Chapter thirteen

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Chapter 13

Hello Alex.

Alex looked around the hotel room in confusion before she remembered Lucifer was in her head.

What do you want? She closed the magazine she was reading and put it aside.

She hadn't heard from the archangel in a while. She wasn't exactly in the best of moods, because she heard from Crowley that the mansion was burnt down recently. Alex was glad her pet hellhound had been with her a lot recently.

I have a job for you. Luckily, you're already in the right town.

Alex sighed deeply, What is it? Gabriel gave her a confused look. "Lucifer." She muttered. Gabriel just nodded, looking a little worried now.

Famine is in the town your hotel is in. I'd like you to go and protect him with the other demons.

Famine? Alex frowned.

Yes, the horseman Famine.

"Oh joy..." Alex muttered. He's gonna make everyone coo coo for coco puffs huh?

Your job is to make sure Famine is fed, and ready.

Ready for what? Alex asked. And what does he eat?!

Don't worry about why, just do as you're told.

Alex rolled her eyes. Whatever. But what does he eat? Alex asked again.

The souls of his victims.

Ok, ok I'll- Alex stopped her mental message, looking across the room to where her father now stood.

"Hello darling."

"Dad...?" Alex glanced between Gabriel and her father, not liking where this was going. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just checking in on you...Why is he here?" Crowley glared over to Gabriel.

"Uhm...I- ah... Have a job to do so I'm just gonna go..." Alex got up and grabbed her jacket, putting her hand on the doorknob. "You two have fun, kay? Don't kill each other though."

"What do you mean you have a job?" Her father questioned. "And where have you been this whole time?! Not with this, angel, I hope."

Oh good, he knows Gabriel's an angel now...Great. "Well. I have a hunt to do. Some couple ate each other to death," Alex waved him off. Crowley seemed to buy it somewhat, while Gabriel knew differently, giving her a confused look. "I'll call you later, ok?" Alex ran out the door, ignoring their protests.

"Alex!" Both Gabriel and Crowley said at the same time, glaring at each other afterwards.

"What the hell are you doing with my daughter?"

"Nothing. I was going to help her on this case." Gabriel lied, crossing his arms.

"Really? Why would she need an angels help, hmm?"

"W-Well..." Gabriel trailed off. Dammit Alex, what job did Lucifer give you?

"And where did she get those scars?" Crowley continued throwing questions at Gabriel.

"How am I supposed to know?" Gabriel shrugged.

"You do know. You've been with her for a while know."

"How would you know?"

"I'm not going to leave her on her own, not completely. I always have my demons watching out for her." Crowley informed.

"Okay. But if you want to know anything, you should be asking Alex, not me."

"She doesn't tell me anything!" Crowley exclaimed.

"Then why should I?" Gabriel retorted.

"I'll make you." Crowley threatened.

"Oh, really?" Gabriel chuckled.


"Sam?" Alex easily recognized the 6' 4" male walking past her with a bag of food from somewhere.

"Alex?" Sam looked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Hunting, how 'bout you?" Alex asked.


"Yeah, but anyway, what's up with you guys?"

"Well, ah, Me and Dean found a case here so we're investigating that," Sam shifted his feet.

"The couple that ate each other, right?" Alex assumed.


"Hey, how about I join you guys...I mean, if it's cool with you." Alex watched as Sam contemplated his answer.

"Okay." Sam agreed. "C'mon."


Alex trailed behind Sam and Dean as the walked down a hospital hallway, all three of them dressed up to play FBI agents. Alex noticed a man walk by in a black suit, holding a black suitcase. A demon? Is he here 'cause of Famine? Alex didn't bother mentioning Famine to the brothers, figuring they already knew.

"Agent Marley, you just can't stay away." The coroner greeted Dean.

"Heard you tagged another double suicide?"

"Well, I just finished closing them up."

"Dr.Corman, these are my partners, special agent Cliff and White." Dean gestured to Sam and Alex.

