Room and Board

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Here's the next chapter......

Calm Envy

The Gazette


I unlock the door to my home; and open the door, motioning him inside.
"This is my home."

He walked into my home, and I walk into my home after him, me being polite, and letting him go in first, me shutting my door, and I locked it behind us.
"You can stay in the guest room."
I tell Imhotep.

He turned to look at me while holding that weird stone golden and black book.
"I can take that book of yours and put it somewhere safe?"
I ask him.

He shook his head negatively.
He says to me.

"Are you sure?
I can put it somewhere safe, really I can?"
I ask him once again.

He turned to me, glaring at me with an expression that told me not to press onward any further, that I'm pushing his buttons in asking to take his golden and black book.

"Sit anywhere you like then.
I can fix you something to eat if you want?"
I tell him, and he sat upon my long leather brown couch, and set the golden and black book next to him, him watching me put my purse up, and hang up my keys in the kitchen.

"No need."
He replied to me.

I say to him.

I best not push his buttons anymore in asking if he needs anything.
He seems in a foul mood.
I thought to myself, as I go to the fridge, and take out a strawberry protein drink, and open it, and shut the fridge door, me sipping the drink.

"What is that?"
He asked me, him pointing at the protein drink.

"A protein drink."
I tell him.

"Is it food?"
He asked me once again.

"Yes; it's food."
I tell him.
"It gives you protein you need.
I lack it because I don't eat meat much."

"Why do you not eat meat?"
He asked me.

"Because I don't like it much, but I do want eggs and dairy."
I tell him honestly.

"I see."
He says to me, and then asked me.
"This is America right?"

"Yes; where you are is in Connecticut, in America."
I replied to him.

"I knew a man long ago who was from America.
He replied to me.

By the sound of his voice he despised this O'Connell guy.
I thought to myself.

"He sent me to the Underworld."
He tells me, him frowning deeply.

"The Underworld?"
I ask him in shock.

"People brought me back from the Underworld.
I am complete by draining their essence, but still my powers are a little dull.
I need more vitality."
He stands up, and walks over to me.
"Would you do the honor in providing it to me?"

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment, and I put my hands upon his bare chest, and shove him away, but he didn't budge.
"No I don't want to!
I just met you!
Why would I do that?!"
I exclaim, and I look away from him.
"Anyways.....I don't do that with people I don't love."

"I understand."
He steps back from me, and sat back upon the living room long brown leather sofa.
"Forget I said anything.
I will find another way."

I sigh in relief he didn't do anything to me, and it's getting quite late, so I'll need to go to bed, since I have work tomorrow, work at the coffee shop, so he will have to stay here while I go to work.

"Listen; I have work tomorrow, so you'll need to stay in my home, until I return.
Can you behave while I'm gone?"
I say to him, and he looked at me, and nods, him saying nothing.

"I need to get to bed.
I'll show you where the guest room is that you'll be staying in."
I tell him, and he stands up, him holding that weird book, and he follows me down a long hall, and to the door on the left, which I open, and show him the guest room, which was small, and had a full sized bed in it, and some Christmas blue and white snowman bedding on it, and pillows with the same design on it.
"This will be your room.
I know it's small, but you'll be comfortable here."
I tell him, and he walks into the room, and sat upon the bed, and looked up at me.

"Thank you."
He tells me.

"You're welcome.
Goodnight Imhotep.
If you hear growling noises with weird growling instruments in my room, that's my alarm to wake me up, so can you make sure I get up for work?"
I say to him, and he nods.

"I will, since I do not sleep."
Imhotep tells me.

"Why don't you sleep?"
I ask him, me confused why he does not sleep.

"I am no longer alive, nor human, so I do not need sleep."
Imhotep says to me, him giving me a serious look upon his face.

That's creepy, but I'll go along with what he says.
I thought to myself, me getting a cold chills down my spine when he said that.

"See you in the morning Imhotep."
I tell him, and I shut the door to his room, and I walk to my room across the hall, and open my bedroom door, and go inside my room, me shutting my door behind me, and I start changing into my pajamas, which was a blue dress from the eighties, that had a big square neck, and I kept my underwear on, and I hung my bra up in my closet, and set my dirty clothes into my dirty clothes basket.

