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A young girl with long black hair screamed as the only window in her bright blue bedroom shattered, and tall man in a grey suit dove through it. She tried to run as the man stood and retrieved a silver blade from out of nowhere, but the door slammed shut when she neared it. She pounded on the door, hearing screams and more shattering glass from downstairs. "Mommy!" The girl turned to face the man, her back to the door, when she heard his approaching footsteps.

"I'm sorry I have to do this, but you are an abomination and need to be exterminated," The man said, raising his blade.

"N-No! Please," The girl began to cry, her long hair falling into her face. "Daddy help me." She cried, waiting for death. What could she, a little girl, do in a situation like this? The man raised his weapon above his head, no matter how young this inhuman thing was, he had to do what he was told. His orders come first. If his superiors ask him to do something, then it shall be done. No exceptions. He thrusted his blade towards the girl, but when he looked down the blade was deep in his abdomen. He fell to the floor as a bright white light erupted from him. The girl opened her eyes but quickly shut them as she was blinded by the bright light. Why aren't I dead? she thought.

Once the light died down she opened her eyes and looked around. The suited man lay on the ground, the silver blade he had been wielding was bloody and lying on the ground beside him. Huge black wings were burned into the floor coming from his back. The girl looked at his dead body questioningly. How had he managed to kill himself? Did she do it? How could she? She's just a normal kid...right?

She didn't have time to question the scene before her, she needed to go check on her mother. She turned to open the door but pulled away as it burned her hand. Orange flames surrounded the door, burning it down. Not knowing what to do, the girl ran to her closet on the opposite side of the room, cautiously avoiding the corpse and it's wings. She pulled open the large door -large for her anyway- and went inside, locking it shut behind her.

Outside the flaming bedroom door a suited woman observed a drawing on the wall that was slowly burning of a dog. In large messy blue letters the name 'Leo' was written. "This must be her room," the woman stated, turning to her partner who was standing behind her.

"Then let's get this over with. These flames are ruining my suit." He replied, moving in front of the woman to open the door, not worrying about the quickly spreading fire. He sighed as his eyes fell upon the corpse on the ground. "She's stronger than we thought." He commented.

"I'm sorry brother," The woman said, kneeling down beside her fallen sibling.

"We don't have time to mourn our fallen brother, we must take care of the antichrist, she's a lot stronger than we anticipated. We can return his body to Heaven after we complete our mission, Haziel," The man said.

"Yes of course, Samuel." Haziel rose from her crouched position on the floor.

Haziel? Had she heard correctly? The young girl had her ear pressed up against the door eavesdropping on the pair that had entered her room even though she remembered her mother saying eavesdropping is rude and she should never do it. Suddenly a hand landed on her shoulder and she turned around, seeing another man. She screamed and his hand clamped over her mouth, muffling the sound. "Hey, shh. You're gonna get us both killed," He hissed quietly. "You want me to save ya or not?" The girl raised an eyebrow at that. He was the same thing as the other people were, she could tel. Was he trying to trick her? Would he take her away and then kill her? She couldn't tell. "C'mon we're getting outta here while we can," The man said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She could describe what happened next. It felt like she was flying, but falling at the same time. She squeaked as they landed somewhere different and she lost her footing. Before she could hit the floor, the strange man caught her putting her back on her feet. She regained her footing and looked up at the man. She could now see his face when she couldn't from the dark lighting before. He had brown hair and golden eyes. He was short for a grown man but was still way taller than her. The man chuckled as he looked down at the small girl standing before him. Her eyes were wide in amazement. What has she never seen a guy before? He questioned himself.

"Ah...Mister?" She looked away from him to look around the room. "Who are you? I-I need to make sure my mommy's okay... And who were those people?"

The man looked away as the girls eyes fell upon him again. "You can call me Loki. Those people who attacked you back there were angels." She may be just a kid but I can't let anyone know my real identity.

Angels? the girl thought. Why would angels want to kill me? "What about mommy?" She tilted her head at the man who called himself Loki. Loki... What a strange name. Is he an angel too? I think he is.

Gabriel turned away again. Dammit, how the Hell am I supposed to tell this kid her mother is dead? "I dunno kiddo. How old are you anyway?"

"I'm nine," Why won't he tell me what happened to my mom?

"Oh wow. Sure are strong for a nine year old. Making that angel stab himself instead of you," Gabriel chuckled.

"I...I did that?" Her eyes widened in fear and Gabriel wondered if he should tell her what she is or not.

"Ah...Yea. You did. Cool, huh?" He decided to not tell her, better not scare the kid.

"I...I'm a monster aren't I?" She whispered.

"No, of course not darling." A new voice answered. Gabriel whipped around to face the man who had teleported into the room. He was the same height as Gabriel and wearing a black suit. Gabriel could see his true face and instantly pulled out his angel blade. First angels are after her and now demons?

"Daddy!!" The girl squealed and over to the demon. Daddy? Gabriel put his angel blade away. Her father is a damn demon?

"Hello Alexandra," The demon replied lifting the girl into his arms. "Are you alright? Why are you with this man?" He looked away from his daughter and glared over to the man standing across the room. Alex peeled herself from her father, somewhat gracefully landing on the floor.

Ignoring the death glares being exchanged between the two adult men, Alex crouched on the ground beside her father looking at something that no being besides demons could see. "You brought Leo!" She exclaimed picking up the black dog.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. Leo? Who the hell is that. Nothing is- oh... "A Hellhound huh?" He muttered looking back to the demon. "Who are you anyway?"

The demon smirked, "My name is Crowley, King of The Crossroads. And you are..?"

"Loki." Gabriel said simply. He wasn't going to tell this demon, who was apparently the king of all the crossroads demons, that he was an angel. An archangel, actually.

"Ah. A Pagan God. Now why would a Pagan save my daughter from being slaughtered?" Crowley questioned, not sure he believed this man was in fact Loki.

"I couldn't just let a little girl be killed now could I?" Gabriel replied. "Although I believed she was human like her mother. Had no idea she was actually the antichrist." Maybe I shouldn't have saved her. She's half human half demon, very powerful. Very dangerous. She could wipe out all of Heaven if she wished.

Crowley looked down at Alex who was rubbing her pet Hellhound's belly. Leo was only a pup but still could tear a human to shreds. "Then I suppose I should thank you." He muttered returning his gaze to Gabriel.

"Hmm. Never thought I'd be thanked by a demon." Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

"I love Alex and if anything were to happen to her I don't know what I'd do." Crowley admitted. "Now, Alex, let's get going."

Alex got up from her crouched position on the floor and walked over to Gabriel. "Thank you for saving me." She smiled up at him.

Gabriel couldn't help but smile back at her, "No problem kiddo."


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