Howl of the fighthound

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We start this episode in the middle of the night with Mrs. Dinkley giving tourists a midnight tour of the town

Angie: And to your left you will see the last sighting of the wax phantom. Some say that under the full moon you can still see waxy footprints on the sidewalk and that the wax is actually scented like formaldehyde which is crystal cove's official scent that can be purchased at the haunted gift shop.

The bus then stopped.

Angie: And that concludes our Crystal Cove Mystery Tour. I hope the rest of you stay with us filled with horror and agony.

Then something was heard on the top of the bus as stomps were heard on the roof as a paw burst through making Angie scream and faint as she landed on the button making the door close as the tourists saw a hound come through the roof of the bus as one took a picture of it as it howled and then burst through the window and left howling. We see Ashton and Daphne going through their wedding presents.

Ashton: It was nice of your parents to get us all this stuff hon. Man that still feels weird to say.

Daphne: Yeah, it will take some time to get used to. But it's worth it to know we'll never be apart.

Ashton: Unless we're on a break.

Daphne: Good point.

Ashton: And trust me I won't be like Ross Geller in the show where that phrase came from.

Daphne: Ok I trust you.

Ashton: Thank you my redheaded sweetheart.

Daphne: Anytime.

She kisses his cheek as he blushes as red as Daphne's hair

Ashton: Maybe we should meet the gang at school.

Daphne: Agreed.

The next day we see the gang at school as they were at the entrance.

Dimitri: So Ash, how does it feel knowing Daphne is now your wife?

Ashton: Great, it lets me know that me and Daphne will be staying together forever. And I'm never gonna let her down.

Dimitri: That's great to hear.

Velma: And speaking of that I always thought that sooner or later me and Dimitri would tie the knot.

Ashton: You'd be surprised. That may just happen sooner than you think.

Velma: Really?

Ashton: Trust me. I know romance and marriage always sneaks up on you. I mean look at mine and Daphne's wedding.

Velma: You're right, it could happen, and it would make me happy that one day I'll be Dimitri's first wife.

Daphne: Pretty soon Angel and Luna will want to get hitched to you as well hubby.

Ashton: Yeah, I mean I did propose to Angel last night. Where she promptly brought me to her bedroom and we did, how should I put it? The no pants dance.

Dimitri: Hmm, I figured she would plan that?

Ashton: How would you figure that?

Dimitri: Simple I was able to tell by Angel's body language when she was around you.

Angel: Speaking of which I have great news!

Ashton: Which is? By the way, STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME!

Angel: Sorry sweetie, and what it is, well I have a bun in the oven.

Ashton: You're kidding.

Angel: I'm serious. Here.

She handed Ashton a small stick with a positive symbol on it as Ashton fainted

Angel: I should've expected that.

Dimitri: And my guess for his reason for fainting is you're pregnant with his kid.

Angel: Ding ding ding!

Daphne: That's great Angel.

Then a thud was heard as the gang turned to see a robotic spider walking by scaring the students as it walked by a car and scratched it.

Ethan: My paint job!

Then it walked by another car bending an antenna

Gary: My chunky chipmunk educational antenna ball!

Daphne: What is that thing?

Fred: It's a mystery, and the only thing to stop it is with a trap.

Then the robot spider came to the gang and stopped as a boy walked to it holding a remote controller.

Dimitri: Jason! What did we talk about with scaring me and my friends with robots?

Daphne: Dimitri, you know this boy?

Dimitri: *sighs* Everyone, this is Jason, me and Velma were in robotics class with him where he gained a crush on MY girlfriend. Jason I like you really but Velma is with me but hey, she can still be friends with you.

Jason: Really?

Dimitri: Of course, I know her well and she definitely will be your friend.

Jason: Ok! *notices Ashton still on the ground unconscious* Is he ok?

Dimitri: Oh yeah. *grabs a bottle of water and pours it on Ashton* He's fine.

Ashton: *wakes up and notices his hair is wet* Did I take a shower with my clothes on again?

Dimitri: No, I poured water on you to wake you up.

Ashton: Oh. Hey Jason, how's your mom doing?

Jason: She's doing fine.

Dimitri: Well Jason for the robot, I have to say that it's impressive, scary, but impressive

Gary: Impressively stupid you mean! That dork is buying me a new antenna ball!

Dimitri: Hey, leave Jason alone, that was an accident!

Ethan: Accident my butt! He has to pay for it!

Dimitri: I highly advise that you both leave him be or you both will make a huge mistake. Because you remember my brother Ashton right?

Gary and Ethan looked to see Ashton looking at them with his arms crossed

Gary: Fine, you're lucky that he's here, nerd.

Ethan: But next time, you won't be so lucky.

They then walked away as Dimitri turned to Jason.

Dimitri: Sorry about that. But did you hear the news about my bro? He's gonna be a father.

Jason: No way! Who's the mom?

Dimitri: Angel Dynamite.

Jason: Nice! She's gonna be a great mom I can tell.

Dimitri: That she will.

Jason: And you stood up for me.

