The secret serum

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We see Ashton at a podium holding a gavel with a banner saying Auction above him.

Ashton: And a night at the crystal cove roller derby goes to Gary Papluta.

A muscled woman in roller skates rolls by and grabs Gary and goes out the door as we see Mrs. Blake with a woman in green

Nan: This charity auction is going better than I ever could have hoped. What's our total so far Sheila?

Sheila: Thirty four dollars.

Nan: Ah! Just imagine all the good thirty four dollars will do.

Ashton: The next lot up for bid is this spooky painting.

We see a man place a painting of a woman at a creepy castle on a display next to Ashton

Ashton: Do I hear fifty dollars?

We then see everyone as they were remaining silent.

Ashton: Uh, forty dollars? thirty dollars? Come on, this is a genuine spooky painting. This is just creeping me out just by looking at it. Anybody?

Then a screech was heard as everyone looked to see a lady vampire

Vampire: I want that painting!

Everyone then began to run to the exit but to discover the door was locked as the lights then went off as the vampire lady flew around as Ashton turned the lights on to see the vampire is gone along with the painting

Ashton: She stole the painting! Mom are you and Sheila ok?

Nan came to Ashton.

Nan: I'm ok, but I haven't seen Sheila.

The next day we see the gang as they were at Daphne's house at the pool as Scooby and Shaggy were in the pool as a shark fin swam to them

Daphne: Guys a shark!

Shaggy and scooby then screamed as they ran out of the pool as it was revealed to be Ashton with a shark fin

Ashton: Classic Shark fin gag. The oldest trick in the book. Hahahaha!

Dimitri: Good one bro.

Velma: Oh Dimitri.

Dimitri turned to see Velma in her normal clothes

Velma: Like my new bikini?

Dimitri: Are you wearing one? Cause I can't see it.

Velma: Yes. I just don't want to get burned. Do you have any idea how damaging the sun is?

Dimitri: I do Velma, but you do realize there is a reason people made sunblock for that right?

Velma: I know. But I prefer wearing my normal outfit above anything else.

Dimitri: Velma, I get it, you really like wearing your usual attire but you need to understand, I love you no matter what kind of attire you have.

Velma: Thank you.

Dimitri: Anything for you, my special fiancé. *kisses Velma's cheek*

Velma: Flattery will get you nowhere

We then see Nan walk to the pool.

Nan: Boy, am I steamed.

Daphne: What's wrong mom?

Nan: A vampire ruined my auction last night.

Scooby: Vampire?

He then hid inside the pool.

Fred: A mystery. Quick Velma, set your milky whiteness for stun.

Dimitri and Velma then stared at Fred with angry looks

Daphne: Fred!

Fred: What?

Velma: It's ok Daphne. It's not his opinion that matters.

Velma looked at Dimitri as he held her hand as she smiled at him as we later see the gang outside as Fred walked to the mystery machine.

Fred: Guys, mystery. Time's running out. Go, lets.

Dimitri: You know Fred, I think me and Velma will go off on our own.

Ashton: And I have a spa night with my wife tonight.

Dimitri: Which means Shaggy and Scooby will be with you.

Ashton: Shall we my lady?

Daphne: We shall.

We then see Shaggy and Scooby go in the mystery machine as it drives off.

Velma: So now what, Dimitri?

Dimitri: I honestly have no idea.

Ashton: If you want we can join us for a double date.

Dimitri: That works.

We see the mystery machine driving off as Shaggy was sitting in the front with Fred.

Shaggy: Like is it me or does this feel weird?

Fred: Yeah, it's strange mysterying without the girls and Dimitri and Ashton.

Shaggy: No, I mean sitting shotgun. Ha ha! Like, I never get to ride up here. It's awesome!

Scooby: *laughs* Stereo!

He then turned the radio on as it played country music and changed it to pop music and then changed it to rock music.

Shaggy: Yeah.

Fred: If you were a vampire where would you hide out?

Shaggy: The clam cabin?

Scooby: The pizza pail?

Fred: Right. Let's try the cemetery.

Then Shaggy and Scooby groaned as the mystery machine drove off as we go to see Dimitri, Ashton, Velma and Daphne as they were seen with face masks as spa workers were putting nail polish on their nails

Ashton: You girls sure this isn't for lack of a better term fruity?

