15 | Walking On Thin Ice

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Kian knew losing Enzo was inevitable.

From the moment his heart started fluttering with the mere thought of Enzo, their friendship was doomed. He knew it back then, and he knew it when Enzo approached him in California. Kian knew they were walking on thin ice. Somehow he didn't realize he would be drowning so deep in the cold water that he would breathe out only regrets.

That night he kissed Enzo like a dying man, and only a true love's kiss could help him stay alive.

After repeating the same mistake which broke them apart in the past, Kian went to the nearby bar. He got some more drunk, like old times, like an addict who needs a fix. Nothing helped, though.

Enzo's scent still consumed his senses. His lips still tingled with the feel of Enzo's lips, and his mind replayed the exact moment when he lost control again and again as his life suddenly fell into an endless loop of him kissing Enzo, his crush, who wasn't into guys. And fucking hell Kian was one.

Somewhere around his fifth round of Jack, he was finally losing the sense of his surroundings, and tormenting images blurred in his mind. Then he was stumbling out of the bar, resting his back against the back alley, where he had spent many nights, nights like this, either making out or blowing some steam out with random strangers, boys and girls alike. But that was another version of him. The one he had left far behind. Kian wasn't that guy anymore.

However, tonight he behaved like his past version, letting his desires take over his control. He went off the hook, and as he pulled out another joint from the box of cigarettes, the old Kian. The one who caused mindless destruction to himself was back.

By the time he finished the roll, his limbs were already giving up on his body. He was stoned, drunk, heartbroken, and so very clueless about his surroundings. He heard a small giggle from his side and could only make out blurry images of a guy and a girl leaning against the brick wall beside him. Kian stubbed out the burnt joint and tried pulling his liquifying limbs together, only to stumble and brace himself for a fall face-first on the rough ground.

Although, the impact never came.

A pair of strong hands held his body upright before he could break his nose and bleed his mistakes. He looked up through his half-mast eyes at his savior and met with a set of ocean blue eyes. The gentle tug of his lips and the slicked-up blond hair was exactly something Kian didn't hope to stumble upon.

"Christopherrrr," Kian dragged out the last letter a little too much, blinking in confusion at the blue-eyed royalty. Kian planted his hands on Chris's chest, then grinned at him. "Wow, you saved my face from breaking. Good timing there!"

"How much have you had to drink, stranger?" Chris released a scoff, tugging up Kian's body so that he didn't fall off.

"What a gentleman like you is doing in the back alley of a dingy bar? Or is this just a dream?" Kian blurted out in his muzzy accent.

Chris's lips quirked, and his cheeks flushed a little. "Well, do you dream about me much?"

"Shite! You're real, aren't you?" Kian groaned as they crossed the street, his body easily balanced on Chris's side. Kian should feel embarrassed about how it was only their third meeting, and he had already shown him how messed up Kian's life was.

"I was passing from here, and then I saw a handsome stranger needing a ride." He slid a hand around Kian's waist and led him towards the curb where a black sedan was parked. "Let me drop you back home."

"Are you sure you want to risk taking a drunk stranger to your shiny car?" Kian frowned as Chris opened the back seat and shoved Kian inside, falling to the side himself. There was a driver at the front to drive them off to wherever the hell they were going.

"Don't worry. This car also belongs to my dad." Chris flashed his infamous and insanely rare smirk, not nearly as tantalizing as Enzo's but enough to distract him from Enzo. "Is there a reason for getting drunk on a school night? I hope you do remember about your physics test."

"Fuck," Kian cursed loudly, stabbing his hair with unsteady hands and falling back on the unexpectedly soft seat. He didn't just mess up his chance to bond with his best friend after years but also messed up his hope of getting a decent grade on the physics test. "Someone, please kill me." Kian slurred the words.

"Did you mean to say kiss me? I can do that." Chris whispered into his ear, his lip grazing the shell lightly. With Kian's mind already coming back to senses and someone mentioning a kiss, all he could think of at that moment was his mouth on Enzo, his hand diving into the soft curls, and a quarter dozen desperate groans that he shared. He needed to keep those thoughts at bay.

You need to get laid, if not with Chris, then a random one-night stand. It will stray your mind off Enzo.

Audrey's words sprung up from somewhere deep in his memory, and as he turned his head slightly towards Chris, he realized maybe he could give her advice a try. Because right in front of him was a sexy man with the softest smile and crystal blue hypnotic eyes, and Kian himself was too high to recalculate his actions.