Ashton: That's what us van Ghoul boys do. We stand up for the little guy when no one else will.

Dimitri: Exactly. And for the robot if you want I could lend you my tool kit if you want to make a new one.

Jason: Really?

Dimitri: Yeah, that's what friends do.

Sheriff: There's the dog. Arrest him!

The sheriff then grabbed Scooby as the gang saw him.

Dimitri: What are you doing?!

Ashton: Leave Scooby alone!

Sheriff: This dog is responsible for attacking a tour bus last night. This collar was found on the wreckage. *holds up the collar*

Dimitri: But that can't be true, Scooby would never do that!

Sheriff: Tell it to the judge. Oh, and by the way Angel congrats on the kid.

He then took Scooby away as the police car drove off as the gang stood in shock.

Dimitri: Guys, we just found a new mystery today.

Ashton: Who would want to frame Scooby?

Dimitri: We better find out who it is and why.

We later see the gang in the mystery machine as Dimitri looked at Velma in contemplation

Dimitri: *thinking* You know maybe Ash had a point. Maybe I should propose. Maybe he can even make me a ring for her like he did when he proposed to Daphne.

We then see the gang arrive at the animal asylum as they entered it

Guard: Welcome to the crystal cove animal asylum for the criminally insane. Where we keep the most dangerous and diabolical animals here.

Dimitri: You do realize these are animals right?

Guard: *holds up his finger to show a scar* Snappy Jack the turtle did this to me yesterday, does this look like something an animal would do?

Dimitri: Well snapping turtles are known for their bites, so yes.

The guard then led the gang through a hall as cells were seen with many animals in them.

Guard: Secure all jewelry and loose fit clothing.

They passed a cell as a monkey reached out to them violently scaring them.

Guard: Do not make eye contact.

They continue walking as a giraffe was seen reaching out to a guard as he brought out his stun gun.

Guard: Don't make me use this Mr. Bendy!

The guards came and pushed Mr Bendy back to his cell as they reached Scooby's cell.

Scooby: Guys! I've been having nightmares here.

Ashton: About the guards?

Scooby: About the food here, it's terrible.

Dimitri: Don't worry, we'll find a way to get you out.

Daphne then got out her locket and opened it as the tune played.

???: Mystery Incorporated to the rescue.

Guard: He spoke.

Ashton: Leave them alone, Pericles.

The guard then went to a highly secured door and opened it as the gang walked in and saw Pericles in he containment cell.

Dimitri: That's... pericles, the parrot who belonged to the original mystery incorporated.

Ashton: And the one who cursed me to be the rider.

Pericles: That is true. *sees Dimitri* And you must be the young Dimitri van Ghoul.


Guard: The boy's right, it's best to stay away from him, even though his brain is no bigger than a cashew, it's the smartest brain in the world.

Pericles: That is correct Officer Johnson, now please move aside johnson to free your hand which has been mysteriously duct taped to your stun gun.

The guard saw his hand was duct taped to his stun gun.

Johnson: How did you-

He then got tazed by his gun as he fell to the ground and was out cold.

Dimitri: What do you even want with me, Pericles?

Pericles: You see I know many things about you including the fact that you are a hybrid.

Dimitri: What? How do you know?

Pericles: I have my ways, and you see young boy, you are special, within you lies a key.


Pericles: Oh temper, temper. There are clues for you all to find, clues that will lead to the secret that feeds on crystal cove.

Dimitri: What secret.

Shaggy: And like, Dimitri doesn't have your key.

Pericles: No dummkopf, he is the key!

Ashton: We're leaving. Now.

Pericles: Very well but before you leave I will dispense this bit of advice, beware those closest to you, I'm specifically talking to you Frederick, Ashton, and Dimitri.


Ashton then led everyone out of the asylum as Dimitri looked back to see Pericles as he was smiling sinisterly at him as they exited the asylum.

Daphne: Beware those closest to you? What's that supposed to mean?

Velma: And what did he mean by Dimitri is the key?

Shaggy: Like, one mystery at a time.

Ashton: Shaggy's right, we better go to the scene of the crime.

We later see the gang at the tour bus as they were looking around inside it as Dimitri found a robot leg joint.

Dimitri: Guys, it's a piece for a robot leg joint. Whatever attacked the bus must have lost it when it attacked.

Shaggy: So it was like a robot? Like, that's all the proof we need.

Fred: We still need to know who built it.

Ashton: I think I know who we can ask.

We later see them at a house as they saw a woman open the door.

Mrs. Wyatt: Yes?

Dimitri: Hello, Mrs Wyatt is Jason home? I'm Dimitri *points to Velma* And this is Velma, we-

Mrs. Wyatt: Velma? You come by to see my Jason? Please, please come right in. My Jason will be so pleased you're here. Go on, his room is right down the hall. I'll fetch some date nut bread and soy milk. My Jason is lactose intolerant.

Dimitri: We remember Mrs. Wyatt.

We then see the gang enter Jason's room as they gasped to see there were pictures of Velma on the wall, a pair of glasses in a glass container and newspapers with Velma on them as they looked at them.

