The Deal

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Here's the next Chapter........


I was at my second job, since my shift at the coffee shop ended at noon, and I was working until four in the afternoon at a gas station, so that I could pay rent as usual, since inflation is so bad right now, that it's hard to live at all, but I manage, and working two jobs helps pay the rent as of now.

My thoughts at work were all directed at Imhotep, how I met him, because I technically ran him over with my car, but he seemed fine to me, and to be honest he was really handsome in my opinion, though he's bald.
I sigh the one hundredth time as I sat at my cashier desk at the gas station I'm working at, me staring into space.

I heard the door ding to the gas station, and I watch as a group of male teenagers walk in, them laughing as I stand up out of my chair, and wait for them to check out, but apparently they were horsing around, tearing up the gas station shelves.

You tear up the store you clean it up!"
I shout at them, and they glare at me.
"You break it you buy it!"

They walked up to me, and one of them, the leader I'm guessing, flashed a pistol at me that was holstered in his jeans.
"We are gonna do what we want and if you don't like it tough shit."
The leader flashing the gun at me smirked at me, and I swallowed hard, me fearing I'll be killed with that gun.

Right as I was threatened like that; Imhotep walked into the store, and I blink in shock he followed me to work!
Imhotep walked up to the teenager, who was still flashing the gun at me, and says to the boy.
"And to whom are you threatening?"
Imhotep glared at the teenager, him looking none too enthused that the teenager just threatened my life.

The teenager looked at Imhotep, him smirking obnoxiously at Imhotep.
"And a skinhead like you cares why?"
The kid was mocking Imhotep.

The kid flashed his gun at Imhotep.
"You want a bullet in your brain so bad?"

"No weapon can kill me boy."
Imhotep grabbed the teen by his throat, and hoisted him in the air as the other teens pulled out their guns, and I hide under the desk as I heard many gunshots.

"Why won't he die?!"
One teen exclaimed.

"What is this fucker?!"
Another teen shouts.

I then heard each teen scream in terror, and the sound of bones breaking hits my ears, which made me cover my mouth in shock, making me tremble in fear.
I heard several thumps and Imhotep says to me.
"You can come out."
I slowly come out from under the desk, and stand up, seeing bodies that looked like they were mummified were laying all around him, which was kinda terrifying mind you, because it reminded me of a horror flick scene.

I clearly heard gunshots, but there's no wounds on him at all!
But there's mummified people around him!
I look to the camera above me, and I slip through the back, and decided to erase the tape, me afraid it taped what happened, and afraid as well me and Imhotep could be put in prison for murder if those kiddos, and I'm not going to jail, no siree.
I quickly erase the footage of what happened, and I sigh in relief that I erased the footage, and I heard tapping footsteps approach me, and I turn to face Imhotep, who was towering over me where he stood.

"What are you doing?"
He asked me, him seemingly interested in the surveillance footage monitors.

"I was erasing the camera footage of whatever you did to those boys."
I tell him, then asked him.
"Did you murder them?"

"They were going to hurt you."
He frowned deeply at me, him not happy I asked him that it seemed.

"Well murder is illegal here."
I tell him, making him look at me with a confused look.
"We'll have to destroy the bodies."

"I can destroy them."
He replied to me, his face now showing he was serious.

"I stopped the surveillance camera from recording anymore, so please do it quickly."
He nods in understanding when I said that, and left the back room, and I follow him to the area those mummified bodies are laying upon the floor.
I watch him wave his hand and the bodies turned to sand.

"I guess I'll clean this up.
I'll get the broom."
I tell him, though I'm not happy I'm doing this, I must do so.
I walk into the maintenance closet, grabbing the broom, and broom tray, and I start sweeping the sand up, and started putting it into the big garbage can outside the gas station door.

Once I was done with that chore; I put both the broom, and broom tray up into the maintenance closet.
"Why are you here Imhotep?"
I turn towards him, me asking him this, me truly curious why he followed me to work.

"I felt you would need my assistance."
Imhotep says to me, him giving me an expression he was dead serious, so that meant he followed me from home to work, and has been watching over me in secret, to where I can't see him, until he saved my life.

