Chapter one Part one

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Chapter one, part one

11 Years Later

(Season 4)

"Hey, you think this could be a case?" Alex looked up from the newspaper she was holding, looking across the room to where her father sat at a desk, his favorite type of whiskey in hand. "Dad," she groaned, drawing out the 'a', when she didn't get a reply.

"Yes?" Crowley asked looking up. "Are you still thinking about going off on your own to be a hunter?"

"Well yea, and I'm not going to be alone. I'll bring Leo." Alex patted the now-fully-grown Hellhound laying across her lap.

"I still don't approve of this. Why be a hunter? You're the type of thing hunters would be hunting!" Alex didn't even get a chance to reply before Crowley continued to lecture her in hope of convincing her to stay at his mansion. "And what if the angels get to you?"

"Dad, I'm a hell of a lot stronger than those winged moonkeys. If anything threatening gets in my way, I'll kill 'em. Simple. Now, will you please listen to me?" Alex tried giving her father her best puppy-dog look, hoping to soften him up. Not like it's your choice anyhow. I'm twenty, I can do what I want.

"Still don't understand why you would want to help people. They're just stupid humans," Crowley muttered pouring himself another drink. "But yes, continue, what is it?"

Alex smiled looking down to read from the paper, "Stratton, Nebraska. Man gets killed in a locked room, inside a locked house. No signs of forced entry. Sounds ghosty huh?"

"Yes, I suppose it does. Do you even know what you're doing?" Crowley rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I do. Iron and salt for like, defending yourself against ghosts and to put them to rest you burn the bones, correct?" Alex placed the newspaper beside her on the couch then crossed her arms.

Crowley heaved a sigh, "Yes. But how will you get information about this 'ghost'" He was determined to find a way to force Alex to stay home.

"Use force?" Alex shrugged. "Also, stop trying to convince me to stay here. Can't you just support my decision? If I don't like hunting I'll stop, okay? It's just one case." She gave Crowley her puppy look again.

"Ugh. Fine. But only one." Crowley sighed in defeat. Alex's puppy eyes always get me. I'm a king! I shouldn't be so soft.

"Thank you!" Alex pushed Leo off of her lap and skipped over to Crowley to hug him, nearly spilling his drink.

"Yes, yes, now go on get out of here before I change my mind."


Alex trudged up to the blue two acre farm the victim had lived in, feet aching. "Why the Hell did I think it was a good idea to leave the car somewhere and walk all the way here?" She had had an idea to leave her car far away from the farmhouse so that while she investigated no one saw her car there and got her arrested. She turned around when she realized her companion wasn't at her side,"Oh come on Leo it's not that much farther. If I can handle it, you can handle it." Alex chuckled as Leo whined and slowly padded up to her.

"Come on buddy, let's get this done before my feet fall off." Alex muttered as they approached the front door of the house. Alex reached for the door handle and frowned when it didn't budge. "Oh, of course it's locked." She hissed. Alex let go of the handle, concentrating on what a lockpick looks like.

She smirked when one appeared in her hand, "The perks of being an antichrist" She strolled inside and locked the door behind her, just in case. "Alright," She smiled looking around the empty house. "Showtime."


After a while of searching the house, Alex found absolutely nothing, although she had been getting a sense that someone- or something- was watching her. "Dammit. What the hell? Wish I had one of those EMF detectors. That'd be pretty useful." She muttered walking around the house again in case she missed something.

"Oh wait." Alex facepalmed herself, "Well I'm a genius." She focused on what she thought an EMF detector looked like, one appearing in her hand a few seconds later. She pulled up the antenna and waved it around. It made some weird noises and the lights on the top glowed red.

"Aha!" Alex smirked, proud of herself. Leo barked, trying to get her attention. Alex looked over to see him with is paws up on the windowsill, part of the curtains in his mouth, pulling them aside. Confused, Alex walked over to stand beside Leo. The Hell is he doing? "Oh...damn." Alex frowned when she noticed all the power lines outside, making her new EMF detector useless.

A low rumbling of a car's motor caught Alex's attention. "Shit." She whispered as a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala pulled up to the house. "Shit shit shit shit shit." Alex swore as she frantically searched for somewhere to hide. She panicked, unsure where she should go. There weren't supposed to be people here! Leo barked again.

"Shhh! Are you trying to make it obvious we're here?!" Alex tried to hush him. Leo barked again. What the hell does he want? Then it came to her. She could make herself invisible like Leo was. She wouldn't have thought of it if it wasn't for Leo; Alex wasn't the greatest at using her powers yet. "Perfect," she whispered.