The doctor shook both of their hands, "I've finished my prelims. I pulled the organ sets and sent off the tox samples."

"Great. Mind if we take a look at the bodies?" Sam asked.

"Not at all. But like I said, their good and plenties are already tupperwared." Corman opened the fridge to reveal all the victims organs.


"Just leave the keys with Marty upfront." The doctor threw his keys to Dean. "And please, refrigerate after opening." The doctor put on a hat and left the room.

Alex somewhat helped the boys look at the packaged body parts, wrinkling her nose and regretting her decision.

"Hey." Dean interrupted the silence, pushing a heart towards Sam, "Be my valentine?" Sam gave him a 'are you serious' face and Dean smiled. Alex chuckled a bit, putting down the lung she was inspecting.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Wait a second." Sam grabbed the heart container Dean had, then got another one for comparison. "These hearts both have identical marks....Check it out..." Sam pulled over a magnifying glass and looked at the heart under it. "Looks like some kind of letter..."

"Oh no..." Sam muttered.

"What?" Alex and Dean said at the same time.

Sam pushed the magnifying glass aside, "I think it's Enochian."

"You mean like angel scratches?"

Oh great... Alex thought. Angel marks. Please don't get Castiel in here...

"So you think it's like the tagging on our ribs?" Dean continued.

"Dean, I don't know."

"Ah Hell." Dean pulled off a glove and grabbed his phone.

"Who's he calling?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Remember Cas?" Sam asked.

Alex groaned, "Of course I remember Wings."


After having Castiel look at the marks and deciding they were Enochian, and being hugged roughly by a naked angel who was apparently a cupid, who Dean punched in the face, Alex went with Dean to go through the police blotter. They learned that there were eight suicides within a week and nineteen overdoses.

Alex and Dean went to their separate cars to head back to the hotel, Dean making fun of her camaro. Alex just rolled her eyes and got in, jumping a foot and hitting her head on the car's roof when she saw Gabriel waiting for her.

"What the hell, Gabriel?' Alex held her head in pain, closing the car door with her free hand.

"Your dad is annoying," Gabriel complained.

Alex chuckled, "What'd he make you do?"

"He just kept asking questions, a lot of questions." A bag of skittles appeared in Gabriel's hand and he began to eat them, quickly.

"Jeez. Can't you eat slower, you're going to make me sick." Alex turned her attention back to the road.

"What's the job Luci sent you on?" Gabriel ignored her request.

"Famine's in this town, I'm supposed to be protecting him, but here I am hanging with the Winchesters instead."

"Wow, you're such a rebel."

"I know right." Alex laughed. "Also, I'm assuming you're eating candy so fast cause of Famine, but don't you eat candy 24/7 anyway? How is that your hunger?" Alex glanced back over to Gabriel, subconsciously squeezing her legs together, which wasn't very good while she was trying to drive.

"It's not Famine, I just wanted to make you uncomfortable." Gabriel chuckled, making the bag disappear. Although you seem uncomfortable for a different reason... Gabriel smirked slightly, now knowing what Alex's 'hunger' was.

Alex ignored the butterflies in her stomach and the heat on her cheeks, swallowing hard. I was perfectly fine until now, what's up?! Her mind kept drifting off to different things, which she shouldn't be thinking about whilst driving. Oh for fucks sake...

They were almost to the hotel, then Alex felt Gabriel's hand on her leg. "I swear Gabriel I will fucking kill you if you do not move your hand."

Gabriel just chuckled again, "So Famine has gotten to you, huh?"

"Shut up." Alex growled, her body not listening to her very well.

Lucifer! How the hell am I supposed to function if Famine's infecting me with his crazy juice too?! Alex screamed in her head. She pulled into the hotel's parking lot beside Dean's car.

I'm sorry, I forgot about that. Nothing I can do now though, you're just going to have to work with it.

"Fucking hell." Alex muttered, then glared at Gabriel. "Go-Go somewhere...I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

"Yeah, fine." Gabriel smirked.


