[013] explosive idea

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[013] explosive idea

                                                     Perhaps the fact that Ginger was super excited to get back at Jeff and potentially blow up his car definitely should've been a major clue about her psyche. And yet, she didn't let that deter her from feeling pretty excited about tonight. It had been a long time coming since Jeff had ever gotten a taste of his own medicine. And by the time they finished destroying his shit, Isabel dumping him would truly be considered child's play to the arrogant football player.

                                                   Dressed in all black with the rest of the girls, Ginger could practically feel her heart racing as they all piled up into the mini van being droven by Sylvie. When Sylvie wasn't nearly killing them with her driving skills (and Ginger was using that word very loosely), Ginger's hand found their way to Hazel's - the girlfriends holding onto each other as they anticipated the moment the two of them had been planning together.

                                                    The others had brought along eggs, planning on trashing Jeff's house with it. Ginger had decided to go the extra mile and bring a bottle of spray paint. The least she could do was leave a nice little message on the side of Jeff's house. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea. But Ginger relied more on her anger and impulse rather than rational thought.

                                                    Now, when they arrived at Jeff's house, they all rushed out of the car as quick as they could. As much as they were all hoping to move like graceful spies, the teens were anything but. Nonetheless, they immediately get to work. While most of the girls were throwing eggs at the house, Ginger continued to hold onto Hazel's hand and dragged her over to the side of the house before she pulled out the spray paint in question.

                                                  "Can't you get arrested for doing that?" Hazel frowns, concerned.

                                                  "Yeah but... all of us can get arrested for what we're doing. You're about to blow up his car. I think that's a little worse than graffiti," Ginger playfully rolls her eyes.

                                                  "Fair point. What're you gonna write anyway?" Hazel shrugged.

                                                  "Something that'll truly crush his ego and make him cry," Ginger agreed.

                                                  YOU SUCK AT FOOTBALL, ASSHOLE would be written on the side of his house in bold red letters, the two girls staring at the message with satisfied smiles on their faces.

                                                  "Yeah, I really think that's gonna get to him the most," Hazel compliments her girlfriend with a smile. "There's nothing more that asshole loves than his football career. You're so smart."

                                                  "You're smart too, Miss Domestic Terrorist. Now come on, let's make this bomb," Ginger grins as she meets Hazel's gaze, the two girls now grinning at each other before they race towards Jeff's prized car.

                                                  Hazel gets to work on assembling the bomb, working underneath the car. Ginger allowed her curiosity to get the better of her and she lies right next to her, watching Hazel as she focused on putting everything together. Ginger doesn't think she's ever seen Hazel this focused before. And she'd know. She had stared at her girlfriend so many times by now that she's probably memorized every emotion Hazel wore on her ridiculously hot face. And intense focus was far and few.

                                                 "I feel pretty useless right now," Ginger admits, interrupting the silence surrounding them with a soft chuckle. "I mean, don't get me wrong. Watching you commit crime is really interesting and all but I wish I could be doing something."

                                                 "You are doing something. You're providing emotional support," Hazel nodded, although she was still looking ahead of her instead of at Ginger.

                                                 Ginger chuckles some more. "Emotional support, huh? That's pretty cool actually. By the way, does this count as another date? Because I don't know about you but breaking onto private property and blowing up an asshole's car screams romance."

                                                 "I guess this is a date too. You know, there's always a first time for everything," Hazel encouraged her, her brows furrowed in light confusion.

                                                "You sure everything's alright over there?" Ginger asked. She didn't want to be annoying and keep bothering Hazel but she still wanted to make sure that everything was okay. This was a bomb that they were making after all and the last thing you wanted to do was fuck it up.

                                                 "Y - yeah, I got this," Hazel assures, although Ginger wondered if the words were really directed towards her or Hazel herself.

                                                 "Does anyone know where the fuck Hazel and Ginger are?" Ginger could hear PJ ask from a distance away, causing the redhead to frown as a thought suddenly popped up in her mind.

                                                 "Wait, does PJ know about this?" Ginger questioned.

                                                 "Yeah, she literally said I could do this, remember?" Hazel responded.

                                                 Ginger bit her lower lip. But before she could say that PJ was being ninety nine percent sarcastic with her, Hazel looked up at the bomb with panic written all over her face. "Oh, fuck!"

                                                "What?!" Ginger exclaims, panicking right alongside her.

                                                "I messed it up! I thought I was doing it for ten minutes but it's really ten seconds," Hazel exclaimed. "Come on!"

                                                 The two girls quickly rushed out from underneath the car, running as fast as they could towards the others to try and warn them. They had less than ten seconds to get away before the car exploded. But even despite the very serious situation they were in, nothing but pure adrenaline pumped through Ginger's veins.

                                                "Guys, it's gonna blow!" Hazel warned, waving her arms around to alert the others.

                                                "Oh, wow, yeah," PJ scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "It's gonna blow, guys!"

                                               "Run now!" Ginger exclaimed.