I slip into my bed, into the covers, and I lay on my back, and close my eyes, and breathed in deeply, and I soon drifted off to sleep, my head turning to the side.


My phone that had it's alarm going by my bed, on the intable, it played the song Calm Envy by The Gazette, and I woke up to it going off, and I groan, and I heard my door to my room creak open, and I turn on my side, my eyes closed, and I heard footsteps creak onto my wooden bedroom floor, and I felt a hand go to my shoulder, a firm hand, with a firm grip, that gently shook me.
"It is time to get up woman."
I heard Imhotep say to me, and I slowly open my eyes, me looking up at him while I'm on my side, and he was giving me a look to Get Up Or Else.

I slowly sit up, me yawning, my mouth covered by my hand, and I reach for my phone, and turn my alarm off, and I say to him.
"Thank you for getting me up, or I would've slept through the alarm, since I'm a deep sleeper."
I tell him, me thanking him for getting me up.

I stand up out of bed, and he was taller than me by far.
"I need my coffee first and breakfast before I get ready for work."

He merely nods, and left my room, I bet him giving me privacy, and I decided I'll shower after I fix me breakfast, and have my morning coffee.
I left my room, me finding him sitting in the living room, upon my long brown leather couch, and I go to the open large cupboard, and grab a coffee pod from the top shelf, and go to the fridge, me taking out my sugar free vanilla creamer, and set them by the coffee pod maker, and I took out the old coffee pod, me throwing it away, and I put the new coffee pod in, and grab my coffee cup, that was of a Gundam head, and set it under the coffee pod maker, and pressed the button for the coffee to be made, and I go to the fridge, and pull out eggs, since I'm a vegetarian that eats eggs and dairy, and I set the eggs aside, along with a plate, a plastic spatula, and set the pan I grabbed too upon the stove, after I sprayed it with olive oil spray, and I set four pieces of toast into the toaster, and pushed the toast to brown, and I pull out the butter too, and a knife.

Once the pan was warm, I cracked four eggs into the pan, me cooking them over easy, and sprinkled pepper upon them as I cooked them.

My phone then rang, it playing Naraku by The Gazette, and I reach for it, me using my thumb to answer it, me putting it to my ear.
I ask whoever was on the line.

"Kara; how are you this morning?"
Izzy my best male friend asked me.

"I'm doing fine."
I tell him, but I kept it a secret that I had Imhotep here, because Izzy won't be too happy I just brought a homeless guy into my home, which will make him worried for my safety nevertheless.

"Are you coming into work today or are you off?"
Izzy asked me, since we both work at the same coffee shop.
He was the manager, and I was a regular employee.

"Yes I work today Izzy."
I tell him, as I flipped my over easy eggs, over to cook on the other side.

"Good; I was just asking, since Ramone called off, he's sick with the flu, so I'll need you to fill in for him."
Izzy says to me, and my eggs were done, so I slid them onto my plate, and my toast popped up, which I started buttering, my shoulder holding my phone to my cheek.
"You'll need to work until six, instead of four."

"That's fine.
I'll be there after I have breakfast and a shower."
I tell Izzy.

"See you then Kara."
Izzy then hung up, and I set my phone onto the counter.

I put each buttered pieces of toast upon each other, and cut them in half, not diagonally.
"Who was that?"
I jump a little, me dropping my knife to the floor.

I turn to face Imhotep.
"Oh; you scared me!"

"I apologize.
I did not mean to, but who was that?"
Imhotep says to me.

"Izzy called me.
He's a friend I work with at a coffee shop.
He was just letting me know a coworker is sick, and I'll need to fill in for that coworker."
I tell Imhotep as I picked up the knife I dropped, and used a cleansing wipe to clean up the floor, then washed my hands, me drying my hands.

"That mirror is a communication device?"
Imhotep asked me.

"Yes; you can talk to people, take pictures, listen to music, and all sorts of things on it.
Even look up information."
I tell Imhotep.
"Why do you not know that?"

