It's Morphin Time

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Here's the Power Rangers series ranking. It was something 9, 10 year old me got into, I still watch it to this day and I'm basically turning into Aisling by ranting about my obsessions. But it's alright and it's different from the normal tag. To clarify I have not seen any of the older seasons in ages, I'm going off of memory from my younger self's thoughts/what I think now. The rank is mostly off of how much I enjoyed the series as a whole. I'm also splitting this into two parts because this has gotten longer than I thought it would be. Part one is bottom ten (technically eleven because of the new season, but I wasn't sure where to rank it officially just yet) and part two is top ten.

Side note for anyone new, the term "seasons" really refers to the different series within PR. I know it's weird but that's how it works. "Era" is different groupings the fandom has put the different series in, so the first four are Zordon era, post would be the following four, Disney (yes you heard right) being the next seven I believe and the other two you can look up if you want. Also keep in mind that I've only seen the tv shows and movies. I don't read comic books.

Spoiler alert! This is your final warning!

0: Dino Fury

So far I don't know what to tell you. New season on the block, sometimes it's 50/50, then when it actually starts to get good it crash lands back down to a no twice as fast. Theme song is another remix of the original, which has been going on for years now. In the past was alright but it time move. The bad guy which I already forgot the name too looks a lot like a villain from Mystic Force. The backstory is literally DC all over again yet it still has its small differences. I love call backs as much as the next person and with BM it worked well somehow. The colors this season....usually green is a dude, right? This season it's a girl. I have nothing against it, it's just weird when a certain thing has been set for over twenty years. There have been a few cases where there have been color switches where yellow has been a dude (which makes sense because before PR came to the US and airing in Japan, MMPR's yellow was a dude but when it came to the US yellow was changed to a girl) blue and or white has been a girl few times. But further along the episode it's revealed that they're siblings and it oddly works because green and black sort of alternate between seasons (with a few rare occasions). Also the girls get this skirt when their costume but the green ranger tore off hers, I loved it. It was a nice nod those who understand the deeper meaning behind that. I thoroughly enjoyed one line where Amber asked Ollie "what else they get" upon becoming Rangers and his answer being "if you watch the news, zords." Not sure if that's breaking forth wall or not but I loved it. They also (finally) brought back teleporting which hasn't been used since the Zordon era days. Speaking of those two it's a low key ship. But it's hard to say if anything will actually happen. If I were to officially rank it at the rate it's going now I'd want to make it either dead last or second place. But due to certain seasons this one would make third place. However there's still time for that to drastically change.

1: Ninja Steal

If I could erase one season for canon this would be the one (and that's saying something if you've seen mega force). Will say Brody working on the bad guys ship since he was captured as a kid and escaped was nice. And ok a white female ranger was cool but also confusing because that's only ever happened once in the past but it didn't work out that well. Having Hailey and Calvin as a couple since episode one, and have hints that they've been dating before these events started was what I loved the most. But it wasn't shown that much. Keep it G for the kids. I think it was also cool having the ninja stars choose their owner. Being chosen by the power has only happened like three or four times. Oh and the sixth ranger of the team is actually Brody's long lost brother who is a singer and takes a break to go to high school. Victor and Monty are just awful. They're not bullies, but they're idiots. Crossover episode was interesting....More past Rangers which was cool. Did not like the fact there are now different AUs for shows and the whole different world thing throws me off. I originally thought the RMP universe was its own world and everything else was within the same time line because there have been crossovers without portals to jump dimensions (I hate it). Barely remember anything from this series. (Side note later on I somehow found out that the dude who played Calvin was apart of the closing cast of Newsies on Broadway)

2: Mega Force

For the 20th anniversary season this was a let down. I kid you not I stopped watching halfway through the first season, then picked it up years later. I liked the idea of  Gosei being Zordon's appearance of sorts but where has he been for the past twenty years? Emma got Kimberly's famous line of how the helmet ruins her hair as when before accepting being the pink ranger but it also felt out of character looking back on it. The crossover episodes were mostly cameos from past red Rangers. Season 2....they can morph into past Rangers, alright sounds cool. But doesn't have much need? The final episode was a repeat of the iconic Countdown to Destruction. Bad guys take over the world and demand the surrender of the rangers. More cameos from past Rangers which was cool....but any PR fan will tell you this was the worst. That or overdrive.