Daphne: Of course not. You're getting male brand nail polish where Velma and I are getting the girl stuff.

Ashton: I will admit this shade of purple does bring out my eyes.

Dimitri: Same with this shade of orange for me.

Daphne: So Velma, what are you and Dimitri going to be planning for your wedding?

Velma: Well we're still working on our plans for our wedding.

Dimitri: Yeah, my mom has been suggesting which type of wedding we should have ever since she found out I proposed to Velma. But knowing Adrianna is my real mom, it made me think about something, if she's my real mother then who's my real father?

Ashton: We'll help you figure it out.

Daphne: Why would you ask that, Dimitri?

Dimitri: After meeting mom and learning of my heritage it's like I'm starting to relearn about myself.

Ashton: Speaking of moms Daph isn't that yours over there?

She looked and saw Nan as she was putting on a purple cape.

Dimitri: Where's she going at this hour?

Daphne: Beats me, but let's follow her.

Ashton: But what about the polish? It's still wet.

Daphne: Sorry Ash, duty before beauty.

They then started to walk out in a weird fashion as we go back to the others as Scooby and Shaggy saw Fred coming out of a blood bank covered in a red liquid.

Scooby: Is that... blood?

Fred: What? Oh no, I just snagged a red punch juice box and spilled some. They've got tons hanging all over the place.

Shaggy: So that's a big fat no on the cemetery, the zoo's bat exhibit and the blood bank.

Fred: Now what?

Scooby: Oh I know, fruitmeir's!

Shaggy: Scoob, that's genius!

Fred: It's a little out of the box, but everyone loves fruitmeir's, even vampires.

They began to drive off as we see Nan walking as we see Dimitri, Ashton, Daphne and Velma trying to follow her as they saw she was gone.

Ashton: She's gone

Velma: She's a freak.

Dimitri: She's the fastest mom alive.

Daphne: My mom speed walks.

Ashton: You once said your mom hates anything she doesn't have to pay for right Daphne?

Daphne: Yeah, why.

Dimitri: *sees lights on at a botanical garden* Lights at a botanical garden are on, let's go check it out.

We see them as they ran to the botanical garden as we see Ashton bumping into Fred

Ashton: Ouch kabibble Fred watch out!

Dimitri: Fred? What are you doing here?

Fred: We saw you guys come in here so we figured that the vampire had to come here.

Then they heard the screech

Ashton: Speak of the devil and she will appear.

Dimitri turned and then saw the vampire hanging on a tree upside down as she screeches at him as everyone began to run with the vampire coming after them as we see Ashton being grabbed by her

Ashton: Sorry lady but I already have a vampire in my life!

As he was struggling to get her off we see a gardener walking with a flashlight in his hand.

Gardener: What the hoosit now?

He then sees the vampire and Ashton as the vampire came at the gardener and vanished out of the ceiling as the rest of the gang came.

Dimitri: You ok bro?

Ashton: I've been through worse.

We then see a hole as a sign saying "Star Orchid* was there.

Gardener: My star orchid. It's gone.

Fred: What would a vampire want with a painting and an orchid?

We later see the gang as they were in the spook museum's snack shop/library when the mask appears in Ashton's hand as a book flies off the shelf and hits him square on the nose

Ashton: OW!

Dimitri then picked up the book that hit Ashton and opens it to see a magazine fall out as he picked it up and looked at it.

Dimitri: Hey this is an old halloween issue of Celebrities weekly. *opens it and sees something on page 128* Countess Hagula's youth juice? four essential ingredients and eternal youth can be all yours.

Ashton: That's just a stupid halloween gag. Guess somebody didn't get the joke.

Dimitri: And look at the first two ingredients, the pigment from the stolen painting and the pollen of a star orchid.

Fred: That's it, our vampire must be trying to make some youth juice.

Dimitri: It says here the next ingredient is a château le rouge crimson ruby rose bordeaux, 1911, and there is only one restaurant in town that has a wine list extensive enough to include that vintage.

Ashton: Luckily for us I had set up a reservation for all of us there. Formal dress only.

