The Bookshelf

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The title says it all. Basically this is where I'm going to rant about the latest books I've been obsessed with instead of spamming my board and annoying the rest of you guys. Though let's be honest, that's already happened.....yeah so in case you didn't know I've recently got into Divergent, which is odd considering I went into a mini Hunger Games wormhole for a hot second, but then I spoiled myself with movie clips and vividly remember my dad channel surfing one day and seeing the opening bit up until Tris went into Dauntless. So yeah. First I'll just copy and paste what I put on the message board and then dive deeper.

Obviously spoilers. Or if you don't care like me then go ahead. And keep in mind I watched the movies with my parents.

My message board: Just finished watching the first Divergent movie...I'll admit I kinda wish there was some book dialogue/scenes. But I also know there's only so much that can fit into a movie. Still loved it since there are scenes that were made just for the movie 10/10 *cough* the kiss scene is my fav from the movie *cough*

It's safe to say the first movie followed the book better than the other two movies. Now I'm going to rant about some book scenes I loved then the movie in no particular order it's just what my brain retained (And yes I will be rereading the first book again cause it's my favorite)

Book scene 1: Four being drunk and saying how Tris "looks good". Yeah yeah I know this was implied in the movies, the guy's literally holding a bottle, we see this. BUT only the book readers will know this.

Book scene 2: I don't remember the the exact quote but when Tris says how Four is so much older than her and he response with "that whopping two years is a big deal". I love lighthearted humor during a serious moment. I think it's right before they kiss too.

Book scene 3: When Tris asks Four what his tattoo is and he says "You asking me to strip?" and she says "Partly". Yeah that's it, like I said, lightheartedness in somewhat serious moment.

Book scene 3: the entire dialogue during the knife throwing scene!!! WHY WAS THIS CUT OUT OF THE MOVIE?!

Book scene 4: Speaking of which, the fear landscape! It's just so cute how he lets her into his mind....the name drop at the end, but my personal favorite was when they were in the shinking box together. I don't think I need to explain myself, but also...."You know most boys would love to be in a tiny space alone with a girl" - Tris (I think that's how it goes).

Book scene 5: When Tris goes back to the Dauntless compound and gets in trouble with Eric for leaving bur Four comes in and saves the day by saying she tried to kiss him, he rejected her, and she stormed off like a little girl. And I'd like to say they already kissed at that point.

Other random things from the book: Peter, Molly, Drew, Edward, Uriah, Lynn, Marlene, even Al, Will and Christina. Where did their development go? Visiting day, Dauntless cake, Tris beating Peter up like he deserves.

Now I bring your attention to the movie scenes I enjoyed.

Movie scene 1: Tris running after the train after her fight with Peter to prove she still has what it takes to make it in Dauntless. And just the whole scene after that with Eric's little "ok" and Four smiling in the background. And pretty much the entire capture the flag thing, but the book part was also enjoyable, those kinds of things are just harder for me to visualize.

Movie scene 2: The entire kiss scene.

Movie scene 3: Tris and Four meeting for the first time. Again though this was true to the book I just love how the actors played this out.

Movie scene 4:  When ever other Dauntless person is brain dead on the train and Tris slowly makes her way where Four is and he grabs her hand (It's safe to say that was my mom's favorite part of the movie). And obviously one of mine. Yes it was in the book, yes I loved it in the movie just as equally.

I present to you, what happened before and after we finished the first movie.

My dad: *has seen bits and pieces of the Divergent movies*
Me: *is reading the books*
The two of us: *explaining to her the plot*
Also the two of us: *confusing my mom what happened from what we know and getting into mini debates about what actually happened.

The second book and movie, while not my favorite was a lot better than the third one.

My message board: Just finished watching Insurgent (the second movie of Divergent) and can I just say there was only like roughly 20% canon material and everything else ELSE THROWN OUT! I'll even say it...Peter kept me entertained, at least most of that was on point oh and whoever played Evelyn was spot on. Yeah that's it. Again watched it with the family and had to survive THAT MOVIE SCENE (if you know you know).And last but not least,
my mom: now you need to finish the last book so we catch watch the movie
Me: I'll be done by the weekend.

Spoiler, I was. Yeah so....a lot was done differently because any plot points from the first part of the book wasn't done in the movie and thus meaning it couldn't be done in the second movie. Where in the world do I begin with this? The favorites are far and few in between since Four and Tris kind of get into a lot of arguments. Like he's trying to protect her and get close with his mom again and she's off trying to do her own thing cause she doesn't trust Evelyn.