He needed Chris. He would take the heaviness inside Kian's heart away and make him forget the desires he'd been holding for Enzo. Maybe, all he needed was someone's numbing kisses and morphine-like touches to forget his crush on Enzo.

Enzo. Enzo. Enzo.

As his name vibrated like a tuning fork inside his head, Kian turned towards Chris and absorbed his achingly beautiful features. His eyes were a darker shade of blue than what Kian could make out through his hazy sight, his sandy hair wind blown, and the dark shadows of his stubble grazing his cheek. Yes, Kian wanted him, even for a night. He wanted him to erase Enzo's touch from his being and numb his mind to his memory.

And the next thing Kian knew, he was leaning in for a kiss, his singular focus being Chris and the playful tug of his lips.

The Kiss never happened. With a vise grip on his nape, Chris held Kian's face an inch away from his own. His crystal blue eyes appeared a shade darker now, his face red with restraint and his ragged breaths warming Kian's face as he rasped out. "And what do you think you're doing, Kian?"

"I thought you wanted to kiss me," Kian said hoarsely.

"No, I was flirting. Besides, you are probably too drunk to make sense of anything you do."

"I've enough consciousness to know what I'm doing." Kian released a dry laugh, a little frustrated with his denial. "So, you don't want to kiss me then?"

Chris tightened his hold on Kian's nape and closed his eyes as his breathing accelerated. When he stared at Kian once more, the raw passion in his eyes made Kian stutter from inside.

"Kian, you've no idea what I want and how much. Are you willing to give me what I want or take what you need?" He burned Kian with his blue gaze. "Either way, I know it will be just for tonight."

For some reason, even in his half-conscious state, his words warned Kian of the implication of their actions tonight. Kian frowned, biting the inside of his cheek and looking away from Chris. "You're right. I wouldn't do that to you. It was an asshole move. Probably I'm too high, and I shouldn't-"

The kiss came as a shock. But the moment Chris leaned in and crashed his lips to Kian's, he responded with the same desperate awareness as Chris. They both pull away from the kiss, a little breathless. "You've got it all wrong. Now you know I don't care about anything but you, Kian." There's hopelessness and yearning in his eyes and his hold of Kian.

When Kian locked eyes with Chris, he finally found a way out. And he wasn't sure if it was the desperation to feel wanted or sadness he felt for having deep-rooted feelings for someone who could never reciprocate or the look of admiration and want in Chris's eyes.

But he decided that he didn't care anymore. He was done losing control over his emotions. For now, as he felt Chris's hot breath on his face and his fingers wrapped around his nape, he decided to take over the control and throw away everything else. Enzo, his unrequited feelings, his crush.

He needed Chris to burn his desperation to ashes with the fire of passion raging inside his blue eyes. He needed Chris to kiss him and erase the sensation of Enzo's touch.

So he sought it.

When their lips met again, it wasn't just passionate. It was fierce with less tender and more feral need. They fought for control, and Kian won this time. They were no longer sitting on the seat, but rather Kian had Chris lying on it with himself hovering over his body. They forgot about the driver's presence or anything else in particular. Teeth clashing. Hands pulling each other flush against their bodies. It was like Kian needed this desperately.

"Fucking hell, Kian," Chris broke away first. Kian could feel his chest rising heavily as Chris stared at him with a barely contained desire that went straight to his lower body.

"We're going to my place," Chris whispered against Kian's lips. "If this night is all we have, let's make the most of it." He dived for another kiss. When the need for oxygen won, he broke away.

"No regrets?" He asked as his hands settled on Kian's shoulders, letting his thumbs caress his skin, draining out some of the uncertainties clouding Kian's mind.

Kian remained silent for a long minute as the car sped through the clear traffic. He let himself get drunk some more. This time it was the soft yet sharp features of Chris's face, the color of his eyes, and his sandy-colored hair.

"No regrets," Kian mumbled, his breaths rushing in and out of his lungs as he heaved for air.

Kian wasn't naïve. He was aware something like this never worked for him. He had never been the guy who got connected with a person purely based on physical attraction. There was only one soul-deep connection he had felt up until now.

But maybe, just maybe, this could break that connection once and for all. Kian needed Chris to be an exception.


Author's Note: Hello there! If you are enjoying it so far, let me know your thoughts about whatever mess Kian created in his life.

Do you think his actions will further complicate his relationship with Enzo?

Or is there even something between him and Enzo?

What are your feelings towards Chris?

Thank you so much for reading this story, please add your comments and votes.

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