Battle of the Humungonauts

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We see Ashton, Cassidy, Daphne, and Luna at the tiki tub enjoying a night on the town.

Daphne: This is nice Ashton.

Ashton: Anything for my girls, this is nice, just us, having a wonderful evening together, and best of all there are no monsters, no phantoms kidnapping me, no mysteries.

Then a large green monster came to the timi tub as everyone saw it as it began to throw things destroying the place as everyone began to run as the monster destroyed the entire tiki tub as we see everyone looking at the destruction as Ashton saw the mayor and Sheriff.

Sheriff: I hope you have insurance to cover this.

Ashton: Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Stone are you alright? and why does insurance have to do with this.

Sheriff: Because, I wanna see that again! *claps* Encore! Encore!

Ashton: The head of our police department ladies and gentlemen.

The next day we see Scooby and Shaggy going into Dimitri's room.

Scooby: Dimitri?

They then looked around Dimitri's room as Scooby noticed a lump under the blanket of Dimitri's bed.

Scooby: There you are.

He pulled the blanket as it was revealed to be Dimitri's pet pomeranian Smokey as he barked at Scooby for being disturbed from his nap.

Scooby: Oops, sorry Smokey. Didn't mean to wake you.

Shaggy: Let's check outside.

We then see Shaggy and Scooby looking around outside as they were trying to find Dimitri.

Scooby: Dimitri?

Then a hedge moved.

Dimitri: Cut that out.

Shaggy: Dimitri?

Scooby: Oh no, we'll save you!

They then ran to the hedge as they ran through it as we then see Dimitri as he was seen with Velma as they were both kissing.

Dimitri: Wait, did Scooby and Shaggy just-

Velma: Oh yeah.

Shaggy: Like, what's going on here?

Dimitri: Um, we're being boyfriend and girlfriend? This is what we do.

Velma: Yes, that's what we were doing.

Dimitri: See? Just like I said.

Shaggy: Oh ok then.

Dimitri: What were you two doing anyway?

Scooby: Looking for you.

Dimitri: Oh, what is it that you need to find me for?

Shaggy: Like, Fred called for a team meeting

We later see the gang as they were in the mystery machine as they drove to the destroyed Tiki Tub.

Fred: This is it team.

Dimitri: What happened here?

Ashton: Some green monster attacked the place destroying it to the very ground.

Dimitri: Man, so much for a night of pleasure.

Ashton: So not funny bro it cost me hundreds of dollars just to get in.•

We later see the gang looking around the area as Dimitri noticed something on the ground and saw a small patch of green fur.

Dimitri: Hey guys I found a clue!

They then came to him and saw the fur.

Ashton: Fur from the monster last night.

Dimitri: What do you think it was?

The sheriff then came to Dimitri.

Sheriff: Clearly this beast is an undiscovered monster and as the beast discoverer I have decided to call it a Humungonaut for the latin term for big and hairy space traveler.

Shaggy: Space traveler?

Sheriff: The fur is the main clue. It's the outer space radiation that made it that color.

Ashton: *sneezes* Bullcrap! *sneezes*

Dimitri: Besides, what makes you think this "Humongonaut" is an alien Sheriff? There has been no proof of aliens existing so far.

Sheriff: Say what you want, but I can tell you one thing that it's lucky there's only one of those things imagine if two of them were here.

Then a roar was heard as everyone looked and saw what looked like the same monster that attacked the tiki tub but the only difference from it was it was red attacking a wig shop.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like it's a red one!

Then the red humungonaut threw a piece of rubble from the building as everyone took cover.

Velma: Well, so much for luck.

We later see the gang at the radio station as Angel sat in Ashton's lap

Ashton: Well, so far all we know is that two beast men are attacking the town.

Dimitri: And so far we don't even know why they're destroying the town. Unless... Wait did anyone notice a sign at the wig shop where that red humungonaut attacked?

Ashton: Yeah, you mean the one that said Jax Minner Insurance?

Dimitri: Yes, that one! I think the monster we saw today might be targeting places that have insurance from that business.

Ashton: But why?

Dimitri: My guess is to try and ruin it.

Ashton: Then we better try to figure out this thing. so we need to act as a team.

Fred: With uniforms!

Ashton: Yeah I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with "No way I'm wearing a stupid uniform".

Dimitri: Not me, no ascots, no uniforms, so no thank you.

Ashton: Uniformity breeds contempt. And I don't like being contemptuous with you guys.

Dimitri: So let's just go find more clues.

We later see the gang as they were at the site as Dimitri and Ashton saw the gang wearing matching uniforms but with their respective colors.

Dimitri: No offense, but you guys look like a 70s band.

Ashton: Maybe we should change our name to the Beatles! Hahahahaha!

Daphne: Not funny.

Ashton: Sorry Daphne. On you and Velma it looks great really.

Daphne: Thanks.

Dimitri: Alright gang let's take a look around to see if there's any clues or anyone suspicious.

We see the gang looking around the area as Ashton was looking through files of the destroyed buildings and noticed a common theme

Ashton: That's interesting.

Dimitri: What did you find Ash?

Ashton: I found some files and found something that the buildings being destroyed have in common. All of them are insured by the Minner Brothers' insurance companies.

Dimitri: And it looks like the humungonauts might be doing it to destroy each other's business.

Ashton: Get the gang I think we have this mystery wrapped up.

Dimitri: Yeah, look at you Ash, you sound like Fred.

Ashton: I do, and if I'm thinking like Fred, then it's time we set a trap. And I have the perfect trap and bait in mind.

