[012] adorable

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[012] adorable

                              Isabel and Hazel were prepared to confront Jeff about his latest act of infidelity with Hazel's mom, and Ginger was going to be right there with them.

                              Now Ginger was just a naturally angry girl but now she was even angrier on behalf of Isabel. It was about time that Jeff got consequences for his actions. And his efforts at trying to keep the school under his and the rest of the football team's control was only pissing her off even more. They were all obviously threatened by the fight club they were holding at the school and it was beginning to show. Ginger found it to be a little ridiculous if she was being honest.

                              "You ready for this?" Ginger asks, glancing around at the two other girls.

                              "Oh, yeah. You?" Isabel nods, directing the question over to Hazel.

                              "I was born ready," Hazel answered, making Ginger smile.

                              "You're so cute," Ginger compliments her girlfriend, caressing her cheek and causing Hazel to smile with her.

                              "Can you two stop being so romantic? It's actually very triggering right now," Isabel frowns and the two lovebirds snap out of it. Quickly, they remembered their mission and pulled away from each other before they could trigger Isabel even further.

                              "Right, right, sorry," Ginger apologized.

                              And with that, three girls stormed into the cafeteria. Their entrance quickly gained attention, and Isabel managed to keep it on them by storming past two boys and knocking their flyers out of their hand. Ginger would've felt bad if it weren't for the fact that they were flyers of Jeff. Son in that case, she could give a shit less.

                              They continue walking, heading straight towards Jeff and the rest of the team who were all sitting at a long table together. At the sight of the giant mural of Jeff behind them, Ginger had to hold back her laughter. It was supposed to be a recreation of the infamous Creation of Adam piece by Michelangelo. She knew that Jeff had an ego as big as the school but this was truly taking it another step too far.

                             If Ginger wasn't so shocked, she'd wondered how the hell Jeff and the other guys even knew who Michelangelo was. They weren't exactly the brightest tools in the tool shed.

                              "Well, if it isn't Psycho Pruitt, you're looking adorable today," Tim remarked as he saw her approaching the table with both Isabel and Hazel.

                              Ginger pretends to smile and laugh before she gives him the finger, making him frown.

                              "Hi -," Jeff begins.

                             "Are you having sex with Mrs. Callahan?" Isabel cuts him off before he could try and sweet talk his way back into her arms.

                             Jeff's eyes widen from shock and for a moment, he was rendered speechless. While a speechless Jeff was a good thing, Ginger knew they wouldn't get anywhere if he just shut down on them.

                            "She asked you a question, asshole," Ginger remarked, even going as far as snapping her fingers in his face which ultimately seemed to do the trick. Sort of.

                            "Baby, you look so beautiful. Like so fucking hot. H-how are you?" Jeff ignores Ginger, trying to compliment Isabel in an effort to make her forget.

                            But it wouldn't be so easy this time.

                           "Bad. Are you having sex with her?" Isabel insists, eager to stay on track.

                           "I-I'm helping her with her taxes," Jeff stammered and Ginger laughs right then and there. Was that seriously the best he could come up with.

                           "Aren't you in eighth grade algebra?" Hazel asks.

                           "You can barely finish a Dr. Seuss book, let alone help anyone with their goddamn taxes. Couldn't come up with something better?" Ginger raised a brow.

                          "I can't answer that question because I... I don't know how to read," Jeff answered.

                          "Ginger and Hazel are asking you to your face!" Isabel exclaims in frustration.

                          "Fuck, that usually works," Jeff muttered.

                          The fact that it even worked at all was shocking to Ginger. But the girl scoffs in disbelief nonetheless, folding her arms across her chest.

                           "Are you cheating on me again?" Isabel questioned.

                           "Baby, no! No! No, why would... why would I do - that was one time with your sister, just once - two - four times. No, I would never cheat on you again, okay? I promise you I am not sleeping with her," Jeff pleaded, looking as desperate and pathetic as he sounded.

                           "You are so full of shit," Ginger rolled her eyes.

                           "Stay out of this!" Jeff shouts, pointing at her.

                           "Make me!" Ginger challenged, only for Hazel to pull her back.

                           "Ginger is not going anywhere," Isabel replied, sticking by Ginger this time. Ginger falters, truly appreciating it.

                           Before Isabel had let Jeff get to her and be part to blame for the divide between them. But now Isabel was finally sticking by her and it made Ginger so happy. She'd probably cry if she didn't have to remain so serious.

                           "I literally saw you yesterday," Hazel spoke up, pulling Ginger back before she leapt across the table and tackled him to the floor Mean Girls style.

                            "Shut up, nerd! I fucked your mom!" Jeff shouts before he pauses, realizing that he had basically admitted to the one thing he swore he'd never do again. "Wait..."

                             Isabel bitterly chuckles, finally having had enough. And it was about time. "Yeah, we're done."

                            While Isabel stormed off, Ginger and Hazel lingered behind. Well, it was really Ginger. Hazel wanted them to leave but Ginger had something she wanted to say first.

                           "I always knew you were a piece of shit with an empty plastic bag for a brain. But this... this is something special," Ginger remarked.

                           "Fuck off, Psycho Pruitt," Jeff snapped, clearly upset that Isabel had finally seen the light and dumped him.

