[011] girlfriend material

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[011] girlfriend material

                              "Do you think we're all in one big giant life simulator and a couple of psychotic scientists are controlling everything?" Ginger asks, glancing down at Hazel who had been resting her head on her lap the whole time.

                              Once again, the two girls were back in Ginger's room since Hazel's house was absolutely off limits. It seemed as though Jeff and Mrs. Callahan had yet to stop sleeping with each other. And Ginger was too kind of a girlfriend to let Hazel suffer like that. At this point, her aunt had grown used to having Hazel around the house and she always went out of her way to include Hazel, making sure there was enough food for her and things like that. Seeing how Hazel made her niece happy, Imogen made it her mission to make Hazel feel like one of the family.

                              "Definitely, but who doesn't know that?" Hazel answers honestly, while Ginger continued to run her fingers through her dark hair. "What made you start thinking about this now?"

                              "I've been thinking about this for years. I just didn't have anyone else to tell until now," Ginger admitted.

                              "And you decided to trust me with all of your giant life simulator conspiracies?" Hazel smiles. "That's so sweet."

                              "It's nice having someone to talk about this stuff. I usually just keep it all to myself," Ginger explains with a shrug.

                              "Me too. I mean, most of the time, PJ just tells me to shut up whenever I ramble too much," Hazel shrugs.

                              "Fuck PJ," Ginger instantly says. In case it wasn't obvious, she still didn't like the way PJ treated Hazel out of the other girls.

                              "Fuck PJ," Hazel repeats with a laugh.

                              "I still think she deserves a punch or two to the face," Ginger replied but again, the words weren't a total shock to Hazel at all.

                              "Are we really going to talk about you punching PJ all night?" Hazel raised a brow, sitting up so she could properly look over at Ginger.

                              Ginger smirks before she leans forward to kiss Hazel, cupping her face in her hands. Hazel quickly kissed her back, all thoughts of punching and PJ quickly leaving both of their minds. They continue to make out with each other as Ginger lies Hazel down onto the bed, climbing on top of her. Hazel holds onto Ginger, her hands going up and down Ginger's sides.

                             Ginger pulls away for just a moment so she could move her hair out of her way. But she glances down to see Hazel looking up at her and it's enough to make Ginger smile.

                             "What is it?" Ginger questioned.

                            "It's nothing," Hazel quickly answers, shaking her head. She tries to look away from Ginger but Ginger grabs Hazel's chin and turns her head so she has no choice but to look at her.

                            "Come on. Tell me. I'm not gonna let you go until you do," Ginger pleaded. "So you might as well just go ahead and tell me what it is."

                             Ginger was really curious since she had never seen Hazel look at her in that way before. If she had, Ginger had never really noticed. The look made Ginger feel all... warm and tingly on the inside.

                            "I was just thinking about my feelings, I guess. About us," Hazel confesses.

                            "Oh, yeah?" Ginger inquired.

                            "I think I'm in love with you," Hazel confesses.

                            Ginger freezes. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting Hazel to say. But it definitely hadn't been that. Needless to say, it takes Ginger a lot longer than usual to snap out of her shock.

                             Hazel falters, frowning as she watched Ginger climb off of her and now go back to lying in bed again. "Did I say something wrong?"

                             "No. No, you didn't say anything wrong. I'm just... hungry. Yeah, I'm really hungry. Do you want anything?" Ginger asks, climbing off of Hazel and standing up to her feet.

                            "No, I'm fine," is all Hazel says.

                            Ginger only nods before rushing out of the bedroom, fleeing into her bathroom instead. She gripped onto the sink, feeling as though she was on the verge of a panic attack. It was absolutely insane: all Hazel had done was say that she thought she was in love with her. That was a normal thing girlfriends told each other all the time, right? Ginger knew that she was falling for Hazel too. But being with Hazel unlocked a new fear inside of Ginger. Technically, an old fear that Ginger thought she had given up a long time ago.

                             She was afraid that she'd do something to screw up their relationship and she'd lose Hazel completely. Hazel may think she loved Ginger now but what if Ginger did something wrong and then Hazel left her too? Ginger knew that it was an irrational fear of hers, but she couldn't help it. Now that she had gotten so close to Hazel, the fear of losing her had only grown. This was normally why she didn't like to get close to people. Her parents had abandoned her when she was little and Ginger still struggled to figure out why. What had she done wrong for them to leave? When she had lost Isabel and Brittany, that had devastated Ginger, and it solidified her fear of abandonment. 

                            Even though she was friends with them again, the fear still lingered in the back of her mind. If she ever lost Hazel, Ginger didn't know what she'd do.

                           "Fuck, pull yourself together. You're overreacting. Just... go back in there and talk to Hazel. There's nothing to be scared about," Ginger told herself, staring at her own reflection in the mirror this entire time.

                             After taking a couple more deep breaths to calm herself down, Ginger finally made her way back out to the bedroom where Hazel had been waiting the whole time.

                             During the past couple of minutes that Ginger had been gone, Hazel had been having a crisis of her own. She was worried that she had been moving too fast. Hazel didn't mean to say her true feelings towards Ginger out loud. It just slipped out when Ginger kept pushing her to speak. And now, Hazel was worried that she had scared away the only girlfriend she had ever had. Hazel didn't want to lose Ginger either. Before Ginger entered her life, Hazel had felt so alone. Sure, she had Josie and PJ but she felt more like an awkward third wheel than anything. She couldn't talk and connect with them in the same way she could with Ginger. She really was falling for her and fast.