"What the hell does a demon got to do with this anyway?" Dean asked, looking at a suitcase Sam got off a demon. Alex was a little surprised they didn't already know what was happening. She wasn't completely okay, but she had managed to calm herself down enough to function properly, without thinking about anything...sexual.

Sam sighed, "Believe me, I got no idea."

"You okay?" Dean looked at Sam, slightly worried.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be alright." Sam assured.

"Let's crack her open. What's the worst that can happen, right?" Sam and Dean crouched down to work on unlocking the case while Alex ate skittles she got from Gabriel, distracting herself.

"Well, the world could explode." Alex answered Dean's question.

They opened the case, and a bright light filled the room briefly. "What the hell was that!?" Dean asked, jumping back.

"A human soul." Castiel answered, suddenly appearing. "It's starting to make sense." He took a bite of a hamburger.

Since when do angels eat...? Alex raised an eyebrow, reaching into her big bag of skittles for more, surprised when there were none left. Holy shit I ate that quickly...

"Now what about that makes sense?" Sam questioned.

"And when did you start eating?" Dean added.

"Exactly." Castiel said, mouth full. "My hunger. It's a clue, actually."

"For what?" The brothers said at the same time.

"This town isn't suffering from some love gone wrong effect, it's suffering from hunger. Starvation to be exact. Specifically Famine." Castiel walked closer to the brothers.

"Famine? A-As in the horseman?" Sam asked.

Now they finally get it! Alex thought, sadly putting her empty skittles bag aside.

"Great. T-That's freaking great." Dean walked away.

"I thought Famine ment starvation, like as in, you know, food." Sam asked.

"Yes, absolutely. But not just food, I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something. Sex, attention, drugs, love." Castiel informed.

"Well that explains the puppy-lovers cupid shot up." Dean thought out loud.

"Right, the cherub made them crave love, then Famine came and made them rabid for it." Castiel continued to eat his burger.

"Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for white castle?" Dean asked, walking back over to the others.

"It's my vessel- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effects."

"So Famine just rolls into town, and everybody goes crazy?" Dean asked.

"And then will come Famine, riding on a black steed," Alex and Castiel quoted at the same time. "He will ride into the land of plenty...And great will be the horseman's hunger, for he is hunger." Alex had taken some time to read more about the horsemen before she stumbled upon Sam.

"His hunger will seep out, and poison the air" Castiel finished. "Famine is hungry. He must devour the souls of his victims."

"So that's what was in the case. Twinky dude's soul?" Dean suggested.

Castiel nodded, "Lucifer has sent his demons to care for Famine. To feed him, make certain that he's ready."

"Ready for what?" Sam asked. Alex began to listen, she wasn't even sure why she was supposed to be helping Famine.

"To march across the land." Castiel stated simply.

"How do you know about this anyway, Alex?" Dean turned to her.

"What? Oh, I uh." She glanced at Castiel, knowing that he knew she was bound to Lucifer. "It's a long story, well not really, but it's annoying so I'll tell you later."

"Okay..." Dean raised an eyebrow but turned back to Castiel.

"So what, this whole town is gonna eat, drink, and screw itself to death?" Sam asked from the bathroom.

"We should stop it." Castiel pointed out.

Gee thanks, Captain Obvious. Alex rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that's a great idea. How?" Dean asked.

"How'd you stop the last horseman you met?" Castiel questioned.

"War got his mojo from this ring." Dean went over to the coat rack and pulled a gold ring from his jacket. "And after we cut it off, he just tucked tail and ran. And everybody that was affected it was like they woke up out of a dream."

"You think Famine has a ring too?" Alex turned to Castiel.

"I know he does."

"Well, okay. Let's track him down and get to chopping." Dean decided. "What are you, the hamburgerler?" He watched Castiel look into his empty fast food bag.

"I've developed a taste for ground beef." Castel commented.

"Well have you even tried to stop it?"

"I'm an angel. I can stop any time I want."


Alex, demons are telling me you aren't where you should be. Get there now.