                           "No, Jeff, you should be scared of me. Because if you come after me or Hazel or the rest of us, I will make sure you regret it. You have no idea how psycho I can really be. Understand?" Ginger warns, leaning close to where he was just so he'd see the serious look in her eyes and know that she was not the one to fuck with.

                           Jeff is speechless for the second time in a row and Hazel takes the opportunity to grab Ginger's arm, dragging her away again so she could join the others.

                          "You okay?" Hazel questioned.

                          "Fine. I just had to remind him of who I was," Ginger shrugged. To be honest, she felt a little better. Ginger would never be able to forget the stupid look on his face and that brought her joy.

                          "I'm getting revenge. I'm gonna fuck up some football players. And I'm buying a gun," Isabel declared, sounding more determined than Ginger had ever heard her be.

                         "Hell, yeah! I'll get my stepdad's," Sylvie shouts enthusiastically, as though they were all going to the mall and not talking about shooting someone with a gun.

                         "What about, like, egging?" Annie suggests.

                         Ginger chuckles. "No offense but we need something a little better than eggs, guys."

                         "Or what about, like, a bomb?" Hazel offers, causing the rest of the girls to turn around and look at her. "Like a... like a super small bomb. I mean, they're super easy to make, and I can just put it under his car, and it can be a distraction."

                          "Yeah, Hazel, let's do terrorism," PJ responds, sarcasm all over her tone.

                          Hazel nods, taking PJ seriously. And honestly, Ginger was excited for it.

                          "You know the fact that you're so ready to make a bomb and blow someone else's property up with it should totally be a red flag. But I've never wanted you more," Ginger confesses with a smile, wrapping her arms around Hazel and kissing her right then and there.

                              PJ groans.

( 💥🥊👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 )

                            Hazel and Ginger would have to sneak back into Hazel's house just for them to be able to get the stuff needed for the bomb. And honestly... Hazel's house had to be the coolest place Ginger's ever been in. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that Hazel was rich since she didn't act like a typical rich kid. And if it wasn't for the fact that Jeff and Hazel's mom had basically boned all around the house, Ginger would've opted to stay in the mansion instead.

                           But nonetheless, they got everything that they needed to and the two left so they could make the bomb at Ginger's house. Although Ginger was pretty clueless when it came to making bombs, she just stuck by Hazel's side and passed her things when she asked for them. And by the time they were finished, Ginger was a little impressed... and surprised at the same time.

                          "Huh, when you said you were going to make a bomb, I was expecting something bigger," Ginger remarked, tilting her head to the side as she continued to look at it. "This isn't going to explode and kill us, is it?"

                          "No, it has a timer. Once I start the timer, that's when we should be worried," Hazel admits.

                         "Oh, okay. So I can...?" Ginger trails off, reaching over to go and touch the bomb.

                         "Yeah, sure," Hazel hands the bomb over to Ginger gently and she holds onto it, admiring it up close. It pretty much appeared to look like a homemade bomb but the fact that she and Hazel had made it together suddenly added to the sentimental value. "You ever heard of the expression that big things come in small packages?"

                         "I mean, in Jeff's case, tiny things come in big packages, but yes. I've heard the expression before."

                         Hazel snorts. "Well, think of this bomb as the same way."

                         "Mm. I just can't wait to see this baby do some serious damage. But only to his car. I hate Jeff but I don't want to blow him up or anything. I'm not going to prison for him," Ginger remarked. "Unless... we went together. And then I'd be able to live out my Orange Is The New Black fantasy."

                        "What's that?" Hazel frowns, confused. She had never heard of the show before.

                        Ginger gasps, feeling utterly shocked that Hazel had been missing out all this time. "You're joking."

                        The sound of footsteps approaching the door cause the girls to interrupt the conversation and they both glance down at the bomb, realizing that they could get caught with it and then get into more trouble than they needed to be. They had to be able to sneak out later with the other girls and carry out Isabel's revenge. Ginger had never considered that her aunt would be home around this time but apparently, she was.

                         "Where am I supposed to hide this?" Hazel asked.

                         "Just put it underneath the bed or something," Ginger reasoned.

                         Hazel does that and then the door opens, her mom walking inside to see Ginger on top of Hazel while they were both lying in bed together. Ginger hadn't intended to get caught with Hazel in this position but it was still a lot better than being caught with a whole bomb.

                         "You're home early," Ginger noted, deciding not to move.

                         "I forgot something. What are you two lovebirds doing?" her aunt questioned.

                         "Gay stuff," Ginger immediately answered.

                         "Super gay stuff," Hazel nods.

                         "Oh. Have fun, I suppose. But not too much fun. You may not be able to get her pregnant but I don't want to find you two in any more compromising positions ever again," her aunt replied teasingly as she prepared to leave.

                         "Hey!" Ginger shouts, quickly growing embarrassed.

                         She narrows her eyes at the two of them suspiciously before she finally leaves, allowing Ginger to climb off of Hazel and grab the bomb from underneath the bed.

                         "I don't think she suspected anything, do you?" Hazel asked, glancing over at Ginger.

                          "No. I think that went really well actually," Ginger replied before placing the bomb onto the nearby counter. "Do you wanna make out before we blow some stuff up?"

                          "I thought you'd never ask," Hazel agreed.

( 💥🥊👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 )

word count: 2062
notes: i won't even lie, i wasn't planning on updating this and nearly lost inspiration altogether but it's literally ruby's bday so i HAD to do something

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