[010] are you two bumping uglies yet?

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[010] are you two bumping uglies yet?

                                   Ginger has done a lot of weird things in her life. But giving away her old underwear for even older men to buy just to raise money for her fight club had to take the cake.

                                    Stella-Rebecca came up with the million-dollar (no pun intended) idea to raise money for the club by holding their very first fundraiser. Now a normal fundraiser wouldn't require your old, used underwear. But as grossed out as Ginger was, she was just going to get through it the best way she could. And sell some of her own underwear in the process.

                                      Hey, she needed to find some way to get rid of those things.

                                      "I cannot believe I'm actually doing this," Ginger groaned, shaking her head. "I've officially reached a new low."

                                     "We all have," Isabel huffed, blowing a curly stranf of hair out of her face in the process.

                                      "It's not the worst thing ever. We could actually make a business out of this. Not only do we have to sell our panties but we could do bras too. Maybe I could sell my retainer. There are some weirdos who might like it," Brittany offered, speaking like a true business woman.

                                      "I almost forgot that you used to wear a retainer back in middle school," Ginger remarked.

                                      "Tell anyone and I'll, like, literally murder you," Brittany threatened.

                                      Ginger was ninety percent sure that Brittany was kidding.

                                      "Really?" she asks with a grin.

                                      "Yeah. As in, poisoning you and they'll never be able to trace it back to me because I'll be super careful," Brittany continued.

                                      "You are the most terrifying person I've ever met. And I'm lucky to be friends with you again," Ginger responded.

                                      Brittany smiles. "Ditto."

                                      "What are you ladies talking about?" PJ questioned when the trio approached her and Josie.

                                      "Murder," Ginger and Brittany answer at the same time.

                                      "Just girly things," Isabel adds with a small smile.

                                      "Oh, I'm all about murder. That's literally my favorite thing to talk about," PJ nods.

                                     "I bet," Ginger playfully rolls her eyes, putting her underwear in the same box that Isabel was holding onto. She then made her way over to where Hazel was, kissing her girlfriend's forehead. "Hey... are you okay?"

                                      "Why do you ask?" Hazel questioned. She looked as though she was about to pass out at any minute. Ginger knew she should've let Hazel stay with her last night but her mom had been home and Hazel didn't want to cause any trouble.

                                      So she bit the bullet and spent the night at her house. What a big mistake.

                                      "You look... not yourself," Ginger replied, which was really a kinder way of saying she looked like shit.

                                      "Is it that obvious?" Hazel asks.

                                      "Painfully obvious," Ginger nods.

                                      "Hey, girls!" Stella-Rebecca greets them, causing Ginger to turn around and look at her. She was wearing a blue and yellow bikini, obviously wanting to keep the attention of the older men so they'd actually show up and give money. It was a smart strategy, if not a little fucked up. "First club fundraiser. I'm so excited. Great turnout, right?"

                                      "I guess," Ginger shrugs.

                                      There were a concerning amount of older men here, all of them interested in teenage girls' underwear. It was all super fucked up

                                      "Hello, ladies," a newer old guy greeted them all, sounding as creepy as he looked.

                                      Stella-Rebecca immediately turns on the charm, strutting towards the group of older men with a bright smile. "Hi Bill, Bob, Fred...!"

                                      "I don't know why anyone wants my old, dirty underwear. It's so weird," Isabel chuckled, looking over at Josie as she prepared to follow Brittany and Stella-Rebecca.

                                      "Me too. I don't see the appeal but maybe there's something wrong with me," Ginger scoffs.

                                      "Oh, come on. How many people can say they've seen Psycho Pruitt's underwear? Imagine how much money people would pay," Brittany suggested.

                                      "Stop turning everything into a business!" Ginger huffed.

                                      "Can't help it," Brittany shrugs.

                                      "Hey, Britt, uh, don't let 'em touch between your toes," PJ advised.

                                      "Thanks, PJ," Britt responds sending PJ one more look over her shoulder before she walked away.

                                      While PJ began to talk to Josie, Ginger's attention was focused on Hazel who dropped to the pavement before curling in on herself. All the while, she continued groaning as though in pure agony. If you had heard all the disgusting noises she did last night, you'd probably be in pure agony too.

                                      "Hey, I know what'll make you feel better," Ginger suggested, getting down to Hazel's level.

                                      Hazel groaned, holding up her head while pulling her knees closer to her chest. "What?"

                                      "You can spend the night with me. My aunt would be happy to have you. And... I'll let you touch my boobs," Ginger replied. "Do you think that'll help?"

                                      "It might," Hazel nods, although she already knew it definitely would. "Can I use them as pillows?"

                                      "Duh, that's what they're made for," Ginger laughs.

                                      Hazel starts to laugh with her before she's groaning again. It's loud enough to attract the attention of both PJ and Josie who had been talking this whole time.

                                      "Hazel, what's wrong? Are you constipated or something?" PJ snapped.

                                      "I'm fucking tired. My mom was up all night fucking the meathead," Hazel explained.

                                      Oh, boy. Ginger knew they needed to break the news sooner rather than later. But at the first club fundraiser?

                                      "What meathead?" Josie asked before someone new walked by. "Hi. Underwear. Cars."

                                      She made sure to give them a fundraiser card before they left.

                                      Hazel whips her dark hair out of her face, almost looking like a total heartthrob. It'd be hotter if she wasn't in clear agony. "You know, like, the guy. He's like the crybaby with the balls?"

                                      "That's one interesting way of putting it," Ginger snorts.

                                      "He catches them and he th - throws them," Hazel added.

                                      Ginger smacks her hand against her forehead. As much as she adored Hazel, she didn't make it easy for herself. Ginger was about five seconds away from screaming Jeff's name just to speed things along.