We later see the gang waiting outside a building on the docks

Ashton: I took an insurance policy from both Minner Brother's companies on this building and in five minutes the humungonauts will show up.

Dimitri: So we have to get in places when they show up.

we later see the gang at their places for the trap as we then see the humungonauts come as they both started to destroy the building and then started to fight each other as they smashed through the building as they then fell into the water as Ashton pressed a button as a net raises up from the water and trapping the two humungonauts

Ashton: Dare I say for my first trap I did very well.

Dimitri: You did great dude and now if our theory is correct the humungonauts are really...

He then removed their masks to reveal two blonde men who both look alike.

Dimitri: Max Minner and Jax Minner. (D75: Fun fact Max Minner and Jax Minner are both voiced by Tom Kenny.)

Shaggy: Like how did you guys know?

Ashton: Simple when I went through the files I realized that the buildings that were destroyed were insured by their companies.

Dimitri: And the two had a rivalry which made us realize that the culprits had the same plan, destroying each other's business.

We then see the police take the two away.

Max: And it would have worked if it weren't for my...

Max and Jax: Meddling brother! What? Why you...

They then started to fight each other as the police ran to break them apart.

Dimitri: We did it guys, we solved a mystery together.

Ashton: And the dumb uniforms didn't help

Dimitri: So you guys know what that means.

Then Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby took off their uniforms and threw them to the ground.

Ashton: No more uniforms for mystery incorporated. That means you too Frederick.

Fred: Oh alright.

He then took his uniform off as he dropped it with the others on the ground.

Dimitri: Now that that is done we can move on to other things now.

Ashton: Now that you mention it I have to ask Angel something.

Ashton then left as Velma looked at Dimitri.

Velma: So what plans will you have? For the future when you're king I mean.

Dimitri: I see us still here on Earth with four kids. A girl, twin boys, and another girl.

Velma: Oh really?

Dimitri: Yeah, I know that my mom came from a different planet but I'm an Earthling to my core and this place will always be my home.

Velma: And that's right, once an Earthling

Dimitri: Always an Earthling.

Dimitri and Velma then held hands as we see Ashton going to the radio station as he sees Cassidy and holds a small box in his hand

Ashton: I'm ready.

Ashton goes inside and hugs Cassidy, surprising her as she sees him.

Cassidy: Ashton, you gave me quite a shock there.

Ashton: Cassidy, the past couple of days made me realize how precious time with friends is and I have a simple question I want to ask you.

He then showed Cassidy the box as he opens up the box to reveal a 24 karat diamond ring

Ashton: Will you marry me?

Cassidy stood as she had her hands on her mouth as happy tears streamed down her face

Cassidy: Oh look at me I'm getting all teary eyed.

Ashton: So does it mean what I hope it means?

Cassidy: Yes, I'd be happy to marry you.

Ashton: Thank you Cassidy Williams.

Cassidy then pulled Ashton into a hug as he placed the ring on her right hand as she smiled at it.

Cassidy: It's beautiful.

Ashton: I could say the same to you.

Cassidy: Oh Ashton you are good.

She kisses him as she drags him to a room with a bed and locks the door. As she looks at Ashton and smiles at him.

Ashton: Hold on Cassidy, don't get any funny ideas.

Cassidy: *reaches to a light switch* Too late baby. For the next few hours you are mine.

She then turns off the lights as we go to Daphne at her house when her mom walks in.

Daphne: Hi mom.

Nan: My baby's going to be a bride very soon. Tomorrow in fact.

Daphne: Tomorrow?

Nan: Oh we've been planning your and Ashton's wedding since he proposed.

Daphne: You planned this all along?

Nan: Surprise!

Daphne: Do I at least get to see my dress?

Nan: Of course.

Nan went to a closet and pulled out a purple wedding dress

Nan: The best clothing designers in the world spent many painstaking hours making this for you baby.

Daphne: Thank you mom.

Nan: Anything for you sweetie.

Daphne: Now we just have to tell the groom about it.

We go to the radio station a few hours later as Daphne and the rest of the gang arrive


Daphne: It turns out my parents planned our wedding ever since you proposed.


Daphne: Well they thought it would be a good idea to surprise us.

Ashton: *calms down* Ok, ok I'm calm now. Do we at least get to pick out the bestman and maid of honor?

Daphne: Yeah. They said that we can do that.

Ashton: Then I want Dimitri as my best man.

Dimitri: Really?

Ashton: Of course, you're my brother and my best friend.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Daphne: Velma, I want you as my maid of honor.

Velma: I'd love to.

Ashton: Well it looks like we have our best man and maid of honor.

The next day we go to the local church as wedding bells are ringing as we see Ashton and Daphne at the altar with the Mayor preceding over the wedding

Mayor: Do you Ashton van Ghoul take this young woman to be your lawfully wedded wife.

Ashton: I do.

Mayor: And do you Daphne Blake take this young man to be your lawfully wedded husband.

Daphne: I do.

Mayor: Then by the powers vested in me I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Ashton and Daphne then kissed as everyone began to clap for them.

Dimitri: I'm proud for those two.

Vincent van Ghoul starts to cry tears of joy.

Dimitri: What's wrong dad?

Vincent: It's just I'm proud of Ashton is all.

Daphne then threw the bouquet as Velma caught it in her hands as she looked at Dimitri.

Velma: Looks like we'll be getting married next.

Dimitri: Of course we will.

Ashton and Daphne then walked together as Ashton looked at Daphne and smiled knowing that he and Daphne are husband and wife.

And done!

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