3: S.P.D.

It has recently come to my attention this is somewhat a favorite among favorite among the fandom. Not a "fan favorite" level but more people like it than I expected. Me personally I didn't like it at all. And honestly if it weren't for Mega Force and Ninja Steal this would be my bottom pick. But guess what? At least this season is bearable to watch! Second futuristic series in the PR universe where humans and aliens lived among each other. Some humans had special abilities they were born with(?). Moving on...we meet the S.P.D. squad which is not the best squad in this government team. Blah blah blah Jack and Z are caught "stealing" clothing (so think what the Newsie Jack does for the refuge kids). The commander is a dog and second in command is a human like cat? Yeah so the alpha team goes missing delta has to swoop in even though they're not the best. Jack becomes the leader and Sky isn't happy that a criminal is leading the team. But he slowly accepts it and gets promoted to Red when Jack leaves the team at the end of things. The only part I remember enjoying was the plot twist that Alpha team turned on S.D.P. or something like that. Nothing really good to say about this one.

4: Operation overdrive

Ask any Ranger fan out there and they'll say this was by far the worst season ever. BUT  compared to Ninja Steal and Mega Force, this one is better, but not by much. A team is assemble by this explorer guy who collects ancient artifacts, stuff happens and we soon learn that three different bad guys are after THE SAME FIVE STONES, (he theme song is the only reason I still remotely remember the plot to this). The crossover episode had past Rangers instead of the previous team. It was cool but WHY CAN ADAM MORPH WITHOUT PROBLEMS IF THE POWER COINS WERE DESTROYED? Like you didn't have the Zeo Crystal, which still works! with you?

4: Beast Morphers

Tons of potential, overall everything was 50/50. Some good character development but somehow fell flat, too many plot holes. Yet one of the better morden series. I liked the fact this one was a mix of jungle fury and RMP with a hint of Light Speed. Not bad for Hasbro's first season. It was cool how there was a ranger vault of old tech and the team had to learn ranger history (definitely fangirled over that). I loved the ties with Doctor K. The Dino charge crossover was cool and having FREAKING JASON (but why can he morph if the power coins were destroyed? I'm most likely missing something, but yeah) appear was nice. I found it so cool how Blaze and Roxy were originally supposed to be the red and yellow Ranger but Evox came in and made a cyber copy out of them instead, while the real Blaze and Roxy were in a comma. There were a lot of duplicates from past series and I was able to call a lot of the shots before they happened. There's nothing that truly makes this show stand out among the rest because I saw so many redo's of past episodes. Having Ravi and Roxy being in a relationship then having to break up because it goes against the "ranger rules" was cool, I just wish there was more moments with them once the real Roxy came too instead of evil Roxy 24/7 (who went down in the final battle way too quickly. Like a baddie gets an upgrade and it's a struggle for who knows how many episodes, right? Right? Wrong. I swear evil Roxy double 2 2.0 had so much potential). The real ship was between the Nate and Zoey. Devon being the mayors son then becoming the red ranger by accident was pretty cool. And the plot twist of having Evox actually being Venjix was wow. Low key saw it coming since it reminded me so much of RPM. The way it was excused was perfect! Today's kids will never know the emotion I went through watching that. Like I said one of the better morden shows but with some tweaking it would be even better.

(Future Crystal cutting in here for a quick second. Past me forgot to add at one point during Beast Morphers there was a time where Exov and his crew managed to recreate some past monsters. Preferably Sledge and the gang from Dino Charge AND Goldar from MMPR!!! I loved it. It was awesome. There were some great nods to other villains and how they would've been a bad choice to get remade. Ok and take it away past Crystal)

5: Trubo

This one was hard to rank because this was how I got into RP. Saw the movie and fell in love. But the show itself was odd-ish. So the team we all know and love have graduate high school and are beginning their new lives over the summer. Justin who is a kid is now the blue ranger (cool but why....). Umm....there were a lot of cast changes. Zordon and Alpha 5 left, a new mentor who was more cryptic than helpful came along. And the team switch. Gosh I wish I could forgot that. I get it, people move on and stuff but it just felt so out of place. When that happened it felt like a completely different show. Yeah so the command center gets stormed and eventually blown up (again) Zordon gets captured and the team has to go in space to rescue him. Justin stays on earth to be with his dad and that's about all I remember. The movie slaps though. So does the theme song. But when the In Space series starts I end up liking the new team. I feel like that was the better fit for them.

