My handsome liar, Kim Seokjin

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It's now January of high school and I haven't had a boyfriend since Min Yoongi. Not that I was complaining but I have been getting lonely ever since winter break, sure I've tried with other boys but failed as I would get turned down or he found someone else. I think I'm ready to open up my heart again, however things started taking a turn for the worse the first week back from winter break.

I'm walking to my locker ready to go to first period class. My friends surround my locker and linger in the hallway. The smell of dust and collective bodies hits my nose and it takes all my will power to not sneeze. This school needs better circulation. I close my locker and I feel my eyes droop because of boredom but as I walked down the hall I see a familiar figure. I squint to make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me as I see down the hall the face of only one person that could make me freeze on the spot.

Jung Hoseok.

He spots me down the hall while I stare at him. He awkwardly passes me by without a "hello" and not even a "how have you been?" He just walks pass me to where my class is also and I watch his back as he goes in. My heart beating rapidly. He looks even more handsome and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. He's transferred to my school and he'll probably treat me like a stranger, as how it should be all along.

I inhale deeply and try not to stand in that one spot too long so that no one will think I'm weird and I stroll into the classroom, first period history. I try not to make eye contact with Hoseok as he's literally right in front of me, for the rest of class all I feel are his occasional glances or stares and i begin to think we indeed have some talking to do but I'm just too scared to confront him.


Jungkook sits with me during english and we normally goof around with Amber. He's being the same annoying turd like stealing my charger and copying my homework but we have a really nice teacher who doesn't even give us that much homework so I just figured the boy is lazy.

"Y/n, I know someone I can hook you with." Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows.

"Why does everyone keep offering me that." I chuckle.

"You're hot Y/n, I'm bi and I would gladly let you sit on my lap." Amber jokes.

"I have this friend who thinks you're cute Y/n." Jungkook said disregarding Amber's comment.

"Oh?" I curiously look at him as he pulls out his phone, the teacher not even caring.

"His name is Kim Seokjin, he's very attractive and plays football with me." Jungkook said as he shows me Seokjin's snapchat. "Here add him." He says.

I add Seokjin and in minutes I get a reply and my eyes widen a little in surprise. I look suspiciously at Jungkook.

"What do you boys even talk about?" I ask.

"What? You've been in a slump lately and you don't hang out with us anymore." Jungkook sulks into his chair.

"Because you all turned into crackheads." I raise an eyebrow and Jungkook arrogantly lets out a chuckle.

"You hate us now?" He asks.

"No, i'm stating the obvious." I reply. I think check what Seokjin said.

He only texted me and it read
hey y/n! I'm kim seokjin wanna hang out sometime after school? My treat!

I show Amber and she clicks her tongue.

"Do it, he's hot." She simply says.

I just shrug and text Seokjin that I can hang out.


The next day after school we are sitting across from each other at Starbucks. I still have my black oversized sweater on and I get cold easily so i drape my coat over my legs. I had arrived first and I wonder what he's doing. From what I know he's tall so why can't his long legs make him walk faster? I mean, I have short legs and I got here faster.

The chair in front of me moves and finally Seokjin sits. This is the first time I get a good look at him. A baby face, wide shoulders, luscious lips that reminded me of Jimin's and suddenly I got self conscious because my lips are quite average. Seokjin's face has no sign of acne and his hair is styled so his forehead shows, his hair is colored brown which makes him look more innocent.

I smile nervously and sip on my hot caramel macchiato. Seokjin had also ordered a caramel macchiato.

"Nice to meet you Y/n." He says holding out his hand and i chuckle at the formality, then I introduce myself too.

It's awkward at first until I break the ice.

"I heard you're playing football, you know I used to play it." I begin and he looks at me curiously.

"Oh yeah? How did that work out?" He asks.

"Since I'm a girl no one took me seriously." I sulk into my chair.

"When the weather gets warmer we can play catch." Seokjin offers.

There's another awkward silence and I know my dad will pick me up soon so I ask him something that I've been wondering.

"I heard from Jungkook that you're interested in me?" I ask shyly.

Seokjin smiles and nods enthusiastically.

"You're really cute Y/n, I love short girls makes me want to protect them." He smirks and I blush profusely.

"Thank you." I manage. "I've heard you're friends with Jimin, Taehyung, Wonho, and Felix." I say out of no where.

"I am." He says.

"Our friend groups are always together, maybe we can see each other more often." I say.

"Sounds good." Seokjin said. I inhale and exhale deeply before continuing the conversation with Seokjin, making sure to ask the right things and not get too personal. We don't have much in common either but I'm enjoying his company right now.


I don't know how we got here, but after a month of talking and texting and also hanging out a couple times after school. Seokjin and I became close, so close I opened up about my depression to him, my worries about my parents. Seokjin always said the right things to me and comforted me with words. Our friend groups mixed so it went full circle.

We flirted during winter break and now we were sitting outside, the air is crisp but there's no wind. I have a sweater and jacket on so I wasn't too bothered, I can feel my nose is red because i sniffled from time to time.

We talked nonsense, how much we hate school, our families, our dreams. Seokjin wants to become an actor and I want to be plastic surgeon. He had made fun of me because I am the standard asian, that's true I suppose. I always followed what my parents want me to do.

It was time to go, I wanted to kiss Seokjin, just because we know each other well enough and friends wanted us to get together.

I had to leave so I was about to say goodbye but...

"Y/n-ah, may I kiss you?" He asks softly.

My eyes widen and I just nod shyly, his famous smile is on his face as he steps closer and leans down, his hand holding my face and another wrapping around my waist. The kiss is soft and we move against each other's lips tenderly. I melt as I suck on his bottom lip, the plumpness was just so addicting.

We pull apart and with a shy smile and apple cheeks, I try to say goodbye but our hands will not let go of each other.

"You go first." Seokjin said.

"No, you."

"Goooo." He whines but doesn't let go of my hands.

"I don't want to." I pout and he pulls me in a hug, stroking my hair. My arms wrap around his waist.

"I'll go first." He finally said.

"Okay." I smile again and we finally let go of our hands.

Seokjin turns around and walks away first but I watch him and hope he turns around.

I see him spin around to look at me and I wave, he waves back and smiles. I begin to walk away but at this point we're walking backwards while waving to each other.

You're probably going to break my heart Kim Seokjin, but I wouldn't have it any other way, I thought to myself.

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