14 | Fighting Desires

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For a moment Kian felt like a complete stranger. He closed his mind and allowed himself to pretend that the boy in his arms would want him in the same way he did. His hand moved on Enzo's waist, taking a firm hold of his side, pulling him closer, holding him firmly against his body. He was sure if his desires went rampant, he might once again lose Enzo.

He wondered why Enzo wasn't freaking out with their closeness as the boy leaned his head on Kian's shoulder, mumbling incoherent song lyrics against his neck and allowed Kian to lead him away from the red head. His face was so close to Kian's exposed skin that he could feel the roughness of his chin against his cheek. Kian resisted the urge to breathe in his familiar scent and bath in the tingling sensation of Enzo's skin against his.

"Hey, Enz," Kian dipped his head down to speak into Enzo's ear. The boy simply hummed. "Are you sure you don't want to dance some more with that redhead? You seemed to be enjoying her company."

"Didn't I come here to make amends with my friend? I wouldn't trade it for some redhead trying to get free passes of my concert for her friends." His words came out a little slurred but he said it as if he couldn't believe Kian thought he would spend the night with some random stranger. Kian could feel the pace of his heart pick up when Enzo tugged him towards his side and smiled up at him.

"Was she really trying to seduce you just for the concert passes?" Kian glared towards the said girl.

"I'm sure she couldn't seduce me even if she wanted to." Enzo slurred into his ear. "Stop glaring at her and let's get out of here. We still have a lot of catching up to do."

"Where exactly are we going now?" Kian frowned at the boy. He realized Enzo already had a place in mind as he stepped away from Kian and threw a hand over his shoulder. They walked to the table where Audrey was sitting with a bunch of girls from their college and she stopped to look first at Kian then at Enzo.

"We're leaving. You have my number on the speed dial, just in case." Kian bent down to speak in Audrey's ear, his eyes moving towards Jackie for a second and back to her. Waving a subtle red flag at his roommate, he let Enzo drag him until they were out the door.

Kian had no idea where exactly they were heading in the middle of the night, drunk to their last sane brain cells. But the concern turned into curiosity as Enzo pulled his hand and they were running across the empty street and up to a small clearing where a tour bus was parked.

"Are you kidding me, Enzo Santiago?" Kian asked in awe as Enzo unlocked the back door of the bus and stepped aside to lead Kian inside. As Kian took one hesitant step up the stairs, his eyes narrowed at the cozy interior of the bus. It was a moving bus style moving apartment with a lounge area, bunk beds, and a galley kitchen.

Enzo shut the door after him, standing in silence at the stairs as Kian picked up a drumstick from under his shoes and placed it beside its twin lying idly among the other musical instruments. It was indeed a musician's tour bus. He had seen them in movies and now he was standing inside one of them.

"You have a lovely set. Has anybody mentioned them before?"

Enzo's words startled him and he snapped his head towards him, blinking. "Sorry, what?"

"A lovely set of arse, of course." Enzo grinned, pushing off the closed door and climbing up. "When did you become such a hunk from a squishy nerd? I envy those toned muscles."

Kian noticed the slight twitch of Enzo's lips and his cheeks heated up.

Was Enzo really checking out his arse? He cleared his throat and moved his hands around the interior of the bus. "So, this is your place. That's why you said you don't have an apartment here."

"Yep, we're on a tour." Enzo gathered the discarded clothes lying on the sofa and threw them in the laundry basket, scratching his neck in embarrassment.

Some habits don't change. Kian laughed at his flustered friend and Enzo followed suit. This night was going to end soon and for some selfish reasons Kian didn't want it to end at all.

Enzo threw his hands out to gesture at the interior. "I would've offered you a tour around my place but there's nothing much left from what is in front of your eyes. It's small for four people but it's home."

He laughed some more as Kian kicked an empty beer can unknowingly and Kian's heart lifted.

Enzo plopped down on the couch and Kian could see the fuzziness in his eyes, his posture. He picked up the empty beer can and threw it into the trash can in the Kitchen area. His eyes flickered between Enzo sitting with his legs splayed out, head thrown back and the coffee maker.

"Do you ...do you want me to leave?" Kian asked, sounding as unsure as his hands as they started brewing coffee for the boy on its own. Was it the barista in him or the fact that he wanted to spend some more time with Enzo, preferably him not passed out on the couch?

"No," Enzo pulled himself in a sitting position, his back stiff and eyes zoned on Kian. "Can you stop behaving like a stranger for one second, Kiki? It's starting to make me sick."

"Sure," Kian couldn't say anything else, not when the slightly frustrated look on Enzo's face made him smile instead of getting angry. He looked so pretty and sassy in the low lamplight.

Don't fall for a straight guy, Kian. The warning rang in his head again like a broken record.

When the eye contact got too intense he turned around and shook his head. The alcohol in his veins wasn't helping his affection for the boy either.

The coffee spit into the pot and he filled two mugs, knowing he could use some caffeine too if they were going to talk about some heavy stuff.