I blink in shock at him saying that.
"How did you know?"

"Gut feeling."
Imhotep says to me, which shocked me more.

"I should clean up the aisles they destroyed.
Excuse me."
I tell him, as I walk by him, but he followed me into one aisle.

"I will help."
Imhotep says to me.

"Thank you, but no.
If my boss comes in and sees you helping me, then I'll be fired."
I tell him.
"And I need this job so I can keep our home."

He replied, and he looked like a lost puppy when he gave me that miffed expression upon his face.

"Please go home."
I tell him.

He nods in understanding, though he had now a sad look upon his face, and he walked out of the gas station.


I finished up cleaning the mess those teenagers caused in time, right before my boss walked into the gas station, and I was relieved he didn't see the mess.
I finished my shift, and came home at four, me walking through the door, me ready to sit back, and relax.

Imhotep was sitting on the long leather couch, and he gets up, and walks over to me, him greeting me.
"Welcome home."

"Thank you."
I tell him.

All I wanted to do was relax now.
So I took my shoes off at the door, and hung up my purse, then plugged my phone in, since it was dying, and I sat upon my recliner.
"Are you angry with me?"
Imhotep sat on the long leather couch, him looking at me like he thought he was in trouble.

"You're lucky I cleaned everything up and erased the surveillance footage before my boss got to the gas station I work at, or there would be police knocking on our doorstep."
I scold him, me giving him a serious look.
"We would be put in prison for capital murder."

"I do apologize."
Imhotep says to me.
"However if I had not of interfered; you would have been murdered yourself, and I cannot have you killed on my watch."

"Why do you care?
I mean you barely know me Imhotep."
I ask him.

"You are my Haty nDm."
He says to me, making me tilt my head in confusion.

"I don't understand."
I reply to him.

"It is hard to explain at the moment."
Imhotep says to me, and then he stands up.
"You should relax your feet.
I know you were on them all day."

"You didn't go home did you?"
I ask him.

"No; I kept watch over you until your boss told you your job shift was over."
Imhotep says truthfully to me.
"I drained the life force of those children, yet my powers are still not fully complete.
I wanted you to help me, but I will respect your wishes, however I must drain life forces of other people the same way I did those children to gain my powers back."

"You mean you are going to murder people to gain them back?!"
I stand up, me exclaiming that to him, me not happy I'm the least he has to murder people to gain his powers back.

He turned to face me and nods.
"I must do so or I will be this weak, and I cannot protect you in my weakened state from my enemies.
No doubt; O'Connell's descendants will try to destroy me once again, so I must regain my powers, so that does not occur once more."

"I don't want you killing people."
I say to him, me giving him a serious look.

"Then are you going to volunteer to offer your body to me in exchange?
I need life energy, and another way to obtain it, is through joining bodies."
He asks me, him giving me a serious expression.

I bite my bottom lip.
Is having sex with him worse than him murdering people?
No; but him murdering people is worse, and I don't want him to kill anyone anymore, so I guess I'll help him.

"I'll help you.
Just don't kill anymore people."
I say to him.

"Are you sure you want to give me your body?
I must join bodies with you countless times to regain my powers in full."
He asked me, him giving me an expression he was not joking either, that one time having sex will not be enough.

"I'm fine with it.
But will I get pregnant?"
I say to him, me curious if he can knock me up or not.

"You will not become with child, since I am an undead creature, and my seed is not living."
Imhotep says to me, him being brutally honest to me.
"I will not join bodies with you tonight.
I want you to rest after you did labor.
Your body does not have the energy to join bodies with me tonight."

At least he cares about my well-being.
I thought to myself, me grateful that he cares about my well-being.

"I shall protect you as long as I remain in your home."
Imhotep tells me.
"Do we have an accord?"
He held out his hand, and I shake it.

"As long as you don't kill people for my sake anymore."
I tell him and pull my hand away.

The deal was set; that I will sleep with Imhotep so his powers may return, so that he will not murder people.


To be continued.....

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