                                      "He's like the main guy," Hazel remarked when PJ and Josie still looked so confused.

                                      "Jeff?" Josie instantly caught on. "Is your mom hooking up with Jeff?"

                                      "I thought Jeff might be her safe word," Hazel admits, her tone soft.

                                      "Jeff is his name, you idiot," PJ snapped.

                                      "Who are you calling an idiot?" Ginger frowned.

                                      Hazel holds onto Ginger's hand, letting her know everything was fine. She was used to PJ acting like this. "I just get the hot people confused. Jesus."

                                      "Yeah, she gets hot people confused. She couldn't tell me and Brittany apart for like a year," Ginger replied, immediately rushing to Hazel's defense. Even if she couldn't punch PJ like she wanted to sometimes, she could at least defend Hazel with her words.

                                      "You two are awfully close. Are you two bumping uglies yet?" PJ interrogated, glancing between the two of them. Even despite PJ's crude way of putting it, Ginger quickly understood what she was saying.

                                      "Not that it's any of your business but yes, we have and it was the best night of my life. So what?" Ginger raised a brow.

                                      Hazel immediately smiled when Ginger said it was the best night of her life. It was obviously the best night of Hazel's life too; one she wouldn't mind repeating again. And again. And again. And again.

                                      God, Hazel had become hornier than ever since Ginger popped her cherry.

                                      PJ frowns. "First, Josie lands a date with Isabel and now Hazel's having sex? I need to step up my game."

                                      "That's your biggest concern here?" Ginger scoffs.

                                      A scream causes everyone to look forward, and Ginger sees that it came from Stella-Rebecca. She had fallen off the car she had been showing which would have been embarrassing to anyone else. But she just brushes it off, quickly rising up to her feet and throwing her hands up in the air like that had been planned to happen. "I'm good!"

                                      "Looking good, Stella!" PJ cheered her on.

                                      "You know," Hazel adds once PJ and Josie's attention wasn't on the two of them anymore, "You don't have to always rush to my defense. I can defend myself."

                                      Ginger sighs. "I can't help it. I'm a guard dog most of the time and I can't seem to turn it off. I promise I'll chill out for today. And maybe the days after today."

                                      "Thank you," Hazel nods.

                                      "While you're using my boobs as pillows, do you wanna watch another movie?" Ginger offered.

                                      "Can it be something scary? My life kind of feels like a horror movie right about now," Hazel responds.

                                      "Yeah, of course. I don't really like to watch anything else," Ginger shrugged. She hated rom-coms and mysteries dragged on too long for her liking. Ginger would rather be terrified than bored.

                                      "Are you sure your mom would mind me being there?" Hazel questioned. She really didn't want to start a fight between Ginger and her mom.

                                      "I don't give a shit if she does or doesn't. You matter more. I'm getting you away from that house of horrors if it's the last thing I do," Ginger declared.

                                      Hazel smiles. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

                                      "I don't know what you'd do without me either," Ginger teased.

                                      "Fuck you," Hazel snorts, nudging Ginger a little harder than intended.

                                      Ginger ended up falling to the ground, pulling Hazel down with her in the process. The two of them then started laughing, and Hazel raised herself up so she could hover above Ginger.

                                      "This feels like something straight out of a romance movie," Hazel chuckled before sobering up.

                                      "How would you know? Do you watch a lot of them?" Ginger inquired.

                                      "Maybe I've watched a couple. 10 Things I Hate About You is a classic, okay? I can't get enough of it," Hazel confesses.

                                      "You're lucky you're cute for being such a nerd."

                                      "Just cute?"

                                      "Alright, I guess you're pretty hot too."

                                      "That sounds better."

                                      Ginger smiles before grabbing the collar of Hazel's shirt, pulling her down so they could kiss. Hazel kissed her back, her body pressing down against Ginger's so there'd be no space between them. As the kiss began to intensify, both Ginger and Hazel quickly forgot where they were. Or the fact that there was so many people around.

                                      But PJ was more than happy to remind them.

                                      "Can you two not be horny in public?" PJ snapped, causing the two girls to pull away from each other.

                                      "Whoops," Ginger chuckled.

                                      "We don't wanna give these old guys more of a show than they need," Josie quickly explained.

                                      "Fair point," Ginger nods. The last thing Ginger wanted was to make the old creeps lose their mind even more. Regardless of the age, guys seemed to love girl on girl action since it was so hot.

                                      Hazel climbs off of her, helping to pull Ginger up too. "Sorry about that."

                                      "I'm the one that kissed you. Besides, there's nothing to be sorry about since it was pretty amazing," Ginger shook her head.

                                      "This is so not fair," PJ murmured. Obviously she couldn't believe that a loser like Hazel managed to score Ginger so easily. And quicker than her too.

                                      "We'll just have to continue when we go back to my place later," Ginger adds, sending a flirty wink at Hazel.

                                      "You can't just do that and expect me to act cool. I'm losing my shit here," Hazel replies, leaning in close and whispering the last part. "And I'm thinking very inappropriate thoughts."

                                      "Hold onto them. You're gonna need 'em for later," Ginger whispers back to her.

                                      It's truly a miracle that Hazel manages to pay attention for the rest of the fundraiser, especially with her ridiculously hot girlfriend next to her. But after it was over, Ginger and Hazel left together. They went straight to Ginger's house so Ginger could comfort her girlfriend and help her to forget all about life back at home.

                                      Needless to say, Ginger was the best girlfriend ever.

( 💥🥊👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 )

word count: 2029
notes: ginger and hazel are so cute and horny for each other 24/7

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