They sat on the couch together sipping coffee. When the silence between them plagued havoc in his mind, Kian's fingers itched to reach for the roll of joint in his pocket. Just as he pulled out the pin-thin joint and lit it, Enzo put on some music, a rock number which sounded fresh and new.

"Is it your band's music?" Kian asked, puffing out a long drag, slowly savoring it. He gave up hard drinking and smoking a year back, only taking refuge in it at desperate times, like this one.

Ever since Enzo returned, Kian had been falling off the hooks and it seemed one of these days, he might have to revisit his shrink. Like now, as Enzo turned on his side and gave a soft nod to his query, his eyes glaring at the joint between Kian's fingers.

"When I said I want to catch up on our friendship, I meant it." Enzo sighed, propping his head on the headrest of the couch.

"How long are you going to be here?" A question that burned down his throat. Kian wouldn't ask this if he wasn't already feeling a little high on the weed.

"I don't know. We never know." Enzo lifted a shoulder then raked a hand through his hair. Kian's hands clenched and he drew in a scathing, silent breath, trying to keep hold of all that was threatening to unravel. The need to brush Enzo's curls off his face, the desire to kiss him once again. Knowing that he might not get another chance if Enzo left tomorrow, his emotions went rampant . Did Enzo come here only to stir his slumbering emotions and leave?

"I missed you," Kian finally said. Holding back was impossible as soon he got the first real hit, his eyes closed and head tilted back. He let the smoke ignite his nerve endings and finally released a cloud of smoke. And when he opened his eyes Enzo's face appeared closer than it was before. Or maybe it was the weed playing with his head.

"You know, I did try to reach out to you, so many times but my dad..." Enzo trailed off, his voice a little raspy due to the wisp of smoke Kian just passed passively his way.

"He asked you not to be friends with me?" Kian frowned, his pulse jumping at the thought of it.

"No, he never had to ask anything. I was too wrapped up in wanting to be his perfect son and whatever happened at Derek's party messed with my head. And when I realized how I should've stood by you, it was too late and we both moved away. All this time I was kind of hoping that you don't hate me but I won't hold it against you if you did."

Kian never could. He watched as Enzo took a sip from his mug and placed it beside his untouched mug. He didn't mind drinking coffee while smoking weed but right now, his sole attention was on the words coming out of Enzo's lips.

Enzo reached out and grabbed Kian's wrist, stopping him from pulling another drag.

"Do you?" Kian's heart did a weird flip as he looked down at Enzo's hold on his wrist.

"Do I what?" Kian asked. He'd completely blanked out, both with the hits of the weed and Enzo's touch making his skin buzz. Enzo let go of the wrist as quick as he held it and rubbed the back of his neck, his skin turning a light shade of red. Was he flustered or ashamed of their touch? Kian didn't have to think about it.

"Do you hate me?" Enzo's voice was so deep yet quiet, Kian almost missed it.

I could never hate you, Enz. Even if I wanted to.

"I don't," Kian said, because that was the truth.

"Can we go back to how it was?" Enzo asked. His eyes were so dark and full of midnight wishes as Kian looked up at him. He saw echoes of the boy he had grown up with, now sitting just mere inches apart from him, turned into an artist and the most handsome one at that. And that was going to be a huge problem because they could never go back to how it was before. Let's just say, Kian was fighting his desires way harder now than back when they were teenagers. He might lose the fight this time.

"I guess, we can hash it out." Kian pulled his lips in a twisted grin and put the joint to his lips, took a drag and passed it to Enzo.

Enzo shifted a little closer beaming at Kian, knowing very well that he always got his way. Enzo took the last hit from the almost burnt joint, stubbed it out in the empty coffee mug then tilted his head back offering Kian a tempting view of his veiny neck. This time Kian couldn't move away or stop himself from admiring the boy.

Enzo pulled his head back in place only to look at Kian with a little smaller eyes and a victory smugness plastered on his face. He held the smoke for a few seconds then breathed out, the wisps of faint smoke hitting Kian's face.

Enzo exhaled and Kian inhaled, not just the smoke but how close their faces were and if he reached the back of Enzo's head and pulled him in for a kiss-

He did exactly that. His hands moved to the back of Enzo's head, fingers carding through his soft curls and then his mouth was on Enzo, breathing harshly against his lips, smelling the faint scent of whiskey, coffee and weed, a dangerous mix making up for a beautiful mess. And nothing made sense, not even who was kissing whom when their lips met, groans dying inside their throats and shared gasps encouraging him to pour his desires full force into the kiss.

The kiss. Kian was kissing Enzo. He pulled away, panic exploding inside his head as he jumped on his feet.

"Shit," Kian scrubbed his hands over his face and squeezed his eyes. "I'm so sorry - I shouldn't have..."

He opened his eyes to find Enzo looking up at him with a surprised expression and Kian knew he screwed up again. So, he did what he should have done the moment Enzo reappeared in his life.

"I- I should leave." Kian managed the words before dashing out of the bus, running away as far as he could. 


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Thank you so much for reading this story.

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