We later see the gang as they were dressed in their fanciest clothes as they were walking to a restaurant as they were about to open the door it was opened and saw Nan.

Ashton: Mom? What are you doing here?

Nan: Just talking to the sheriff and telling him that he should leave.

We see the sheriff walk out of the door.

Sheriff: Ma'am all I'm saying is that you're dressing up as an undead bloodsucking creature of the night.

Ashton: Sheriff get out before I call the mayor.

Dimitri: That's right, Mrs. Blake has nothing to do with any of the vampire attacks.

Sheriff: Alright, alright, I'm going, there's no need to get the mayor involved in this.

The sheriff then left as the gang then saw Sheila walk to Nan and got freaked out.

Ashton: Sheila, what are you doing here?

Nan: We were just discussing what's been happening and believe that it's a misunderstanding.

They then walked back into the restaurant as we see the gang enter the restaurant

Maitre D: Do you have a reservation?

Ashton: Yes, we do by the name of Ashton van Ghoul.

Maitre D: *looks at the book* Ah yes, right this way.

We then see the gang walking to a table as they are handed menus as Dimitri notices an employee walking out a door with a bottle of wine.

Dimitri: There's the wine cellar we just need to get down there

Ashton pulls out the mask

Ashton: I have an idea. I'll be right back

Ashton then walked to the bathroom as he puts on the mask and spins like a tornado and when he stops he is wearing a yellow suit as his head is green

Ashton: Smokin!

He runs out of the bathroom and stops close to the band

Ashton: Let's rock this joint!

He then grabs the drummer and spins him as a suit and he starts playing a jazzy beat on the drums as the band bega to play jazz music as Ashton came to Daphne and started to dance with her as they both started dancing together as Ashton twirled Daphne around.

Ashton: Smokin!

Dimitri: Well I guess that makes it time to check out the cellar for that wine. Let's go gang.

The rest of the gang then went to the wine cellar as they looked around.

Dimitri: Ok it has to be here somewhere, let's look around.

They then started to go through the cellar to try and find the bottle when the vampire shows up in front of Shaggy and Scooby as they screamed seeing her as they both ran from her as the gang noticed her and saw her coming at them as they began to run from her as Fred gets an idea

Fred: Guys we can trap her in this small section with the door!

They then ran towards the small section as they saw the vampire coming

Shaggy: Like zoinks here she comes!

The vampire then got closer as they shut the door

Dimitri: Yes we got her!

Vampire: Think again. You trapped yourselves!

They then looked to see that the vampire was right.

Dimitri: *sarcastically* Nice plan Fred.

Fred: Oopsie.

The gang then looked and saw the wine they were looking for being picked up by the vampire

Vampire: Soon eternal youth will be mine!

The vampire then left as she vanished as Ashton came

Ashton: Yowza you guys look like you're in a pickle!

Dimitri: We noticed, now can you please get us out?

Ashton: Oh sure.

Ashton then tore the door off its hinges freeing the gang as they got out.

Dimitri: Thank you.

Velma: But the vampire left with the wine.

Dimitri: Which means she only has to find that large ruby.

Ashton: What this thing?

Ashton then held up a ruby as the gang saw it.

Dimitri: Of course, since he has on that mask, he basically is a living cartoon and all the logic that comes with it. So he can pull out anything from nowhere.

Ashton: Now that I think about it, hold this please.

He then handed the ruby to Dimitri as he reached behind his head and pulls off the mask as he turned back to normal.

Dimitri: Wait since we have the ruby, the vampire thinks it's still at the museum.

Ashton: I switched it with a fake and set up a trap for her while I was at it.

Dimitri: Then let's get to the museum then.

The gang then left the restaurant as we later see them heading to the museum as Fred saw the trap

Fred: It's beautiful.

Ashton: I don't wanna brag but I used your trap scrapbook for inspiration and I used 45 and the Vasquez castle phantom trap and combined them.

Dimitri: Not bad Ash, you might be an expert trap maker.

Ashton: Maybe. But we need to get in place the vampire will be here soon.

They then hid as we see the vampire come in the museum and came to the fake ruby as she grabbed it and saw it was connected to a rope as the rope then triggered a net to fall on her as she screeches in anger

Vampire: Release me! I'll drain you all!