"I do not know it; because I was dead in the Underworld for almost a hundred years."
Imhotep gives me a serious look upon his face.
"I want you to teach me how to use the mirror; for I wish to have one in the future."
He seemed to be quite serious that he was dead almost over a hundred years, and was brought back to live, and that he's no longer human, and that was alot of information to process for me at the moment, but I did my best to deal with it, me completely calm.

"I can get you one on my plan if you want?
And I can teach you to use it, but it's illegal to do crimes on it."
I tell him.
"Including looking up child pornography."

"I understand."
Imhotep tells me, then he had a disgusted look upon his face.
"Child pornography?
Who would search for that?

"Child predators do.
It's illegal too.
So is murder and rape.
I'll have to do that next time I get paid next month, get you a phone, so you'll have to wait awhile."
I tell him.
"And if you need anything while I'm at work you can calm me when I get the phone for you."

He nods in understanding.
"I am no hurry."
He then reached out, and caressed his fingers upon my right round cheek upon my face, him giving me a warm look upon his face, and he then walks away back over to the long leather brown couch.

Did he just show loving affection towards me like a lover would do?!
I thought to myself, me shocked he did that.

I turned the burner off, and set my dishes into the dishwasher, and started eating in my recliner that is across from where Imhotep sat, and he was looking through the weird book he brought with him, his brown eyes scanning the hard looking pages, that looked made of gold, and looked like they were in a language I don't know.
I finished eating, rinsed my dishes off, and I set them inside the dishwasher, and I immediately go to my room, to grab my clean uniform to wear, and my bra, and panties, and I also grab a towel, and rag, and went to the bathroom, that's by the kitchen, me closing the door behind me, and I turn the water on the shower, as I sat my clothing on the intable by the sink, and I start undressing, me putting my clothes in a pile upon the floor.

Now naked; I step into the warm water of the shower, and start wetting my short messy hair down, my eyes closed, and once my hair was wet enough, I wipe my eyes of water, and I grab my avocado hair soap, and pour some onto my hair, me setting the bottle of hair soap on the side of the tub, and I start lathering my hair up in soap, suds forming, and I then rinsed my hands off, and rinsed my hair off.
I wipe the rest of the water off my eyes, grabbed my rag, and wet it down; I then lather it up in my honey cream body wash, and started washing my body, including my butt and privates, and I rinsed the rag off, and squeezed the water out, me throwing it onto my pile of clothes, and I then used the shower detachable head to rinsed my body off, including my butt and privates, and I soon turned the water off, me hanging up the shower head.

I grab my towel that was hanging up, and step out onto my fluffy mat, and start drying off, and once dried off, I put on men's underarm deodorant, and dressed in my bra, panties, my uniform, and socks, I then combed my hair in order, side swiping my bangs to the right, my bangs just a half inch from my hairline on my forehead.
I then start brushing my teeth with my toothpaste tablets, and cleaned my teeth and tongue well, and washed my mouth out with my water pick.
Once I wiped my lips of leftover paste; I grab my dirty clothes, and set them into the dirty hampers in my room, the towel and rag into its own hamper.

I grab my shoes by the front door, and start putting them on while I sat upon my recliner, and once I tied them in order; I grab my Yu Yu Hakusho hoodie, me putting it on, and I grab my purse, and my extra chargers for my phone, my phone, and my keys, and I say to Imhotep.
"I'll be back around six in the evening.
Be good while I am gone okay Imhotep."
I turn towards Imhotep at the door, since I felt his warm breath behind me upon my neck, and I look up at him.

"I will be on my best behavior whilst you are gone."
He tells me, and he leans down, and I go wide eyed when he pecked my lips, and pulls away, him smirking at me.

I quickly left out of my home, me shutting the door behind me, me flustered he kissed my lips in a ginger-like peck, and I go to my car, me unlocking it, and I get in it, me buckling in, and I turn my engine over.
I look at Imhotep; who was standing by the living room window, him watching me leave as I pulled out of my driveway, him waving at me.


To be continued......

I am up late tonight, since I slept most the day from my medical emergency yesterday.
I was severely that sick.
I had to drink drinks with alot of electrolytes to help me get better.

I'm feeling much better.

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