Chapter one part three

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Chapter one, part three

"He could have kept her there for years..." Sam explained to Brian as Dean broke through the wall covering the dumbwaiter. "Kept her fed, nobody would ever know."

Dean broke through the last of the wall and Sam poked his head into the hole, "Danny!" He called.

"Watch out, I'm going down." Dean told Sam.

"No that's my son." Brian said, wanting to go down himself.

"I know it is. But I said that I would get him. I will. Let me." Brian gave up. Dean wasn't going to go back on his word. Not now. Dean handed Sam his flashlight and made his way into the small hole in the wall.

"You got curtains? We need rope." Sam asked Brian. Brian walked off to find some and Alex followed.

"Dean will get you son back, trust me." Alex tried to comfort the man.

"I don't have any choice but to trust you guys." He replied grabbing some curtains. "Here" He handed them to Alex. Alex helped him bring them back to where Sam was and then helped in making the tan curtains into a rope. When they were finished, Sam dropped the rope down the hole.

"Danny!" He exclaimed, surprised.

"What?" Alex asked walking up behind him. Sure enough, Danny was wrapping the rope around his waist.

"Okay!" He called up when it was secure. Sam, Alex and Brian all pulled on the rope, lifting Danny up from the hole. Brian was at the front telling Danny comforting things as they pulled him up. When he was finally up he hugged his father as Brian did the usual parental things, asking if he was okay, and telling him he was safe.

"Get him out of here, go," Sam told them and they gladly left the room. Sam and Alex walked over to the hole, "Dean!? I'm going down. Stay here."

"Wait, Sam!" Alex didn't have time to stop him before he climbed down the hole. "Dammit." She muttered looking around to make sure no psycho murder crazy girl was coming to kill her. Alex looked back down the hole.

"Sam! Dean!" She let out a relieved sigh when she saw them climbing up the walls. Sam crawled up first and she offered her hand to help him through, which he refused. "Glad you're okay."

"Yea well we gotta go. She had a brother, which I just killed." Dean said walking off.

"So the girl's still out there?" Alex ran after them.

Outside, they saw Susan soothingly stroking Danny's hair and Kate sobbing beside her. Alex was glad they were okay but she knew what happened would scar them for life. She followed Sam and Dean to wear a bloodied Brian stood looking over at the dead body of the girl. She had multiple stab wounds in her. "Well...." Alex breathed. "At least it's over."


The next morning Dean was fixing the tires on his car while Sam and Alex went back down through the dumbwaiter and got back their weapons and put them back in their rightful spots in the trunk of the car. When they were finished, they walked over to where Susan and Brian stood.

"Thanks for the head start." Dean thanked them.

"Why doesn't it surprise me you guys don't like the police." Brian commented.

"Sort of a...Mutual appreciation thing really." Sam chuckled.

"Well...Thank you" Brian shook Sam and Dean's hands and nodded to Alex. Susan did the same.

"You okay?" Dean asked her.

"No. We're the opposite of okay...."She shook her head. "But..We're together." She took Brian's hand. Dean nodded and they said their goodbyes, not wanting to be there when the police showed up.

"Hey ah. Dean...." Alex said. "Can I catch a ride with you guys my ah...-"

"Sure, come on." Dean cut her off. Alex smiled, these guys aren't half bad.

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