Dimitri: Sorry but not tonight vampire, or should I say...

He then removed the vampire's mask to reveal...

Ashton: Shiela.

Daphne: Ash, how did you and Dimitri know?

Dimitri: Simple, we both are always aware of our surroundings.

Ashton: That's right, we could tell from the way Sheila acted when she was around Nan, she is jealous of Nan's flawless skin and seemingly unaging face.

Sheila: That's right she had the look of a teenager.

Daphne: So mom was innocent?

Dimitri: Yeah, and besides me and Ash knew Nan couldn't be the monster. She's got a better sense of fashion than Sheila.

Ashton: She learned about the youth juice and decided to get the ingredients as the vampire so she could be beautiful forever.

Daphne: Why couldn't you just try wearing a little less makeup, or maybe a cuter haircut, or tape to pull back your wrinkly sacks of skin.

Ashton: Ok Daph that's enough.

Daphne: What my point is just age gracefully.

Sheila: Age gracefully? Are you crazy? No the vampire serum was my only hope, and I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling-

Nan: What's going on here?

Everyone turned and saw Nan coming to the gang.

Sheila: Even now she's stealing my moment.

Ashton: Mom, I am curious, why have you been sneaking out at night?

Nan: I didn't want to say anything but I've been going to night classes. I'm getting my public notary degree.

Ashton: That's great!

Nan: You know I may be outrageously gorgeous but knowledge, knowledge is the key to beauty. Well I better get going . I have to figure out what a notary is before tomorrow's exam.

Dimitri: A notary is a person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions Mrs Blake.

Nan: Thank you dear.

Dimitri: Anytime.

Nan: Ashton I'm gonna need to have you come with me. Your new look is ready.

Ashton: Oh, ok.

Nan and Ashton then left as we see the gang outside as the police take Sheila away.

Fred: Well gang, another mystery solved.

Dimitri: Yeah, we should get going, it is late. Plus me and Velma do have a lot of things to plan.

We then see the gang all leaving to their homes as we see in a distance someone was watching the gang through binoculars.

???: Interesting.

the person then put the binoculars away and vanish as we go to the Blake mansion as we see Nan handing Ashton some purple male clothes

Nan: These are for you. You can change in Daphne's bedroom.

Ashton: Thanks.

He then walked into Daphne's bedroom as we see him come out as his outfit resembled Daphne's normal outfit but made for a guy complete with a white t-shirt, purple fingerless motorcycle gloves, and dark purple pants along with a green ascot and dark purple boots

Ashton: I could use a bit of help tying this ascot.

Nan: I got it.

She then helped Ashton with the ascot as she tied it in place.

Nan: There.

Ashton looks in the mirror and likes what he sees

Ashton: Um I'm not one to complain but did you mean to match this outfit with Daphne's?

Nan: I just thought it would be nice for you to have Daphne's style since you're her husband now.

Ashton: Touché. But I gotta say this is nice.

Nan: I'm glad you like it.

Ashton: Thanks for making this outfit for me, I have to get going, my dad is going to bring me to a college for the weekend.

Nan: That wouldn't be Darrow College would it?

Ashton: Um, yeah, why?

Nan: Daphne's going there too.

Ashton: You're pointing her to the building named after you guys aren't you?

Nan: Yeah we are.

Ashton: Nan please don't. She isn't always gonna go with the choices you make for her. I mean look at me. You certainly didn't pick me out for her.

Nan: I guess you have a point there.

Ashton: Exactly, just because you guys can make choices for Daphne all the time doesn't mean that you should make choices for her all the time. She has a mind of her own and you gotta accept that lest you push her away forever. And I know you don't want that.

Nan: It's true.

Ashton: Look Nan, no matter what choices Daphne makes or what career she'll choose, she'll always be your little girl and she will always love you.

Nan: You're right, we'll let Daphne make her own choices.

Ashton: That's the spirit, well good night.

Ashton then walked out of the room but not before going back and kissing his mother-in-law on the cheek.

Ashton: Thanks for the outfit by the way.

Ashton then walked off as he headed off to his home.

And done!

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