Chapter 2

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"Emily! Sarah! Sophie! Come here now please!" I heard my grandmother call from downstairs by the door.

We ran down stairs and stood before her.

"We are going shopping for clothes since school for you starts next week. You can get anything you want within reason. Also, I ordered you all and your brother iPhones that will come in tomorrow."

"What's an iPhone?" Sophie asked and my grandmother had a disappointing look in her face.

"You'll see tomorrow," she said, "go get into the car."

We walked to the limo and sat in the back while our grandmother sat in the front.

"Clothes shopping? This is a first," Sarah laughed.

"And what the hell is an iPhone?!" I added and we all laughed.

"I guess being in the woods for years has really made us miss out on all the modern tech and popular stuff," Sophie said.

I nodded. High school would be interesting.

It was about a five e minute drive to the clothing store and I had never seen so many clothes in one place before. My eyes immediately directed to the sweatshirts and sweatpants and Sophie and I went over to check them out while Sarah went to the actual girls section. I grabbed three or four sweatshirts, two pairs of sweatpants, some leggings, and a cool baseball hat I found. Sophie had pretty much the same stuff. Sarah, on the other hand, had four pairs of jeans, two pairs of leggings, a few tops, and some dressy shoes.

"Sweatshirts?" My grandmother sighed, "Fine."

We checked out our clothes and got back into the car.

"I can't wait for school! Catch up on what we've missed," Sarah said.

"Same, I'm actually excited for school for once," I said with amusement.

When we arrived home, I put my clothes away then Jake burst into my room.

"Ok, so grandfather got me a PlayStation AND an Xbox! Which one you want?" Jake asked.

I smiled, "hell yeah! I'll take that Xbox!"

"I don't know what they are but they sound cool!" Jake explained as he showed me the two gaming platforms.

I vaguely remember them.

"You play video games on them! You hook them up to the TVs we have in our rooms!" I told him.

"Video games?! That's sounds so awesome! Grandfather said I could get some, what do you want?" Jake asked.

"Let me ask James for some suggestions tomorrow then we'll get them," I told him, not only because I knew zero video game titles that were relevant.

"You won't even have to wait," I heard a familiar voice say and turned to see James in the doorway.

"James? What are you doing here?!" I laughed.

"Agent Jackson stopped by and I decided to stop in to. Anyways, for games? Get halo, call of duty, battlefront, and fortnite. They're frickin awesome!" James told us.

Jake ran downstairs, probably to tell our grandfather the games.

"How you settling in?" James asked me.

"So far so good! Just got some new clothes and I'm getting this thing called an iPhone tomorrow," I told him.

"Ah, an iPhone. Forgot you didn't know what those are. They're pretty snazzy," James said with amusement.


"Oh, that's Agent Jackson. Anyways, I'll see you  at questioning tomorrow!"

"Bye!" I called and he ran downstairs.

I finished hooking my new Xbox to the tv and looked at the cool gray and white and black controller.

I laid in my room for a few hours, reading and attempting to figure out the Xbox. Then, our grandparents called us down for dinner.

I ran downstairs and sat at the table, eager to eat.

I looked at the table and saw spaghetti and meatballs, some variety of fish, some broccoli, some seasoned carrots, and some salad.

Jake and I were both about to start helping ourselves to food when our grandmother stepped in.

"Ahh! Nope! Wait until your sisters and grandfather get here," she batted Jake's hand away from the spaghetti bowl and he moved his hand with a frown.

Sophie sat next to me and Sarah sat across from Jake. My grandfather sat at the head of the table and my grandmother across from him on the other end.

"You May eat now," our grandmother announced and I started to dig in.

The fish was fresh tasting and the spaghetti was amazing. I hadn't had this type of food in years in this quantity.

"This must be a step up from squirrels, huh?" Our grandfather said with amusement.

"Deer, actually. Fish too, and berries and roots," Sophie corrected him.

"Were you the hunter Jake?" Grandfather asked.

Jake shook his head, "Emily and Sophie did all the hunting. I fished and got berries though."

Grandfather nodded, "did you guys live in some sort of Indian fort or whatever they're called."

"No, it was a cabin. We looked out for ourselves and each other and enjoyed living by the lake," Sophie said and I could tell she was getting slightly annoyed.

"This was all your fathers fault. We told your mother to tell him to relocate to somewhere safe but he never listened. Fool. How did you survive up north?" Grandfather continued.

"I'd rather leave out the details until questioning tomorrow," Sophie said and flared at him.

Grandfather shrugged and our grandmother sighed.

Ah, questioning. That was something to not look forward too.

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