11 | Amethyst

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Chapter Eleven - Amethyst

"I should stay and watch over Taeil" Doyoung states, his voice firm. It is clear he won't budge.

Jungwoo nods, he is clearly more then happy to leave the dark haired male behind.

Jaehyun however, audibly sighs.

"No one can get into this house unless they have an invitation. Yuta's was revoked after he...It was revoked two years ago."

Taeyong can't help but notice how the blond haired male dodged the topic of what Yuta did. This gives ground for his curiosity to spike. It must have been something dreadful if Jaehyun refuses to speak of it.

"I discussed this with you and we both agreed that Taeil can't be left alone" Doyoung is slowly growing frustrated.

"Well things have changed" Jaehyun raises his head to meet the dark haired's gaze. "I'm saying this as your leader, not as your friend. You will come with us to the House of Desires. The more with me, the easier this will be."

Taeil gently grabs Doyoung's arm and leans up to kiss his cheek. "I'll be okay, just go."

Jungwoo walks over to Taeyong and smirks as he glances between the other two warlocks before them.

"Jaehyun hasn't spoken like that to Doyoung for months. Isn't it fun to watch?"

"Remind me to not get on his bad side" Is all Taeyong says in response.

Doyoung says a goodbye to his boyfriend before swiftly walking towards Jaehyun. He sends him a deadly glare and goes to say something but bites his tongue to stop himself.

"Jungwoo, let's go" Jaehyun turns on his heel to face the blue haired male, ignoring Doyoung completely.

The blue haired male nods, stepping away from Taeyong, he closes his eyes and draws a symbol into the air.

Taeyong stumbles back a step as their surroundings begin to morph into a foreign environment.

Jaehyun takes a step closer to him and wraps an arm around his waist to help keep him upright.

"Transporting is usually more smooth but because we are entering a highly enchanted location, there are spells which Jungwoo has to break as we move." The younger explains with a quiet tone.

It doesn't take too long for them to arrive.

Taeyong is amazed yet confused by what is before him. They are standing before a three storey mansion which looks as though it has been here for centuries.

The paint on the balcony is slowly peeling away, the wood seems it will break as soon as any pressure is put upon it.

Turning around, the older is confused as he notices they are standing a mere few metres from the opening of the woods.

"It's a glamour" Doyoung speaks up, noticing the older's confusion. "It looks like terrible in hopes to deter any mortals who manage to stumble across the property."

"Which may I add, has only occurred once within the previous thousand years" A feminine voice states, sounding bored.

The attention of all four warlocks is drawn to the owner of the voice who is a woman.

Tall with ebony hair which reaches her waist is tied on top of her head into a tight ponytail.

She has a large amount of eyeliner on with little clothes. Skin tight, black pants hug her legs. Several diamond patterns have been cut along the side of the fabric.

A colourful crop top covers a small amount of her chest area. Her cleavage is out for everyone to see, the breasts seem as though they will burst from the small shirt at any moment.

Taeyong gulps as he notices her shoes. She wears heeled boots which reach her knees. The handles for daggers are visible just above the lip of the shoes.

"My name is-" Jungwoo goes to introduce himself but the woman waves him off.

"I know who you are, Jungwoo." She pushes herself of the banister and walks over to them. "What brings you here with your friends Jaehyun?"

"Well Amethyst, I'm here to see your boss" Jaehyun speaks her name as though they had been friends for a long time.

"He would be honoured" Amethyst's lips curl up into a sinister grin as she turns to face Taeyong.

"I've never seen you before" She remarks as she sidesteps Jaehyun to be in front of the older.

She licks her lips as she slowly drags her hand over his chest. He tries to step away but he finds that his feet are frozen in their place.

Not because of fear, no, her magic is keeping him where she wants him.

"That's enough Amethyst" Jaehyun speaks bitterly, yet he makes no move to pull her away.

"Please spare me some time alone with this one. I feel power coursing through his veins, more power then I have ever felt in my life. And I've lived a very long one."

Jaehyun tilts his head back to gaze at the sky as he takes a deep breath.

"He's gay, Amethyst."

The look of desire instantly washes away from her features as she stumbles back a few steps. Taeyong lets out a sigh of relief as he lifts his left foot into the air.

"Well that's a bit awkward. I swear that all you walocks are gay. Its no fun to fuck a gay guy" Amethyst scowls as she makes her way to the front door once more.

"He is in the dining room, you came just in time for dinner."

The door swings open, Jaehyun meets Taeyong's gaze for a second before he walks inside.

The other three follow in suit.

Once inside, Taeyong feels as though he has been hit with a tsunami of emotions. His longing for Jaehyun has just been multiplied.

Feeling as though he will stop breathing if he doesn't touch him, Taeyong reaches out to grab Jaehyun's hand.

The younger squeezes it reassuringly as he pulls the older closer to his side.

"I guess the powers of this place are kicking in." He mutters, soft enough for only Taeyong to hear.

"Who was that girl? You knew each other..." The older questions softly.

"That was Amethyst. She is the protector of the warlock whom we are here to see. She sleeps with any warlock who will follow her into her room. She is a very talented fighter though. I know as I have fought her before." Jaehyun explains.

"Does she have powers?" Taeyong presses for more information.

"She can read minds too. She also has mild telekinesis but her strongest ability is her strength. That she earned by centuries of training."

Taeyong nods slowly. He turns his head backward to see Doyoung and Jungwoo following them.

They arrive at a pair of doors which are taller then all four of the warlocks. Jaehyun turns the handle and pushes it open.

The room within consists of a long table which has been set for six. There is one person seated at the head of it.

Taeyong's brows furrow together in confusion as he sees the person before him.

Jaehyun gulps nervously as he sees another Taeyong seated at the head of the table. This version has thick eyeliner, similar to Amethyst. He immediately knows this is the warlock. Yet anyone could be fooled into thinking that this man was indeed Taeyong.

"I see you brought two new powers" The fake Taeyong speaks, his voice matching the real version of himself.

"He has no features" Taeyong mutters. Jaehyun peers into his mind to visualise the picture he sees. His heart stops when he sees the same man at the head of the table but instead he remains a person with no facial features.

"You can't tell me Taeyong desires a no faced human" Jaehyun mutters to himself.

"He doesn't" The fake Taeyong speaks up. "What he desires is much too dark for my powers to even begin to cover. Do tell me, how does one represent a world of flame and ash?"

A/N - just in case you forgot just remember that this warlock appears different to each individual as he will morph into the person who they desire the most.

i love you guys so much and i hope you know that. i appreciate every single one of you, i have become good friends with many people who have read my works and you guys just mean the world to me.

thanks for reading!!

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