Chapter 1

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Flying in a helicopter is terrifying. I was gripping onto James's arm and trying not to look down at the endless amount of trees below us.

"We'll be landing at the base on cape cod," the man in the suit, Agent John Jackson, informed us.

Cape cod was in southern Massachusetts and kinda far from my hometown way up in northern Maine.

"Sir, May I ask who is going to be caring for us?" I asked, trying to sound polite.

"Oh, your grandparents here on the cape have decided to take you four in. We're meeting them year in fact," John informed us.

Oh great. My grandparents. They were always traveling or had other plans and now they were was finally available. I had never met them since they also didn't really like my dad but oh well. I never missed them.

"And I live here so," James added as we landed on the landing pad by the base on the shore.

At least I'd live near James so that was a bonus.

I happily exited the helicopter and was lead to the inside part of the base and lead to a waiting room. An old woman and old man looked up as we walked in and both stood up.

"Mr and Mrs rose, your grandchildren are here," John said.

My grandmother was tall and thin and had aged brown hair and sharp eyes. My grandfather was also tall and he had dark gray hair and more tired eyes.

"Hello kids," our grandfather greeted us with a smile and Sophie looked at me as if to say "is he serious?"

We had never met these people and now we had to live with them. Great.

"It's best we go get you kids settled in back home before questioning tomorrow. Thank you sir," or grandmother nodded to Agent Jackson and started to usher us out.

I said by to James.

"I'll see you at questioning and at school," he gave me a quick hug before we parted.

Oh, did I mention my grandparents are rich? Well they are! They had a frickin limo! This would be interesting.

I sat in between Sophie and Sarah and Jake sat next to Sophie. Our grandparents sat in the front.

"I can't believe we have to live with them," Sophie spat.

"It could be worse," Sarah offered.

"True, at least they're rich and probably live in a mansion. But still, they didn't want to see us until they were forced to and paid by the government to," Jake added.

"Hey, come on guys. We lived in the woods alone for how many years? We can handle this," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Also, Agent Jackson said that our dogs would be here tomorrow!" Sarah added with a smile.

"So what! I still miss our cabin! Things were good back home at the cabin," Sophie snapped and looked out the tinted window.

I sighed, "they were, and we do have to go back to school, but we'll be fine. Oh look, we're here."

Someone opened the door for us and I gasped as I saw the huge mansions. Grand entrance, huge rose bushes, towering windows and pillars, it was a slightly smaller version of the White House. There was also a view of the ocean.

"Ok, some rules. You're living with us now, not in the woods. You must shower every day, make your bed,keep your room clean, keep up with your school work, and do anything else we may ask," our grandmother said right from the get go as we walked in with our small bags of belongings.

"The six quest rooms are up this first stair case and to the right. You may choose your room and settle in," our grandfather said then they walked away.

Jake sprinted up the stairs and grabbed the edge of the railing to propel himself to the right at the top of the stair case.

I chose the room at the very end (which also happened to be the biggest).

There were three massive windows and a king sized bed, walk in closet, dresser, shelves, and my own bathroom. The master guest. I put my few pairs of clothes in the dresser and collapsed on my bed. I had put my bow and arrows by the window (which I had insisted on bringing) and all the survival guides we'd written over the years and journals on the book shelves.

"Hey em! You've got to see my room!" Jake poked his head in and I followed him to his room which was right next to mine.

It was also big with a huge bed, lots of shelves, a dresser, and smaller closet with hue windows.

"These rooms are so nice!" Sophie joined in and Sarah nodded.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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