                                               Just then, Jeff's car exploded in bright orange flames. The explosion was loud and powerful enough to make the ground shake for a couple of seconds, Ginger holding onto Hazel for dear life so she didn't end up falling. The other girls screamed, pretty much horrified by the unexpected explosion. While PJ looked absolutely pissed over what she knew was Hazel and Ginger's fault.

                                             "Before you get mad, you pretty much gave Hazel the green light to do this," Ginger argued, deciding to turn the blame onto PJ.

                                             "I was kidding! Do neither of you know what a joke is?" PJ exclaimed.

                                            "Is that a rhetorical question or -?" Hazel began to ask.

                                             "It doesn't matter. We need to get the fuck out of here before we end up in juvie," Ginger cut her off, glancing back at the house. It wouldn't be too long now before either Jeff or his parents decided to investigate.

                                             All of the girls pile back inside of the minivan in a hurry, abandoning their mission and making their escape before Jeff could catch them. Once they had driven off, Ginger and Hazel looked at each other - frozen in shock for a brief moment before they decided to laugh. The two of them probably looked truly insane in that moment but neither of them cared. Even though the whole ordeal was scary, it had also been one of their more exciting adventures.

                                             Once again, Hazel ended up right back at Ginger's house. Sylvie dropped them off together and the couple snuck back inside - remaining as quiet as possible so they wouldn't be able to wake up Ginger's aunt. They'd change out of their spy gear into more comfortable clothes for the remainder of the night as well. Ginger allowed Hazel to wear something of theirs because it was not only the right thing to do but Hazel actually looked really cute in her clothes.

                                           "I can't believe that we actually did that," Hazel says, looking over at Ginger with a smile on her face. "It was so scary but exciting at the same time. You don't think we'll get caught, do you?"

                                         Ginger sighed. "I hope not. But if we do, we just have to be ready for it. We'll lie our asses off if we have to. I've watched enough crime shows to be able to pass a lie detector test if necessary. Oh, and Hazel?"


                                        "I think this was one of our more memorable dates. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this one."

                                       "Me too."

                                        Hazel makes the first move, kissing Hazel on the lips. Hazel quickly kissed her back as the two of them hold onto each other. They were unable to keep their hands off of each other for long, needing to be as close and intimate with each other as possible. So when Ginger climbs on top of Hazel, she instantly rests her hands on Ginger's waist to keep her as close as possible for the remainder of the night.

                                    When the following morning came around, Ginger and Hazel woke up together - even brushing their teeth together (it had been Hazel's idea to leave a spare toothbrush behind since she practically lived at Ginger's now, and Ginger had immediately agreed with the idea) - before they headed downstairs where Aunt Imogen was finishing up the final touches.

                                   "Good morning, Aunt Imogen," both Ginger and Hazel say in unison, chuckling to themselves when they realized it.

                                  "Oh, aren't you two so adorable? Sit down, breakfast is almost ready," Aunt Imogen assured them both.

                                The two girls do as they're told, Aunt Imogen even joining them. But it quickly became apparent that something was up when the older woman didn't really say anything. She just kept looking at the two of them, as though she was expecting something to happen all of a sudden.

                                  "Why are you looking at us like that?" Ginger finally spoke up, interrupting the awkward silence quickly filling the dining room.

                                  "I'm trying to see if you two have changed since last night," Aunt Imogen replied.

                                  "I'm confused...," Hazel trails off, looking at Ginger who shrugs. She was equally confused by her aunt's actions.

                                  "I am not one to jump to conclusions so easily but earlier this morning, I went to check up on you two. I saw clothes on the ground and quickly made the connection so -," her aunt remarked.

                                 "Oh my God," Ginger groans, covering her face with her hands to hide how red her face became.

                                   "Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad. I always knew the day would come up when I'd watch my little Ginger grow up. I just thought I'd have a little more time," Aunt Imogen replied. "You know, I think I was a year older than you when I lost my virginity. It was with this boy in my class. He was really dreamy, even despite the foot fetish. But I didn't really know what that was back then. I jsut thought he really liked looking at my feet."

                                   "Okay, that's enough. We're not talking about foot fetishes so early in the morning," Ginger snorts while Hazel also tried to hold back her laughter. "Perhaps another time in the very distant future."

                                  "Alright, I can tell that I'm embarrassing you. I'll quit for now," Aunt Imogen replied, although the look on her face suggested that she was far from done with the conversation. She just decided that it'd be best to talk about it with Ginger one-on-one.

                                 When Aunt Imogen gets up to check on the food, Hazel leans over to where Ginger still sat. "Say what you want but your aunt's still super cool."

                                 "Yeah, when she's not embarrassing me in front of the only girl I've ever dated," Ginger huffed.

                                "Could be worse. She could've really went into detail about the whole foot fetish thing," Hazel teased, causing Ginger to snort in response. "I mean, your feet are pretty but I don't think I'd ever develop a fetish for them."

                                 "Now I feel a little offended that my feet aren't worthy enough to be fetishized over," Ginger jokes before the two chuckle some more.

                                 It was just a shame that their fun and amusing morning was about to turn so much worse the moment they'd arrive at school.

( 💥🥊👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 )

word count: 2052
notes: hope you all enjoyed this chapter! unfortunately things are gonna go just a little downhill from here :(

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