Seokjin's fake love

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I felt myself slowly gain happiness again. My heart felt full, it felt like I have found someone who will be around for a while. I love the way he laughs, the way he touches me, the way he smiles when we see each other after a long day of school.

When spring came I skipped classes for him to spend more time together, but not too much, my grades were getting better and he helped me. We talked more to each other than made out, that was the difference between him and Yoongi. Seokjin made the effort to spoil me, to tell me I'm beautiful and adorable. I never knew how much I liked compliments until that very moment.

And he's so tall... I felt so protected. My heart slowly began to open up to him. The times I skipped class made my heart race every time it's just two of us, face to face, the sun making his skin glow.

it's May now and when I bought him some chocolates and a fruit basket I used the money from when I worked at Chipotle. I had been working on the weekends and endeared stares from the employees, the occasionally flirting when I arrived in the morning, but it was all worth it to see Seokjin's smile on his pretty face.

He had a solemn look on his face today, I grew worried, he has been not texting me first nowadays but I figured he's just been busy so that's why I talked to him first. I didn't mind because I just love him so much, he has a respect and affection. When I reach him at our usual spot my smile grew and I handed him the chocolate and cute little fruit basket. He managed to smile at me so that helped eased my conscience. But it quickly disappeared when he said, "we need to talk." Then i wasn't smiling anymore. I felt deja vu, like I have had heard this sentence before and I panicked.

Seokjin sat down on the staircase, this was somewhere no one really came up but the hallway was still crowded this morning. Anyways Seokjin beckoned me to sit beside me and i slowly do, wondering what I did this wrong now.

"Do you not trust me y/n?" He asks, his voice hard.

"Why are you asking? Of course I do." I say with a reassuring smile.

"You don't trust me! Mary told me you keep asking her if I'm cheating on you!" He raises his voice and I got scared.

"I didn't ask her, she would joke around and say you are, i just ask her if she's joking or serious!" I say offended.

Seokjin goes silent, his eyes turn soft again and he gives me a big hug. He mumbles an apology and gives me a peck on the lips.

"You know I'm just scared of losing you princess." He says softly and I blush. He smiles and strokes my hair, we're still hugging.

"Meet me upstairs here today after school?" He whispers sensually and I nod happily, the bell rings and he gathers my gifts and leans down to place a sweet kiss on my lips to which I smile into. We bid goodbye and go on with our school day.


Seokjin has me pressed up against the wall. Lips chasing each other's like it's the end of the world, his breathing is heavy and mine is trapped in the back of my throat. Even though Seokjin's lips are plumper than mine, he always told me how he loved to play with my upper lip. He sucked it hard and I let out a little whimper, this caused him to stop and look down at me with red cheeks.

"I want to hear more of those sounds y/n." He says with a smirk. He guides me to sit down and I'm wrapped around his arms as I sit in his lap. He doesn't kiss me on the lips instead he latched those luscious lips to my neck, not sucking too harshly but sensually rolling his tongue around. I hum in approval, the sensation I've never felt before as his grip on my hips tightened. I racked my hands through his chocolate brown locks and stroked him gently. I closed my eyes to enjoy myself, Seokjin looked like he was having he best time but he's smart enough to know I can't have a hickey but when he bit down on my neck gently I tighten my grip to his hair, he sucked harder and I let out a little mewl.

He stopped and stared at me, those eyes could fool any girl that maybe he is in love with me too. He smiles his famous smirk and hugs me, tightly. Rubbing his scent all over my chest and clothes. Not once has he touched me my boobs but instead he likes to rub circles on my ass. So when I'm straddling him he guides my hips and rubs my butt through my jeans, his big hands turning around my flesh like a globe.

"Your ass is so fine y/n, how do you have such a tight little petite body?" Seokjin likes to talk dirty and I'm not really used to it so I just blush and nervously reply, "I do squats?"

Seokjin hums in approval and we finally pull apart. He smiles innocently and for an hour we talk about ourselves. I find it easy to talk to him, we have a lot in common, he's funny and popular. It's been rubbing off on me as we hang out with each other's friend groups sometimes. But oh how i was so wrong to think we were going to last long...


At the end of May, Seokjin again had the hard look on his face when I arrived at our usual spot in the morning. When I finally reached him he said,

"Y/n, we should break up. Or take a break, I need time to learn to love myself. You understand right?" He says seriously.

"Need time to love yourself? You know I'll always support you." I honestly say to him and a smile grows on his face. "Whenever you do find the courage to love you for who you are, I'll wait for you." I manage to smile.

"No need. Please y/n, don't waste yourself on me." He says with sad eyes.

I laugh and say, "who would want me Seokjin? No one at this school. I have all the time in the world for you."

Seokjin sighs deeply and just nods, he manages a smile and gets up to leave. I may have given him a smile, but it's fake. I wanted to tell him how much of a jerk he is and how lame his excuse was. If he didn't want to be with me anymore he could have just said so, we've always been honest with each other.

My suspicions are correct when I see his story on snapchat a couple weeks later when school was almost done. He's dating a white girl named Haley. I guess there's something wrong with me.

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