7: Dino Thunder

We're back with the Dino theme, the average secret keeping teenage team is back and Tommy has returned as a high school teacher. So this team of three are all from different words, Conner is the soccer joke, Ethan a gamer, and Kira the musician. Main baddie is basically like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His human form is a bit mysterious, and alright he's one of the characters nobody likes from the beginning I believe. His right hand man's back story. He wanted revenge. Plot twist after plot twist Trent the mystery kid who Kira finds cute but nothing ever happens between them from what I can recall is not only the baddie kid but also the evil white ranger turned good. Tommy gets his own Dino powers and I think that was episode where when Tommy went missing the Rangers snoop on his computer to get answers and find a video diary of the past teams. The crossover with Ninja Storm was perfect!

8: Lost Galaxy

This was such a great show to come right after In Space. It's a whole new team of rangers with a completely different theme than the Zordon Era. this team gets their powers is basically the sword in the stone thing. Maya's home plant gets invaded and of course she and the rest of the team pull the swords out. Here's the plot twist, the guy who was supposed to be the red ranger dies and his bother becomes the team leader.....yeah now that I think about it this show got real dark at times. I loved the crossover with the In Space team. Karone coming back as the pink ranger after Kendrix died was AWSOME! Karone has the BEST character arc I have ever seen! And it was such a great tie in with In Space. I don't remember much about this show, but I will say it is yet another memorable one on the list. Lots of plot twists and so many smaller details that you normally wouldn't see for Power Rangers. I'm 99% sure this was supposed to be the final season.

9: Zeo

This was the next series after Mighty Morphin' ended on a cliffhanger, I believe. But the whole Zeo Crystal plot/quest thingy all felt like a fevered dream for some reason. Stay with me here, alright, this is one you have to watch to understand. Bleeding into the MMPR Show the rangers need to get the Zeo Crystal before Master Vile something happens and they get get turned into kids I think that's when they go on a hunt because the crystals got lost in time(?) I vaguely remember them as kids looking for the crystals....Anyways stuff happens, the power coins are destroyed, Aisha and Tanya switch places for reasonings I forgot, Billy is no longer a ranger because there are only five crystals and thus the Zeo team is born to fight a The Machine Empire. It was also the first show to have green on the core team. I mean this is the first time we see a  new set up for the rangers, and it has some great moments. Besides the odd plot to lead into this season, I enjoyed it a lot. Though I will say I did not like the fact Kimberly broke up with Tommy. Yeah the whole ship thing with Kat was alright, but I didn't ship it at all. And that's saying something cause you all know I love my ships.

10: Wild Force

Younger self's favorite series. Probably because I absolutely loved animals and wanted to be a vet. Any who....a small detail I love is how the "base" is actually an island in the sky that was turned into a children's story book. I find it interesting how Zords are collected in a way, like you have to be chosen/found worthy to the animal zord. Though, the core team have had their marbles all along, it just took a lot of time for said animal to reveal themselves. So. Many. Plot twists. Definitely got dark towards the ending when we find out who Master Org really is....while on the topic, despite being the bad guys Toxica and Jindrax's friendship is EVERYTHING! At first I hated them (duh) but the longer the series went, I ended up loving them. They really care for each other so much. Jindrax goes to great lengths to get Toxica after she's been defeated. Back to the Rangers. Crossover with Time Force was awesome. Ransik's character arc is just - UGH why can't PR go back to the way it was in the early 2000s. The RED FOREVER SPECIAL! The past red Rangers all fighting what's left of the machine empire - YES. The skit at the end was a nice call back to the previous shows. Theme song absolutely SLAPS!

Now that the inner fangirl/ten year old has calmed down, that ends part 1, stay tuned for the next update for my top ten. If you've stick around for this random rant thank you got putting up with my weird fangirl ways. My younger self has never thrived this much.

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