Book scene 1: Tris and the peace serum. This was one of my favorite moments in the book. It was funny watching her be in a happy little drunk state and Four getting SO MAD about what in the world happened was a highlight.

I was so disappointed it wasn't in the movie could've shoved that in there instead of do I put this nicely? "adding a bit of spice" Let's remember I had to watch that in front of my mom. My dad he literally does not care what happens cause "it's a movie it's fake" my mom is the complete opposite. 

Book scene 2: Peter switching out the death serum. You either love or hate him. No in between.

Movie scene 1: When Four thinks Tris is dead but when she comes too Peter says "Hey Four, how about you do that thing you do". And then ya know, the happy couple shares a sweet moment and Peter is just third wheeling.

That's about all I remember cause anything else I either didn't like, or I couldn't match it to the books because it didn't happen. Solid 8/10 for at least trying to stay true to the book and changing a couple of things to at least stay consistent. Other things, not so much. The whole box thing was a bit confusing, and yes, I was mad when I realized when Four breaks into the Sim Lab was actually just a simulation. I think there was something else I liked in the movie but I forgot what it was.


Last movie/book

My mom: have you finished reading the third book yet?
Me: I'm on chapter 22 there's like 57 I can't binge read that much.
My dad: hurry up so we can watch the movie
Me: I'll binge read tomorrow
My dad: I'm just kidding
My mom: it's not like we have anything better to do

And she's right, we didn't have to do anything "tomorrow"

My mom: so how was your book?
Me: it destroyed me -_-
My mom: uh-oh
My: *ready to watch bad batch after that roller coaster of emotions*
*after the third movie ends*
My mom: so what happened in the book that you destroyed?
Me: Tris dies -_-
My mom: why?
Me: exactly!! It was going to be Caleb but NOOO *proceeds to explain the ending and why I hate Nita how Peter's arc was RUINED*

For a million and one reasons I did not enjoy the last book like at all. The only things I did like were any cute moments Four and Tris had, that's it, everything else, down the drain. Like ok Four, why in the world are you going to met Nita in the middle of the night when you  HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! Like gosh I HATED Nita. She wasn't trying to break them up (I think) BUT in the same breath it sure felt like that. The one time I will ever be happy a character's arc was cut in the movies. Why was Matthew coming off as a creep in the movies? I LOVED him in the books, a sweet little nerd. Why did they all break out in the city in broad daylight instead of the middle of the night? Least seeing Caleb freak out when Four takes him out of his cell was entertaining, and Four shoving him into a ditch and shooting a few times to make it look like Caleb is dead. 

The book was a mess, the movie was messier, for not staying at least partly true to the book, but in the same breath, I am not complaining because hey! Tris lives! Uriah lives (even though he was nonexistent in the movies). Though it does contradict the emotional epilogue of the last book, I can live knowing that Tris is alive. Even though if you ask me she never should've taken Caleb's place because I still hated him. But WHY ARE THEY KIDNAPPING? THEY'RE NOT THE ONES WHO DO THAT IT'S ANOTHER NAMELESS GROUP OF PEOPLE! And a memory box? It was supposed to be a journal. And what was up with all the CGI? Oh and let's not forget Peter wanting a change of heart by forgetting who he is to start over. Instead he's still a jerk at the end.

Oh wait....Book scene 1: Four struggling to get Peter to follow him because he had his memory wiped.

Again any movie scenes that involved Four and Tris being cute is a win for me. I will say some things in the movie I liked, those weird disk thingys. Did I mention Nita being nonexistent? Look at that! They got Tris' hair cut right, AND she's blonde! And ok, I know there was supposed to be a part two but I can live with it ending cause again Tris is alive.

And also through learning what I can about the Divergent world, I learned that the actress who plays Tris was in An American Girl movie, Felicity. When I say that's my childhood I mean it. I've mentioned before I love history, that time period was the first major thing I learned. And all I can think about is that Tiktok meme "how does THIS turn into THIS!?" And it's also pretty funny cause ya know, I watched Felicity as a child and years later here I am, grown up watching Divergent. I can see it, but also I can't see it

Though I do question why in some movie book adaptations that last movie is always a two parter. Like Harry Potter and wasn't Twilight the same way? But in the same breath it makes sense to fit in a lot of stuff from the books. Like I know nothing about how true Hunger Games and Twilight stayed to the books (because I haven't read them but least Hunger Games, maybe), but I can say with safety that Harry Potter practically stayed true to the books, a few little details, but those I can let slip away. Though, not having Peeves in the movies was a waste, especially in Goblet of Fire.

So yeah, see ya in the next random rant, or tag which ever one comes first.

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