12 | Player

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Chapter Twelve - Player

"He doesn't" The person with no features speaks up. "What he desires is much too dark for my powers to even begin to cover. Do tell me, how does one represent a world of flame and ash?"

Taeyong is instantly overcome with a mixture of emotions. The most powerful one is that filled with fear. He begins to tremble slightly as he stands beside Jaehyun.

The blond haired can sense that his powers will get out of hand if this continues. He wraps an arm around older's waist just as he goes to collapse onto the ground.

"He needs to rest. It'll be dangerous for all of us if he stays here" He speaks firmly.

The other warlock just nods. He goes to speak but stops as the doors to the room swing open once more.

"What's for dinner? I'm famished" Amethyst makes her entrance known to everyone in the room as she goes to take a seat.

"Amethyst" The man calls her name. He proceeds to speak in a language which Taeyong has never heard of.

He looks at Jaehyun and the others who seem to understand this man as though he were speaking in their own tongue.

Amethyst looks highly annoyed as she starts to walk over to Taeyong. The older instinctively steps further into Jaehyun's side.

"I'll take you to your room" She states simply.

"You can trust her. I wouldn't send you off alone if I thought something was going to happen" Jaehyun assures him.

Still unsure, Taeyong refuses to let go of the younger.

"I'll be there soon okay?" The blond haired gently kisses his temple before stepping away from him.

Taeyong finds himself briefly meeting Amethyst's gaze as she turns to walk out of the room. The older walks out after her.

They walk in silence as they through a few corridors until they arrive a door which has a 'JH' carved into the surface.

"This was Jaehyun's room when he stayed here a long time ago. I'm assuming you two will stay together" Amethyst explains as she opens the door.

Inside is a decent sized room which has a king sized bed in the centre of the far wall. There is another door inside the room which leads to a en-suite.

"There you go, I'll see you around" Amethyst goes to walk away but Taeyong stops her.

"Wait" He calls out. She sighs as she stops in her tracks, turning to face him again. "Can you tell me what your relationship with Jaehyun is?"

She scoffs at this and she moves to fold her arms across her chest.

"That question has a very long and complicated answer, are you sure you want to hear it?"

Taeyong nods firmly.

Amethyst sighs as she walks past him into the room. She gestured for him to sit on the bed beside her.

Closing the door behind him, he makes his way over to the bed and gently sits beside her.


227 years ago

{feb 1st}


It's Doyoung's 800th birthday. Being such a big milestone, almost all of the warlock's in the country have been invited to this party.

Yet there's one who catches the eye of Jaehyun. In fact, he can't keep his eyes off her.

She wears a red dress which reaches halfway down her thighs, it's skin tight which really outlines her 'features'. With long, red stilettos on her feet and long black hair, there isn't much stopping Jaehyun from snatching her up.

She's beautiful.

"Her name is Amethyst" Yuta explains as he moves to stand beside the younger. Jaehyun is startled by his sudden appearance.

"You think I care?" He tries to sound as though he has no interest in this girl who is currently dancing beside a warlock who is from America.

"Oh please, you've been eyeing her for the past 10 minutes. If you want I could talk to her for you" Yuta suggests.

"There will be no need for that, but out of my own interest, where is she from? I've never seen her before" Jaehyun asks.

Yuta smirks as he elbows the younger's side. "She is a protector for the House of Desires. A young age of 724 years, perfect for you I guess."

"I don't want any relationships Yuta, you know I'm not ready to settle down yet. I'm still young" Jaehyun retorts.

"Who said you had to settle down? There's nothing wrong with a one night stand if that will satisfy your needs" The older chuckles before walking away from the younger.

Jaehyun sighs, gazing towards this girl once more. Her gaze meet his and instead of looking away, he just smiles, taking a long sip of his beverage.

She returns the expression yet hers has a more devilish tone to it as she says something to the guy beside her. She then walks away from him and into the direction of Jaehyun.

"Name's Amethyst" She introduces herself as she takes the glass from Jaehyun's hand, finishing the drink.

"Jaehyun" He smirks at her.

"I've heard of you. You are known for sleeping around a lot Mr Jung" She puts extra emphasis on his last name.

"I'm 768 dear, too young to settle" He replies simply.

"So why should I stay with you? You're just going to use me" Stepping forward, she slowly drags a finger down the middle of Jaehyun's shirt.

Jaehyun leans in to whisper into her ear, "No woman ever leaves me unsatisfied."

She chuckles beneath her breath at this as she moves to take his hand in her own.

"Let's take this private shall we?"


two days later

{feb 3rd}


There was a knock on the door. Jaehyun groans as he rubs his eyes. He has only slept for two hours. It's really not enough.

"Who is it?" He calls out.

The door opens to reveal Doyoung standing in the doorway. He sighs as he walks over to the curtains, pulling them open to let in the sunlight, blinding Jaehyun.

