Reborn Imhotep

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Here's the first chapter......

I had a medical emergency in Walmart yesterday, heat sickness, severe heat sickness.
I almost passed out, but I'm starting to feel better.
Stupid me forgot to take my overcoat and check the UV rays that day, which were high.
I'm severely allergic to the sun, and that's why I'm always inside the house, and why my Stepdad built a roof over our deck himself by hand, so I can go outside for air, without getting heat sickness, or get severe burns.
I been in bed not well from it most the day.
I worked on this yesterday.
I'm still feeling iffy.


Over the years since Imhotep was defeated by the O'Connell's, the Book Of The Dead remained in a safe place, packed within their family mansion in America, that is until their descendants had packed it storage, them not knowing how dangerous the book was, and they eventually pawned it, and it passed through many owners, that is until it was stolen again in a burglary, and once again  sold on eBay, to guess....teenagers, with a whole translation of the Book Of The Dead.

The teenagers thought it would be funny to read from the book in a famously haunted cemetery, however when they read the part of the spell that awakens Imhotep from the Underworld; the teenagers waited when a breeze went by, and the ground shook in an earthquake, and one boy was grabbed around his ankle by a mummified hand, and a Mummy came from the grassy dirt ground, and sucked the boy dry like a raisin, making the other teens run away in utter terror, them screaming, but the Mummy followed them, sucking each dry wherever they ran to, that is until his body was complete, and Imhotep stood in his robes, and in his Ancient Egyptian underwear, him completely barefoot.

He kneeled down, him picking up The Book Of The Dead, and he decided to explore where he was, because this was not Egypt by far, so he began walking out of the cemetery, him walking along a black top road at night, him holding The Book Of The Dead under his arm.
He walked long hours it seemed, seeing lush trees he has never seen before alongside him, making him wonder where he is.
"Where am I?"
Imhotep mutters to himself in Ancient Egyptian as he continued to walk along the country black top road, his bare feet tapping upon the black top.

A bright light shines upon him, the bright light moving at a great speed, that is until something metal that was large hits his body a hundredfold, making him fly over the metal large creature, and roll painfully upon the road, his jaw dislocated, including one of his legs was broken, that is until he regenerated, his jaw popping back into place, it not dislocated anymore, his leg now no longer broken, his broken bone popping into place to fix itself.

He heard a metalic door open, as he gets upon his hands and knees, and he was enraged at what collided with him, that metallic creature, but a sweet warm voice hits his ears, saying.
"Dear gawd!
I didn't see you!
Are you okay sir!"
The voice sounded panicked, and female, and it has been quiet a long time since a woman has warmed just bed.
He brushed those perverted thoughts aside as he lifts his head to get a peak at who.thid woman was, while on his hands and knees, and a beautiful chubby woman stood before him, with short dark brown hair that's spiked up, dark bushy eyebrows, thin lips, a round face, chubby kidney areas, thick thighs, a round big rear, a slight pot belly, big breasts showing loudly in her slightly snug black top, and she wore short thigh length gray leggings, and shoes.
She had hazel golden eyes, golden like the sands of Egypt, and he was immediately taken aback by how beautiful she was.

Are you alright?"
She asked him, her giving him an extremely concerned look.

I must speak English.
I know English.
Imhotep thought to himself, and swallowed hard.

"I am fine."
He tells her, and she sighs in relief.

"I'm glad you're okay, but I thought I hit you head on though."
She smiled warmly at him, and he loved that warm smile for some off reason.
"How about I take you to my home, to check you over, and make sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

He gave her a confused expression upon his face towards her.

"A place to treat people for a medical emergency, like you getting hit by a car."
She kneeled next to him.

He slowly stands up, him picking up The Book Of The Dead, and she stood up too.
"I will go with you."
His Ancient Egyptian accent clearly showed.

She smiled a closed eyed warm smile.
Let's go then."
She took his hand into her own, and guided him towards a metal carriage, making Imhotep stop.
"What's wrong?"
She gave him a confused worried look.

"What is that monstrosity?"
Imhotep asked her, him pointing at the metal carriage with lights that purred.

She looked to the metal carriage.
"It's a car.
It's a way of transportation."
She then looked at him, her confused.
"You must have amnesia if you don't know what a car is."

She guided him to one side of the creature she called a car, and opened the door to it, and she says to him.
"Sit in the seat.
You'll be fine."
He does as asked as she shuts the door, and she walks over to the other side, which he watched her do, and she gets in, her pulling a belt over her body, and pressed a button, and the metal creature purred louder to have more life than before in it, making Imhotep unnerved of this metal carriage creature, and the metal creature moved at a steady pace.
"Neat huh?"
She says to him, then frown at the cracks upon the glass in front of her.
"I'll have to get this window replaced."

He asked her.

"Yeah, it's made of glass.
I'm surprised you're standing, so are you a mutant like me?
You know humans with superpowers?
My powers are I can turn into a Lycan Wolf, some people think I'm a living werewolf.
My Lycan is skinny too, which is weird though I'm fat."
She tells Imhotep, making him look at her confused.

Imhotep asked her.

"Yeah, mutants.
We've been around for ages."
She tells him.
"So I'm not surprised you could, you know, get up, after being hit with a vehicle that weighs a ton.
My Lycan form can heal rapidly too."

The world sure has changed.
Imhotep thought to himself, him amazed at what she is telling him.

"What year is it?"
Imhotep asked her.

"It's 2024."
She tells him.

Imhotep looked at her truly amazed, and she looked at him strangely.
"You look really shocked at the year.
Oh right; I'm Kara.
And you are?"
She introduced herself.

He teller her.

She blinked and looked forward.
Sounds like a name not used anymore.
I like it.
Sounds more cool than my name."
She shrugged at him as Imhotep noticed a village coming into view.
"Welp; welcome to Connecticut."

Imhotep asked her.

"It's in the United States Of America.
By your accent you're from maybe India or something."
She states the obvious to him.

He replied to her.

I always wanted to see the great pyramids."
She says rather excitedly to him.

Imhotep watched the scenery go by, him curious about this era, because he was in the Underworld for so long, that he did not realize time moved so far from the 1900's to now 2024.
That is a long time, almost a hundred years.
He notices people walking around with mirrors to their ears, or their eyes looking down at the mirrors, making him wonder what those mirrors were?

"We are almost to my house."
She tells him, and Imhotep looked to her, him confused how she could own, her own home, so times truly have changed, especially for women indeed.


To be continued.....

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