Dimitri: Jason I thought we agreed that Velma was my girl.

Jason: Sorry I haven't had the chance to take those down yet.

Dimitri: Oh, ok then. Anyway, we need your help.

Jason: What is it?

Dimitri: *holds up the robot leg joint* We found this in the crime scene and no, we're not accusing you of anything, you were the biggest robotics expert we know.

Ashton: Think you can help us out?

Jason: Of course.

Dimitri: Thank you buddy.

Jason: Buddy, he called me buddy.

Ashton: Let's not go overboard here.

Jason: Right, sorry. *looks at the leg joint* This is the same joint as in our robotics project.

Dimitri: I didn't make it and Velma certainly didn't and of course you didn't do it.

Ashton: Then who did?

Dimitri: Well whoever did it, they seem to know a lot about robotics.

Mrs. Wyatt comes in with a plate full of cookies

Mrs. Wyatt: Oh you kids look like you're having a lot of fun.

Ashton: Thank you Mrs. Wyatt.

Dimitri: Mrs. Wyatt just out of curiosity do you recognize this leg joint at all?

He then showed Mrs Wyatt the leg joint

Mrs. Wyatt: I suppose I should come clean. I made the robot dog.

Dimitri: You? But... why?

Mrs. Wyatt: I couldn't stand people picking on my Jason and no one doing a thing to stop it!

Ashton: And you thought we were doing the same thing and made the robot look like Scooby.

Mrs. Wyatt: Yes, I thought if I broke you all apart Jason would get what he wanted, Velma.

Ashton: Mrs. Wyatt we stood up for Jason when he was being picked on today.

Mrs Wyatt: I saw it and it made me realize I was making a big mistake, and I'm very sorry for all of this.

Dimitri: Mrs. Wyatt, I understand, you were just trying to protect Jason.

Ashton: Tell you what, help us get Scooby out of the asylum and we won't press charges.

Mrs. Wyatt: Alright. And I'm glad that you kids were there for my Jason.

Dimitri: Hey we stand up for the little guys who can't stand up for themselves.

Ashton: That's our specialty.

We later go to the asylum as we see the guards scrambling to get the loose animals back in their cells as the gang came in

Ashton: We came to pick up our dog.

Dimitri: That's right, Scooby is innocent. And what's going on here.

Guard: Pericles managed to execute a massive breakout and he escaped.

Ashton: WHAT?!

Shaggy: Like that's not good.

Dimitri then felt his phone vibrate as he checked it.

Ashton: What is it?

Dimitri: I got a text. From Mr. E.

Daphne: What does it say?

Dimitri: It says "Follow the parrot."

The gang then looked at each other as Dimitri looked at Velma.

Dimitri: Velma, can you meet me at the beach? There's something I need to tell you. *Ashton discreetly hands Dimitri a small box and winks at him*

Velma: Ok.

Later we see Dimitri was at the beach as he then looked to see Velma coming.

Velma: What is it you wanted to tell me?

Dimitri: Velma, when we first met we started off as science partners, then as years went by we became members of mystery incorporated and lastly we became boyfriend and girlfriend, and now...

He then pulled out the box and opened it to reveal a ring with orange diamonds and rubies

Dimitri: Velma Dinkley, I want you to become my wife. Will you marry me?

Velma stood in shock as she had her hands on her mouth as she nodded yes to him as Dimitri placed the ring on her finger as she kissed him.

Velma: I've been waiting for you to ask me that for years.

Dimitri: And I'm glad I got to propose to you.

Velma: The ring is beautiful.

Ashton: Courtesy of the Ashton van Ghoul collection.

They turned to see Ashton.

Dimitri: Yeah, I had some help from Ashton who as you know is a master of jewelry making.

Velma: Thank you.

Ashton: Anytime, I'll leave you two be.

Ashton then left.

Dimitri: So what do you want to do now Velma?

Velma: Well since we're at the beach how about a swim?

Dimitri: I love that very much.

Velma: Let me go get changed first.

Dimitri: Alright, take your time my fiancé.

Daphne: Congratulations Dimitri!

Dimitri looked and saw Daphne.

Dimitri: Oh, thanks Daphne, I figured that if Ash proposed to you, then I should propose to Velma.

Velma: I'm ready. Can you turn around?

Dimitri: Why? Are you wearing the swimsuit you showed me before?

Velma: Turn around and look.

Dimitri turned around and saw Velma as she was wearing an orange bikini as Dimitri blushed red.

Dimitri: That looks cute on you Velms.

Velma: Thanks, it was a gift from Daphne.

Dimitri: Well I think the color definitely fits you well.

Velma: Thank you, shall we?

Dimitri: Of course.

They both then headed to the water and started swimming together as Dimitri looked at Velma.

Dimitri: I love you Velma Dinkley, and nothing will ever change that.

Velma: I love you too Dimitri van Ghoul.

The two then came together and kissed as the full moon shone upon them as a sign of the two lovers being together.

And done!

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