"You have a visitor, she's waiting in the lounge room" He explains as he heads back to the door once more.

Jaehyun knows who it is. He doesn't have to ask.

"I'll be there in a minute" He says, Doyoung nods before leaving the room once more.

Jaehyun doesn't bother to put on a shirt, he just heads out of his room wearing a pair of black pants only.

It's hard to read what emotion Amethyst is feeling as she stands in the lounge room. Her mind is a mess, Jaehyun knows he will only get a headache if he tries to read it.

She is in a more modest outfit as she stands before him. Wearing lose pants with a long sleeved shirt and jacket.

"I didn't think you'd be the type to come back" He states as he enters the room.

She turns to face him, he lips curling into a smile as she sees him. "Neither did I."

Jaehyun says nothing as Amethyst takes a step towards him, her hands loose at her sides.

"I found myself really enjoying the other night. You certainly weren't lying when you said no lady leaves you unsatisfied."

"If you've come for round two then I'm sorry but I only do one round" Jaehyun goes to turn around but she grabs his arm, stopping him.

"I don't want a round two. I want you" She exclaims softly.

Jaehyun tilts his head as he hears this, he hears this a lot but he really didn't expect it from Amethyst. She seemed to be the type who doesn't do the whole 'getting emotionally attached' thing.

"Was I not clear when I said I don't settle down?" He queries.

"Yes you were clear but just give me a chance. I reckon we'd be really good together." She begins but Jaehyun raises his hands in defeat.

"I'm sorry Amethyst but it isn't happening" He tells her firmly, it's clear he won't budge.

"Just give it a shot Jae, give us a shot. I've never felt like this about anyone before." She keeps trying to convince him.

He shakes his head again.

"I would have never fucked you if I knew you'd come after me" His words are harsh. The hurt is visible on Amethyst's features.

"I would have never fucked you if I knew you'd be such a dick" She argues.

"Says the one who was choking on one a mere two nights ago" Jaehyun laughs softly.

"Fuck you, Jaehyun" She curses bitterly before leaving the house.


three months later

{may 3rd}


Jaehyun was annoyed. Doyoung had sensed a strong power near the House of Desires. He also sensed Amethyst's powers were draining.

So of course he decides to make Jaehyun go and sort it out.

"I'm not going, she's your problem" He has told him.

Jaehyun wasn't sure what he was in for. The girl still hates him and the power she's up against must be pretty strong if she can't fight it on her own.

He hears her calling out for help long before he reaches her. He begins to run, stopping as soon as he catches a glimpse of her and her attackers.

There are three hooded figures, each holding tall spears. Amethyst holds her own spear in front of her as she slowly steps away from the intruders. 

She has cuts all over her face and her hair is a mess.

The hooded figures go to attack again and she braces herself. Yet before they manage to get to her, Jaehyun raises his hand into the air, the spears in the intruder's hand burst into flames.

The warlocks curse as they drop their weapons. They all turn to look at the newcomer.

Jaehyun makes eye contact with Amethyst for long enough to tell give her a glance of reassurance as he rushes towards the men.

With a simple wave of his hand, all three collapse to the ground. He extends his hand towards Amethyst, her spear flying into his open palm.

Using the weapon he stabs two of the men in the heart, killing them. The third managed to get onto his feet again before Jaehyun has the chance to get him as well.

Jaehyun throws the spear but the warlock teleports away. The spear embeds itself into the tree which was behind him.

"What kind of protector are you? Seriously you should be able to take care of a few men" Jaehyun rolls his eyes as he turns to face Amethyst.

He expects some kind of cocky response but is shocked to see how much she is trembling with fear. He doesn't say anything as he walks over to her, pulling her into his embrace.

He just holds onto her and tries to calm her as she starts to cry.


back to present


"After he saved me that day, he trained me. He taught me to be stronger and to not panic in the face of danger. He grew to be like a brother to me" Amethyst finishes her explanation.

Taeyong sits there, his jaw nearly touches the ground as he processes what he just heard.

Jaehyun used to sleep with girls? He is over 900 years old now. He is so confused. This is a lot of information to take in.

"Jaehyun wasn't always gay you know. It took him 800 years to figure that out." Amethyst suddenly speaks up, as though she read Taeyong's mind...Which she probably did.

"I see" is all Taeyong can bring himself to say.

The door to the room swings open and the pair both look up in time to see Jaehyun hovering in the doorway.

He immediately looks concerned as he sees Taeyong's expression. Rushing over to the older, the blond haired male kneels, gently placing a hand on the dark haired's knee.

"You told him about us?" Jaehyun sounds annoyed as he looks over at Amethyst. She just shrugs as she stands.

"He asked a question, I answered. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dinner to eat" She exclaims before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

A/N - so what do you think of Amethyst and Jaehyun's backstory together? was it what y'all were expecting?

this was a really long chapter oof

thanks for reading!!

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