"

Alex dropped him she was so surprised. My eyes went red? I thought only full demons could do that. I thought I was more human than demon.... I...I can cross salt lines. Although I've never tried a devil's trap before. Am I more demonic than I thought?

Alex barely had time to react as Dave came flying at her with a dagger he got out of no where. "Woah, buddy." Alex backed away, making the blade in his hands too hot to hold. "Can you just tell me why all this happened and I'll make your death feel like nothing."

Dave gasped and dropped the dagger, "I...I wanted Jane all to myself. Ricky was in the way. I- I had Christy kill him, but she messed up. She killed Jane instead." His voice cracked as he looked Alex in the eye, her eyes had gone back to their normal pale shade of blue.

"So you killed her for messing up huh?"

"There was more, she was killing so many people. I had to stop her."

Alex sighed, "You witches are really no better than demons. You know that?" She quickly snapped his neck. Dave fell to the floor dead as Alex walked over to the bed to grab her suitcase. She then teleported back to her father's mansion, not really caring about the mess she made. She really was worse than a demon a lot of times. She knew deep inside her that this wasn't what her mother would have wanted, but after everything, she didn't care.


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