Alex sighed, Ugh. Fine. Whatever.


Alex helped Dean and Castiel lockdown Sam, who Alex learned was craving demon blood, which her being there wasn't helping. She then made up an excuse that she had to leave on her own, which worked.

She teleported herself to the 'Biggersons' Famine was staying at. Before she could enter, the guards stopped her. "I'm Alex." She blinked and changed her eyes to their deep red color. "I was sent by Lucifer."

"Why would Lucifer send a crossroads demon here?" One of the guards asked.

"I'm not a crossroads demon. I'm the antichrist." Alex blinked her eyes back to their normal blue.

Another demon came out, "The boss says to let her in." Alex followed the demon inside, and tried not to gag from the smell of death everywhere. Everyone who had been in the restaurant was now dead, from Famine, who was sitting in a wheelchair surrounded by demons.

"Hello, Alex." Famine greeted.

"S-So y-you're Famine, huh?" Alex managed to say. It was impossible for her to walk any closer. Her entire body felt hot and she couldn't stand still. Her heartbeat sped up and she was practically gasping for air.

"Looks like my effects have gotten to you." Famine chuckled weakly. "Your hunger for sex is going to get in the way. Come here."

"Oh yeah sure, be right over." Alex panted sarcastically. "Easier said than done buddy."

"Then I'll come to you." Famine wheeled his electric chair over to Alex, then placed a hand on her stomach when he got close enough. "I usually don't do this, but for you, I'll make an exception." His voice was old and weak.

Alex sighed as she returned to normal, her body no longer flushed and bothered. "And Lucifer said there was nothing he could do about it." Alex chuckled a bit, catching her breath as Famine rolled back to his original spot.

Another demon entered, holding a suitcase. A soul? Alex thought. Suddenly, Castiel appeared. "W-Wings?!" Alex knew they would be coming, but not so soon.

"Alex, give him some beef." Ordered Famine.

"O-Okay..." Alex gave a look of apology to the angel, then made a tray of raw meat appear in front of him. Castiel instantly dropped to his knees, and began devouring the meat.

"Cas!" Alex heard Dean call. Oh boy. Alex breathed in deeply. She watched as two demons carried Dean in.

"The other Mr.Winchester." Famine greeted.

"What did you do to him?" Dean tried to turn and see Castiel.

"You sicced your dog on me, I just threw him a steak."

"So this is your big trick." Dean hadn't noticed Alex was there yet, somehow. "Huh, making people coo coo for coco puffs?!"

"Doesn't take much. Hardly a push. Oh America. All you can eat, all the time. Consume, consume. A swarm of locusts in stretch pants. And yet, you're all still starving. Because, hunger doesn't just come from the body, it comes from the soul." Famine ranted.

"It's funny, it doesn't seem to be coming from mine." Dean observed.

"Yes....I noticed that. Have you wondered why that is? How you could even walk in my presence?"

"Well, I like to think it's my strength in character." Dean joked.

"I disagree." Famine rolled his chair over to Dean, who seemed to only just notice Alex, giving her a weird look before turning back to Famine. Famine placed his hand on Dean's chest and Dean started groaning in pain. "Yes... I see..." Famine removed his hand. "That's one deep, dark, nothing you've got there, Dean."

"Can't fill it can you? Not with food, or drink. Not even with sex." Famine laughed.

"Oh you're so full of crap." Dean denied.

"Oh you can smirk, and joke, and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me!" Famine exclaimed. "I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. You can't win. And you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just...keep going through the motions. You're not hungry, Dean! Because inside you're already dead!"

"Let him go." Sam suddenly ordered, appearing behind Famine.

Famine turned around to face him, "Sam..."

"Sammy no!" Dean exclaimed.

Two demons went to attack Sam, but were stopped by Famine. "No one lays a finger on that, sweet little boy.....Sam, I see you got the snack I sent you."

"You sent?" Sam asked, his mouth was covered in blood.