                             But now she was worried that Ginger wasn't on that level yet, and now she had successfully managed to fuck everything up with just a couple of words.

                             "Fuck, you're so stupid, Hazel," she tells herself, smacking herself on the forehead.

                             The sound of footsteps is enough to make Hazel look up. It was Ginger who walked back into the room, looking sheepish as ever.

                             "I thought you were hungry," Hazel pointed out when she noticed that there were no snacks to be found.

                             "That was a lie," Ginger admitted.

                             Hazel nods. "I figured."

                             "I was kind of panicking and I just needed a minute," Ginger admitted. "I'm sorry for lying."

                             "It's okay. It was because of what I said, isn't it? If you want me to take it back, I will. I know it totally killed the mood. But we can just forget it even happened and -," Hazel began to say.

                             "No, I don't want you to. I won't force you to feel something you don't. Besides, it's way too late to act like you never said it," Ginger cuts her off, shaking her head afterwards.

                             "Do you... feel the same?" Hazel asked next.

                             Ginger sighs but it's a mixture of a sigh and a laugh. "Are you kidding? Of course I do. But I'm so scared because of that.

                             "Scared of what?" Hazel furrows her brows.

                             "I'm far from girlfriend material, Hazel. I'm scared that I'm going to fuck everything up and push you away. Or later on down the line, you'll no longer love me anymore when you realize how much of a fucking mess I am," Ginger confessed.

                             While it was scary being this vulnerable in front of someone else, it felt like a big weight had been lifted off of her shoulders now that she had told Hazel exactly how she had been feeling. No wonder people were flocking to therapy nods than ever before.

                             If Ginger knew that it'd be this freeing, she would've done it ages ago.

                             "That's never going to happen," Hazel assures with a shake of her head.

                             "How do you know that?" Ginger questioned.

                             "I just do," Hazel responds. "I've never felt this way towards anyone before. And I just know that you're the first and the last person I'd ever feel this way towards."

                             "Me too. I don't want to be with anyone else except for you. I... I think... No, that's not true. I know that I'm falling in love with you, Haze," Ginger confessed.

                             It was the truth and she wasn't afraid to say it anymore. She had fallen head over heels for Hazel Callahan, even with all of her quirks and oddities. She had fallen for her since the first time they met at the carnival, although she was completely unaware of it.

                             Hazel smiles. "Well, that's a relief. This would've been really awkward if you didn't feel the same."

                             "It's a good thing neither of us have to worry about that anymore then," Ginger smiles back at her, holding on to her girlfriend's hand and giving it a small squeeze of support.

                             Briefly, Hazel glances down at their fingers intertwined before she looks back up at Ginger. The two girls begin to move in closer with the intention of kissing each other. But before their lips could meet again, Ginger's phone rang and the moment was ruined.

                          "You've got to be fucking kidding me," Ginger huffs, getting up to grab her phone and see who was calling her.

                             "Who's calling you?" Hazel asked.

                             "It's Isabel. She never calls me this late," Ginger answers, confused. Something must've happened. Maybe it was an emergency of some sort. She quickly answers the phone and Hazel rushes over to her side to also see what was going on.

                          "Hey, um, where are you?" Isabel asks and it sounded as though she had been crying.

                          "At home with Hazel," Ginger answers.

                          "Hi," Hazel chimes in.

                          "You two are always together. It's so... so cute! Ugh, it's adorable but I hate that it is right now!" Isabel remarked before sniffling. Yep, she had definitely been crying.

                             Ginger has a sneaking feeling that Jeff was behind those tears once again.

                          "Are you okay?" Ginger asked.

                          "No, I just found out from Josie that Jeff's been cheating on me. Again. And you'll never guess who it is," Isabel answered.

                          "Hazel's mom," Ginger admitted.

                          "Does everyone know but me? I can't believe this!" Isabel cried.

                          "How? He's cheated on you so many times before. If cheating was an Olympic sport, he'd be a gold medalist," Ginger replied. She hated to be so blunt but... someone had to be.

                         "I know! God, I know. You think I'd learn after the seventh time I caught him flirting with an older woman but I always forgive him," Isabel sighed.

                         "Not this time. This time, you're going to dump his ass. We'll confront him tomorrow - I mean, you will. But we'll be there to support you," Ginger stated.

                         Isabel sniffles. "You'd do that for me?"

                        "Of course we would. All of us would. And I'd like to see the look on that asshole's face when you finally dump him," Ginger replied.

                        "I also would like to see the look on his face," Hazel nodded. She had her own hatred towards him for basically traumatizing her and keeping her out of her own house.

                        "Okay. Okay, you're right. I can do this. I can confront that cheating prick tomorrow. Thank you so much for helping me," Isabel responded.

                       "You don't need to thank me. I'm just doing what a friend's supposed to," Ginger shrugs.

                             For once, Ginger couldn't wait until she saw Jeff tomorrow. Isabel was finally going to dump Jeff and he was going to be exposed for the cheating asshole he truly was. Ginger was beyond excited.

( 💥🥊👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 )

word count: 2118
notes: they do say the lesbians move fast. hazel falling for ginger in such a short amount of time... she's just like me fr. if i could fall for hazel within five minutes, hazel could do the same with ginger, ok?

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