She watched as two men got out of the beautiful car, it's doors creaking as they closed them. One man was very tall with rather long hair, wearing a white shirt underneath a jacket. The other was shorter and wearing alot of layers. The shorter man pulled out a lockpick as they climbed the stairs to the porch. The two men came inside and walked right into the room she was in. Alex quietly moved to the next room that was connected to the one the men were in and stood in front of a brick fireplace, Leo following closely.

"Three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hot cakes." The shorter man commented, standing only a few feet in front of Alex and Leo. Alex followed the men closely, being quiet as could be, commanding Leo to stay behind, he wasn't very light on his feet.

The men entered the yellow kitchen, looking around, opening cupboards- the same thing Alex had done before them. The shorter man went over to one wall looking at it questioningly. "Hey, check this out," He called to his partner, knocking on a covered up square on the wall Alex hadn't noticed.

"Huh," The taller one walked over and traced his hand over the wall. "It's probably a dumbwaiter, all these old houses had 'em" hmm. Know it all, Alex thought.

"Know it all," The shorter man said, as if reading Alex's mind.

"What?" The taller man turned to the shorter one.

"What?" The shorter man asked as if he said nothing.

"You said-"


"Never mind." The shorter man smiled smugly, and Alex had to hold back a laugh.

The men continued to search the house, Alex close behind. They entered the room the murder took place, "Well no bloodstains, fresh coat of paint, this is just a bunch of bubkes." The short man commented. Alex had to agree on that. There was no signs anywhere that someone had gotten murdered in this room.

"Needle's all over the place," The tall one said with his own EMF out, making the same mistake Alex had made, his partner pointing out his mistake just as Leo had for her. Wait. He has an EMF? Are these guys hunters? Alex scoffed. Stupid hunters, stealing my job. the short man looked directly at her, confused. Crap.

"Uh, Dean?" The long haired one had opened the closet door and was looking at a bald doll head on the floor.

The man named Dean looked away and walked over to the closet. "Well that's super disturbing," He said, looking at the doll head.

"Think it got left behind?"

"By who? Unless Bill Gibson likes to play with doll heads. Ah hey, you feel like we're being watched? Like someone else is here?"

"No...Why?" Dean didn't get the chance to voice his suspicion that Alex was there as another approaching vehicle caught his attention.

"I thought you said this place was still for sale?" Dean asked.

"Apparently it's not."

"Shit" Alex hissed, then covered her mouth, wide-eyed. Did I seriously say that out loud?!

What the hell, Dean thought, looking in the direction of the voice. His partner didn't seem to notice and continued downstairs. "Whatever the hell you are, we'll deal with you in a minute!" Dean said catching up to his companion. Alex made herself visible again and went downstairs after the two men had left.

Alex watched as the men confronted the family; not really bothering to use her great hearing to listen in on what they were saying. She chuckled when they pulled out badges of some sort. These guys are seriously prepared. She could hear Leo's big paws thumping on the wooden floors as he came to join her.

"Hey, Leo, go back to the hotel okay? I'll call if I need you." Leo whimpered but obeyed, leaving for the hotel. Alex watched the family leave and the two men return. She sighed, not wanting to deal with the pair.


The two men pulled out their guns, going back into the house. Dean had explained to his partner about the voice he had heard, although he didn't seem to believe him. "I'm telling ya, Sam. I heard someone. A girl." Dean told his partner again.

Alex remained visible, unsure how to explain herself.

"Hey!" Sam yelled aiming his gun at Alex.

"Woah, woah, easy there tiger," Alex said putting her hands up. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Yea, cause we're the ones with the guns!" Dean retorted, also aiming his gun at her.

"Who are you?" Sam asked, not lowering his weapon.

"Can you put that away? I'm clearly defenseless." Alex laughed a little. Yes I'm totally defenseless.

They both lowered their weapons slowly after sharing a look. "Who are you?" Sam repeated.

"My name's Alex. I'm a hunter. Just like you guys, right?"

Dean scanned her pale blue eyes, searching for any indication that she was lying. None was present, well, as far as he could tell. "Your a hunter?" Dean scoffed. "Pretty horrible one if you're unarmed."

Alex sent him back a glare, "I am armed. No reason for me to attack you though is there?"

Sam and Dean exchanged another look. "Well ah, Alex. You can back out of this because we can handle it." Sam said. Alex got the feeling that he was the nice, caring one.

"Hell no. I was here first. I'm coming. End of discussion. So are we off to question the cleaning lady?" Alex walked out of the room, leaving Sam and Dean slightly confused.


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