"Don't worry, you're not like everyone else. You won't die from drinking too much. You're the exception that proves the rule. Just the way...Satan...wanted you to be. So, cut their throats!" Famine raised his arms. "Have at them!"

"Sammy no!" Dean shouted. Alex shifted from where she stood beside one of the demons holding Dean.

"Please! Be my guest!" Famine pushed.

Instead, Sam closed his eyes and raised a hand. Black smoke began to pour out of the demon's mouths as Sam exorcised them with his mind. Dean grabbed his demon blade and Alex backed away from the demons. "No." Sam said simply as all of the demon's meat suits fell to the ground.

"Well. Fine. If you don't want them, then I'll have them." Famine gasped and opened his mouth wide, raising a hand and waving towards himself, making all the demon souls come up from the ground and go into his mouth. Alex, Sam and Dean all watched in horror.

Sam lifted his hand again, this time at Famine. "I'm a horseman, Sam. Your power doesn't work on me."

"No, but it'll work on them." Sam balled his hand into a fist, his nose bleeding from all the pressure and concentration. And all of the demon souls flew from Famine's frail body.

Alex cautiously walked forward, looking at Famine's limp body wide-eyed. Is he dead? Dean went over to Famine and grabbed his ring from his hand.

"It's over...?" Alex assumed.

"Y-Yeah..." Dean agreed.


The next day, after cleaning Sam's system from demon blood, Alex explained everything that happened with Lucifer to them, avoiding the Gabriel parts of course.

"So you're bound to Lucifer?" Sam asked when she was finished.

"Did you not hear that entire explanation?" Alex replied sarcastically.

"Well, have you figured out a way to undo it?" Dean questioned.

"No," Alex sighed. "I've read every book I could find, and I still have no clue how to break the spell. I was hoping you guys would be able to help."

"Well, we can try..." Sam trailed off.

"We have Bobby here, so he can look for you, but we have other things to deal with too," Dean offered. Bobby didn't say anything.

"Yeah, I know. Lucifer himself is a problem..." Alex nodded. "But we'll figure it out." Alex frowned a little at the boys doubtful looks. Then she sighed, "I guess I should get out of you hair, but I'll see you soon, I'm sure."

"Yeah," Sam nodded. Alex stood up from the couch she was sitting on and teleported herself to the hotel her and Gabriel had been staying at.

"Welcome back," Gabriel smirked from where he sat at the table in the corner of the room.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, kid." Alex took off her jacket and boots, leaving both by the door.

Gabriel frowned, "I'm not a kid! I'm way older than you are!"

"Oh? So you're a pedophile then?" Alex suggested.

"What?! No!?" Gabriel exclaimed. "Plus, your twenty. It's legal."

"You're still a few hundred years older than me," Alex pointed out.

"Try a couple thousand, or million."

"That just makes it more weird," Alex chuckled.

"Shut up." Gabriel shook his head.

"So, did you end up having to tell my dad everything...?" Alex jumped onto one of the twin beds and lied down, staring at the ceiling.

"Oh, uh...yeah..." Gabriel admitted.

"Like everything, everything? Or?"

"I left out some things." Gabriel shrugged.

"Like us?" Alex pointed a finger between her and Gabriel.

"Yeah... How'd it go with Famine?"

"Depends. If you go with the human side, we got Famine's ring. But if you go with the Lucifer side, I did a horrible job and lost Famine's ring so he's basically useless. And Lucifer will probably give me hell for it." Alex shrugged. "It's weird, I'm technically on both sides, when used to be on my own side." Alex laughed a little.

"Yeah. But it's not like you have much of a choice." Gabriel pointed out.

"I know." Alex sighed. "The Winchesters are going to help to find a way to unbind me, by the way."

"Yeah? Neither of us could find anything, so I doubt they can."

"Thanks, you're so optimistic." Alex covered her face with her hands.

"I'm just saying," Gabriel stated.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to sleep. It may be early but I haven't slept in like two days." Alex rolled over, turning her back from Gabriel. "Night."

Gabriel chuckled, "Night, Alex."


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